Partage via

CounterCreationData Constructeurs


Initialise une nouvelle instance de la classe CounterCreationData.



Initialise une nouvelle instance de la classe CounterCreationData, pour un compteur de type NumberOfItems32, avec un nom vide et des chaînes d'aide.

CounterCreationData(String, String, PerformanceCounterType)

Initialise une nouvelle instance de la classe CounterCreationData, pour un compteur du type spécifié, à l'aide du nom de compteur et des chaînes d'aide spécifiés.



Initialise une nouvelle instance de la classe CounterCreationData, pour un compteur de type NumberOfItems32, avec un nom vide et des chaînes d'aide.

public CounterCreationData ();
Public Sub New ()


L’exemple de code suivant montre comment créer une instance vide de la CounterCreationData classe. Étant donné que l’exemple ne transmet aucun paramètre, les CounterHelppropriétés , CounterNameet CounterType ne sont pas spécifiées et doivent être définies ultérieurement.

#using <System.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Diagnostics;

int main()
   CounterCreationDataCollection^ myCol = gcnew CounterCreationDataCollection;
   // Create two custom counter objects.
   CounterCreationData^ myCounter1 = gcnew CounterCreationData( "Counter1","First custom counter",PerformanceCounterType::CounterDelta32 );
   CounterCreationData^ myCounter2 = gcnew CounterCreationData;
   // Set the properties of the 'CounterCreationData' Object*.
   myCounter2->CounterName = "Counter2";
   myCounter2->CounterHelp = "Second custom counter";
   myCounter2->CounterType = PerformanceCounterType::NumberOfItemsHEX32;
   // Add custom counter objects to CounterCreationDataCollection.
   myCol->Add( myCounter1 );
   myCol->Add( myCounter2 );
   if ( PerformanceCounterCategory::Exists( "New Counter Category" ) )
      PerformanceCounterCategory::Delete( "New Counter Category" );
   // Bind the counters to a PerformanceCounterCategory.
   PerformanceCounterCategory^ myCategory = PerformanceCounterCategory::Create( "New Counter Category", "Category Help", myCol );
   Console::WriteLine( "Counter Information:" );
   Console::WriteLine( "Category Name: {0}", myCategory->CategoryName );
   for ( int i = 0; i < myCol->Count; i++ )
      // Display the properties of the CounterCreationData objects.
      Console::WriteLine( "CounterName : {0}", myCol[ i ]->CounterName );
      Console::WriteLine( "CounterHelp : {0}", myCol[ i ]->CounterHelp );
      Console::WriteLine( "CounterType : {0}", myCol[ i ]->CounterType );
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace MyDiagnostics
    class MyCounterCreationData
        static void Main()
            CounterCreationDataCollection myCol =
                                       new CounterCreationDataCollection();

            // Create two custom counter objects.
            CounterCreationData myCounter1 = new CounterCreationData("Counter1",
               "First custom counter", PerformanceCounterType.CounterDelta32);

            CounterCreationData myCounter2 = new CounterCreationData();

            // Set the properties of the 'CounterCreationData' object.
            myCounter2.CounterName = "Counter2";
            myCounter2.CounterHelp = "Second custom counter";
            myCounter2.CounterType = PerformanceCounterType.NumberOfItemsHEX32;

            // Add custom counter objects to CounterCreationDataCollection.

            if (PerformanceCounterCategory.Exists("New Counter Category"))
                PerformanceCounterCategory.Delete("New Counter Category");

            // Bind the counters to a PerformanceCounterCategory.
            PerformanceCounterCategory myCategory =
                  PerformanceCounterCategory.Create("New Counter Category", "Category Help",
                PerformanceCounterCategoryType.SingleInstance, myCol);

