Partage via

CompareInfo.IndexOf Méthode


Retourne l'index de base zéro de la première occurrence d'une valeur dans une chaîne ou dans une partie de celle-ci.


IndexOf(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, ReadOnlySpan<Char>, CompareOptions, Int32)

Recherche la première occurrence d’une sous-chaîne dans une chaîne source.

IndexOf(String, String, Int32, Int32, CompareOptions)

Recherche la sous-chaîne spécifiée et retourne l'index de base zéro de la première occurrence trouvée dans la section de la chaîne source commençant à l'index spécifié et contenant le nombre d'éléments spécifié, à l'aide de la valeur CompareOptions spécifiée.

IndexOf(String, String, Int32, Int32)

Recherche la sous-chaîne spécifiée et retourne l'index de base zéro de la première occurrence trouvée dans la section de la chaîne source commençant à l'index spécifié et contenant le nombre d'éléments spécifié.

IndexOf(String, String, Int32, CompareOptions)

Recherche la sous-chaîne spécifiée et retourne l'index de base zéro de la première occurrence trouvée dans la section de la chaîne source comprise entre l'index spécifié et la fin de la chaîne, à l'aide de la valeur CompareOptions.

IndexOf(String, Char, Int32, Int32)

Recherche le caractère spécifié et retourne l'index de base zéro de la première occurrence trouvée dans la section de la chaîne source commençant à l'index spécifié et contenant le nombre d'éléments spécifié.

IndexOf(String, Char, Int32, CompareOptions)

Recherche le caractère spécifié et retourne l'index de base zéro de la première occurrence trouvée dans la section de la chaîne source comprise entre l'index spécifié et la fin de la chaîne, à l'aide de la valeur CompareOptions.

IndexOf(String, String, Int32)

Recherche la sous-chaîne spécifiée et retourne l'index de base zéro de la première occurrence trouvée dans la section de la chaîne source comprise entre l'index spécifié et la fin de la chaîne.

IndexOf(String, Char, Int32, Int32, CompareOptions)

Recherche le caractère spécifié et retourne l'index de base zéro de la première occurrence trouvée dans la section de la chaîne source commençant à l'index spécifié et contenant le nombre d'éléments spécifié, à l'aide de la valeur CompareOptions spécifiée.

IndexOf(String, Char, Int32)

Recherche le caractère spécifié et retourne l'index de base zéro de la première occurrence dans la section de la chaîne source comprise entre l'index spécifié et la fin de la chaîne.

IndexOf(String, Char, CompareOptions)

Recherche le caractère spécifié et retourne l'index de base zéro de la première occurrence dans la chaîne source entière à l'aide de la valeur CompareOptions spécifiée.

IndexOf(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, Rune, CompareOptions)

Recherche la première occurrence d’un Rune dans l’étendue spécifiée de caractères en lecture seule.

IndexOf(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, ReadOnlySpan<Char>, CompareOptions)

Recherche la première occurrence d’une sous-chaîne dans l’étendue spécifiée de caractères en lecture seule.

IndexOf(String, String)

Recherche la sous-chaîne spécifiée et retourne l'index de base zéro de la première occurrence trouvée dans la chaîne source entière.

IndexOf(String, String, CompareOptions)

Recherche la sous-chaîne spécifiée et retourne l'index de base zéro de la première occurrence trouvée dans la chaîne source entière, à l'aide de la valeur CompareOptions spécifiée.

IndexOf(String, Char)

Recherche le caractère spécifié et retourne l'index de base zéro de la première occurrence dans la chaîne source entière.

IndexOf(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, ReadOnlySpan<Char>, CompareOptions, Int32)


Recherche la première occurrence d’une sous-chaîne dans une chaîne source.

 int IndexOf(ReadOnlySpan<char> source, ReadOnlySpan<char> value, System::Globalization::CompareOptions options, [Runtime::InteropServices::Out] int % matchLength);
public int IndexOf (ReadOnlySpan<char> source, ReadOnlySpan<char> value, System.Globalization.CompareOptions options, out int matchLength);
member this.IndexOf : ReadOnlySpan<char> * ReadOnlySpan<char> * System.Globalization.CompareOptions * int -> int
Public Function IndexOf (source As ReadOnlySpan(Of Char), value As ReadOnlySpan(Of Char), options As CompareOptions, ByRef matchLength As Integer) As Integer



Étendue de caractères en lecture seule dans laquelle effectuer la recherche.


Étendue de caractères en lecture seule contenant la sous-chaîne à localiser dans source.


CompareOptions à utiliser pendant la recherche.


Quand cette méthode est retournée, contient le nombre de caractères de source correspondant à la valeur désirée. Cette valeur peut être différente de la longueur de value si une comparaison linguistique est effectuée. Définie sur 0 si value est introuvable dans source.


Index de base zéro dans source où la sous-chaîne value apparaît en premier ; ou valeur négative si value est introuvable dans source.


options contient une combinaison d’indicateurs non prise en charge.


Cette méthode a une surcharge supérieure à celle des autres IndexOf surcharges qui ne prennent pas d’argument matchLength . Appelez cette surcharge uniquement si vous avez besoin des informations de longueur de correspondance.

S’applique à

IndexOf(String, String, Int32, Int32, CompareOptions)


Recherche la sous-chaîne spécifiée et retourne l'index de base zéro de la première occurrence trouvée dans la section de la chaîne source commençant à l'index spécifié et contenant le nombre d'éléments spécifié, à l'aide de la valeur CompareOptions spécifiée.

 virtual int IndexOf(System::String ^ source, System::String ^ value, int startIndex, int count, System::Globalization::CompareOptions options);
 int IndexOf(System::String ^ source, System::String ^ value, int startIndex, int count, System::Globalization::CompareOptions options);
public virtual int IndexOf (string source, string value, int startIndex, int count, System.Globalization.CompareOptions options);
public int IndexOf (string source, string value, int startIndex, int count, System.Globalization.CompareOptions options);
abstract member IndexOf : string * string * int * int * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
override this.IndexOf : string * string * int * int * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
member this.IndexOf : string * string * int * int * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
Public Overridable Function IndexOf (source As String, value As String, startIndex As Integer, count As Integer, options As CompareOptions) As Integer
Public Function IndexOf (source As String, value As String, startIndex As Integer, count As Integer, options As CompareOptions) As Integer



Chaîne à rechercher.


Chaîne à rechercher dans source.


Index de début de base zéro de la recherche.


Nombre d’éléments contenus dans la section où la recherche doit être effectuée.


Valeur qui définit le mode de comparaison de source et value. options représente la valeur d'énumération Ordinal ou une combinaison d'opérations de bits d'une ou de plusieurs des valeurs suivantes : IgnoreCase, IgnoreSymbols, IgnoreNonSpace, IgnoreWidth et IgnoreKanaType.


Index de base zéro de la première occurrence de value si cette occurrence existe, dans la section source commençant à startIndex et contenant le nombre d'éléments spécifié par count, à l'aide des options spécifiées ; sinon -1. Retourne startIndex si value est un caractère pouvant être ignoré.


source a la valeur null.


value a la valeur null.

startIndex n’est pas compris dans la plage d’index valides pour source.

- ou -

count est inférieur à zéro.

- ou -

startIndex et count ne spécifient pas une section valide dans source.

options contient une valeur CompareOptions non valide.


L’exemple suivant détermine les index de la première et de la dernière occurrence d’un caractère ou d’une sous-chaîne dans une partie d’une chaîne.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
void PrintMarker( String^ Prefix, int First, int Last )
   // Determines the size of the array to create.
   int mySize;
   if ( Last > First )
      mySize = Last;
      mySize = First;

   if ( mySize > -1 )
      // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
      array<Char>^myCharArr = gcnew array<Char>(mySize + 1);
      // Inserts the appropriate markers.
      if ( First > -1 )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'f';
      if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[ Last ] = 'l';
      if ( First == Last )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'b';
      // Displays the array of Char as a String.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, gcnew String( myCharArr ) );
      Console::WriteLine( Prefix );

int main()
   // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
   CompareInfo^ myComp = CultureInfo::InvariantCulture->CompareInfo;
   // iS is the starting index of the substring.
   int iS = 8;
   // iL is the length of the substring.
   int iL = 18;
   // myT1 and myT2 are the strings used for padding.
   String^ myT1 = gcnew String( '-',iS );
   String^ myT2;
   // Searches for the ligature Æ.
   String^ myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
   myT2 = gcnew String( '-',myStr->Length - iS - iL );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
   myStr = "Is U\u0308 or u\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
   myT2 = gcnew String( '-',myStr->Length - iS - iL );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );

This code produces the following output.

Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :                         b
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :          b
Ordinal       : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :
IgnoreCase    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :          f              l
           ae :          f              l
            Æ :          f              l
            æ :          f              l

Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :                         b
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :          b
Ordinal       : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :
IgnoreCase    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :          f              l
           u" :          f              l
            Ü :          f              l
            ü :          f              l

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesCompareInfo  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      CompareInfo myComp = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo;

      // iS is the starting index of the substring.
      int iS = 8;
      // iL is the length of the substring.
      int iL = 18;
      // myT1 and myT2 are the strings used for padding.
      String myT1 = new String( '-', iS );
      String myT2;

      // Searches for the ligature Æ.
      String myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
      myT2 = new String( '-', myStr.Length - iS - iL );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

      // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is \u0055\u0308 or \u0075\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
      myT2 = new String( '-', myStr.Length - iS - iL );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

   public static void PrintMarker( String Prefix, int First, int Last )  {

      // Determines the size of the array to create.
      int mySize;
      if ( Last > First )
         mySize = Last;
         mySize = First;

      if ( mySize > -1 )  {

         // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Char[] myCharArr = new Char[mySize+1];

         // Inserts the appropriate markers.
         if ( First > -1 )
         myCharArr[First] = 'f';
         if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[Last] = 'l';
         if ( First == Last )
         myCharArr[First] = 'b';

         // Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, new String( myCharArr ) );
            Console.WriteLine( Prefix );

This code produces the following output.

Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :                         b
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :          b
Ordinal       : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :
IgnoreCase    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :          f              l
           ae :          f              l
            Æ :          f              l
            æ :          f              l

Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :                         b
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :          b
Ordinal       : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :
IgnoreCase    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :          f              l
           u" :          f              l
            Ü :          f              l
            ü :          f              l

Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesCompareInfo

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      Dim myComp As CompareInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo

      ' iS is the starting index of the substring.
      Dim [iS] As Integer = 8
      ' iL is the length of the substring.
      Dim iL As Integer = 18
      ' myT1 and myT2 are the strings used for padding.
      Dim myT1 As New [String]("-"c, [iS])
      Dim myT2 As [String]

      ' Searches for the ligature Æ.
      Dim myStr As [String] = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?"
      myT2 = New [String]("-"c, myStr.Length - [iS] - iL)
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

      ' Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is " & ChrW(&H0055) & ChrW(&H0308) & " or " & ChrW(&H0075) & ChrW(&H0308) & " the same as " & ChrW(&H00DC) & " or " & ChrW(&H00FC) & "?"
      myT2 = New [String]("-"c, myStr.Length - [iS] - iL)
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

   End Sub

   Public Shared Sub PrintMarker(Prefix As [String], First As Integer, Last As Integer)

      ' Determines the size of the array to create.
      Dim mySize As Integer
      If Last > First Then
         mySize = Last
         mySize = First
      End If 

      If mySize > - 1 Then

         ' Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Dim myCharArr(mySize + 1) As [Char]

         ' Inserts the appropriate markers.
         If First > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(First) = "f"c
         End If
         If Last > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(Last) = "l"c
         End If
         If First = Last Then
            myCharArr(First) = "b"c
         End If 

         ' Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}", Prefix, New [String](myCharArr))


      End If 

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'No options    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
'           AE :                         b
'           ae :          b
'            Æ :                         b
'            æ :          b
'Ordinal       : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
'           AE :
'           ae :          b
'            Æ :                         b
'            æ :
'IgnoreCase    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
'           AE :          f              l
'           ae :          f              l
'            Æ :          f              l
'            æ :          f              l
'Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'No options    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
'           U" :                         b
'           u" :          b
'            Ü :                         b
'            ü :          b
'Ordinal       : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
'           U" :
'           u" :          b
'            Ü :                         b
'            ü :
'IgnoreCase    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
'           U" :          f              l
'           u" :          f              l
'            Ü :          f              l
'            ü :          f              l


La chaîne source fait l’objet d’une recherche en commençant à startIndex et se terminant à startIndex + count - 1.

La CompareOptions.StringSort valeur n’est pas valide pour cette méthode.

Si options n’inclut pas la Ordinal valeur, cette surcharge effectue une recherche respectant la culture. Une valeur Unicode représentant un caractère précomposé, telle que la ligature « Æ » (U+00C6), peut être considérée comme équivalente à n’importe quelle occurrence des composants du caractère dans la séquence appropriée, telle que « AE » (U+0041, U+0045), selon la culture. Si options inclut la Ordinal valeur, cette surcharge effectue une recherche ordinale (sans respect de la culture), où les valeurs Unicode sont comparées.


Lorsque cela est possible, vous devez appeler des méthodes de comparaison de chaînes qui ont un paramètre de type CompareOptions pour spécifier le type de comparaison attendu. En règle générale, utilisez des options linguistiques (à l’aide de la culture actuelle) pour comparer les chaînes affichées dans l’interface utilisateur et spécifier CompareOptions.Ordinal ou CompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase pour des comparaisons de sécurité.

Notes pour les appelants

Les jeux de caractères incluent des caractères ignorés, qui sont des caractères qui ne sont pas pris en compte lors de l’exécution d’un tri linguistique ou culturel. Dans une recherche dépendante de la culture (autrement dit, si options n'est pas Ordinal ou OrdinalIgnoreCase), si value contient un caractère ignorable, le résultat est équivalent à une recherche avec ce caractère supprimé. Si value se compose uniquement d’un ou plusieurs caractères ignorés, la IndexOf(String, String, Int32, Int32, CompareOptions) méthode retourne startIndextoujours , qui est la position de caractère à laquelle la recherche commence.

Dans l’exemple suivant, la IndexOf(String, String, Int32, Int32, CompareOptions) méthode est utilisée pour rechercher la position d’un trait d’union mou (U+00AD) suivi d’un « m » commençant dans la troisième à la sixième position de caractère dans deux chaînes. Une seule des chaînes contient la sous-chaîne requise. Dans les deux cas, comme le trait d'union conditionnel est un caractère ignorable, la méthode retourne l'index « m » dans la chaîne lorsqu'elle effectue une comparaison dépendante de la culture. Toutefois, lorsqu’il effectue une comparaison ordinale, il trouve la sous-chaîne uniquement dans la première chaîne. Notez que dans le cas de la première chaîne, qui inclut le trait d’union doux suivi d’un « m », la méthode ne parvient pas à renvoyer l’index du trait d’union mou, mais retourne plutôt l’index du « m » lorsqu’elle effectue une comparaison sensible à la culture. La méthode retourne l'index du trait d'union conditionnel dans la première chaîne uniquement lorsqu'elle effectue une comparaison ordinale.

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      CompareInfo ci = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.CompareInfo;

      string searchString = "\u00ADm";
      string s1 = "ani\u00ADmal" ;
      string s2 = "animal";

      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, searchString, 2, 4, CompareOptions.None));
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, searchString, 2, 4, CompareOptions.Ordinal));
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, searchString, 2, 4, CompareOptions.None));
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, searchString, 2, 4, CompareOptions.Ordinal));
// The example displays the following output:
//       4
//       3
//       3
//       -1
Imports System.Globalization

Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim ci As CompareInfo = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.CompareInfo

      Dim searchString As String = Chrw(&h00AD) + "m"
      Dim s1 As String = "ani" + ChrW(&h00AD) + "mal"
      Dim s2 As String = "animal"

      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, searchString, 2, 4, CompareOptions.None))
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, searchString, 2, 4, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, searchString, 2, 4, CompareOptions.None))
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, searchString, 2, 4, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'       4
'       3
'       3
'       -1

Voir aussi

S’applique à

IndexOf(String, String, Int32, Int32)


Recherche la sous-chaîne spécifiée et retourne l'index de base zéro de la première occurrence trouvée dans la section de la chaîne source commençant à l'index spécifié et contenant le nombre d'éléments spécifié.

 virtual int IndexOf(System::String ^ source, System::String ^ value, int startIndex, int count);
 int IndexOf(System::String ^ source, System::String ^ value, int startIndex, int count);
public virtual int IndexOf (string source, string value, int startIndex, int count);
public int IndexOf (string source, string value, int startIndex, int count);
abstract member IndexOf : string * string * int * int -> int
override this.IndexOf : string * string * int * int -> int
member this.IndexOf : string * string * int * int -> int
Public Overridable Function IndexOf (source As String, value As String, startIndex As Integer, count As Integer) As Integer
Public Function IndexOf (source As String, value As String, startIndex As Integer, count As Integer) As Integer



Chaîne à rechercher.


Chaîne à rechercher dans source.


Index de début de base zéro de la recherche.


Nombre d’éléments contenus dans la section où la recherche doit être effectuée.


