Partage via

Process.BeginErrorReadLine Méthode


Commence des opérations de lecture asynchrones sur le flux de données StandardError redirigé de l'application.

 void BeginErrorReadLine();
public void BeginErrorReadLine ();
public void BeginErrorReadLine ();
member this.BeginErrorReadLine : unit -> unit
member this.BeginErrorReadLine : unit -> unit
Public Sub BeginErrorReadLine ()


La propriété RedirectStandardError a la valeur false.

- ou -

Une opération de lecture asynchrone est déjà en cours sur le flux StandardError.

- ou -

Le flux StandardError a été utilisé par une opération de lecture synchrone.


L’exemple suivant utilise la net view commande pour répertorier les ressources réseau disponibles sur un ordinateur distant. L’utilisateur fournit le nom de l’ordinateur cible en tant qu’argument de ligne de commande. L’utilisateur peut également fournir un nom de fichier pour la sortie d’erreur. L’exemple collecte la sortie de la commande net, attend que le processus se termine, puis écrit les résultats de sortie dans la console. Si l’utilisateur fournit le fichier d’erreurs facultatif, l’exemple écrit des erreurs dans le fichier.

// Define the namespaces used by this sample.
#using <System.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Text;
using namespace System::Globalization;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Diagnostics;
using namespace System::Threading;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;

ref class ProcessNetStreamRedirection
   // Define static variables shared by class methods.
   static StreamWriter^ streamError = nullptr;
   static String^ netErrorFile = "";
   static StringBuilder^ netOutput = nullptr;
   static bool errorRedirect = false;
   static bool errorsWritten = false;

   static void RedirectNetCommandStreams()
      String^ netArguments;
      Process^ netProcess;
      // Get the input computer name.
      Console::WriteLine( "Enter the computer name for the net view command:" );
      netArguments = Console::ReadLine()->ToUpper( CultureInfo::InvariantCulture );
      if ( String::IsNullOrEmpty( netArguments ) )
         // Default to the help command if there is not an input argument.
         netArguments = "/?";
      // Check if errors should be redirected to a file.
      errorsWritten = false;
      Console::WriteLine( "Enter a fully qualified path to an error log file" );
      Console::WriteLine( "  or just press Enter to write errors to console:" );
      netErrorFile = Console::ReadLine()->ToUpper( CultureInfo::InvariantCulture );
      if (  !String::IsNullOrEmpty( netErrorFile ) )
         errorRedirect = true;
      // Note that at this point, netArguments and netErrorFile
      // are set with user input.  If the user did not specify
      // an error file, then errorRedirect is set to false.

      // Initialize the process and its StartInfo properties.
      netProcess = gcnew Process;
      netProcess->StartInfo->FileName = "Net.exe";
      // Build the net command argument list.
      netProcess->StartInfo->Arguments = String::Format( "view {0}", netArguments );
      // Set UseShellExecute to false for redirection.
      netProcess->StartInfo->UseShellExecute = false;
      // Redirect the standard output of the net command.  
      // This stream is read asynchronously using an event handler.
      netProcess->StartInfo->RedirectStandardOutput = true;
      netProcess->OutputDataReceived += gcnew DataReceivedEventHandler( NetOutputDataHandler );
      netOutput = gcnew StringBuilder;
      if ( errorRedirect )
         // Redirect the error output of the net command. 
         netProcess->StartInfo->RedirectStandardError = true;
         netProcess->ErrorDataReceived += gcnew DataReceivedEventHandler( NetErrorDataHandler );
         // Do not redirect the error output.
         netProcess->StartInfo->RedirectStandardError = false;

      Console::WriteLine( "\nStarting process: net {0}",
         netProcess->StartInfo->Arguments );
      if ( errorRedirect )
         Console::WriteLine( "Errors will be written to the file {0}", netErrorFile );
      // Start the process.
      // Start the asynchronous read of the standard output stream.

      if ( errorRedirect )
         // Start the asynchronous read of the standard
         // error stream.
      // Let the net command run, collecting the output.

