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Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(Type) Méthode


Retourne l'argument de type sous-jacent du type Nullable spécifié.

 static Type ^ GetUnderlyingType(Type ^ nullableType);
public static Type GetUnderlyingType (Type nullableType);
public static Type? GetUnderlyingType (Type nullableType);
static member GetUnderlyingType : Type -> Type
Public Shared Function GetUnderlyingType (nullableType As Type) As Type



Objet Type qui décrit un type Nullable générique fermé.



L'argument de type du paramètre nullableType, si le paramètre nullableType est un type Nullable générique fermé ; sinon, null.


nullableType a la valeur null.


L’exemple de code suivant définit une méthode dont la valeur de retour est de type Nullable<T> Int32. L’exemple de code utilise la méthode pour afficher l’argument GetUnderlyingType de type de la valeur de retour.

// This code example demonstrates the
// Nullable.GetUnderlyingType() method.

using System;
using System.Reflection;

class Sample
// Declare a type named Example.
// The MyMethod member of Example returns a Nullable of Int32.

    public class Example
        public int? MyMethod()
        return 0;

   Use reflection to obtain a Type object for the Example type.
   Use the Type object to obtain a MethodInfo object for the MyMethod method.
   Use the MethodInfo object to obtain the type of the return value of
     MyMethod, which is Nullable of Int32.
   Use the GetUnderlyingType method to obtain the type argument of the
     return value type, which is Int32.
    public static void Main()
        Type t = typeof(Example);
        MethodInfo mi = t.GetMethod("MyMethod");
        Type retval = mi.ReturnType;
        Console.WriteLine("Return value type ... {0}", retval);
        Type answer = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(retval);
        Console.WriteLine("Underlying type ..... {0}", answer);
This code example produces the following results:

Return value type ... System.Nullable`1[System.Int32]
Underlying type ..... System.Int32

// This code example demonstrates the
// Nullable.GetUnderlyingType() method.
open System

// Declare a type named Example.
// The MyMethod member of Example returns a Nullable of Int32.

type Example() =
    member _.MyMethod() =
        Nullable 0

   Use reflection to obtain a Type object for the Example type.
   Use the Type object to obtain a MethodInfo object for the MyMethod method.
   Use the MethodInfo object to obtain the type of the return value of
     MyMethod, which is Nullable of Int32.
   Use the GetUnderlyingType method to obtain the type argument of the
     return value type, which is Int32.
let t = typeof<Example>
let mi = t.GetMethod "MyMethod"
let retval = mi.ReturnType
printfn $"Return value type ... {retval}"
let answer = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType retval
printfn $"Underlying type ..... {answer}"

// This code example produces the following results:
//     Return value type ... System.Nullable`1[System.Int32]
//     Underlying type ..... System.Int32
' This code example demonstrates the 
' Nullable.GetUnderlyingType() method.

Imports System.Reflection

Class Sample
    ' Declare a type named Example. 
    ' The MyMethod member of Example returns a Nullable of Int32.
    Public Class Example
        Public Function MyMethod() As Nullable(Of Integer)
            Return 0
        End Function
    End Class
'   Use reflection to obtain a Type object for the Example type.
'   Use the Type object to obtain a MethodInfo object for the MyMethod method.
'   Use the MethodInfo object to obtain the type of the return value of 
'     MyMethod, which is Nullable of Int32.
'   Use the GetUnderlyingType method to obtain the type argument of the 
'     return value type, which is Int32.
    Public Shared Sub Main() 
        Dim t As Type = GetType(Example)
        Dim mi As MethodInfo = t.GetMethod("MyMethod")
        Dim retval As Type = mi.ReturnType
        Console.WriteLine("Return value type ... {0}", retval)
        Dim answer As Type = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(retval)
        Console.WriteLine("Underlying type ..... {0}", answer)
    End Sub
End Class
'This code example produces the following results:
'Return value type ... System.Nullable`1[System.Int32]
'Underlying type ..... System.Int32


Une définition de type générique est une déclaration de type, telle que Nullable<T>, qui contient une liste de paramètres de type, et la liste de paramètres de type déclare un ou plusieurs paramètres de type. Un type générique fermé est une déclaration de type où un type particulier est spécifié pour un paramètre de type.

Par exemple, si le nullableType paramètre est le type de Nullable<Int32> C# (Nullable(Of Int32)dans Visual Basic), la valeur de retour est le type de Int32 (autrement dit, l’argument de type du type générique fermé).

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