Index de base zéro de la première occurrence de value si cette occurrence existe, dans la section de source commençant à startIndex et contenant le nombre d'éléments spécifié par count ; sinon -1. Retourne startIndex si value est un caractère pouvant être ignoré.


source a la valeur null.


value a la valeur null.

startIndex n’est pas compris dans la plage d’index valides pour source.

- ou -

count est inférieur à zéro.

- ou -

startIndex et count ne spécifient pas une section valide dans source.


L’exemple suivant détermine les index de la première et de la dernière occurrence d’un caractère ou d’une sous-chaîne dans une partie d’une chaîne.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
void PrintMarker( String^ Prefix, int First, int Last )
   // Determines the size of the array to create.
   int mySize;
   if ( Last > First )
      mySize = Last;
      mySize = First;

   if ( mySize > -1 )
      // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
      array<Char>^myCharArr = gcnew array<Char>(mySize + 1);
      // Inserts the appropriate markers.
      if ( First > -1 )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'f';
      if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[ Last ] = 'l';
      if ( First == Last )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'b';
      // Displays the array of Char as a String.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, gcnew String( myCharArr ) );
      Console::WriteLine( Prefix );

int main()
   // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
   CompareInfo^ myComp = CultureInfo::InvariantCulture->CompareInfo;
   // iS is the starting index of the substring.
   int iS = 8;
   // iL is the length of the substring.
   int iL = 18;
   // myT1 and myT2 are the strings used for padding.
   String^ myT1 = gcnew String( '-',iS );
   String^ myT2;
   // Searches for the ligature Æ.
   String^ myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
   myT2 = gcnew String( '-',myStr->Length - iS - iL );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
   myStr = "Is U\u0308 or u\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
   myT2 = gcnew String( '-',myStr->Length - iS - iL );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );

This code produces the following output.

Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :                         b
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :          b
Ordinal       : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :
IgnoreCase    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :          f              l
           ae :          f              l
            Æ :          f              l
            æ :          f              l

Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :                         b
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :          b
Ordinal       : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :
IgnoreCase    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :          f              l
           u" :          f              l
            Ü :          f              l
            ü :          f              l

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesCompareInfo  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      CompareInfo myComp = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo;

      // iS is the starting index of the substring.
      int iS = 8;
      // iL is the length of the substring.
      int iL = 18;
      // myT1 and myT2 are the strings used for padding.
      String myT1 = new String( '-', iS );
      String myT2;

      // Searches for the ligature Æ.
      String myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
      myT2 = new String( '-', myStr.Length - iS - iL );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

      // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is \u0055\u0308 or \u0075\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
      myT2 = new String( '-', myStr.Length - iS - iL );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

   public static void PrintMarker( String Prefix, int First, int Last )  {

      // Determines the size of the array to create.
      int mySize;
      if ( Last > First )
         mySize = Last;
         mySize = First;

      if ( mySize > -1 )  {

         // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Char[] myCharArr = new Char[mySize+1];

         // Inserts the appropriate markers.
         if ( First > -1 )
         myCharArr[First] = 'f';
         if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[Last] = 'l';
         if ( First == Last )
         myCharArr[First] = 'b';

         // Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, new String( myCharArr ) );
            Console.WriteLine( Prefix );

This code produces the following output.

Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :                         b
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :          b
Ordinal       : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :
IgnoreCase    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :          f              l
           ae :          f              l
            Æ :          f              l
            æ :          f              l

Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :                         b
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :          b
Ordinal       : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :
IgnoreCase    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :          f              l
           u" :          f              l
            Ü :          f              l
            ü :          f              l

Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesCompareInfo

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      Dim myComp As CompareInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo

      ' iS is the starting index of the substring.
      Dim [iS] As Integer = 8
      ' iL is the length of the substring.
      Dim iL As Integer = 18
      ' myT1 and myT2 are the strings used for padding.
      Dim myT1 As New [String]("-"c, [iS])
      Dim myT2 As [String]

      ' Searches for the ligature Æ.
      Dim myStr As [String] = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?"
      myT2 = New [String]("-"c, myStr.Length - [iS] - iL)
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

      ' Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is " & ChrW(&H0055) & ChrW(&H0308) & " or " & ChrW(&H0075) & ChrW(&H0308) & " the same as " & ChrW(&H00DC) & " or " & ChrW(&H00FC) & "?"
      myT2 = New [String]("-"c, myStr.Length - [iS] - iL)
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

   End Sub

   Public Shared Sub PrintMarker(Prefix As [String], First As Integer, Last As Integer)

      ' Determines the size of the array to create.
      Dim mySize As Integer
      If Last > First Then
         mySize = Last
         mySize = First
      End If 

      If mySize > - 1 Then

         ' Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Dim myCharArr(mySize + 1) As [Char]

         ' Inserts the appropriate markers.
         If First > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(First) = "f"c
         End If
         If Last > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(Last) = "l"c
         End If
         If First = Last Then
            myCharArr(First) = "b"c
         End If 

         ' Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}", Prefix, New [String](myCharArr))


      End If 

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'No options    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
'           AE :                         b
'           ae :          b
'            Æ :                         b
'            æ :          b
'Ordinal       : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
'           AE :
'           ae :          b
'            Æ :                         b
'            æ :
'IgnoreCase    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
'           AE :          f              l
'           ae :          f              l
'            Æ :          f              l
'            æ :          f              l
'Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'No options    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
'           U" :                         b
'           u" :          b
'            Ü :                         b
'            ü :          b
'Ordinal       : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
'           U" :
'           u" :          b
'            Ü :                         b
'            ü :
'IgnoreCase    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
'           U" :          f              l
'           u" :          f              l
'            Ü :          f              l
'            ü :          f              l


La chaîne source est recherchée en commençant à startIndex et se terminant à startIndex + count - 1.

Cette surcharge effectue une recherche sensible à la culture. Une valeur Unicode représentant un caractère précomposé, telle que la ligature « Æ » (U+00C6), peut être considérée comme équivalente à n’importe quelle occurrence des composants du caractère dans la séquence correcte, telle que « AE » (U+0041, U+0045), selon la culture. Pour effectuer une recherche ordinale (non sensible à la culture), où les valeurs Unicode sont comparées, vous devez appeler l’une des surcharges qui a un paramètre de type CompareOptions et utiliser la Ordinal valeur .


Lorsque cela est possible, vous devez appeler des méthodes de comparaison de chaînes qui ont un paramètre de type CompareOptions pour spécifier le type de comparaison attendu. En règle générale, utilisez des options linguistiques (à l’aide de la culture actuelle) pour comparer les chaînes affichées dans l’interface utilisateur et spécifier CompareOptions.Ordinal ou CompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase pour les comparaisons de sécurité.

Notes pour les appelants

Les jeux de caractères incluent des caractères ignorés, qui sont des caractères qui ne sont pas pris en compte lors de l’exécution d’un tri linguistique ou culturel. Dans une recherche dépendante de la culture, si value contient un caractère ignorable, le résultat est équivalent à la recherche avec ce caractère supprimé. Si value se compose uniquement d’un ou plusieurs caractères ignorés, la IndexOf(String, String, Int32, Int32) méthode retourne startIndextoujours , qui est la position de caractère à laquelle la recherche commence.

Dans l’exemple suivant, la IndexOf(String, String, Int32, Int32) méthode est utilisée pour rechercher la position d’un trait d’union mou (U+00AD) suivi d’un « m » commençant dans la troisième à la sixième position de caractère dans deux chaînes. Une seule des chaînes contient la sous-chaîne requise. Dans les deux cas, comme le trait d'union conditionnel est un caractère ignorable, la méthode retourne l'index « m » dans la chaîne lorsqu'elle effectue une comparaison dépendante de la culture. Notez que, dans le cas de la première chaîne, qui inclut le trait d'union conditionnel suivi d'un « m », la méthode ne parvient pas à retourner l'index du trait d'union, mais retourne à la place celui de la lettre « m ».

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      CompareInfo ci = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.CompareInfo;

      string searchString = "\u00ADm";
      string s1 = "ani\u00ADmal" ;
      string s2 = "animal";

      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, searchString, 2, 4));
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, searchString, 2, 4));
// The example displays the following output:
//       4
//       3
Imports System.Globalization

Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim ci As CompareInfo = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.CompareInfo

      Dim searchString As String = Chrw(&h00AD) + "m"
      Dim s1 As String = "ani" + ChrW(&h00AD) + "mal"
      Dim s2 As String = "animal"

      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, searchString, 2, 4))
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, searchString, 2, 4))
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'       4
'       3

Voir aussi

S’applique à

IndexOf(String, String, Int32, CompareOptions)


Recherche la sous-chaîne spécifiée et retourne l'index de base zéro de la première occurrence trouvée dans la section de la chaîne source comprise entre l'index spécifié et la fin de la chaîne, à l'aide de la valeur CompareOptions.

 virtual int IndexOf(System::String ^ source, System::String ^ value, int startIndex, System::Globalization::CompareOptions options);
 int IndexOf(System::String ^ source, System::String ^ value, int startIndex, System::Globalization::CompareOptions options);
public virtual int IndexOf (string source, string value, int startIndex, System.Globalization.CompareOptions options);
public int IndexOf (string source, string value, int startIndex, System.Globalization.CompareOptions options);
abstract member IndexOf : string * string * int * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
override this.IndexOf : string * string * int * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
member this.IndexOf : string * string * int * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
Public Overridable Function IndexOf (source As String, value As String, startIndex As Integer, options As CompareOptions) As Integer
Public Function IndexOf (source As String, value As String, startIndex As Integer, options As CompareOptions) As Integer



Chaîne à rechercher.


Chaîne à rechercher dans source.


Index de début de base zéro de la recherche.


Valeur qui définit le mode de comparaison de source et value. options représente la valeur d'énumération Ordinal ou une combinaison d'opérations de bits d'une ou de plusieurs des valeurs suivantes : IgnoreCase, IgnoreSymbols, IgnoreNonSpace, IgnoreWidth et IgnoreKanaType.


Index de base zéro de la première occurrence de value si cette occurrence existe, dans la section source comprise entre startIndex et la fin de source à l'aide des options de comparaison spécifiées ; sinon -1. Retourne startIndex si value est un caractère pouvant être ignoré.


source a la valeur null.


value a la valeur null.

startIndex n’est pas compris dans la plage d’index valides pour source.

options contient une valeur CompareOptions non valide.


L’exemple suivant détermine les index de la première et de la dernière occurrences d’un caractère ou d’une sous-chaîne dans une partie d’une chaîne. Notez que IndexOf et LastIndexOf recherchent dans différentes parties de la chaîne, même avec le même startIndex paramètre.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
void PrintMarker( String^ Prefix, int First, int Last )
   // Determines the size of the array to create.
   int mySize;
   if ( Last > First )
      mySize = Last;
      mySize = First;

   if ( mySize > -1 )
      // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
      array<Char>^myCharArr = gcnew array<Char>(mySize + 1);
      // Inserts the appropriate markers.
      if ( First > -1 )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'f';
      if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[ Last ] = 'l';
      if ( First == Last )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'b';
      // Displays the array of Char as a String.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, gcnew String( myCharArr ) );
      Console::WriteLine( Prefix );

int main()
   // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
   CompareInfo^ myComp = CultureInfo::InvariantCulture->CompareInfo;
   // iS is the starting index of the substring.
   int iS = 20;
   // myT1 is the string used for padding.
   String^ myT1;
   // Searches for the ligature Æ.
   String^ myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
   myT1 = gcnew String( '-',iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS ), -1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   myT1 = gcnew String( '-',myStr->Length - iS - 1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
   myStr = "Is U\u0308 or u\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
   myT1 = gcnew String( '-',iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS ), -1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   myT1 = gcnew String( '-',myStr->Length - iS - 1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );

This code produces the following output.

IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :                         f
           ae :                              f
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                              f
Ordinal       : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :
           ae :
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                              f
IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :                         f
           ae :                         f
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                         f
LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :    l
           ae :          l
            Æ :    l
            æ :          l
Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :    l
           ae :          l
            Æ :
            æ :
IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :          l
           ae :          l
            Æ :          l
            æ :          l

IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :                         f
           u" :                              f
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                              f
Ordinal       : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :
           u" :
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                              f
IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :                         f
           u" :                         f
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                         f
LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :    l
           u" :          l
            Ü :    l
            ü :          l
Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :    l
           u" :          l
            Ü :
            ü :
IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :          l
           u" :          l
            Ü :          l
            ü :          l

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesCompareInfo  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      CompareInfo myComp = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo;

      // iS is the starting index of the substring.
      int iS = 20;
      // myT1 is the string used for padding.
      String myT1;

      // Searches for the ligature Æ.
      String myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";

      myT1 = new String( '-', iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS ), -1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );

      myT1 = new String( '-', myStr.Length - iS - 1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

      // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is \u0055\u0308 or \u0075\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";

      myT1 = new String( '-', iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS ), -1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );

      myT1 = new String( '-', myStr.Length - iS - 1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

   public static void PrintMarker( String Prefix, int First, int Last )  {

      // Determines the size of the array to create.
      int mySize;
      if ( Last > First )
         mySize = Last;
         mySize = First;

      if ( mySize > -1 )  {

         // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Char[] myCharArr = new Char[mySize+1];

         // Inserts the appropriate markers.
         if ( First > -1 )
         myCharArr[First] = 'f';
         if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[Last] = 'l';
         if ( First == Last )
         myCharArr[First] = 'b';

         // Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, new String( myCharArr ) );
            Console.WriteLine( Prefix );

This code produces the following output.

IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :                         f
           ae :                              f
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                              f
Ordinal       : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :
           ae :
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                              f
IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :                         f
           ae :                         f
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                         f
LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :    l
           ae :          l
            Æ :    l
            æ :          l
Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :    l
           ae :          l
            Æ :
            æ :
IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :          l
           ae :          l
            Æ :          l
            æ :          l

IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :                         f
           u" :                              f
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                              f
Ordinal       : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :
           u" :
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                              f
IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :                         f
           u" :                         f
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                         f
LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :    l
           u" :          l
            Ü :    l
            ü :          l
Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :    l
           u" :          l
            Ü :
            ü :
IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :          l
           u" :          l
            Ü :          l
            ü :          l

Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesCompareInfo

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      Dim myComp As CompareInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo

      ' iS is the starting index of the substring.
      Dim [iS] As Integer = 20
      ' myT1 is the string used for padding.
      Dim myT1 As [String]

      ' Searches for the ligature Æ.
      Dim myStr As [String] = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?"

      myT1 = New [String]("-"c, [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS]), - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)

      myT1 = New [String]("-"c, myStr.Length - [iS] - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS]))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS]))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS]))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS]))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

      ' Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is " & ChrW(&H0055) & ChrW(&H0308) & " or " & ChrW(&H0075) & ChrW(&H0308) & " the same as " & ChrW(&H00DC) & " or " & ChrW(&H00FC) & "?"

      myT1 = New [String]("-"c, [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS]), - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)

      myT1 = New [String]("-"c, myStr.Length - [iS] - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS]))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS]))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS]))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS]))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

   End Sub

   Public Shared Sub PrintMarker(Prefix As [String], First As Integer, Last As Integer)

      ' Determines the size of the array to create.
      Dim mySize As Integer
      If Last > First Then
         mySize = Last
         mySize = First
      End If 

      If mySize > - 1 Then

         ' Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Dim myCharArr(mySize + 1) As [Char]

         ' Inserts the appropriate markers.
         If First > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(First) = "f"c
         End If
         If Last > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(Last) = "l"c
         End If
         If First = Last Then
            myCharArr(First) = "b"c
         End If 

         ' Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}", Prefix, New [String](myCharArr))

      End If 

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
'Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'No options    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
'           AE :                         f
'           ae :                              f
'            Æ :                         f
'            æ :                              f
'Ordinal       : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
'           AE :
'           ae :
'            Æ :                         f
'            æ :                              f
'IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
'           AE :                         f
'           ae :                         f
'            Æ :                         f
'            æ :                         f
'LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
'Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'No options    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
'           AE :    l
'           ae :          l
'            Æ :    l
'            æ :          l
'Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same ----------
'           AE :    l
'           ae :          l
'            Æ :
'            æ :
'IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
'           AE :          l
'           ae :          l
'            Æ :          l
'            æ :          l
'IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
'Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'No options    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
'           U" :                         f
'           u" :                              f
'            Ü :                         f
'            ü :                              f
'Ordinal       : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
'           U" :
'           u" :
'            Ü :                         f
'            ü :                              f
'IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
'           U" :                         f
'           u" :                         f
'            Ü :                         f
'            ü :                         f
'LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
'Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'No options    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
'           U" :    l
'           u" :          l
'            Ü :    l
'            ü :          l
'Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same ----------
'           U" :    l
'           u" :          l
'            Ü :
'            ü :
'IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
'           U" :          l
'           u" :          l
'            Ü :          l
'            ü :          l


La chaîne source fait l’objet d’une recherche en commençant à startIndex et se terminant à la fin de la chaîne.

La CompareOptions.StringSort valeur n’est pas valide pour cette méthode.

Si options n’inclut pas la Ordinal valeur, cette surcharge effectue une recherche sensible à la culture. Une valeur Unicode représentant un caractère précomposé, telle que la ligature « Æ » (U+00C6), peut être considérée comme équivalente à n’importe quelle occurrence des composants du caractère dans la séquence correcte, telle que « AE » (U+0041, U+0045), selon la culture. Si options inclut la Ordinal valeur, cette surcharge effectue une recherche ordinale (non sensible à la culture), où les valeurs Unicode sont comparées.