      if ( streamError != nullptr )
         // Close the error file.
         // Set errorsWritten to false if the stream is not
         // open.   Either there are no errors, or the error
         // file could not be opened.
         errorsWritten = false;

      if ( netOutput->Length > 0 )
         // If the process wrote more than just
         // white space, write the output to the console.
         Console::WriteLine( "\nPublic network shares from net view:\n{0}\n",
            netOutput->ToString() );

      if ( errorsWritten )
         // Signal that the error file had something 
         // written to it.
         array<String^>^errorOutput = File::ReadAllLines( netErrorFile );
         if ( errorOutput->Length > 0 )
            Console::WriteLine( "\nThe following error output was appended to {0}.",
               netErrorFile );
            System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum = errorOutput->GetEnumerator();
            while ( myEnum->MoveNext() )
               String^ errLine = safe_cast<String^>(myEnum->Current);
               Console::WriteLine( "  {0}", errLine );



   static void NetOutputDataHandler( Object^ /*sendingProcess*/,
      DataReceivedEventArgs^ outLine )
      // Collect the net view command output.
      if (  !String::IsNullOrEmpty( outLine->Data ) )
         // Add the text to the collected output.
         netOutput->AppendFormat(  "\n  {0}", outLine->Data );

   static void NetErrorDataHandler( Object^ /*sendingProcess*/,
      DataReceivedEventArgs^ errLine )
      // Write the error text to the file if there is something to 
      // write and an error file has been specified.

      if (  !String::IsNullOrEmpty( errLine->Data ) )
         if (  !errorsWritten )
            if ( streamError == nullptr )
               // Open the file.
                  streamError = gcnew StreamWriter( netErrorFile,true );
               catch ( Exception^ e ) 
                  Console::WriteLine(  "Could not open error file!" );
                  Console::WriteLine( e->Message->ToString() );

            if ( streamError != nullptr )
               // Write a header to the file if this is the first
               // call to the error output handler.
               streamError->WriteLine( DateTime::Now.ToString() );
               streamError->WriteLine(  "Net View error output:" );
            errorsWritten = true;

         if ( streamError != nullptr )
            // Write redirected errors to the file.
            streamError->WriteLine( errLine->Data );
// Define the namespaces used by this sample.
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using System.ComponentModel;

namespace ProcessAsyncStreamSamples

    class ProcessNetStreamRedirection
        // Define static variables shared by class methods.
        private static StreamWriter streamError =null;
        private static String netErrorFile = "";
        private static StringBuilder netOutput = null;
        private static bool errorRedirect = false;
        private static bool errorsWritten = false;

        public static void RedirectNetCommandStreams()
            String netArguments;
            Process netProcess;

            // Get the input computer name.
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the computer name for the net view command:");
            netArguments = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(netArguments))
                // Default to the help command if there is not an input argument.
                netArguments = "/?";

            // Check if errors should be redirected to a file.
            errorsWritten = false;
            Console.WriteLine("Enter a fully qualified path to an error log file");
            Console.WriteLine("  or just press Enter to write errors to console:");
            netErrorFile = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(netErrorFile))
                errorRedirect = true;

            // Note that at this point, netArguments and netErrorFile
            // are set with user input.  If the user did not specify
            // an error file, then errorRedirect is set to false.

            // Initialize the process and its StartInfo properties.
            netProcess = new Process();
            netProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "Net.exe";

            // Build the net command argument list.
            netProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = String.Format("view {0}",

            // Set UseShellExecute to false for redirection.
            netProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;

            // Redirect the standard output of the net command.
            // This stream is read asynchronously using an event handler.
            netProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
            netProcess.OutputDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(NetOutputDataHandler);
            netOutput = new StringBuilder();

            if (errorRedirect)
                // Redirect the error output of the net command.
                netProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
                netProcess.ErrorDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(NetErrorDataHandler);
                // Do not redirect the error output.
                netProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = false;

            Console.WriteLine("\nStarting process: net {0}",
            if (errorRedirect)
                Console.WriteLine("Errors will be written to the file {0}",

            // Start the process.

            // Start the asynchronous read of the standard output stream.

            if (errorRedirect)
                // Start the asynchronous read of the standard
                // error stream.

