Partage via

GC.MaxGeneration Propriété


Obtient le nombre maximal de générations actuellement pris en charge par le système.

 static property int MaxGeneration { int get(); };
public static int MaxGeneration { get; }
member this.MaxGeneration : int
Public Shared ReadOnly Property MaxGeneration As Integer

Valeur de propriété


Valeur comprise entre zéro et le nombre maximal de générations prises en charge.


L’exemple suivant montre comment utiliser la MaxGeneration propriété pour afficher le plus grand nombre de génération actuellement utilisé.

using namespace System;
const long maxGarbage = 1000;
ref class MyGCCollectClass
   void MakeSomeGarbage()
      Version^ vt;
      for ( int i = 0; i < maxGarbage; i++ )
         // Create objects and release them to fill up memory
         // with unused objects.
         vt = gcnew Version;



int main()
   MyGCCollectClass^ myGCCol = gcnew MyGCCollectClass;
   // Determine the maximum number of generations the system
   // garbage collector currently supports.
   Console::WriteLine( "The highest generation is {0}", GC::MaxGeneration );
   // Determine which generation myGCCol object is stored in.
   Console::WriteLine( "Generation: {0}", GC::GetGeneration( myGCCol ) );
   // Determine the best available approximation of the number
   // of bytes currently allocated in managed memory.
   Console::WriteLine( "Total Memory: {0}", GC::GetTotalMemory( false ) );
   // Perform a collection of generation 0 only.
   GC::Collect( 0 );
   // Determine which generation myGCCol object is stored in.
   Console::WriteLine( "Generation: {0}", GC::GetGeneration( myGCCol ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Total Memory: {0}", GC::GetTotalMemory( false ) );
   // Perform a collection of all generations up to and including 2.
   GC::Collect( 2 );
   // Determine which generation myGCCol object is stored in.
   Console::WriteLine( "Generation: {0}", GC::GetGeneration( myGCCol ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Total Memory: {0}", GC::GetTotalMemory( false ) );
using System;

namespace GCCollectIntExample
    class MyGCCollectClass
        private const long maxGarbage = 1000;

        static void Main()
            MyGCCollectClass myGCCol = new MyGCCollectClass();

            // Determine the maximum number of generations the system
        // garbage collector currently supports.
            Console.WriteLine("The highest generation is {0}", GC.MaxGeneration);


            // Determine which generation myGCCol object is stored in.
            Console.WriteLine("Generation: {0}", GC.GetGeneration(myGCCol));

            // Determine the best available approximation of the number
        // of bytes currently allocated in managed memory.
            Console.WriteLine("Total Memory: {0}", GC.GetTotalMemory(false));

            // Perform a collection of generation 0 only.

            // Determine which generation myGCCol object is stored in.
            Console.WriteLine("Generation: {0}", GC.GetGeneration(myGCCol));

            Console.WriteLine("Total Memory: {0}", GC.GetTotalMemory(false));

            // Perform a collection of all generations up to and including 2.

            // Determine which generation myGCCol object is stored in.
            Console.WriteLine("Generation: {0}", GC.GetGeneration(myGCCol));
            Console.WriteLine("Total Memory: {0}", GC.GetTotalMemory(false));

        void MakeSomeGarbage()
            Version vt;

            for(int i = 0; i < maxGarbage; i++)
                // Create objects and release them to fill up memory
        // with unused objects.
                vt = new Version();
open System

let maxGarbage = 1000

type MyGCCollectClass() =
    member _.MakeSomeGarbage() =
        for _ = 1 to maxGarbage do
            // Create objects and release them to fill up memory with unused objects.
            Version() |> ignore

let main _ =
    let myGCCol = MyGCCollectClass()

    // Determine the maximum number of generations the system
    // garbage collector currently supports.
    printfn $"The highest generation is {GC.MaxGeneration}"


    // Determine which generation myGCCol object is stored in.
    printfn $"Generation: {GC.GetGeneration myGCCol}"

    // Determine the best available approximation of the number
    // of bytes currently allocated in managed memory.
    printfn $"Total Memory: {GC.GetTotalMemory false}"

    // Perform a collection of generation 0 only.
    GC.Collect 0

    // Determine which generation myGCCol object is stored in.
    printfn $"Generation: {GC.GetGeneration myGCCol}"

    printfn $"Total Memory: {GC.GetTotalMemory false}"

    // Perform a collection of all generations up to and including 2.
    GC.Collect 2

    // Determine which generation myGCCol object is stored in.
    printfn $"Generation: {GC.GetGeneration myGCCol}"
    printfn $"Total Memory: {GC.GetTotalMemory false}"

Namespace GCCollectInt_Example
    Class MyGCCollectClass
        Private maxGarbage As Long = 10000

        Public Shared Sub Main()
            Dim myGCCol As New MyGCCollectClass

            'Determine the maximum number of generations the system
            'garbage collector currently supports.
            Console.WriteLine("The highest generation is {0}", GC.MaxGeneration)


            'Determine which generation myGCCol object is stored in.
            Console.WriteLine("Generation: {0}", GC.GetGeneration(myGCCol))

            'Determine the best available approximation of the number 
            'of bytes currently allocated in managed memory.
            Console.WriteLine("Total Memory: {0}", GC.GetTotalMemory(False))

            'Perform a collection of generation 0 only.

            'Determine which generation myGCCol object is stored in.
            Console.WriteLine("Generation: {0}", GC.GetGeneration(myGCCol))

            Console.WriteLine("Total Memory: {0}", GC.GetTotalMemory(False))

            'Perform a collection of all generations up to and including 2.

            'Determine which generation myGCCol object is stored in.
            Console.WriteLine("Generation: {0}", GC.GetGeneration(myGCCol))
            Console.WriteLine("Total Memory: {0}", GC.GetTotalMemory(False))

        End Sub

        Sub MakeSomeGarbage()
            Dim vt As Version

            Dim i As Integer
            For i = 0 To maxGarbage - 1
                'Create objects and release them to fill up memory
                'with unused objects.
                vt = New Version
            Next i
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace


Le numéro de génération ou l’âge d’un objet est une mesure relative définie par l’implémentation de la durée de vie d’un objet. Les objets les plus récemment créés sont dans la génération 0 et les objets les plus anciens se trouvent dans une génération inférieure ou égale à la génération retournée par la MaxGeneration propriété.

Le récupérateur de mémoire suppose que la mémoire plus récente est plus susceptible d’être éligible au garbage collection que la mémoire plus ancienne. Par conséquent, le récupérateur de mémoire améliore ses performances en ajustant les nombres de génération chaque fois qu’il récupère de la mémoire, et la valeur de la propriété peut croître au fil du MaxGeneration temps.

Si le vieillissement de l’objet est implémenté, la MaxGeneration propriété retourne le nombre de génération maximal utilisé par le système ; sinon, cette propriété retourne zéro.

Pour cette implémentation, la valeur retournée par la MaxGeneration propriété est garantie de rester constante pendant la durée de vie d’une application en cours d’exécution.

Utilisez la MaxGeneration propriété pour déterminer la valeur maximale que vous pouvez spécifier lors de l’appel de la Collect(Int32) méthode qui prend un paramètre de génération.

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