            Console.WriteLine("Counter Information:");
            Console.WriteLine("Category Name: " + myCategory.CategoryName);
            for (int i = 0; i < myCol.Count; i++)
                // Display the properties of the CounterCreationData objects.
                Console.WriteLine("CounterName : " + myCol[i].CounterName);
                Console.WriteLine("CounterHelp : " + myCol[i].CounterHelp);
                Console.WriteLine("CounterType : " + myCol[i].CounterType);
Imports System.Diagnostics

Namespace MyDiagnostics

    Class MyCounterCreationData

        Shared Sub Main()
            Dim myCol As New CounterCreationDataCollection()

            ' Create two custom counter objects.
            Dim myCounter1 As New CounterCreationData("Counter1", "First custom counter", _
            Dim myCounter2 As New CounterCreationData()

            ' Set the properties of the 'CounterCreationData' object.
            myCounter2.CounterName = "Counter2"
            myCounter2.CounterHelp = "Second custom counter"
            myCounter2.CounterType = PerformanceCounterType.NumberOfItemsHEX32

            ' Add custom counter objects to CounterCreationDataCollection.

            If PerformanceCounterCategory.Exists("New Counter Category") Then
                PerformanceCounterCategory.Delete("New Counter Category")
            End If
            ' Bind the counters to a PerformanceCounterCategory.
            Dim myCategory As PerformanceCounterCategory = PerformanceCounterCategory.Create("New " + _
                   "Counter Category", "Category Help", _
                   PerformanceCounterCategoryType.SingleInstance, myCol)

            Console.WriteLine("Counter Information:")
            Console.WriteLine("Category Name: " + myCategory.CategoryName)
            Dim i As Integer
            For i = 0 To myCol.Count - 1
                ' Display the properties of the CounterCreationData objects.
                Console.WriteLine("CounterName : " + myCol(i).CounterName)
                Console.WriteLine("CounterHelp : " + myCol(i).CounterHelp)
                Console.WriteLine("CounterType : " + myCol(i).CounterType.ToString())
            Next i
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace 'MyDiagnostics

Voir aussi

S’applique à

CounterCreationData(String, String, PerformanceCounterType)


Initialise une nouvelle instance de la classe CounterCreationData, pour un compteur du type spécifié, à l'aide du nom de compteur et des chaînes d'aide spécifiés.

 CounterCreationData(System::String ^ counterName, System::String ^ counterHelp, System::Diagnostics::PerformanceCounterType counterType);
public CounterCreationData (string counterName, string counterHelp, System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType counterType);
new System.Diagnostics.CounterCreationData : string * string * System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType -> System.Diagnostics.CounterCreationData
Public Sub New (counterName As String, counterHelp As String, counterType As PerformanceCounterType)



Nom du compteur, qui doit être unique au sein de sa catégorie.


Texte décrivant le comportement du compteur.


PerformanceCounterType qui identifie le comportement du compteur.


Vous avez spécifié pour counterType une valeur qui n'est pas un membre de l'énumération PerformanceCounterType.

counterHelp a la valeur null.


L’exemple de code suivant montre comment créer un instance de la CounterCreationData classe et passer des paramètres pour définir les CounterHelppropriétés et CounterNameCounterType de l’objet lors de son initialisation.

#using <System.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Diagnostics;