Lorsque cela est possible, vous devez appeler des méthodes de comparaison de chaînes qui ont un paramètre de type CompareOptions pour spécifier le type de comparaison attendu. En règle générale, utilisez des options linguistiques (à l’aide de la culture actuelle) pour comparer les chaînes affichées dans l’interface utilisateur et spécifier CompareOptions.Ordinal ou CompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase pour les comparaisons de sécurité.

Notes pour les appelants

Les jeux de caractères incluent des caractères ignorables, qui sont des caractères qui ne sont pas pris en compte lors de l’exécution d’un tri linguistique ou sensible à la culture. Dans une recherche dépendante de la culture (autrement dit, si options n'est pas Ordinal ou OrdinalIgnoreCase), si value contient un caractère ignorable, le résultat est équivalent à une recherche avec ce caractère supprimé. Si value se compose uniquement d’un ou plusieurs caractères ignorés, la IndexOf(String, String, Int32, CompareOptions) méthode retourne startIndextoujours , qui est la position du caractère à laquelle la recherche commence.

Dans l’exemple suivant, la IndexOf(String, String, Int32, CompareOptions) méthode est utilisée pour rechercher la position d’un trait d’union mou (U+00AD) suivi d’un « m » commençant par la position du troisième caractère dans deux chaînes. Une seule des chaînes contient la sous-chaîne requise. Dans les deux cas, comme le trait d'union conditionnel est un caractère ignorable, la méthode retourne l'index « m » dans la chaîne lorsqu'elle effectue une comparaison dépendante de la culture. Notez que, dans le cas de la première chaîne, qui inclut le trait d'union conditionnel suivi d'un « m », la méthode ne parvient pas à retourner l'index du trait d'union, mais retourne à la place celui de la lettre « m ». La méthode retourne l'index du trait d'union conditionnel dans la première chaîne uniquement lorsqu'elle effectue une comparaison ordinale.

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      CompareInfo ci = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.CompareInfo;

      string searchString = "\u00ADm";
      string s1 = "ani\u00ADmal" ;
      string s2 = "animal";

      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, searchString, 2, CompareOptions.None));
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, searchString, 2, CompareOptions.Ordinal));
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, searchString, 2, CompareOptions.None));
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, searchString, 2, CompareOptions.Ordinal));
// The example displays the following output:
//       4
//       3
//       3
//       -1
Imports System.Globalization

Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim ci As CompareInfo = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.CompareInfo

      Dim searchString As String = Chrw(&h00AD) + "m"
      Dim s1 As String = "ani" + ChrW(&h00AD) + "mal"
      Dim s2 As String = "animal"

      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, searchString, 2, CompareOptions.None))
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, searchString, 2, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, searchString, 2, CompareOptions.None))
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, searchString, 2, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'       4
'       3
'       3
'       -1

Voir aussi

S’applique à

IndexOf(String, Char, Int32, Int32)


Recherche le caractère spécifié et retourne l'index de base zéro de la première occurrence trouvée dans la section de la chaîne source commençant à l'index spécifié et contenant le nombre d'éléments spécifié.

 virtual int IndexOf(System::String ^ source, char value, int startIndex, int count);
 int IndexOf(System::String ^ source, char value, int startIndex, int count);
public virtual int IndexOf (string source, char value, int startIndex, int count);
public int IndexOf (string source, char value, int startIndex, int count);
abstract member IndexOf : string * char * int * int -> int
override this.IndexOf : string * char * int * int -> int
member this.IndexOf : string * char * int * int -> int
Public Overridable Function IndexOf (source As String, value As Char, startIndex As Integer, count As Integer) As Integer
Public Function IndexOf (source As String, value As Char, startIndex As Integer, count As Integer) As Integer



Chaîne à rechercher.


Caractère à rechercher dans source.


Index de début de base zéro de la recherche.


Nombre d’éléments contenus dans la section où la recherche doit être effectuée.


Index de base zéro de la première occurrence de value si cette occurrence existe, dans la section de source commençant à startIndex et contenant le nombre d'éléments spécifié par count ; sinon -1. Retourne startIndex si value est un caractère pouvant être ignoré.


source a la valeur null.

startIndex n’est pas compris dans la plage d’index valides pour source.

- ou -

count est inférieur à zéro.

- ou -

startIndex et count ne spécifient pas une section valide dans source.


L’exemple suivant détermine les index de la première et de la dernière occurrences d’un caractère ou d’une sous-chaîne dans une partie d’une chaîne.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
void PrintMarker( String^ Prefix, int First, int Last )
   // Determines the size of the array to create.
   int mySize;
   if ( Last > First )
      mySize = Last;
      mySize = First;

   if ( mySize > -1 )
      // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
      array<Char>^myCharArr = gcnew array<Char>(mySize + 1);
      // Inserts the appropriate markers.
      if ( First > -1 )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'f';
      if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[ Last ] = 'l';
      if ( First == Last )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'b';
      // Displays the array of Char as a String.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, gcnew String( myCharArr ) );
      Console::WriteLine( Prefix );

int main()
   // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
   CompareInfo^ myComp = CultureInfo::InvariantCulture->CompareInfo;
   // iS is the starting index of the substring.
   int iS = 8;
   // iL is the length of the substring.
   int iL = 18;
   // myT1 and myT2 are the strings used for padding.
   String^ myT1 = gcnew String( '-',iS );
   String^ myT2;
   // Searches for the ligature Æ.
   String^ myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
   myT2 = gcnew String( '-',myStr->Length - iS - iL );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
   myStr = "Is U\u0308 or u\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
   myT2 = gcnew String( '-',myStr->Length - iS - iL );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );

This code produces the following output.

Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :                         b
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :          b
Ordinal       : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :
IgnoreCase    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :          f              l
           ae :          f              l
            Æ :          f              l
            æ :          f              l

Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :                         b
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :          b
Ordinal       : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :
IgnoreCase    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :          f              l
           u" :          f              l
            Ü :          f              l
            ü :          f              l

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesCompareInfo  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      CompareInfo myComp = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo;

      // iS is the starting index of the substring.
      int iS = 8;
      // iL is the length of the substring.
      int iL = 18;
      // myT1 and myT2 are the strings used for padding.
      String myT1 = new String( '-', iS );
      String myT2;

      // Searches for the ligature Æ.
      String myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
      myT2 = new String( '-', myStr.Length - iS - iL );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

      // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is \u0055\u0308 or \u0075\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
      myT2 = new String( '-', myStr.Length - iS - iL );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

   public static void PrintMarker( String Prefix, int First, int Last )  {

      // Determines the size of the array to create.
      int mySize;
      if ( Last > First )
         mySize = Last;
         mySize = First;

      if ( mySize > -1 )  {

         // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Char[] myCharArr = new Char[mySize+1];

         // Inserts the appropriate markers.
         if ( First > -1 )
         myCharArr[First] = 'f';
         if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[Last] = 'l';
         if ( First == Last )
         myCharArr[First] = 'b';

         // Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, new String( myCharArr ) );
            Console.WriteLine( Prefix );

This code produces the following output.

Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :                         b
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :          b
Ordinal       : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :
IgnoreCase    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :          f              l
           ae :          f              l
            Æ :          f              l
            æ :          f              l

Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :                         b
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :          b
Ordinal       : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :
IgnoreCase    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :          f              l
           u" :          f              l
            Ü :          f              l
            ü :          f              l

Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesCompareInfo

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      Dim myComp As CompareInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo

      ' iS is the starting index of the substring.
      Dim [iS] As Integer = 8
      ' iL is the length of the substring.
      Dim iL As Integer = 18
      ' myT1 and myT2 are the strings used for padding.
      Dim myT1 As New [String]("-"c, [iS])
      Dim myT2 As [String]

      ' Searches for the ligature Æ.
      Dim myStr As [String] = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?"
      myT2 = New [String]("-"c, myStr.Length - [iS] - iL)
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

      ' Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is " & ChrW(&H0055) & ChrW(&H0308) & " or " & ChrW(&H0075) & ChrW(&H0308) & " the same as " & ChrW(&H00DC) & " or " & ChrW(&H00FC) & "?"
      myT2 = New [String]("-"c, myStr.Length - [iS] - iL)
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

   End Sub

   Public Shared Sub PrintMarker(Prefix As [String], First As Integer, Last As Integer)

      ' Determines the size of the array to create.
      Dim mySize As Integer
      If Last > First Then
         mySize = Last
         mySize = First
      End If 

      If mySize > - 1 Then

         ' Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Dim myCharArr(mySize + 1) As [Char]

         ' Inserts the appropriate markers.
         If First > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(First) = "f"c
         End If
         If Last > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(Last) = "l"c
         End If
         If First = Last Then
            myCharArr(First) = "b"c
         End If 

         ' Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}", Prefix, New [String](myCharArr))


      End If 

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'No options    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
'           AE :                         b
'           ae :          b
'            Æ :                         b
'            æ :          b
'Ordinal       : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
'           AE :
'           ae :          b
'            Æ :                         b
'            æ :
'IgnoreCase    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
'           AE :          f              l
'           ae :          f              l
'            Æ :          f              l
'            æ :          f              l
'Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'No options    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
'           U" :                         b
'           u" :          b
'            Ü :                         b
'            ü :          b
'Ordinal       : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
'           U" :
'           u" :          b
'            Ü :                         b
'            ü :
'IgnoreCase    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
'           U" :          f              l
'           u" :          f              l
'            Ü :          f              l
'            ü :          f              l


La chaîne source est recherchée en commençant à startIndex et se terminant à startIndex + count - 1.

Cette surcharge effectue une recherche sensible à la culture. Si le caractère est une valeur Unicode représentant un caractère précomposé, tel que la ligature « Æ » (U+00C6), il peut être considéré comme équivalent à toute occurrence de ses composants dans la séquence correcte, telle que « AE » (U+0041, U+0045), selon la culture. Pour effectuer une recherche ordinale (non sensible à la culture), où un caractère est considéré comme équivalent à un autre caractère uniquement si les valeurs Unicode sont identiques, vous devez appeler l’une des surcharges qui a un paramètre de type CompareOptions et utiliser la Ordinal valeur . Les surcharges de String.IndexOf cette recherche de caractère effectuent une recherche ordinale, tandis que celles qui recherchent une chaîne effectuent une recherche sensible à la culture.


Lorsque cela est possible, vous devez appeler des méthodes de comparaison de chaînes qui ont un paramètre de type CompareOptions pour spécifier le type de comparaison attendu. En règle générale, utilisez des options linguistiques (à l’aide de la culture actuelle) pour comparer les chaînes affichées dans l’interface utilisateur et spécifier CompareOptions.Ordinal ou CompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase pour les comparaisons de sécurité.

Notes pour les appelants

Les jeux de caractères incluent des caractères ignorables, qui sont des caractères qui ne sont pas pris en compte lors de l’exécution d’un tri linguistique ou sensible à la culture. Dans une recherche sensible à la culture, si value est un caractère ignorable, le résultat équivaut à la recherche avec ce caractère supprimé. Dans ce cas, la IndexOf(String, Char, Int32, Int32) méthode retourne startIndextoujours , qui est la position du caractère à laquelle la recherche a commencé pour la première fois. Dans l’exemple suivant, la IndexOf(String, Char, Int32, Int32) méthode est utilisée pour rechercher un trait d’union mou (U+00AD) après un « n » dans deux chaînes. Une seule des chaînes contient un trait d'union conditionnel. Dans les deux cas, comme le trait d’union doux est un caractère ignorable, la méthode retourne 1 pour indiquer qu’elle a trouvé une correspondance à la position du « n ».

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      CompareInfo ci = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.CompareInfo;

      string s1 = "ani\u00ADmal";
      string s2 = "animal";

      int position = 0;

      // Find the index of the soft hyphen.
      position = ci.IndexOf(s1, 'n');
      Console.WriteLine("'n' at position {0}", position);
      if (position >= 0)
         Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, '\u00AD', position, s1.Length - position));

      position = ci.IndexOf(s2, 'n');
      Console.WriteLine("'n' at position {0}", position);
      if (position >= 0)
         Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, '\u00AD', position, s2.Length - position));
// The example displays the following output:
//       'n' at position 1
//       1
//       'n' at position 1
//       1
Imports System.Globalization

Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim ci As CompareInfo = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.CompareInfo
      Dim position As Integer
      Dim softHyphen As Char = ChrW(&h00AD)
      Dim s1 As String = "ani" + softHyphen + "mal"
      Dim s2 As String = "animal"
      ' Find the index of the soft hyphen.
      position = ci.IndexOf(s1, "n"c)
      Console.WriteLine("'n' at position {0}", position)
      If position >= 0 Then
         Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, softHyphen, position, s1.Length - position))
      End If
      position = ci.IndexOf(s2, "n"c)
      Console.WriteLine("'n' at position {0}", position)
      If position >= 0 Then
         Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, softHyphen, position, s2.Length - position))
      End If   
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'       'n' at position 1
'       1
'       'n' at position 1
'       1

Voir aussi

S’applique à

IndexOf(String, Char, Int32, CompareOptions)


Recherche le caractère spécifié et retourne l'index de base zéro de la première occurrence trouvée dans la section de la chaîne source comprise entre l'index spécifié et la fin de la chaîne, à l'aide de la valeur CompareOptions.

 virtual int IndexOf(System::String ^ source, char value, int startIndex, System::Globalization::CompareOptions options);
 int IndexOf(System::String ^ source, char value, int startIndex, System::Globalization::CompareOptions options);
public virtual int IndexOf (string source, char value, int startIndex, System.Globalization.CompareOptions options);
public int IndexOf (string source, char value, int startIndex, System.Globalization.CompareOptions options);
abstract member IndexOf : string * char * int * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
override this.IndexOf : string * char * int * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
member this.IndexOf : string * char * int * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
Public Overridable Function IndexOf (source As String, value As Char, startIndex As Integer, options As CompareOptions) As Integer
Public Function IndexOf (source As String, value As Char, startIndex As Integer, options As CompareOptions) As Integer



Chaîne à rechercher.


Caractère à rechercher dans source.


Index de début de base zéro de la recherche.


Valeur qui définit le mode de comparaison de source et value. options représente la valeur d'énumération Ordinal ou une combinaison d'opérations de bits d'une ou de plusieurs des valeurs suivantes : IgnoreCase, IgnoreSymbols, IgnoreNonSpace, IgnoreWidth et IgnoreKanaType.


Index de base zéro de la première occurrence de value si cette occurrence existe, dans la section source comprise entre startIndex et la fin de source à l'aide des options de comparaison spécifiées ; sinon -1. Retourne startIndex si value est un caractère pouvant être ignoré.


source a la valeur null.

startIndex n’est pas compris dans la plage d’index valides pour source.

options contient une valeur CompareOptions non valide.


L’exemple suivant détermine les index de la première et de la dernière occurrences d’un caractère ou d’une sous-chaîne dans une partie d’une chaîne. Notez que IndexOf et LastIndexOf recherchent dans différentes parties de la chaîne, même avec le même startIndex paramètre.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
void PrintMarker( String^ Prefix, int First, int Last )
   // Determines the size of the array to create.
   int mySize;
   if ( Last > First )
      mySize = Last;
      mySize = First;

   if ( mySize > -1 )
      // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
      array<Char>^myCharArr = gcnew array<Char>(mySize + 1);
      // Inserts the appropriate markers.
      if ( First > -1 )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'f';
      if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[ Last ] = 'l';
      if ( First == Last )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'b';
      // Displays the array of Char as a String.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, gcnew String( myCharArr ) );
      Console::WriteLine( Prefix );

int main()
   // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
   CompareInfo^ myComp = CultureInfo::InvariantCulture->CompareInfo;
   // iS is the starting index of the substring.
   int iS = 20;
   // myT1 is the string used for padding.
   String^ myT1;
   // Searches for the ligature Æ.
   String^ myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
   myT1 = gcnew String( '-',iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS ), -1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   myT1 = gcnew String( '-',myStr->Length - iS - 1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
   myStr = "Is U\u0308 or u\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
   myT1 = gcnew String( '-',iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS ), -1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   myT1 = gcnew String( '-',myStr->Length - iS - 1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );

This code produces the following output.

IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :                         f
           ae :                              f
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                              f
Ordinal       : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :
           ae :
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                              f
IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :                         f
           ae :                         f
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                         f
LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :    l
           ae :          l
            Æ :    l
            æ :          l
Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :    l
           ae :          l
            Æ :
            æ :
IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :          l
           ae :          l
            Æ :          l
            æ :          l

IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :                         f
           u" :                              f
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                              f
Ordinal       : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :
           u" :
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                              f
IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :                         f
           u" :                         f
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                         f
LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :    l
           u" :          l
            Ü :    l
            ü :          l
Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :    l
           u" :          l
            Ü :
            ü :
IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :          l
           u" :          l
            Ü :          l
            ü :          l

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesCompareInfo  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      CompareInfo myComp = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo;

      // iS is the starting index of the substring.
      int iS = 20;
      // myT1 is the string used for padding.
      String myT1;

      // Searches for the ligature Æ.
      String myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";

      myT1 = new String( '-', iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS ), -1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );

      myT1 = new String( '-', myStr.Length - iS - 1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

      // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is \u0055\u0308 or \u0075\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";

      myT1 = new String( '-', iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS ), -1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );

      myT1 = new String( '-', myStr.Length - iS - 1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

   public static void PrintMarker( String Prefix, int First, int Last )  {

      // Determines the size of the array to create.
      int mySize;
      if ( Last > First )
         mySize = Last;
         mySize = First;

      if ( mySize > -1 )  {

         // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Char[] myCharArr = new Char[mySize+1];

         // Inserts the appropriate markers.
         if ( First > -1 )
         myCharArr[First] = 'f';
         if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[Last] = 'l';
         if ( First == Last )
         myCharArr[First] = 'b';

         // Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, new String( myCharArr ) );
            Console.WriteLine( Prefix );

This code produces the following output.

IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :                         f
           ae :                              f
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                              f
Ordinal       : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :
           ae :
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                              f
IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :                         f
           ae :                         f
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                         f
LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :    l
           ae :          l
            Æ :    l
            æ :          l
Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :    l
           ae :          l
            Æ :
            æ :
IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :          l
           ae :          l
            Æ :          l
            æ :          l

IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :                         f
           u" :                              f
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                              f
Ordinal       : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :
           u" :
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                              f
IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :                         f
           u" :                         f
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                         f
LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :    l
           u" :          l
            Ü :    l
            ü :          l
Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :    l
           u" :          l
            Ü :
            ü :
IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :          l
           u" :          l
            Ü :          l
            ü :          l

Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesCompareInfo

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      Dim myComp As CompareInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo

      ' iS is the starting index of the substring.
      Dim [iS] As Integer = 20
      ' myT1 is the string used for padding.
      Dim myT1 As [String]

      ' Searches for the ligature Æ.
      Dim myStr As [String] = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?"

      myT1 = New [String]("-"c, [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS]), - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)

      myT1 = New [String]("-"c, myStr.Length - [iS] - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS]))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS]))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS]))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS]))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

      ' Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is " & ChrW(&H0055) & ChrW(&H0308) & " or " & ChrW(&H0075) & ChrW(&H0308) & " the same as " & ChrW(&H00DC) & " or " & ChrW(&H00FC) & "?"

      myT1 = New [String]("-"c, [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS]), - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)

      myT1 = New [String]("-"c, myStr.Length - [iS] - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS]))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS]))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS]))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS]))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

   End Sub

   Public Shared Sub PrintMarker(Prefix As [String], First As Integer, Last As Integer)

      ' Determines the size of the array to create.
      Dim mySize As Integer
      If Last > First Then
         mySize = Last
         mySize = First
      End If 

      If mySize > - 1 Then

         ' Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Dim myCharArr(mySize + 1) As [Char]

         ' Inserts the appropriate markers.
         If First > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(First) = "f"c
         End If
         If Last > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(Last) = "l"c
         End If
         If First = Last Then
            myCharArr(First) = "b"c
         End If 

         ' Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}", Prefix, New [String](myCharArr))

      End If 

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
'Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'No options    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
'           AE :                         f
'           ae :                              f
'            Æ :                         f
'            æ :                              f
'Ordinal       : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
'           AE :
'           ae :
'            Æ :                         f
'            æ :                              f
'IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
'           AE :                         f
'           ae :                         f
'            Æ :                         f
'            æ :                         f
'LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
'Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'No options    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
'           AE :    l
'           ae :          l
'            Æ :    l
'            æ :          l
'Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same ----------
'           AE :    l
'           ae :          l
'            Æ :
'            æ :
'IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
'           AE :          l
'           ae :          l
'            Æ :          l
'            æ :          l
'IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
'Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'No options    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
'           U" :                         f
'           u" :                              f
'            Ü :                         f
'            ü :                              f
'Ordinal       : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
'           U" :
'           u" :
'            Ü :                         f
'            ü :                              f
'IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
'           U" :                         f
'           u" :                         f
'            Ü :                         f
'            ü :                         f
'LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
'Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'No options    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
'           U" :    l
'           u" :          l
'            Ü :    l
'            ü :          l
'Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same ----------
'           U" :    l
'           u" :          l
'            Ü :
'            ü :
'IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
'           U" :          l
'           u" :          l
'            Ü :          l
'            ü :          l


La chaîne source fait l’objet d’une recherche en commençant à startIndex et se terminant à la fin de la chaîne.

La CompareOptions.StringSort valeur n’est pas valide pour cette méthode.

Si options n’inclut pas la Ordinal valeur, cette surcharge effectue une recherche sensible à la culture. Si le caractère est une valeur Unicode représentant un caractère précomposé, tel que la ligature « Æ » (U+00C6), il peut être considéré comme équivalent à toute occurrence de ses composants dans la séquence correcte, telle que « AE » (U+0041, U+0045), selon la culture. Si options inclut la Ordinal valeur, cette surcharge effectue une recherche ordinale (sans respect de la culture). Un caractère est considéré comme équivalent à un autre caractère uniquement si les valeurs Unicode sont identiques. Les surcharges de String.IndexOf cette recherche de caractère effectuent une recherche ordinale, tandis que celles qui recherchent une chaîne effectuent une recherche sensible à la culture.


Lorsque cela est possible, vous devez appeler des méthodes de comparaison de chaînes qui ont un paramètre de type CompareOptions pour spécifier le type de comparaison attendu. En règle générale, utilisez des options linguistiques (à l’aide de la culture actuelle) pour comparer les chaînes affichées dans l’interface utilisateur et spécifier CompareOptions.Ordinal ou CompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase pour les comparaisons de sécurité.

Notes pour les appelants

Les jeux de caractères incluent des caractères ignorables, qui sont des caractères qui ne sont pas pris en compte lors de l’exécution d’un tri linguistique ou sensible à la culture. Dans une recherche sensible à la culture, si value est un caractère ignorable, le résultat équivaut à la recherche avec ce caractère supprimé. Dans ce cas, la IndexOf(String, Char, Int32, CompareOptions) méthode retourne startIndextoujours , la position du caractère à laquelle la recherche a commencé pour la première fois. Dans l’exemple suivant, la IndexOf(String, Char, Int32, CompareOptions) méthode est utilisée pour rechercher le trait d’union mou (U+00AD) après un « n » dans deux chaînes. Une seule des chaînes contient un trait d'union conditionnel. Dans les deux cas, étant donné que le trait d’union doux est un caractère ignorable, une recherche sensible à la culture renvoie 1 pour indiquer qu’elle a trouvé une correspondance à la position du « n ». Toutefois, une recherche ordinale trouve correctement le trait d’union mou dans une chaîne et signale qu’il est absent de la deuxième chaîne.

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      CompareInfo ci = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.CompareInfo;

      string s1 = "ani\u00ADmal";
      string s2 = "animal";

      int position = 0;

      // Find the index of the soft hyphen using culture-sensitive comparison.
      position = ci.IndexOf(s1, 'n');
      Console.WriteLine("'n' at position {0}", position);
      if (position >= 0)
         Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, '\u00AD', position, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase));

      position = ci.IndexOf(s2, 'n');
      Console.WriteLine("'n' at position {0}", position);
      if (position >= 0)
         Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, '\u00AD', position, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase));

      // Find the index of the soft hyphen using ordinal comparison.
      position = ci.IndexOf(s1, 'n');
      Console.WriteLine("'n' at position {0}", position, CompareOptions.Ordinal);
      if (position >= 0)
         Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, '\u00AD', position, CompareOptions.Ordinal));

      position = ci.IndexOf(s2, 'n');
      Console.WriteLine("'n' at position {0}", position, CompareOptions.Ordinal);
      if (position >= 0)
         Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, '\u00AD', position, CompareOptions.Ordinal));
// The example displays the following output:
//       'n' at position 1
//       1
//       'n' at position 1
//       1
//       'n' at position 1
//       3
//       'n' at position 1
//       -1
Imports System.Globalization

Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim ci As CompareInfo = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.CompareInfo
      Dim softHyphen As Char = ChrW(&h00AD)
      Dim position As Integer
      Dim s1 As String = "ani" + softHyphen + "mal"
      Dim s2 As String = "animal"
      ' Find the index of the soft hyphen using culture-sensitive comparison.
      position = ci.IndexOf(s1, "n"c)
      Console.WriteLine("'n' at position {0}", position)
      If position >= 0 Then
         Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, softHyphen, position, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      End If
      position = ci.IndexOf(s2, "n"c)
      Console.WriteLine("'n' at position {0}", position)
      If position >= 0 Then
         Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, softHyphen, position, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      End If  
      ' Find the index of the soft hyphen using ordinal comparison.
      position = ci.IndexOf(s1, "n"c)
      Console.WriteLine("'n' at position {0}", position)
      If position >= 0 Then
         Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, softHyphen, position, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      End If
      position = ci.IndexOf(s2, "n"c)
      Console.WriteLine("'n' at position {0}", position)
      If position >= 0 Then
         Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, softHyphen, position, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      End If   
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'       'n' at position 1
'       1
'       'n' at position 1
'       1
'       'n' at position 1
'       3
'       'n' at position 1
'       -1

Voir aussi

S’applique à

IndexOf(String, String, Int32)


Recherche la sous-chaîne spécifiée et retourne l'index de base zéro de la première occurrence trouvée dans la section de la chaîne source comprise entre l'index spécifié et la fin de la chaîne.

 int IndexOf(System::String ^ source, System::String ^ value, int startIndex);
 virtual int IndexOf(System::String ^ source, System::String ^ value, int startIndex);
public int IndexOf (string source, string value, int startIndex);
public virtual int IndexOf (string source, string value, int startIndex);
member this.IndexOf : string * string * int -> int
abstract member IndexOf : string * string * int -> int
override this.IndexOf : string * string * int -> int
Public Function IndexOf (source As String, value As String, startIndex As Integer) As Integer
Public Overridable Function IndexOf (source As String, value As String, startIndex As Integer) As Integer



Chaîne à rechercher.


Chaîne à rechercher dans source.


Index de début de base zéro de la recherche.


Index de base zéro de la première occurrence de value si cette occurrence existe, dans la section source comprise entre startIndex et la fin de source ; sinon -1. Retourne startIndex si value est un caractère pouvant être ignoré.


source a la valeur null.


value a la valeur null.

startIndex n’est pas compris dans la plage d’index valides pour source.


L’exemple suivant détermine les index de la première et de la dernière occurrence d’un caractère ou d’une sous-chaîne dans une partie d’une chaîne. Notez que IndexOf et LastIndexOf recherchent dans différentes parties de la chaîne, même avec le même startIndex paramètre.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
void PrintMarker( String^ Prefix, int First, int Last )
   // Determines the size of the array to create.
   int mySize;
   if ( Last > First )
      mySize = Last;
      mySize = First;

   if ( mySize > -1 )
      // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
      array<Char>^myCharArr = gcnew array<Char>(mySize + 1);
      // Inserts the appropriate markers.
      if ( First > -1 )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'f';
      if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[ Last ] = 'l';
      if ( First == Last )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'b';
      // Displays the array of Char as a String.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, gcnew String( myCharArr ) );
      Console::WriteLine( Prefix );

int main()
   // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
   CompareInfo^ myComp = CultureInfo::InvariantCulture->CompareInfo;
   // iS is the starting index of the substring.
   int iS = 20;
   // myT1 is the string used for padding.
   String^ myT1;
   // Searches for the ligature Æ.
   String^ myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
   myT1 = gcnew String( '-',iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS ), -1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   myT1 = gcnew String( '-',myStr->Length - iS - 1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
   myStr = "Is U\u0308 or u\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
   myT1 = gcnew String( '-',iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS ), -1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   myT1 = gcnew String( '-',myStr->Length - iS - 1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );

This code produces the following output.

IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :                         f
           ae :                              f
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                              f
Ordinal       : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :
           ae :
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                              f
IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :                         f
           ae :                         f
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                         f
LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :    l
           ae :          l
            Æ :    l
            æ :          l
Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :    l
           ae :          l
            Æ :
            æ :
IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :          l
           ae :          l
            Æ :          l
            æ :          l

IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :                         f
           u" :                              f
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                              f
Ordinal       : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :
           u" :
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                              f
IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :                         f
           u" :                         f
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                         f
LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :    l
           u" :          l
            Ü :    l
            ü :          l
Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :    l
           u" :          l
            Ü :
            ü :
IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :          l
           u" :          l
            Ü :          l
            ü :          l

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesCompareInfo  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      CompareInfo myComp = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo;

      // iS is the starting index of the substring.
      int iS = 20;
      // myT1 is the string used for padding.
      String myT1;

      // Searches for the ligature Æ.
      String myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";

      myT1 = new String( '-', iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS ), -1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );

      myT1 = new String( '-', myStr.Length - iS - 1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

      // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is \u0055\u0308 or \u0075\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";

      myT1 = new String( '-', iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS ), -1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );

      myT1 = new String( '-', myStr.Length - iS - 1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

   public static void PrintMarker( String Prefix, int First, int Last )  {

      // Determines the size of the array to create.
      int mySize;
      if ( Last > First )
         mySize = Last;
         mySize = First;

      if ( mySize > -1 )  {

         // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Char[] myCharArr = new Char[mySize+1];

         // Inserts the appropriate markers.
         if ( First > -1 )
         myCharArr[First] = 'f';
         if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[Last] = 'l';
         if ( First == Last )
         myCharArr[First] = 'b';

         // Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, new String( myCharArr ) );
            Console.WriteLine( Prefix );

This code produces the following output.

IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :                         f
           ae :                              f
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                              f
Ordinal       : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :
           ae :
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                              f
IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :                         f
           ae :                         f
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                         f
LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :    l
           ae :          l
            Æ :    l
            æ :          l
Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :    l
           ae :          l
            Æ :
            æ :
IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :          l
           ae :          l
            Æ :          l
            æ :          l

IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :                         f
           u" :                              f
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                              f
Ordinal       : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :
           u" :
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                              f
IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :                         f
           u" :                         f
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                         f
LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :    l
           u" :          l
            Ü :    l
            ü :          l
Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :    l
           u" :          l
            Ü :
            ü :
IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :          l
           u" :          l
            Ü :          l
            ü :          l

Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesCompareInfo

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      Dim myComp As CompareInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo

      ' iS is the starting index of the substring.
      Dim [iS] As Integer = 20
      ' myT1 is the string used for padding.
      Dim myT1 As [String]

      ' Searches for the ligature Æ.
      Dim myStr As [String] = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?"

      myT1 = New [String]("-"c, [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS]), - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)

      myT1 = New [String]("-"c, myStr.Length - [iS] - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS]))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS]))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS]))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS]))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

      ' Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is " & ChrW(&H0055) & ChrW(&H0308) & " or " & ChrW(&H0075) & ChrW(&H0308) & " the same as " & ChrW(&H00DC) & " or " & ChrW(&H00FC) & "?"

      myT1 = New [String]("-"c, [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS]), - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)

      myT1 = New [String]("-"c, myStr.Length - [iS] - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS]))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS]))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS]))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS]))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

   End Sub

   Public Shared Sub PrintMarker(Prefix As [String], First As Integer, Last As Integer)

      ' Determines the size of the array to create.
      Dim mySize As Integer
      If Last > First Then
         mySize = Last
         mySize = First
      End If 

      If mySize > - 1 Then

         ' Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Dim myCharArr(mySize + 1) As [Char]

         ' Inserts the appropriate markers.
         If First > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(First) = "f"c
         End If
         If Last > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(Last) = "l"c
         End If
         If First = Last Then
            myCharArr(First) = "b"c
         End If 

         ' Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}", Prefix, New [String](myCharArr))

      End If 

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
'Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'No options    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
'           AE :                         f
'           ae :                              f
'            Æ :                         f
'            æ :                              f
'Ordinal       : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
'           AE :
'           ae :
'            Æ :                         f
'            æ :                              f
'IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
'           AE :                         f
'           ae :                         f
'            Æ :                         f
'            æ :                         f
'LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
'Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'No options    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
'           AE :    l
'           ae :          l
'            Æ :    l
'            æ :          l
'Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same ----------
'           AE :    l
'           ae :          l
'            Æ :
'            æ :
'IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
'           AE :          l
'           ae :          l
'            Æ :          l
'            æ :          l
'IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
'Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'No options    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
'           U" :                         f
'           u" :                              f
'            Ü :                         f
'            ü :                              f
'Ordinal       : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
'           U" :
'           u" :
'            Ü :                         f
'            ü :                              f
'IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
'           U" :                         f
'           u" :                         f
'            Ü :                         f
'            ü :                         f
'LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
'Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'No options    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
'           U" :    l
'           u" :          l
'            Ü :    l
'            ü :          l
'Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same ----------
'           U" :    l
'           u" :          l
'            Ü :
'            ü :
'IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
'           U" :          l
'           u" :          l
'            Ü :          l
'            ü :          l


La chaîne source fait l’objet d’une recherche en commençant à startIndex et se terminant à la fin de la chaîne.

Cette surcharge effectue une recherche qui respecte la culture. Une valeur Unicode représentant un caractère précomposé, telle que la ligature « Æ » (U+00C6), peut être considérée comme équivalente à n’importe quelle occurrence des composants du caractère dans la séquence appropriée, telle que « AE » (U+0041, U+0045), selon la culture. Pour effectuer une recherche ordinale (insensible à la culture), où les valeurs Unicode sont comparées, vous devez appeler l’une des surcharges qui a un paramètre de type CompareOptions et utiliser la Ordinal valeur.


