Partage via

Process.BasePriority Propriété


Obtient la priorité de base du processus associé.

 property int BasePriority { int get(); };
public int BasePriority { get; }
member this.BasePriority : int
Public ReadOnly Property BasePriority As Integer

Valeur de propriété

Priorité de base, calculée à partir du PriorityClass du processus associé.


Le processus s’est fermé.

- ou -

Le processus n’a pas démarré. De ce fait, il n’existe aucun ID de processus.


L’exemple suivant démarre une instance du Bloc-notes. L’exemple récupère et affiche ensuite les différentes propriétés du processus associé. L’exemple détecte quand le processus se termine et affiche le code de sortie du processus.

#using <system.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Diagnostics;
int main()
   // Define variables to track the peak
   // memory usage of the process.
   _int64 peakPagedMem = 0,peakWorkingSet = 0,peakVirtualMem = 0;
   Process^ myProcess = nullptr;
      // Start the process.
      myProcess = Process::Start( "NotePad.exe" );
      // Display the process statistics until
      // the user closes the program.
         if (  !myProcess->HasExited )
            // Refresh the current process property values.
            // Display current process statistics.
            Console::WriteLine( "{0} -", myProcess );
            Console::WriteLine( "-------------------------------------" );
            Console::WriteLine( "  physical memory usage: {0}", myProcess->WorkingSet64 );
            Console::WriteLine( "  base priority: {0}", myProcess->BasePriority );
            Console::WriteLine( "  priority class: {0}", myProcess->PriorityClass );
            Console::WriteLine( "  user processor time: {0}", myProcess->UserProcessorTime );
            Console::WriteLine( "  privileged processor time: {0}", myProcess->PrivilegedProcessorTime );
            Console::WriteLine( "  total processor time: {0}", myProcess->TotalProcessorTime );
            Console::WriteLine("  PagedSystemMemorySize64: {0}", myProcess->PagedSystemMemorySize64);
            Console::WriteLine("  PagedMemorySize64: {0}", myProcess->PagedMemorySize64);
            // Update the values for the overall peak memory statistics.
            peakPagedMem = myProcess->PeakPagedMemorySize64;
            peakVirtualMem = myProcess->PeakVirtualMemorySize64;
            peakWorkingSet = myProcess->PeakWorkingSet64;
            if ( myProcess->Responding )
               Console::WriteLine( "Status = Running" );
               Console::WriteLine( "Status = Not Responding" );
      while (  !myProcess->WaitForExit( 1000 ) );
      Console::WriteLine( "Process exit code: {0}", myProcess->ExitCode );
      // Display peak memory statistics for the process.
      Console::WriteLine( "Peak physical memory usage of the process: {0}", peakWorkingSet );
      Console::WriteLine( "Peak paged memory usage of the process: {0}", peakPagedMem );
      Console::WriteLine( "Peak virtual memory usage of the process: {0}", peakVirtualMem );
      if ( myProcess != nullptr )

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace ProcessSample
    class ProcessMonitorSample
        public static void Main()
            // Define variables to track the peak
            // memory usage of the process.
            long peakPagedMem   = 0,
                 peakWorkingSet = 0,
                 peakVirtualMem = 0;

            // Start the process.
            using (Process myProcess = Process.Start("NotePad.exe"))
                // Display the process statistics until
                // the user closes the program.
                    if (!myProcess.HasExited)
                        // Refresh the current process property values.


                        // Display current process statistics.

                        Console.WriteLine($"{myProcess} -");

                        Console.WriteLine($"  Physical memory usage     : {myProcess.WorkingSet64}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"  Base priority             : {myProcess.BasePriority}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"  Priority class            : {myProcess.PriorityClass}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"  User processor time       : {myProcess.UserProcessorTime}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"  Privileged processor time : {myProcess.PrivilegedProcessorTime}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"  Total processor time      : {myProcess.TotalProcessorTime}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"  Paged system memory size  : {myProcess.PagedSystemMemorySize64}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"  Paged memory size         : {myProcess.PagedMemorySize64}");

                        // Update the values for the overall peak memory statistics.
                        peakPagedMem   = myProcess.PeakPagedMemorySize64;
                        peakVirtualMem = myProcess.PeakVirtualMemorySize64;
                        peakWorkingSet = myProcess.PeakWorkingSet64;