            // Let the net command run, collecting the output.

            if (streamError != null)
                // Close the error file.
                // Set errorsWritten to false if the stream is not
                // open.   Either there are no errors, or the error
                // file could not be opened.
                errorsWritten = false;

            if (netOutput.Length > 0)
                // If the process wrote more than just
                // white space, write the output to the console.
                Console.WriteLine("\nPublic network shares from net view:\n{0}\n",

            if (errorsWritten)
                // Signal that the error file had something
                // written to it.
                String [] errorOutput = File.ReadAllLines(netErrorFile);
                if (errorOutput.Length > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("\nThe following error output was appended to {0}.",
                    foreach (String errLine in errorOutput)
                        Console.WriteLine("  {0}", errLine);


        private static void NetOutputDataHandler(object sendingProcess,
            DataReceivedEventArgs outLine)
            // Collect the net view command output.
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(outLine.Data))
                // Add the text to the collected output.
                netOutput.Append(Environment.NewLine + "  " + outLine.Data);

        private static void NetErrorDataHandler(object sendingProcess,
            DataReceivedEventArgs errLine)
            // Write the error text to the file if there is something
            // to write and an error file has been specified.

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(errLine.Data))
                if (!errorsWritten)
                    if (streamError == null)
                        // Open the file.
                            streamError = new StreamWriter(netErrorFile, true);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            Console.WriteLine("Could not open error file!");

                    if (streamError != null)
                        // Write a header to the file if this is the first
                        // call to the error output handler.
                        streamError.WriteLine("Net View error output:");
                    errorsWritten = true;

                if (streamError != null)
                    // Write redirected errors to the file.
' Define the namespaces used by this sample.
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Globalization
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.ComponentModel

Namespace ProcessAsyncStreamSamples
   Class ProcessAsyncErrorRedirection
      ' Define static variables shared by class methods.
      Private Shared streamError As StreamWriter = Nothing
      Private Shared netErrorFile As String = ""
      Private Shared netOutput As StringBuilder = Nothing
      Private Shared errorRedirect As Boolean = False
      Private Shared errorsWritten As Boolean = False
      Public Shared Sub RedirectNetCommandStreams()
         Dim netArguments As String
         Dim netProcess As Process
         ' Get the input computer name.
         Console.WriteLine("Enter the computer name for the net view command:")
         netArguments = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
         If String.IsNullOrEmpty(netArguments) Then
            ' Default to the help command if there is 
            ' not an input argument.
            netArguments = "/?"
         End If
         ' Check if errors should be redirected to a file.
         errorsWritten = False
         Console.WriteLine("Enter a fully qualified path to an error log file")
         Console.WriteLine("  or just press Enter to write errors to console:")
         netErrorFile = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
         If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(netErrorFile) Then
            errorRedirect = True
         End If
         ' Note that at this point, netArguments and netErrorFile
         ' are set with user input.  If the user did not specify
         ' an error file, then errorRedirect is set to false.

         ' Initialize the process and its StartInfo properties.
         netProcess = New Process()
         netProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "Net.exe"
         ' Build the net command argument list.
         netProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = String.Format("view {0}", _
         ' Set UseShellExecute to false for redirection.
         netProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False
         ' Redirect the standard output of the net command.  
         ' Read the stream asynchronously using an event handler.
         netProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True
         AddHandler netProcess.OutputDataReceived, _
                            AddressOf NetOutputDataHandler
         netOutput = new StringBuilder()
         If errorRedirect Then
            ' Redirect the error output of the net command. 
            netProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = True
            AddHandler netProcess.ErrorDataReceived, _
                            AddressOf NetErrorDataHandler
            ' Do not redirect the error output.
            netProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = False
         End If
         Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Lf + "Starting process: NET {0}", _
         If errorRedirect Then
            Console.WriteLine("Errors will be written to the file {0}", _
         End If
         ' Start the process.
         ' Start the asynchronous read of the standard output stream.
         If errorRedirect Then
            ' Start the asynchronous read of the standard
            ' error stream.
         End If
         ' Let the net command run, collecting the output.
         If Not streamError Is Nothing Then
             ' Close the error file.
             ' Set errorsWritten to false if the stream is not
             ' open.   Either there are no errors, or the error
             ' file could not be opened.
             errorsWritten = False
         End If
         If netOutput.Length > 0 Then
            ' If the process wrote more than just
            ' white space, write the output to the console.
            Console.WriteLine("Public network shares from net view:")
         End If
         If errorsWritten Then
            ' Signal that the error file had something 
            ' written to it.
            Dim errorOutput As String()
            errorOutput = File.ReadAllLines(netErrorFile)
            If errorOutput.Length > 0 Then

                Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Lf + _
                    "The following error output was appended to {0}.", _
                Dim errLine as String
                For Each errLine in errorOutput
                    Console.WriteLine("  {0}", errLine)
            End If
         End If
      End Sub 
      Private Shared Sub NetOutputDataHandler(sendingProcess As Object, _
          outLine As DataReceivedEventArgs)

         ' Collect the net view command output.
         If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(outLine.Data) Then
            ' Add the text to the collected output.
            netOutput.Append(Environment.NewLine + "  " + outLine.Data)
         End If
      End Sub 
      Private Shared Sub NetErrorDataHandler(sendingProcess As Object, _
          errLine As DataReceivedEventArgs)

         ' Write the error text to the file if there is something to
         ' write and an error file has been specified.

         If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(errLine.Data) Then

            If Not errorsWritten Then
                If streamError Is Nothing Then
                    ' Open the file.
                        streamError = New StreamWriter(netErrorFile, true)
                    Catch e As Exception
                        Console.WriteLine("Could not open error file!")
                    End Try
                End If

                If Not streamError Is Nothing Then

                    ' Write a header to the file if this is the first
                    ' call to the error output handler.
                    streamError.WriteLine("Net View error output:")

                End If

                errorsWritten = True
            End If
            If Not streamError Is Nothing Then
                ' Write redirected errors to the file.
             End If
          End If
      End Sub 
   End Class  
End Namespace


Le StandardError flux peut être lu de manière synchrone ou asynchrone. Des méthodes telles que Read, ReadLineet ReadToEnd effectuent des opérations de lecture synchrone sur le flux de sortie d’erreur du processus. Ces opérations de lecture synchrone ne se terminent pas tant que les écritures associées Process dans son StandardError flux ne sont pas terminées ou que le flux ne ferme pas.

En revanche, démarre les BeginErrorReadLine opérations de lecture asynchrones sur le StandardError flux. Cette méthode active le gestionnaire d’événements désigné pour la sortie du flux et retourne immédiatement à l’appelant, qui peut effectuer d’autres tâches pendant que la sortie du flux est dirigée vers le gestionnaire d’événements.

Suivez ces étapes pour effectuer des opérations de lecture asynchrones sur StandardError pour un Process :

  1. Affectez la valeur UseShellExecute à false.

  2. Affectez la valeur RedirectStandardError à true.

  3. Ajoutez votre gestionnaire d’événements à l’événement ErrorDataReceived . Le gestionnaire d’événements doit correspondre à la signature du System.Diagnostics.DataReceivedEventHandler délégué.

  4. Démarrez Process.

  5. Appelez BeginErrorReadLine pour .Process Cet appel démarre les opérations de lecture asynchrones sur StandardError.

Lorsque les opérations de lecture asynchrones démarrent, le gestionnaire d’événements est appelé chaque fois que l’associé Process écrit une ligne de texte dans son StandardError flux.

Vous pouvez annuler une opération de lecture asynchrone en appelant CancelErrorRead. L’opération de lecture peut être annulée par l’appelant ou par le gestionnaire d’événements. Après l’annulation, vous pouvez appeler BeginErrorReadLine à nouveau pour reprendre les opérations de lecture asynchrone.


Vous ne pouvez pas mélanger des opérations de lecture asynchrones et synchrones sur un flux redirigé. Une fois que le flux redirigé d’un Process est ouvert en mode asynchrone ou synchrone, toutes les opérations de lecture supplémentaires sur ce flux doivent être en mode identique. Par exemple, ne suivez BeginErrorReadLine pas avec un appel à ReadLine sur le StandardError flux, ou inversement. Toutefois, vous pouvez lire deux flux différents dans des modes différents. Par exemple, vous pouvez appeler BeginErrorReadLine , puis appeler ReadLine pour le StandardOutput flux.

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