Lorsque cela est possible, vous devez appeler des méthodes de comparaison de chaînes qui ont un paramètre de type CompareOptions pour spécifier le type de comparaison attendu. En règle générale, utilisez des options linguistiques (à l’aide de la culture actuelle) pour comparer les chaînes affichées dans l’interface utilisateur et spécifier CompareOptions.Ordinal ou CompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase pour des comparaisons de sécurité.

Notes pour les appelants

Les jeux de caractères incluent des caractères ignorés, qui sont des caractères qui ne sont pas pris en compte lors de l’exécution d’un tri linguistique ou culturel. Dans une recherche dépendante de la culture, si value contient un caractère ignorable, le résultat est équivalent à la recherche avec ce caractère supprimé. Si value se compose uniquement d’un ou plusieurs caractères ignorés, la IndexOf(String, String, Int32) méthode retourne startIndextoujours , qui est la position de caractère à laquelle la recherche commence.

Dans l’exemple suivant, la IndexOf(String, String, Int32) méthode est utilisée pour rechercher la position d’un trait d’union mou (U+00AD) suivi d’un « m » dans deux chaînes. Une seule des chaînes contient la sous-chaîne requise. Dans les deux cas, étant donné que le trait d’union soft est un caractère ignoré, la méthode retourne l’index « m » dans la chaîne. Notez que, dans le cas de la première chaîne, qui inclut le trait d'union conditionnel suivi d'un « m », la méthode ne parvient pas à retourner l'index du trait d'union, mais retourne à la place celui de la lettre « m ».

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      CompareInfo ci = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.CompareInfo;

      string searchString = "\u00ADm";
      string s1 = "ani\u00ADmal" ;
      string s2 = "animal";

      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, searchString, 2));
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, searchString, 2));
// The example displays the following output:
//       4
//       3
Imports System.Globalization

Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim ci As CompareInfo = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.CompareInfo

      Dim searchString As String = Chrw(&h00AD) + "m"
      Dim s1 As String = "ani" + ChrW(&h00AD) + "mal"
      Dim s2 As String = "animal"

      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, searchString, 2))
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, searchString, 2))
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'       4
'       3

Voir aussi

S’applique à

IndexOf(String, Char, Int32, Int32, CompareOptions)


Recherche le caractère spécifié et retourne l'index de base zéro de la première occurrence trouvée dans la section de la chaîne source commençant à l'index spécifié et contenant le nombre d'éléments spécifié, à l'aide de la valeur CompareOptions spécifiée.

 virtual int IndexOf(System::String ^ source, char value, int startIndex, int count, System::Globalization::CompareOptions options);
 int IndexOf(System::String ^ source, char value, int startIndex, int count, System::Globalization::CompareOptions options);
public virtual int IndexOf (string source, char value, int startIndex, int count, System.Globalization.CompareOptions options);
public int IndexOf (string source, char value, int startIndex, int count, System.Globalization.CompareOptions options);
abstract member IndexOf : string * char * int * int * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
override this.IndexOf : string * char * int * int * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
member this.IndexOf : string * char * int * int * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
Public Overridable Function IndexOf (source As String, value As Char, startIndex As Integer, count As Integer, options As CompareOptions) As Integer
Public Function IndexOf (source As String, value As Char, startIndex As Integer, count As Integer, options As CompareOptions) As Integer



Chaîne à rechercher.


Caractère à rechercher dans source.


Index de début de base zéro de la recherche.


Nombre d’éléments contenus dans la section où la recherche doit être effectuée.


Valeur qui définit le mode de comparaison de source et value. options représente la valeur d'énumération Ordinal ou une combinaison d'opérations de bits d'une ou de plusieurs des valeurs suivantes : IgnoreCase, IgnoreSymbols, IgnoreNonSpace, IgnoreWidth et IgnoreKanaType.


Index de base zéro de la première occurrence de value si cette occurrence existe, dans la section source commençant à startIndex et contenant le nombre d'éléments spécifié par count, à l'aide des options spécifiées ; sinon -1. Retourne startIndex si value est un caractère pouvant être ignoré.


source a la valeur null.

startIndex n’est pas compris dans la plage d’index valides pour source.

- ou -

count est inférieur à zéro.

- ou -

startIndex et count ne spécifient pas une section valide dans source.

options contient une valeur CompareOptions non valide.


L’exemple suivant détermine les index de la première et de la dernière occurrence d’un caractère ou d’une sous-chaîne dans une partie d’une chaîne.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
void PrintMarker( String^ Prefix, int First, int Last )
   // Determines the size of the array to create.
   int mySize;
   if ( Last > First )
      mySize = Last;
      mySize = First;

   if ( mySize > -1 )
      // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
      array<Char>^myCharArr = gcnew array<Char>(mySize + 1);
      // Inserts the appropriate markers.
      if ( First > -1 )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'f';
      if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[ Last ] = 'l';
      if ( First == Last )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'b';
      // Displays the array of Char as a String.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, gcnew String( myCharArr ) );
      Console::WriteLine( Prefix );

int main()
   // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
   CompareInfo^ myComp = CultureInfo::InvariantCulture->CompareInfo;
   // iS is the starting index of the substring.
   int iS = 8;
   // iL is the length of the substring.
   int iL = 18;
   // myT1 and myT2 are the strings used for padding.
   String^ myT1 = gcnew String( '-',iS );
   String^ myT2;
   // Searches for the ligature Æ.
   String^ myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
   myT2 = gcnew String( '-',myStr->Length - iS - iL );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
   myStr = "Is U\u0308 or u\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
   myT2 = gcnew String( '-',myStr->Length - iS - iL );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, iL ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );

This code produces the following output.

Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :                         b
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :          b
Ordinal       : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :
IgnoreCase    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :          f              l
           ae :          f              l
            Æ :          f              l
            æ :          f              l

Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :                         b
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :          b
Ordinal       : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :
IgnoreCase    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :          f              l
           u" :          f              l
            Ü :          f              l
            ü :          f              l

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesCompareInfo  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      CompareInfo myComp = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo;

      // iS is the starting index of the substring.
      int iS = 8;
      // iL is the length of the substring.
      int iL = 18;
      // myT1 and myT2 are the strings used for padding.
      String myT1 = new String( '-', iS );
      String myT2;

      // Searches for the ligature Æ.
      String myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
      myT2 = new String( '-', myStr.Length - iS - iL );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

      // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is \u0055\u0308 or \u0075\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
      myT2 = new String( '-', myStr.Length - iS - iL );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, iL ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS, iL ), myT2 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

   public static void PrintMarker( String Prefix, int First, int Last )  {

      // Determines the size of the array to create.
      int mySize;
      if ( Last > First )
         mySize = Last;
         mySize = First;

      if ( mySize > -1 )  {

         // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Char[] myCharArr = new Char[mySize+1];

         // Inserts the appropriate markers.
         if ( First > -1 )
         myCharArr[First] = 'f';
         if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[Last] = 'l';
         if ( First == Last )
         myCharArr[First] = 'b';

         // Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, new String( myCharArr ) );
            Console.WriteLine( Prefix );

This code produces the following output.

Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :                         b
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :          b
Ordinal       : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :
IgnoreCase    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
           AE :          f              l
           ae :          f              l
            Æ :          f              l
            æ :          f              l

Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :                         b
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :          b
Ordinal       : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :
IgnoreCase    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
           U" :          f              l
           u" :          f              l
            Ü :          f              l
            ü :          f              l

Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesCompareInfo

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      Dim myComp As CompareInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo

      ' iS is the starting index of the substring.
      Dim [iS] As Integer = 8
      ' iL is the length of the substring.
      Dim iL As Integer = 18
      ' myT1 and myT2 are the strings used for padding.
      Dim myT1 As New [String]("-"c, [iS])
      Dim myT2 As [String]

      ' Searches for the ligature Æ.
      Dim myStr As [String] = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?"
      myT2 = New [String]("-"c, myStr.Length - [iS] - iL)
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

      ' Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is " & ChrW(&H0055) & ChrW(&H0308) & " or " & ChrW(&H0075) & ChrW(&H0308) & " the same as " & ChrW(&H00DC) & " or " & ChrW(&H00FC) & "?"
      myT2 = New [String]("-"c, myStr.Length - [iS] - iL)
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], iL), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}{2}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS], iL), myT2)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS] + iL - 1, iL, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

   End Sub

   Public Shared Sub PrintMarker(Prefix As [String], First As Integer, Last As Integer)

      ' Determines the size of the array to create.
      Dim mySize As Integer
      If Last > First Then
         mySize = Last
         mySize = First
      End If 

      If mySize > - 1 Then

         ' Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Dim myCharArr(mySize + 1) As [Char]

         ' Inserts the appropriate markers.
         If First > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(First) = "f"c
         End If
         If Last > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(Last) = "l"c
         End If
         If First = Last Then
            myCharArr(First) = "b"c
         End If 

         ' Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}", Prefix, New [String](myCharArr))


      End If 

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'No options    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
'           AE :                         b
'           ae :          b
'            Æ :                         b
'            æ :          b
'Ordinal       : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
'           AE :
'           ae :          b
'            Æ :                         b
'            æ :
'IgnoreCase    : -------- ae the same as Æ -----
'           AE :          f              l
'           ae :          f              l
'            Æ :          f              l
'            æ :          f              l
'Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'No options    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
'           U" :                         b
'           u" :          b
'            Ü :                         b
'            ü :          b
'Ordinal       : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
'           U" :
'           u" :          b
'            Ü :                         b
'            ü :
'IgnoreCase    : -------- u" the same as Ü -----
'           U" :          f              l
'           u" :          f              l
'            Ü :          f              l
'            ü :          f              l


La chaîne source fait l’objet d’une recherche en commençant à startIndex et se terminant à startIndex + count - 1.

La CompareOptions.StringSort valeur n’est pas valide pour cette méthode.

Si options n’inclut pas la Ordinal valeur, cette surcharge effectue une recherche respectant la culture. Si le caractère est une valeur Unicode représentant un caractère précomposé, tel que la ligature « Æ » (U+00C6), il peut être considéré comme équivalent à n’importe quelle occurrence de ses composants dans l’ordre correct, comme « AE » (U+0041, U+0045), selon la culture. Si options inclut la Ordinal valeur, cette surcharge effectue une recherche ordinale (insensible à la culture). Un caractère est considéré comme équivalent à un autre caractère uniquement si les valeurs Unicode sont identiques. Les surcharges de String.IndexOf la recherche d’un caractère effectuent une recherche ordinale, tandis que celles qui recherchent une chaîne effectuent une recherche sensible à la culture.


Lorsque cela est possible, vous devez appeler des méthodes de comparaison de chaînes qui ont un paramètre de type CompareOptions pour spécifier le type de comparaison attendu. En règle générale, utilisez des options linguistiques (à l’aide de la culture actuelle) pour comparer les chaînes affichées dans l’interface utilisateur et spécifier CompareOptions.Ordinal ou CompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase pour des comparaisons de sécurité.

Notes pour les appelants

Les jeux de caractères incluent des caractères ignorés, qui sont des caractères qui ne sont pas pris en compte lors de l’exécution d’un tri linguistique ou culturel. Dans une recherche sensible à la culture, si value est un caractère ignoré, le résultat équivaut à une recherche avec ce caractère supprimé. Dans ce cas, la IndexOf(String, Char, Int32, Int32, CompareOptions) méthode retourne startIndextoujours , qui est la position de caractère à laquelle la recherche a commencé. Dans l’exemple suivant, la IndexOf(String, Char, Int32, Int32, CompareOptions) méthode est utilisée pour rechercher le trait d’union mou (U+00AD) après un « n » dans deux chaînes. Une seule des chaînes contient un trait d'union conditionnel. Dans les deux cas, comme le trait d’union mou est un caractère ignoré, une recherche sensible à la culture retourne 1 pour indiquer qu’elle a trouvé une correspondance à la position du « n ». Une recherche ordinale, cependant, trouve le trait d’union mou dans une chaîne et signale qu’il est absent de la deuxième chaîne.

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      CompareInfo ci = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.CompareInfo;

      string s1 = "ani\u00ADmal";
      string s2 = "animal";

      int position = 0;

      // Find the index of the soft hyphen using culture-sensitive comparison.
      position = ci.IndexOf(s1, 'n');
      Console.WriteLine("'n' at position {0}", position);
      if (position >= 0)
         Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, '\u00AD', position,
                           s1.Length - position, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase));

      position = ci.IndexOf(s2, 'n');
      Console.WriteLine("'n' at position {0}", position);
      if (position >= 0)
         Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, '\u00AD', position,
                           s2.Length - position, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase));

      // Find the index of the soft hyphen using ordinal comparison.
      position = ci.IndexOf(s1, 'n');
      Console.WriteLine("'n' at position {0}", position, CompareOptions.Ordinal);
      if (position >= 0)
         Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, '\u00AD', position,
                           s1.Length - position, CompareOptions.Ordinal));

      position = ci.IndexOf(s2, 'n');
      Console.WriteLine("'n' at position {0}", position, CompareOptions.Ordinal);
      if (position >= 0)
         Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, '\u00AD', position,
                           s2.Length - position, CompareOptions.Ordinal));
// The example displays the following output:
//       'n' at position 1
//       1
//       'n' at position 1
//       1
//       'n' at position 1
//       3
//       'n' at position 1
//       -1
Imports System.Globalization

Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim ci As CompareInfo = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.CompareInfo
      Dim softHyphen As Char = ChrW(&h00AD)
      Dim position As Integer
      Dim s1 As String = "ani" + softHyphen + "mal"
      Dim s2 As String = "animal"
      ' Find the index of the soft hyphen using culture-sensitive comparison.
      position = ci.IndexOf(s1, "n"c)
      Console.WriteLine("'n' at position {0}", position)
      If position >= 0 Then
         Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, softHyphen, position, _
                           s1.Length - position, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      End If
      position = ci.IndexOf(s2, "n"c)
      Console.WriteLine("'n' at position {0}", position)
      If position >= 0 Then
         Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, softHyphen, position, _
                           s2.Length - position, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      End If  
      ' Find the index of the soft hyphen using ordinal comparison.
      position = ci.IndexOf(s1, "n"c)
      Console.WriteLine("'n' at position {0}", position)
      If position >= 0 Then
         Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, softHyphen, position, _
                           s1.Length - position, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      End If
      position = ci.IndexOf(s2, "n"c)
      Console.WriteLine("'n' at position {0}", position)
      If position >= 0 Then
         Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, softHyphen, position, _
                           s2.Length - position, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      End If   
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'       'n' at position 1
'       1
'       'n' at position 1
'       1
'       'n' at position 1
'       -1
'       'n' at position 1
'       -1

Voir aussi

S’applique à

IndexOf(String, Char, Int32)


Recherche le caractère spécifié et retourne l'index de base zéro de la première occurrence dans la section de la chaîne source comprise entre l'index spécifié et la fin de la chaîne.

 int IndexOf(System::String ^ source, char value, int startIndex);
 virtual int IndexOf(System::String ^ source, char value, int startIndex);
public int IndexOf (string source, char value, int startIndex);
public virtual int IndexOf (string source, char value, int startIndex);
member this.IndexOf : string * char * int -> int
abstract member IndexOf : string * char * int -> int
override this.IndexOf : string * char * int -> int
Public Function IndexOf (source As String, value As Char, startIndex As Integer) As Integer
Public Overridable Function IndexOf (source As String, value As Char, startIndex As Integer) As Integer



Chaîne à rechercher.


Caractère à rechercher dans source.


Index de début de base zéro de la recherche.


Index de base zéro de la première occurrence de value si cette occurrence existe, dans la section source comprise entre startIndex et la fin de source ; sinon -1. Retourne startIndex si value est un caractère pouvant être ignoré.


source a la valeur null.

startIndex n’est pas compris dans la plage d’index valides pour source.


L’exemple suivant détermine les index de la première et de la dernière occurrence d’un caractère ou d’une sous-chaîne dans une partie d’une chaîne. Notez que IndexOf et LastIndexOf recherchent dans différentes parties de la chaîne, même avec le même startIndex paramètre.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
void PrintMarker( String^ Prefix, int First, int Last )
   // Determines the size of the array to create.
   int mySize;
   if ( Last > First )
      mySize = Last;
      mySize = First;

   if ( mySize > -1 )
      // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
      array<Char>^myCharArr = gcnew array<Char>(mySize + 1);
      // Inserts the appropriate markers.
      if ( First > -1 )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'f';
      if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[ Last ] = 'l';
      if ( First == Last )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'b';
      // Displays the array of Char as a String.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, gcnew String( myCharArr ) );
      Console::WriteLine( Prefix );

int main()
   // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
   CompareInfo^ myComp = CultureInfo::InvariantCulture->CompareInfo;
   // iS is the starting index of the substring.
   int iS = 20;
   // myT1 is the string used for padding.
   String^ myT1;
   // Searches for the ligature Æ.
   String^ myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
   myT1 = gcnew String( '-',iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS ), -1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   myT1 = gcnew String( '-',myStr->Length - iS - 1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
   myStr = "Is U\u0308 or u\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
   myT1 = gcnew String( '-',iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS ), -1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ), -1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr->Substring( iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), -1 );
   myT1 = gcnew String( '-',myStr->Length - iS - 1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
   Console::WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr->Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', iS, CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );

This code produces the following output.

IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :                         f
           ae :                              f
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                              f
Ordinal       : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :
           ae :
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                              f
IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :                         f
           ae :                         f
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                         f
LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :    l
           ae :          l
            Æ :    l
            æ :          l
Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :    l
           ae :          l
            Æ :
            æ :
IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :          l
           ae :          l
            Æ :          l
            æ :          l

IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :                         f
           u" :                              f
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                              f
Ordinal       : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :
           u" :
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                              f
IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :                         f
           u" :                         f
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                         f
LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :    l
           u" :          l
            Ü :    l
            ü :          l
Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :    l
           u" :          l
            Ü :
            ü :
IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :          l
           u" :          l
            Ü :          l
            ü :          l

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesCompareInfo  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      CompareInfo myComp = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo;

      // iS is the starting index of the substring.
      int iS = 20;
      // myT1 is the string used for padding.
      String myT1;

      // Searches for the ligature Æ.
      String myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";

      myT1 = new String( '-', iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS ), -1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );

      myT1 = new String( '-', myStr.Length - iS - 1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

      // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is \u0055\u0308 or \u0075\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";

      myT1 = new String( '-', iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS ), -1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ), -1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring( iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), -1 );

      myT1 = new String( '-', myStr.Length - iS - 1 );
      Console.WriteLine( "LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", iS );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original      : {0}", myStr );
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring( 0, iS + 1 ), myT1 );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", -1, myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', iS, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

   public static void PrintMarker( String Prefix, int First, int Last )  {

      // Determines the size of the array to create.
      int mySize;
      if ( Last > First )
         mySize = Last;
         mySize = First;

      if ( mySize > -1 )  {

         // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Char[] myCharArr = new Char[mySize+1];

         // Inserts the appropriate markers.
         if ( First > -1 )
         myCharArr[First] = 'f';
         if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[Last] = 'l';
         if ( First == Last )
         myCharArr[First] = 'b';

         // Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, new String( myCharArr ) );
            Console.WriteLine( Prefix );

This code produces the following output.

IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :                         f
           ae :                              f
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                              f
Ordinal       : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :
           ae :
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                              f
IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
           AE :                         f
           ae :                         f
            Æ :                         f
            æ :                         f
LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
No options    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :    l
           ae :          l
            Æ :    l
            æ :          l
Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :    l
           ae :          l
            Æ :
            æ :
IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
           AE :          l
           ae :          l
            Æ :          l
            æ :          l

IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :                         f
           u" :                              f
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                              f
Ordinal       : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :
           u" :
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                              f
IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
           U" :                         f
           u" :                         f
            Ü :                         f
            ü :                         f
LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
No options    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :    l
           u" :          l
            Ü :    l
            ü :          l
Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :    l
           u" :          l
            Ü :
            ü :
IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
           U" :          l
           u" :          l
            Ü :          l
            ü :          l

Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesCompareInfo

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      Dim myComp As CompareInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo

      ' iS is the starting index of the substring.
      Dim [iS] As Integer = 20
      ' myT1 is the string used for padding.
      Dim myT1 As [String]

      ' Searches for the ligature Æ.
      Dim myStr As [String] = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?"

      myT1 = New [String]("-"c, [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS]), - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)

      myT1 = New [String]("-"c, myStr.Length - [iS] - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS]))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS]))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS]))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS]))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

      ' Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is " & ChrW(&H0055) & ChrW(&H0308) & " or " & ChrW(&H0075) & ChrW(&H0308) & " the same as " & ChrW(&H00DC) & " or " & ChrW(&H00FC) & "?"

      myT1 = New [String]("-"c, [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("IndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS]), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS]), - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal), - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myT1, myStr.Substring([iS]))
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), - 1)

      myT1 = New [String]("-"c, myStr.Length - [iS] - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("LastIndexOf( String, *, {0}, * )", [iS])
      Console.WriteLine("Original      : {0}", myStr)
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS]))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS]))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS]))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS]))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}{1}", myStr.Substring(0, [iS] + 1), myT1)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", - 1, myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, [iS], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

   End Sub

   Public Shared Sub PrintMarker(Prefix As [String], First As Integer, Last As Integer)

      ' Determines the size of the array to create.
      Dim mySize As Integer
      If Last > First Then
         mySize = Last
         mySize = First
      End If 

      If mySize > - 1 Then

         ' Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Dim myCharArr(mySize + 1) As [Char]

         ' Inserts the appropriate markers.
         If First > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(First) = "f"c
         End If
         If Last > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(Last) = "l"c
         End If
         If First = Last Then
            myCharArr(First) = "b"c
         End If 

         ' Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}", Prefix, New [String](myCharArr))

      End If 

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
'Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'No options    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
'           AE :                         f
'           ae :                              f
'            Æ :                         f
'            æ :                              f
'Ordinal       : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
'           AE :
'           ae :
'            Æ :                         f
'            æ :                              f
'IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Æ or æ?
'           AE :                         f
'           ae :                         f
'            Æ :                         f
'            æ :                         f
'LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
'Original      : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'No options    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
'           AE :    l
'           ae :          l
'            Æ :    l
'            æ :          l
'Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same ----------
'           AE :    l
'           ae :          l
'            Æ :
'            æ :
'IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same ----------
'           AE :          l
'           ae :          l
'            Æ :          l
'            æ :          l
'IndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
'Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'No options    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
'           U" :                         f
'           u" :                              f
'            Ü :                         f
'            ü :                              f
'Ordinal       : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
'           U" :
'           u" :
'            Ü :                         f
'            ü :                              f
'IgnoreCase    : -------------------- as Ü or ü?
'           U" :                         f
'           u" :                         f
'            Ü :                         f
'            ü :                         f
'LastIndexOf( String, *, 20, * )
'Original      : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'No options    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
'           U" :    l
'           u" :          l
'            Ü :    l
'            ü :          l
'Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same ----------
'           U" :    l
'           u" :          l
'            Ü :
'            ü :
'IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same ----------
'           U" :          l
'           u" :          l
'            Ü :          l
'            ü :          l


La chaîne source fait l’objet d’une recherche en commençant à startIndex et se terminant à la fin de la chaîne.

Cette surcharge effectue une recherche qui respecte la culture. Si le caractère est une valeur Unicode représentant un caractère précomposé, tel que la ligature « Æ » (U+00C6), il peut être considéré comme équivalent à n’importe quelle occurrence de ses composants dans l’ordre correct, comme « AE » (U+0041, U+0045), selon la culture. Pour effectuer une recherche ordinale (insensible à la culture), où un caractère est considéré comme équivalent à un autre caractère uniquement si les valeurs Unicode sont identiques, vous devez appeler l’une des surcharges qui a un paramètre de type CompareOptions et utiliser la Ordinal valeur. Les surcharges de String.IndexOf la recherche d’un caractère effectuent une recherche ordinale, tandis que celles qui recherchent une chaîne effectuent une recherche sensible à la culture.


Lorsque cela est possible, vous devez appeler des méthodes de comparaison de chaînes qui ont un paramètre de type CompareOptions pour spécifier le type de comparaison attendu. En règle générale, utilisez des options linguistiques (à l’aide de la culture actuelle) pour comparer les chaînes affichées dans l’interface utilisateur et spécifier CompareOptions.Ordinal ou CompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase pour des comparaisons de sécurité.

Notes pour les appelants

Les jeux de caractères incluent des caractères ignorés, qui sont des caractères qui ne sont pas pris en compte lors de l’exécution d’un tri linguistique ou culturel. Dans une recherche sensible à la culture, si value est un caractère ignoré, le résultat équivaut à une recherche avec ce caractère supprimé. Dans ce cas, la IndexOf(String, Char, Int32) méthode retourne startIndextoujours , qui est la position de caractère à laquelle la recherche commence. Dans l’exemple suivant, la IndexOf(String, Char, Int32) méthode est utilisée pour rechercher un trait d’union mou (U+00AD) après un « n » dans deux chaînes. Une seule des chaînes contient un trait d'union conditionnel. Dans les deux cas, comme le trait d’union mou est un caractère ignoré, la méthode retourne 1 pour indiquer qu’elle a trouvé une correspondance à la position du « n ».

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      CompareInfo ci = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.CompareInfo;

      string s1 = "ani\u00ADmal";
      string s2 = "animal";

      int position = 0;

      // Find the index of the soft hyphen.
      position = ci.IndexOf(s1, 'n');
      Console.WriteLine("'n' at position {0}", position);
      if (position >= 0)
         Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, '\u00AD', position));

      position = ci.IndexOf(s2, 'n');
      Console.WriteLine("'n' at position {0}", position);
      if (position >= 0)
         Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, '\u00AD', position));
// The example displays the following output:
//       'n' at position 1
//       1
//       'n' at position 1
//       1
Imports System.Globalization

Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim ci As CompareInfo = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.CompareInfo
      Dim position As Integer
      Dim softHyphen As Char = ChrW(&h00AD)
      Dim s1 As String = "ani" + softHyphen + "mal"
      Dim s2 As String = "animal"
      ' Find the index of the soft hyphen.
      position = ci.IndexOf(s1, "n"c)
      Console.WriteLine("'n' at position {0}", position)
      If position >= 0 Then
         Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, softHyphen, position))
      End If
      position = ci.IndexOf(s2, "n"c)
      Console.WriteLine("'n' at position {0}", position)
      If position >= 0 Then
         Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, softHyphen, position))
      End If   
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'       'n' at position 1
'       1
'       'n' at position 1
'       1

Voir aussi

S’applique à

IndexOf(String, Char, CompareOptions)


Recherche le caractère spécifié et retourne l'index de base zéro de la première occurrence dans la chaîne source entière à l'aide de la valeur CompareOptions spécifiée.

 virtual int IndexOf(System::String ^ source, char value, System::Globalization::CompareOptions options);
 int IndexOf(System::String ^ source, char value, System::Globalization::CompareOptions options);
public virtual int IndexOf (string source, char value, System.Globalization.CompareOptions options);
public int IndexOf (string source, char value, System.Globalization.CompareOptions options);
abstract member IndexOf : string * char * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
override this.IndexOf : string * char * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
member this.IndexOf : string * char * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
Public Overridable Function IndexOf (source As String, value As Char, options As CompareOptions) As Integer
Public Function IndexOf (source As String, value As Char, options As CompareOptions) As Integer



Chaîne à rechercher.


Caractère à rechercher dans source.


Valeur qui définit le mode de comparaison des chaînes. options représente la valeur d'énumération Ordinal ou une combinaison d'opérations de bits d'une ou de plusieurs des valeurs suivantes : IgnoreCase, IgnoreSymbols, IgnoreNonSpace, IgnoreWidth et IgnoreKanaType.


Index de base zéro de la première occurrence de value si cette occurrence existe dans la source, à l'aide des options de comparaison spécifiées ; sinon -1. Retourne 0 (zéro) si value est un caractère pouvant être ignoré.


source a la valeur null.

options contient une valeur CompareOptions non valide.


L’exemple suivant détermine les index de la première et de la dernière occurrence d’un caractère ou d’une sous-chaîne au sein d’une chaîne.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
void PrintMarker( String^ Prefix, int First, int Last )
   // Determines the size of the array to create.
   int mySize;
   if ( Last > First )
      mySize = Last;
      mySize = First;

   if ( mySize > -1 )
      // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
      array<Char>^myCharArr = gcnew array<Char>(mySize + 1);
      // Inserts the appropriate markers.
      if ( First > -1 )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'f';
      if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[ Last ] = 'l';
      if ( First == Last )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'b';
      // Displays the array of Char as a String.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, gcnew String( myCharArr ) );
      Console::WriteLine( Prefix );

int main()
   // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
   CompareInfo^ myComp = CultureInfo::InvariantCulture->CompareInfo;
   // Searches for the ligature Æ.
   String^ myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE" ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE" ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae" ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae" ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ' ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ' ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ' ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ' ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
   myStr = "Is U\u0308 or u\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308" ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308" ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308" ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308" ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü' ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü' ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü' ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü' ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );

This code produces the following output.

No options    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    f                    l
           ae :          f                   l
            Æ :    f                    l
            æ :          f                   l
Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    b
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :                              b
IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    f                         l
           ae :    f                         l
            Æ :    f                         l
            æ :    f                         l

No options    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    f                    l
           u" :          f                   l
            Ü :    f                    l
            ü :          f                   l
Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    b
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :                              b
IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    f                         l
           u" :    f                         l
            Ü :    f                         l
            ü :    f                         l

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesCompareInfo  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      CompareInfo myComp = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo;

      // Searches for the ligature Æ.
      String myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE" ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE" ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae" ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae" ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ' ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ' ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ' ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ' ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

      // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is \u0055\u0308 or \u0075\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308" ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308" ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308" ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308" ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü' ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü' ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü' ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü' ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

   public static void PrintMarker( String Prefix, int First, int Last )  {

      // Determines the size of the array to create.
      int mySize;
      if ( Last > First )
         mySize = Last;
         mySize = First;

      if ( mySize > -1 )  {

         // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Char[] myCharArr = new Char[mySize+1];

         // Inserts the appropriate markers.
         if ( First > -1 )
         myCharArr[First] = 'f';
         if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[Last] = 'l';
         if ( First == Last )
         myCharArr[First] = 'b';

         // Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, new String( myCharArr ) );
            Console.WriteLine( Prefix );

This code produces the following output.

No options    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    f                    l
           ae :          f                   l
            Æ :    f                    l
            æ :          f                   l
Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    b
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :                              b
IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    f                         l
           ae :    f                         l
            Æ :    f                         l
            æ :    f                         l

No options    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    f                    l
           u" :          f                   l
            Ü :    f                    l
            ü :          f                   l
Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    b
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :                              b
IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    f                         l
           u" :    f                         l
            Ü :    f                         l
            ü :    f                         l

Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesCompareInfo

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      Dim myComp As CompareInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo

      ' Searches for the ligature Æ.
      Dim myStr As [String] = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?"
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE"), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE"))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae"), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae"))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

      ' Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is " & ChrW(&H0055) & ChrW(&H0308) & " or " & ChrW(&H0075) & ChrW(&H0308) & " the same as " & ChrW(&H00DC) & " or " & ChrW(&H00FC) & "?"
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308)), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308)))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308)), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308)))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

   End Sub

   Public Shared Sub PrintMarker(Prefix As [String], First As Integer, Last As Integer)

      ' Determines the size of the array to create.
      Dim mySize As Integer
      If Last > First Then
         mySize = Last
         mySize = First
      End If 

      If mySize > - 1 Then

         ' Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Dim myCharArr(mySize + 1) As [Char]

         ' Inserts the appropriate markers.
         If First > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(First) = "f"c
         End If
         If Last > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(Last) = "l"c
         End If
         If First = Last Then
            myCharArr(First) = "b"c
         End If 
         ' Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}", Prefix, New [String](myCharArr))


      End If 

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'No options    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'           AE :    f                    l
'           ae :          f                   l
'            Æ :    f                    l
'            æ :          f                   l
'Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'           AE :    b
'           ae :          b
'            Æ :                         b
'            æ :                              b
'IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'           AE :    f                         l
'           ae :    f                         l
'            Æ :    f                         l
'            æ :    f                         l
'No options    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'           U" :    f                    l
'           u" :          f                   l
'            Ü :    f                    l
'            ü :          f                   l
'Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'           U" :    b
'           u" :          b
'            Ü :                         b
'            ü :                              b
'IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'           U" :    f                         l
'           u" :    f                         l
'            Ü :    f                         l
'            ü :    f                         l


La chaîne source fait l’objet d’une recherche vers l’avant en commençant au début de la chaîne et se terminant à la fin de la chaîne.

La CompareOptions.StringSort valeur n’est pas valide pour cette méthode.

Si options n’inclut pas la Ordinal valeur, cette surcharge effectue une recherche respectant la culture. Si le caractère est une valeur Unicode représentant un caractère précomposé, tel que la ligature « Æ » (U+00C6), il peut être considéré comme équivalent à n’importe quelle occurrence de ses composants dans l’ordre correct, comme « AE » (U+0041, U+0045), selon la culture. Si options inclut la Ordinal valeur, cette surcharge effectue une recherche ordinale (insensible à la culture). Un caractère est considéré comme équivalent à un autre caractère uniquement si les valeurs Unicode sont identiques. Les surcharges de String.IndexOf la recherche d’un caractère effectuent une recherche ordinale, tandis que celles qui recherchent une chaîne effectuent une recherche sensible à la culture.


Lorsque cela est possible, vous devez utiliser des méthodes de comparaison de chaînes qui ont un paramètre de type CompareOptions pour spécifier le type de comparaison attendu. En règle générale, utilisez des options linguistiques (à l’aide de la culture actuelle) pour comparer les chaînes affichées dans l’interface utilisateur et spécifier CompareOptions.Ordinal ou CompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase pour des comparaisons de sécurité.