int main()
   CounterCreationDataCollection^ myCol = gcnew CounterCreationDataCollection;
   // Create two custom counter objects.
   CounterCreationData^ myCounter1 = gcnew CounterCreationData( "Counter1","First custom counter",PerformanceCounterType::CounterDelta32 );
   CounterCreationData^ myCounter2 = gcnew CounterCreationData;
   // Set the properties of the 'CounterCreationData' Object*.
   myCounter2->CounterName = "Counter2";
   myCounter2->CounterHelp = "Second custom counter";
   myCounter2->CounterType = PerformanceCounterType::NumberOfItemsHEX32;
   // Add custom counter objects to CounterCreationDataCollection.
   myCol->Add( myCounter1 );
   myCol->Add( myCounter2 );
   if ( PerformanceCounterCategory::Exists( "New Counter Category" ) )
      PerformanceCounterCategory::Delete( "New Counter Category" );
   // Bind the counters to a PerformanceCounterCategory.
   PerformanceCounterCategory^ myCategory = PerformanceCounterCategory::Create( "New Counter Category", "Category Help", myCol );
   Console::WriteLine( "Counter Information:" );
   Console::WriteLine( "Category Name: {0}", myCategory->CategoryName );
   for ( int i = 0; i < myCol->Count; i++ )
      // Display the properties of the CounterCreationData objects.
      Console::WriteLine( "CounterName : {0}", myCol[ i ]->CounterName );
      Console::WriteLine( "CounterHelp : {0}", myCol[ i ]->CounterHelp );
      Console::WriteLine( "CounterType : {0}", myCol[ i ]->CounterType );
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace MyDiagnostics
    class MyCounterCreationData
        static void Main()
            CounterCreationDataCollection myCol =
                                       new CounterCreationDataCollection();

            // Create two custom counter objects.
            CounterCreationData myCounter1 = new CounterCreationData("Counter1",
               "First custom counter", PerformanceCounterType.CounterDelta32);

            CounterCreationData myCounter2 = new CounterCreationData();

            // Set the properties of the 'CounterCreationData' object.
            myCounter2.CounterName = "Counter2";
            myCounter2.CounterHelp = "Second custom counter";
            myCounter2.CounterType = PerformanceCounterType.NumberOfItemsHEX32;

            // Add custom counter objects to CounterCreationDataCollection.

            if (PerformanceCounterCategory.Exists("New Counter Category"))
                PerformanceCounterCategory.Delete("New Counter Category");

            // Bind the counters to a PerformanceCounterCategory.
            PerformanceCounterCategory myCategory =
                  PerformanceCounterCategory.Create("New Counter Category", "Category Help",
                PerformanceCounterCategoryType.SingleInstance, myCol);

            Console.WriteLine("Counter Information:");
            Console.WriteLine("Category Name: " + myCategory.CategoryName);
            for (int i = 0; i < myCol.Count; i++)
                // Display the properties of the CounterCreationData objects.
                Console.WriteLine("CounterName : " + myCol[i].CounterName);
                Console.WriteLine("CounterHelp : " + myCol[i].CounterHelp);
                Console.WriteLine("CounterType : " + myCol[i].CounterType);
Imports System.Diagnostics

Namespace MyDiagnostics

    Class MyCounterCreationData

        Shared Sub Main()
            Dim myCol As New CounterCreationDataCollection()

            ' Create two custom counter objects.
            Dim myCounter1 As New CounterCreationData("Counter1", "First custom counter", _
            Dim myCounter2 As New CounterCreationData()

            ' Set the properties of the 'CounterCreationData' object.
            myCounter2.CounterName = "Counter2"
            myCounter2.CounterHelp = "Second custom counter"
            myCounter2.CounterType = PerformanceCounterType.NumberOfItemsHEX32

            ' Add custom counter objects to CounterCreationDataCollection.

            If PerformanceCounterCategory.Exists("New Counter Category") Then
                PerformanceCounterCategory.Delete("New Counter Category")
            End If
            ' Bind the counters to a PerformanceCounterCategory.
            Dim myCategory As PerformanceCounterCategory = PerformanceCounterCategory.Create("New " + _
                   "Counter Category", "Category Help", _
                   PerformanceCounterCategoryType.SingleInstance, myCol)

            Console.WriteLine("Counter Information:")
            Console.WriteLine("Category Name: " + myCategory.CategoryName)
            Dim i As Integer
            For i = 0 To myCol.Count - 1
                ' Display the properties of the CounterCreationData objects.
                Console.WriteLine("CounterName : " + myCol(i).CounterName)
                Console.WriteLine("CounterHelp : " + myCol(i).CounterHelp)
                Console.WriteLine("CounterType : " + myCol(i).CounterType.ToString())
            Next i
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace 'MyDiagnostics

Voir aussi

S’applique à