                        if (myProcess.Responding)
                            Console.WriteLine("Status = Running");
                            Console.WriteLine("Status = Not Responding");
                while (!myProcess.WaitForExit(1000));

                Console.WriteLine($"  Process exit code          : {myProcess.ExitCode}");

                // Display peak memory statistics for the process.
                Console.WriteLine($"  Peak physical memory usage : {peakWorkingSet}");
                Console.WriteLine($"  Peak paged memory usage    : {peakPagedMem}");
                Console.WriteLine($"  Peak virtual memory usage  : {peakVirtualMem}");
Imports System.Diagnostics

Namespace ProcessSample
    Class ProcessMonitorSample

        Public Shared Sub Main()

            ' Define variables to track the peak
            ' memory usage of the process.
            Dim peakPagedMem As Long = 0
            Dim peakWorkingSet As Long = 0
            Dim peakVirtualMem As Long = 0

            ' Start the process.
            Using myProcess = Process.Start("NotePad.exe")

                ' Display process statistics until
                ' the user closes the program.

                    If Not myProcess.HasExited Then

                        ' Refresh the current process property values.


                        ' Display current process statistics.

                        Console.WriteLine($"{myProcess} -")

                        Console.WriteLine($"  Physical memory usage     : {myProcess.WorkingSet64}")
                        Console.WriteLine($"  Base priority             : {myProcess.BasePriority}")
                        Console.WriteLine($"  Priority class            : {myProcess.PriorityClass}")
                        Console.WriteLine($"  User processor time       : {myProcess.UserProcessorTime}")
                        Console.WriteLine($"  Privileged processor time : {myProcess.PrivilegedProcessorTime}")
                        Console.WriteLine($"  Total processor time      : {myProcess.TotalProcessorTime}")
                        Console.WriteLine($"  Paged system memory size  : {myProcess.PagedSystemMemorySize64}")
                        Console.WriteLine($"  Paged memory size         : {myProcess.PagedMemorySize64}")

                        ' Update the values for the overall peak memory statistics.
                        peakPagedMem = myProcess.PeakPagedMemorySize64
                        peakVirtualMem = myProcess.PeakVirtualMemorySize64
                        peakWorkingSet = myProcess.PeakWorkingSet64

                        If myProcess.Responding Then
                            Console.WriteLine("Status = Running")
                            Console.WriteLine("Status = Not Responding")
                        End If
                    End If
                Loop While Not myProcess.WaitForExit(1000)

                Console.WriteLine($"  Process exit code                         : {myProcess.ExitCode}")

                ' Display peak memory statistics for the process.
                Console.WriteLine($"  Peak physical memory usage of the process : {peakWorkingSet}")
                Console.WriteLine($"  Peak paged memory usage of the process    : {peakPagedMem}")
                Console.WriteLine($"  Peak virtual memory usage of the process  : {peakVirtualMem}")
            End Using
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace


La valeur retournée par cette propriété représente la priorité de base la plus récente actualisée du processus. Pour obtenir la priorité de base la plus à jour, vous devez d’abord appeler Refresh() la méthode.

Le BasePriority du processus est la priorité de départ pour les threads créés dans le processus associé. Vous pouvez afficher des informations sur la priorité de base via le compteur base de priorité du moniteur système.

En fonction du temps écoulé ou d’autres améliorations, le système d’exploitation peut modifier la priorité de base lorsqu’un processus doit être placé avant les autres.

La BasePriority propriété vous permet d’afficher la priorité de départ affectée à un processus. Toutefois, étant donné qu’il est en lecture seule, vous ne pouvez pas utiliser pour BasePriority définir la priorité du processus. Pour modifier la priorité, utilisez la PriorityClass propriété . Le BasePriority est visible à l’aide du Moniteur système, alors que le PriorityClass n’est pas. BasePriority Le et peut PriorityClass être visualisé par programmation. Le tableau suivant montre la relation entre BasePriority les valeurs et PriorityClass les valeurs.

BasePriority PriorityClass
4 Idle
8 Normal
13 High
24 RealTime

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