Notes pour les appelants

Les jeux de caractères incluent des caractères ignorés, qui sont des caractères qui ne sont pas pris en compte lors de l’exécution d’un tri linguistique ou culturel. Dans une recherche sensible à la culture, si value est un caractère ignoré, le résultat équivaut à une recherche avec ce caractère supprimé. Dans ce cas, la IndexOf(String, Char, CompareOptions) méthode retourne toujours 0 (zéro) pour indiquer que la correspondance est trouvée au début de source. Dans l’exemple suivant, la IndexOf(String, Char, CompareOptions) méthode est utilisée pour rechercher un trait d’union mou (U+00AD) dans deux chaînes. Une seule des chaînes contient un trait d'union conditionnel. Dans les deux cas, comme le trait d’union mou est un caractère ignoré, une recherche sensible à la culture renvoie 0 (zéro) pour indiquer qu’elle a trouvé une correspondance au début de la chaîne. Une recherche ordinale, cependant, trouve le trait d’union mou dans une chaîne et signale qu’il est absent de la deuxième chaîne.

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      CompareInfo ci = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.CompareInfo;

      string s1 = "ani\u00ADmal";
      string s2 = "animal";

      // Find the index of the soft hyphen using culture-sensitive comparison.
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, '\u00AD', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase));
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, '\u00AD', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase));

      // Find the index of the soft hyphen using ordinal comparison.
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, '\u00AD', CompareOptions.Ordinal));
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, '\u00AD', CompareOptions.Ordinal));
// The example displays the following output:
//       0
//       0
//       3
//       -1
Imports System.Globalization

Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim ci As CompareInfo = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.CompareInfo
      Dim softHyphen As Char = ChrW(&h00AD)
      Dim s1 As String = "ani" + softHyphen + "mal"
      Dim s2 As String = "animal"
      ' Find the index of the soft hyphen using culture-sensitive comparison.
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, softHyphen, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, softHyphen, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      ' Find the index of the soft hyphen using ordinal comparison.
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, softHyphen, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, softHyphen, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'       0
'       0
'       3
'       -1

Voir aussi

S’applique à

IndexOf(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, Rune, CompareOptions)


Recherche la première occurrence d’un Rune dans l’étendue spécifiée de caractères en lecture seule.

public int IndexOf (ReadOnlySpan<char> source, System.Text.Rune value, System.Globalization.CompareOptions options = System.Globalization.CompareOptions.None);
member this.IndexOf : ReadOnlySpan<char> * System.Text.Rune * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
Public Function IndexOf (source As ReadOnlySpan(Of Char), value As Rune, Optional options As CompareOptions = System.Globalization.CompareOptions.None) As Integer



Étendue de caractères en lecture seule dans laquelle effectuer la recherche.


Rune à localiser dans source.


Combinaison facultative de valeurs d’énumération CompareOptions à utiliser pendant la recherche. La valeur par défaut est None.


Index de base zéro dans sourcevalue apparaît pour la première fois ; ou valeur négative si value est introuvable dans source.


options contient une combinaison d’indicateurs non prise en charge.

S’applique à

IndexOf(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, ReadOnlySpan<Char>, CompareOptions)


Recherche la première occurrence d’une sous-chaîne dans l’étendue spécifiée de caractères en lecture seule.

public int IndexOf (ReadOnlySpan<char> source, ReadOnlySpan<char> value, System.Globalization.CompareOptions options = System.Globalization.CompareOptions.None);
member this.IndexOf : ReadOnlySpan<char> * ReadOnlySpan<char> * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
Public Function IndexOf (source As ReadOnlySpan(Of Char), value As ReadOnlySpan(Of Char), Optional options As CompareOptions = System.Globalization.CompareOptions.None) As Integer



Chaîne dans laquelle effectuer la recherche.


Sous-chaîne à localiser dans source.


Combinaison facultative de valeurs d’énumération CompareOptions à utiliser pendant la recherche. La valeur par défaut est None.


Index de base zéro dans source où la sous-chaîne value apparaît en premier ; ou valeur négative si value est introuvable dans source.


options contient une combinaison d’indicateurs non prise en charge.

S’applique à

IndexOf(String, String)


Recherche la sous-chaîne spécifiée et retourne l'index de base zéro de la première occurrence trouvée dans la chaîne source entière.

 virtual int IndexOf(System::String ^ source, System::String ^ value);
 int IndexOf(System::String ^ source, System::String ^ value);
public virtual int IndexOf (string source, string value);
public int IndexOf (string source, string value);
abstract member IndexOf : string * string -> int
override this.IndexOf : string * string -> int
member this.IndexOf : string * string -> int
Public Overridable Function IndexOf (source As String, value As String) As Integer
Public Function IndexOf (source As String, value As String) As Integer



Chaîne à rechercher.


Chaîne à rechercher dans source.


Index de base zéro de la première occurrence de value, si cette occurrence existe dans la source ; sinon -1. Retourne 0 (zéro) si value est un caractère pouvant être ignoré.


source a la valeur null.


value a la valeur null.


L’exemple suivant détermine les index de la première et de la dernière occurrence d’un caractère ou d’une sous-chaîne au sein d’une chaîne.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
void PrintMarker( String^ Prefix, int First, int Last )
   // Determines the size of the array to create.
   int mySize;
   if ( Last > First )
      mySize = Last;
      mySize = First;

   if ( mySize > -1 )
      // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
      array<Char>^myCharArr = gcnew array<Char>(mySize + 1);
      // Inserts the appropriate markers.
      if ( First > -1 )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'f';
      if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[ Last ] = 'l';
      if ( First == Last )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'b';
      // Displays the array of Char as a String.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, gcnew String( myCharArr ) );
      Console::WriteLine( Prefix );

int main()
   // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
   CompareInfo^ myComp = CultureInfo::InvariantCulture->CompareInfo;
   // Searches for the ligature Æ.
   String^ myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE" ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE" ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae" ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae" ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ' ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ' ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ' ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ' ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
   myStr = "Is U\u0308 or u\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308" ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308" ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308" ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308" ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü' ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü' ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü' ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü' ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );

This code produces the following output.

No options    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    f                    l
           ae :          f                   l
            Æ :    f                    l
            æ :          f                   l
Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    b
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :                              b
IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    f                         l
           ae :    f                         l
            Æ :    f                         l
            æ :    f                         l

No options    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    f                    l
           u" :          f                   l
            Ü :    f                    l
            ü :          f                   l
Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    b
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :                              b
IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    f                         l
           u" :    f                         l
            Ü :    f                         l
            ü :    f                         l

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesCompareInfo  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      CompareInfo myComp = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo;

      // Searches for the ligature Æ.
      String myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE" ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE" ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae" ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae" ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ' ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ' ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ' ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ' ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

      // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is \u0055\u0308 or \u0075\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308" ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308" ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308" ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308" ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü' ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü' ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü' ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü' ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

   public static void PrintMarker( String Prefix, int First, int Last )  {

      // Determines the size of the array to create.
      int mySize;
      if ( Last > First )
         mySize = Last;
         mySize = First;

      if ( mySize > -1 )  {

         // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Char[] myCharArr = new Char[mySize+1];

         // Inserts the appropriate markers.
         if ( First > -1 )
         myCharArr[First] = 'f';
         if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[Last] = 'l';
         if ( First == Last )
         myCharArr[First] = 'b';

         // Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, new String( myCharArr ) );
            Console.WriteLine( Prefix );

This code produces the following output.

No options    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    f                    l
           ae :          f                   l
            Æ :    f                    l
            æ :          f                   l
Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    b
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :                              b
IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    f                         l
           ae :    f                         l
            Æ :    f                         l
            æ :    f                         l

No options    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    f                    l
           u" :          f                   l
            Ü :    f                    l
            ü :          f                   l
Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    b
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :                              b
IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    f                         l
           u" :    f                         l
            Ü :    f                         l
            ü :    f                         l

Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesCompareInfo

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      Dim myComp As CompareInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo

      ' Searches for the ligature Æ.
      Dim myStr As [String] = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?"
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE"), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE"))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae"), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae"))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

      ' Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is " & ChrW(&H0055) & ChrW(&H0308) & " or " & ChrW(&H0075) & ChrW(&H0308) & " the same as " & ChrW(&H00DC) & " or " & ChrW(&H00FC) & "?"
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308)), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308)))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308)), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308)))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

   End Sub

   Public Shared Sub PrintMarker(Prefix As [String], First As Integer, Last As Integer)

      ' Determines the size of the array to create.
      Dim mySize As Integer
      If Last > First Then
         mySize = Last
         mySize = First
      End If 

      If mySize > - 1 Then

         ' Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Dim myCharArr(mySize + 1) As [Char]

         ' Inserts the appropriate markers.
         If First > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(First) = "f"c
         End If
         If Last > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(Last) = "l"c
         End If
         If First = Last Then
            myCharArr(First) = "b"c
         End If 
         ' Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}", Prefix, New [String](myCharArr))


      End If 

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'No options    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'           AE :    f                    l
'           ae :          f                   l
'            Æ :    f                    l
'            æ :          f                   l
'Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'           AE :    b
'           ae :          b
'            Æ :                         b
'            æ :                              b
'IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'           AE :    f                         l
'           ae :    f                         l
'            Æ :    f                         l
'            æ :    f                         l
'No options    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'           U" :    f                    l
'           u" :          f                   l
'            Ü :    f                    l
'            ü :          f                   l
'Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'           U" :    b
'           u" :          b
'            Ü :                         b
'            ü :                              b
'IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'           U" :    f                         l
'           u" :    f                         l
'            Ü :    f                         l
'            ü :    f                         l


La chaîne source fait l’objet d’une recherche vers l’avant en commençant au début de la chaîne et se terminant à la fin de la chaîne.

Cette surcharge effectue une recherche qui respecte la culture. Une valeur Unicode représentant un caractère précomposé, telle que la ligature « Æ » (U+00C6), peut être considérée comme équivalente à n’importe quelle occurrence des composants du caractère dans la séquence appropriée, telle que « AE » (U+0041, U+0045), selon la culture. Pour effectuer une recherche ordinale (sans respect de la culture), où les valeurs Unicode sont comparées, vous devez utiliser l’une des surcharges qui a un paramètre de type CompareOptions et utiliser la Ordinal valeur.


Lorsque cela est possible, vous devez appeler des méthodes de comparaison de chaînes qui ont un paramètre de type CompareOptions pour spécifier le type de comparaison attendu. En règle générale, utilisez des options linguistiques (à l’aide de la culture actuelle) pour comparer les chaînes affichées dans l’interface utilisateur et spécifier CompareOptions.Ordinal ou CompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase pour des comparaisons de sécurité.

Notes pour les appelants

Les jeux de caractères incluent des caractères ignorés, qui sont des caractères qui ne sont pas pris en compte lors de l’exécution d’un tri linguistique ou culturel. Dans une recherche dépendante de la culture, si value contient un caractère ignorable, le résultat est équivalent à la recherche avec ce caractère supprimé. Si value se compose uniquement d’un ou plusieurs caractères ignorés, la IndexOf(String, String) méthode retourne toujours 0 (zéro) pour indiquer que la correspondance est trouvée au début de source. Dans l’exemple suivant, la IndexOf(String, String) méthode est utilisée pour rechercher trois sous-chaînes (un trait d’union mou (U+00AD), un trait d’union doux suivi de « n » et un trait d’union doux suivi de « m ») dans deux chaînes. Une seule des chaînes contient un trait d'union conditionnel. Dans chaque cas, étant donné que le trait d’union doux est un caractère ignoré, le résultat est le même que si le trait d’union doux n’avait pas été inclus dans value. Lors de la recherche d’un trait d’union doux uniquement, la méthode retourne 0 (zéro) pour indiquer qu’elle a trouvé une correspondance au début de la chaîne.

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      CompareInfo ci = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.CompareInfo;

      string s1 = "ani\u00ADmal";
      string s2 = "animal";

      // Find the index of the soft hyphen.
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, "\u00AD"));
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, "\u00AD"));

      // Find the index of the soft hyphen followed by "n".
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, "\u00ADn"));
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, "\u00ADn"));

      // Find the index of the soft hyphen followed by "m".
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, "\u00ADm"));
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, "\u00ADm"));
// The example displays the following output:
//       0
//       0
//       1
//       1
//       4
//       3
Imports System.Globalization

Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim ci As CompareInfo = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.CompareInfo
      Dim softHyphen As String = ChrW(&h00AD)
      Dim s1 As String = "ani" + softHyphen + "mal"
      Dim s2 As String = "animal"
      ' Find the index of the soft hyphen.
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, softHyphen))
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, softHyphen))
      ' Find the index of the soft hyphen followed by "n".
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, softHyphen + "n"))
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, softHyphen + "n"))
      ' Find the index of the soft hyphen followed by "m".
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, softHyphen + "m"))
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, softHyphen + "m"))
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'       0
'       0
'       1
'       1
'       4
'       3

Voir aussi

S’applique à

IndexOf(String, String, CompareOptions)


Recherche la sous-chaîne spécifiée et retourne l'index de base zéro de la première occurrence trouvée dans la chaîne source entière, à l'aide de la valeur CompareOptions spécifiée.

 virtual int IndexOf(System::String ^ source, System::String ^ value, System::Globalization::CompareOptions options);
 int IndexOf(System::String ^ source, System::String ^ value, System::Globalization::CompareOptions options);
public virtual int IndexOf (string source, string value, System.Globalization.CompareOptions options);
public int IndexOf (string source, string value, System.Globalization.CompareOptions options);
abstract member IndexOf : string * string * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
override this.IndexOf : string * string * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
member this.IndexOf : string * string * System.Globalization.CompareOptions -> int
Public Overridable Function IndexOf (source As String, value As String, options As CompareOptions) As Integer
Public Function IndexOf (source As String, value As String, options As CompareOptions) As Integer



Chaîne à rechercher.


Chaîne à rechercher dans source.


Valeur qui définit le mode de comparaison de source et value. options représente la valeur d'énumération Ordinal ou une combinaison d'opérations de bits d'une ou de plusieurs des valeurs suivantes : IgnoreCase, IgnoreSymbols, IgnoreNonSpace, IgnoreWidth et IgnoreKanaType.


Index de base zéro de la première occurrence de value si cette occurrence existe dans la source, à l'aide des options de comparaison spécifiées ; sinon -1. Retourne 0 (zéro) si value est un caractère pouvant être ignoré.


source a la valeur null.


value a la valeur null.

options contient une valeur CompareOptions non valide.


L’exemple suivant détermine les index de la première et de la dernière occurrence d’un caractère ou d’une sous-chaîne au sein d’une chaîne.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
void PrintMarker( String^ Prefix, int First, int Last )
   // Determines the size of the array to create.
   int mySize;
   if ( Last > First )
      mySize = Last;
      mySize = First;

   if ( mySize > -1 )
      // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
      array<Char>^myCharArr = gcnew array<Char>(mySize + 1);
      // Inserts the appropriate markers.
      if ( First > -1 )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'f';
      if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[ Last ] = 'l';
      if ( First == Last )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'b';
      // Displays the array of Char as a String.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, gcnew String( myCharArr ) );
      Console::WriteLine( Prefix );

int main()
   // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
   CompareInfo^ myComp = CultureInfo::InvariantCulture->CompareInfo;
   // Searches for the ligature Æ.
   String^ myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE" ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE" ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae" ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae" ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ' ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ' ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ' ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ' ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
   myStr = "Is U\u0308 or u\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308" ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308" ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308" ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308" ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü' ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü' ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü' ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü' ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );

This code produces the following output.

No options    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    f                    l
           ae :          f                   l
            Æ :    f                    l
            æ :          f                   l
Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    b
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :                              b
IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    f                         l
           ae :    f                         l
            Æ :    f                         l
            æ :    f                         l

No options    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    f                    l
           u" :          f                   l
            Ü :    f                    l
            ü :          f                   l
Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    b
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :                              b
IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    f                         l
           u" :    f                         l
            Ü :    f                         l
            ü :    f                         l

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesCompareInfo  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      CompareInfo myComp = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo;

      // Searches for the ligature Æ.
      String myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE" ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE" ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae" ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae" ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ' ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ' ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ' ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ' ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

      // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is \u0055\u0308 or \u0075\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308" ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308" ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308" ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308" ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü' ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü' ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü' ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü' ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

   public static void PrintMarker( String Prefix, int First, int Last )  {

      // Determines the size of the array to create.
      int mySize;
      if ( Last > First )
         mySize = Last;
         mySize = First;

      if ( mySize > -1 )  {

         // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Char[] myCharArr = new Char[mySize+1];

         // Inserts the appropriate markers.
         if ( First > -1 )
         myCharArr[First] = 'f';
         if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[Last] = 'l';
         if ( First == Last )
         myCharArr[First] = 'b';

         // Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, new String( myCharArr ) );
            Console.WriteLine( Prefix );

This code produces the following output.

No options    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    f                    l
           ae :          f                   l
            Æ :    f                    l
            æ :          f                   l
Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    b
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :                              b
IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    f                         l
           ae :    f                         l
            Æ :    f                         l
            æ :    f                         l

No options    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    f                    l
           u" :          f                   l
            Ü :    f                    l
            ü :          f                   l
Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    b
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :                              b
IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    f                         l
           u" :    f                         l
            Ü :    f                         l
            ü :    f                         l

Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesCompareInfo

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      Dim myComp As CompareInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo

      ' Searches for the ligature Æ.
      Dim myStr As [String] = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?"
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE"), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE"))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae"), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae"))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

      ' Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is " & ChrW(&H0055) & ChrW(&H0308) & " or " & ChrW(&H0075) & ChrW(&H0308) & " the same as " & ChrW(&H00DC) & " or " & ChrW(&H00FC) & "?"
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308)), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308)))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308)), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308)))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

   End Sub

   Public Shared Sub PrintMarker(Prefix As [String], First As Integer, Last As Integer)

      ' Determines the size of the array to create.
      Dim mySize As Integer
      If Last > First Then
         mySize = Last
         mySize = First
      End If 

      If mySize > - 1 Then

         ' Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Dim myCharArr(mySize + 1) As [Char]

         ' Inserts the appropriate markers.
         If First > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(First) = "f"c
         End If
         If Last > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(Last) = "l"c
         End If
         If First = Last Then
            myCharArr(First) = "b"c
         End If 
         ' Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}", Prefix, New [String](myCharArr))


      End If 

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'No options    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'           AE :    f                    l
'           ae :          f                   l
'            Æ :    f                    l
'            æ :          f                   l
'Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'           AE :    b
'           ae :          b
'            Æ :                         b
'            æ :                              b
'IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'           AE :    f                         l
'           ae :    f                         l
'            Æ :    f                         l
'            æ :    f                         l
'No options    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'           U" :    f                    l
'           u" :          f                   l
'            Ü :    f                    l
'            ü :          f                   l
'Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'           U" :    b
'           u" :          b
'            Ü :                         b
'            ü :                              b
'IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'           U" :    f                         l
'           u" :    f                         l
'            Ü :    f                         l
'            ü :    f                         l


La chaîne source fait l’objet d’une recherche vers l’avant en commençant au début de la chaîne et se terminant à la fin de la chaîne.

La CompareOptions.StringSort valeur n’est pas valide pour cette méthode.

Si options n’inclut pas la Ordinal valeur, cette surcharge effectue une recherche respectant la culture. Une valeur Unicode représentant un caractère précomposé, telle que la ligature « Æ » (U+00C6), peut être considérée comme équivalente à n’importe quelle occurrence des composants du caractère dans la séquence appropriée, telle que « AE » (U+0041, U+0045), selon la culture. Si options inclut la Ordinal valeur, cette surcharge effectue une recherche ordinale (sans respect de la culture), où les valeurs Unicode sont comparées.


Lorsque cela est possible, vous devez appeler des méthodes de comparaison de chaînes qui ont un paramètre de type CompareOptions pour spécifier le type de comparaison attendu. En règle générale, utilisez des options linguistiques (à l’aide de la culture actuelle) pour comparer les chaînes affichées dans l’interface utilisateur et spécifier CompareOptions.Ordinal ou CompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase pour des comparaisons de sécurité.

Notes pour les appelants

Les jeux de caractères incluent des caractères ignorés, qui sont des caractères qui ne sont pas pris en compte lors de l’exécution d’un tri linguistique ou culturel. Dans une recherche dépendante de la culture (autrement dit, si options n'est pas Ordinal ou OrdinalIgnoreCase), si value contient un caractère ignorable, le résultat est équivalent à une recherche avec ce caractère supprimé. Si value se compose uniquement d’un ou plusieurs caractères ignorés, la IndexOf(String, String, CompareOptions) méthode retourne toujours 0 (zéro) pour indiquer que la correspondance est trouvée au début de source. Dans l’exemple suivant, la IndexOf(String, String, CompareOptions) méthode est utilisée pour rechercher trois sous-chaînes (un trait d’union mou (U+00AD), un trait d’union doux suivi de « n » et un trait d’union doux suivi de « m ») dans deux chaînes. Une seule des chaînes contient un trait d'union conditionnel. Étant donné que le trait d’union doux est un caractère ignoré, une recherche sensible à la culture renvoie la même valeur qu’elle retournerait si le trait d’union souple n’était pas inclus dans la chaîne de recherche. Une recherche ordinale, cependant, trouve le trait d’union mou dans une chaîne et signale qu’il est absent de la deuxième chaîne.

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      CompareInfo ci = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.CompareInfo;

      string s1 = "ani\u00ADmal";
      string s2 = "animal";

      Console.WriteLine("Culture-sensitive comparison:");
      // Use culture-sensitive comparison to find the soft hyphen.
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, "\u00AD", CompareOptions.None));
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, "\u00AD", CompareOptions.None));

      // Use culture-sensitive comparison to find the soft hyphen followed by "n".
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, "\u00ADn", CompareOptions.None));
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, "\u00ADn", CompareOptions.None));

      // Use culture-sensitive comparison to find the soft hyphen followed by "m".
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, "\u00ADm", CompareOptions.None));
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, "\u00ADm", CompareOptions.None));

      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal comparison:");
      // Use ordinal comparison to find the soft hyphen.
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, "\u00AD", CompareOptions.Ordinal));
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, "\u00AD", CompareOptions.Ordinal));

      // Use ordinal comparison to find the soft hyphen followed by "n".
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, "\u00ADn", CompareOptions.Ordinal));
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, "\u00ADn", CompareOptions.Ordinal));

      // Use ordinal comparison to find the soft hyphen followed by "m".
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, "\u00ADm", CompareOptions.Ordinal));
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, "\u00ADm", CompareOptions.Ordinal));
// The example displays the following output:
//       Culture-sensitive comparison:
//       0
//       0
//       1
//       1
//       4
//       3
//       Ordinal comparison:
//       3
//       -1
//       -1
//       -1
//       3
//       -1
Imports System.Globalization

Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim ci As CompareInfo = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.CompareInfo
      Dim softHyphen As String = ChrW(&h00AD)
      Dim s1 As String = "ani" + softHyphen + "mal"
      Dim s2 As String = "animal"
      Console.WriteLine("Culture-sensitive comparison:")
      ' Use culture-sensitive comparison to find the soft hyphen.
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, softHyphen, CompareOptions.None))
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, softHyphen, CompareOptions.None))
      ' Use culture-sensitive comparison to find the soft hyphen followed by "n".
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, softHyphen + "n", CompareOptions.None))
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, softHyphen + "n", CompareOptions.None))
      ' Use culture-sensitive comparison to find the soft hyphen followed by "m".
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, softHyphen + "m", CompareOptions.None))
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, softHyphen + "m", CompareOptions.None))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal comparison:")
      ' Use ordinal comparison to find the soft hyphen.
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, softHyphen, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, softHyphen, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      ' Use ordinal comparison to find the soft hyphen followed by "n".
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, softHyphen + "n", CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, softHyphen + "n", CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      ' Use ordinal comparison to find the soft hyphen followed by "m".
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, softHyphen + "m", CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, softHyphen + "m", CompareOptions.Ordinal))
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'       Culture-sensitive comparison:
'       0
'       0
'       1
'       1
'       4
'       3
'       Ordinal comparison:
'       3
'       -1
'       -1
'       -1
'       3
'       -1

Voir aussi

S’applique à

IndexOf(String, Char)


Recherche le caractère spécifié et retourne l'index de base zéro de la première occurrence dans la chaîne source entière.

 virtual int IndexOf(System::String ^ source, char value);
 int IndexOf(System::String ^ source, char value);
public virtual int IndexOf (string source, char value);
public int IndexOf (string source, char value);
abstract member IndexOf : string * char -> int
override this.IndexOf : string * char -> int
member this.IndexOf : string * char -> int
Public Overridable Function IndexOf (source As String, value As Char) As Integer
Public Function IndexOf (source As String, value As Char) As Integer



Chaîne à rechercher.


Caractère à rechercher dans source.


Index de base zéro de la première occurrence de value, si cette occurrence existe dans la source ; sinon -1. Retourne 0 (zéro) si value est un caractère pouvant être ignoré.


source a la valeur null.


L’exemple suivant détermine les index de la première et de la dernière occurrence d’un caractère ou d’une sous-chaîne au sein d’une chaîne.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
void PrintMarker( String^ Prefix, int First, int Last )
   // Determines the size of the array to create.
   int mySize;
   if ( Last > First )
      mySize = Last;
      mySize = First;

   if ( mySize > -1 )
      // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
      array<Char>^myCharArr = gcnew array<Char>(mySize + 1);
      // Inserts the appropriate markers.
      if ( First > -1 )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'f';
      if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[ Last ] = 'l';
      if ( First == Last )
            myCharArr[ First ] = 'b';
      // Displays the array of Char as a String.
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, gcnew String( myCharArr ) );
      Console::WriteLine( Prefix );

int main()
   // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
   CompareInfo^ myComp = CultureInfo::InvariantCulture->CompareInfo;
   // Searches for the ligature Æ.
   String^ myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE" ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE" ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae" ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae" ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ' ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ' ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ' ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ' ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Æ', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'æ', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'æ', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
   myStr = "Is U\u0308 or u\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
   Console::WriteLine( "No options    : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308" ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308" ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308" ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308" ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü' ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü' ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü' ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü' ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', CompareOptions::Ordinal ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', CompareOptions::Ordinal ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr );
   PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'Ü', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );
   PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp->IndexOf( myStr, L'ü', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ), myComp->LastIndexOf( myStr, L'ü', CompareOptions::IgnoreCase ) );

This code produces the following output.

No options    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    f                    l
           ae :          f                   l
            Æ :    f                    l
            æ :          f                   l
Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    b
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :                              b
IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    f                         l
           ae :    f                         l
            Æ :    f                         l
            æ :    f                         l

No options    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    f                    l
           u" :          f                   l
            Ü :    f                    l
            ü :          f                   l
Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    b
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :                              b
IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    f                         l
           u" :    f                         l
            Ü :    f                         l
            ü :    f                         l

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesCompareInfo  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      CompareInfo myComp = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo;

      // Searches for the ligature Æ.
      String myStr = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?";
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE" ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE" ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae" ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae" ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ' ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ' ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ' ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ' ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Æ', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'æ', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'æ', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

      // Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is \u0055\u0308 or \u0075\u0308 the same as \u00DC or \u00FC?";
      Console.WriteLine( "No options    : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308" ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308" ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308" ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308" ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü' ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü' ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü' ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü' ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "Ordinal       : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', CompareOptions.Ordinal ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', CompareOptions.Ordinal ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr );
      PrintMarker( "           U\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "U\u0308", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "           u\u0308 : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, "u\u0308", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'Ü', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );
      PrintMarker( "            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf( myStr, 'ü', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ), myComp.LastIndexOf( myStr, 'ü', CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) );

   public static void PrintMarker( String Prefix, int First, int Last )  {

      // Determines the size of the array to create.
      int mySize;
      if ( Last > First )
         mySize = Last;
         mySize = First;

      if ( mySize > -1 )  {

         // Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Char[] myCharArr = new Char[mySize+1];

         // Inserts the appropriate markers.
         if ( First > -1 )
         myCharArr[First] = 'f';
         if ( Last > -1 )
            myCharArr[Last] = 'l';
         if ( First == Last )
         myCharArr[First] = 'b';

         // Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine( "{0}{1}", Prefix, new String( myCharArr ) );
            Console.WriteLine( Prefix );

This code produces the following output.

No options    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    f                    l
           ae :          f                   l
            Æ :    f                    l
            æ :          f                   l
Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    b
           ae :          b
            Æ :                         b
            æ :                              b
IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
           AE :    f                         l
           ae :    f                         l
            Æ :    f                         l
            æ :    f                         l

No options    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    f                    l
           u" :          f                   l
            Ü :    f                    l
            ü :          f                   l
Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    b
           u" :          b
            Ü :                         b
            ü :                              b
IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
           U" :    f                         l
           u" :    f                         l
            Ü :    f                         l
            ü :    f                         l

Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesCompareInfo

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates CompareInfo for the InvariantCulture.
      Dim myComp As CompareInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo

      ' Searches for the ligature Æ.
      Dim myStr As [String] = "Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?"
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE"), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE"))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae"), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae"))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           AE : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "AE", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           ae : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ae", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Æ"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            æ : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "æ"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

      ' Searches for the combining character sequence Latin capital letter U with diaeresis or Latin small letter u with diaeresis.
      myStr = "Is " & ChrW(&H0055) & ChrW(&H0308) & " or " & ChrW(&H0075) & ChrW(&H0308) & " the same as " & ChrW(&H00DC) & " or " & ChrW(&H00FC) & "?"
      Console.WriteLine("No options    : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308)), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308)))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308)), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308)))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c))
      Console.WriteLine("Ordinal       : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, CompareOptions.Ordinal))
      Console.WriteLine("IgnoreCase    : {0}", myStr)
      PrintMarker("           U" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "U" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("           u" & ChrW(&H0308) & " : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "u" & ChrW(&H0308), CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            Ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "Ü"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))
      PrintMarker("            ü : ", myComp.IndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase), myComp.LastIndexOf(myStr, "ü"c, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase))

   End Sub

   Public Shared Sub PrintMarker(Prefix As [String], First As Integer, Last As Integer)

      ' Determines the size of the array to create.
      Dim mySize As Integer
      If Last > First Then
         mySize = Last
         mySize = First
      End If 

      If mySize > - 1 Then

         ' Creates an array of Char to hold the markers.
         Dim myCharArr(mySize + 1) As [Char]

         ' Inserts the appropriate markers.
         If First > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(First) = "f"c
         End If
         If Last > - 1 Then
            myCharArr(Last) = "l"c
         End If
         If First = Last Then
            myCharArr(First) = "b"c
         End If 
         ' Displays the array of Char as a String.
         Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}", Prefix, New [String](myCharArr))


      End If 

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.
'No options    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'           AE :    f                    l
'           ae :          f                   l
'            Æ :    f                    l
'            æ :          f                   l
'Ordinal       : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'           AE :    b
'           ae :          b
'            Æ :                         b
'            æ :                              b
'IgnoreCase    : Is AE or ae the same as Æ or æ?
'           AE :    f                         l
'           ae :    f                         l
'            Æ :    f                         l
'            æ :    f                         l
'No options    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'           U" :    f                    l
'           u" :          f                   l
'            Ü :    f                    l
'            ü :          f                   l
'Ordinal       : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'           U" :    b
'           u" :          b
'            Ü :                         b
'            ü :                              b
'IgnoreCase    : Is U" or u" the same as Ü or ü?
'           U" :    f                         l
'           u" :    f                         l
'            Ü :    f                         l
'            ü :    f                         l


Cette méthode recherche la chaîne source du début de la chaîne à la fin de la chaîne.

Cette surcharge effectue une recherche qui respecte la culture. Si value représente un caractère Unicode précomposé, tel que la ligature « Æ » (U+00C6), il peut être considéré comme équivalent à toute occurrence de ses composants dans la séquence correcte, comme « AE » (U+0041, U+0045), selon la culture. Pour effectuer une recherche ordinale (sans respect de la culture), où un caractère est considéré comme équivalent à un autre caractère uniquement si ses points de code Unicode sont identiques, vous devez appeler une surcharge qui a un paramètre de type CompareOptions et utiliser la CompareOptions.Ordinal valeur. Contrairement à CompareInfo.IndexOf, qui effectue une comparaison sensible à la culture, les surcharges de la String.IndexOf méthode qui recherchent un caractère effectuent une comparaison ordinale et les surcharges qui recherchent une chaîne effectuent une comparaison sensible à la culture.


Lorsque cela est possible, vous devez utiliser des méthodes de comparaison de chaînes qui ont un paramètre de type CompareOptions pour spécifier le type de comparaison attendu. En règle générale, utilisez des options linguistiques (à l’aide de la culture actuelle) pour comparer les chaînes affichées dans l’interface utilisateur et spécifier CompareOptions.Ordinal ou CompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase pour des comparaisons de sécurité.

Notes pour les appelants

Les jeux de caractères incluent des caractères ignorés, qui sont des caractères qui ne sont pas pris en compte lors de l’exécution d’un tri linguistique ou culturel. Dans une recherche sensible à la culture, si value est un caractère ignoré, le résultat équivaut à une recherche avec ce caractère supprimé. Dans ce cas, la IndexOf(String, Char) méthode retourne toujours 0 (zéro) pour indiquer que la correspondance est trouvée au début de source. Dans l’exemple suivant, la IndexOf(String, Char) méthode est utilisée pour rechercher le trait d’union mou (U+00AD) dans deux chaînes. Une seule des chaînes contient un trait d'union conditionnel. Dans les deux cas, comme le trait d’union mou est un caractère ignoré, la méthode retourne 0 (zéro) pour indiquer qu’elle a trouvé une correspondance au début de la chaîne.

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      CompareInfo ci = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.CompareInfo;

      string s1 = "ani\u00ADmal";
      string s2 = "animal";

      // Find the index of the soft hyphen.
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, '\u00AD'));
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, '\u00AD'));
// The example displays the following output:
//       0
//       0
Imports System.Globalization

Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim ci As CompareInfo = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.CompareInfo
      Dim softHyphen As Char = ChrW(&h00AD)
      Dim s1 As String = "ani" + softHyphen + "mal"
      Dim s2 As String = "animal"
      ' Find the index of the soft hyphen.
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s1, softHyphen))
      Console.WriteLine(ci.IndexOf(s2, softHyphen))
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'       0
'       0

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