Partage via

LocalBuilder Classe


Représente une variable locale au sein d’une méthode ou d’un constructeur.

public ref class LocalBuilder sealed : System::Reflection::LocalVariableInfo
public ref class LocalBuilder abstract : System::Reflection::LocalVariableInfo
public ref class LocalBuilder sealed : System::Runtime::InteropServices::_LocalBuilder
public ref class LocalBuilder sealed : System::Reflection::LocalVariableInfo, System::Runtime::InteropServices::_LocalBuilder
public sealed class LocalBuilder : System.Reflection.LocalVariableInfo
public abstract class LocalBuilder : System.Reflection.LocalVariableInfo
public sealed class LocalBuilder : System.Runtime.InteropServices._LocalBuilder
public sealed class LocalBuilder : System.Reflection.LocalVariableInfo, System.Runtime.InteropServices._LocalBuilder
type LocalBuilder = class
    inherit LocalVariableInfo
type LocalBuilder = class
    interface _LocalBuilder
type LocalBuilder = class
    inherit LocalVariableInfo
    interface _LocalBuilder
Public NotInheritable Class LocalBuilder
Inherits LocalVariableInfo
Public MustInherit Class LocalBuilder
Inherits LocalVariableInfo
Public NotInheritable Class LocalBuilder
Implements _LocalBuilder
Public NotInheritable Class LocalBuilder
Inherits LocalVariableInfo
Implements _LocalBuilder


L’exemple suivant crée une méthode static (Shared en Visual Basic) nommée Function1 qui retourne une chaîne et a un paramètre de type Int32. Dans le corps de la méthode, l’exemple de code crée LocalBuilder objets représentant deux variables locales et définit des informations de symbole pour les variables locales. La méthode ne fait rien d’significatif, mais le corps de la méthode montre le stockage d’un paramètre sur une variable locale, le stockage d’une chaîne littérale sur une variable locale et le chargement d’une variable locale.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::Reflection::Emit;
using namespace System::Threading;
int main()
    // Create an assembly.
    AssemblyName^ myAssemblyName = gcnew AssemblyName;
    myAssemblyName->Name = "SampleAssembly";
    AssemblyBuilder^ myAssembly = Thread::GetDomain()->DefineDynamicAssembly( 
        myAssemblyName, AssemblyBuilderAccess::RunAndSave );

    // Create a module. For a single-file assembly the module
    // name is usually the same as the assembly name.
    ModuleBuilder^ myModule = myAssembly->DefineDynamicModule( 
        myAssemblyName->Name, myAssemblyName->Name + ".dll", true );

    // Define a public class 'Example'.
    TypeBuilder^ myTypeBuilder = myModule->DefineType( "Example", TypeAttributes::Public );

    // Create the 'Function1' public method, which takes an integer
    // and returns a string.
    MethodBuilder^ myMethod = myTypeBuilder->DefineMethod( "Function1", 
        MethodAttributes::Public | MethodAttributes::Static, String::typeid, 
        gcnew array<Type^> { int::typeid } );

    // Generate IL for 'Function1'. The function body demonstrates
    // assigning an argument to a local variable, assigning a 
    // constant string to a local variable, and putting the contents
    // of local variables on the stack.
    ILGenerator^ myMethodIL = myMethod->GetILGenerator();

    // Create local variables named myString and myInt.
    LocalBuilder^ myLB1 = myMethodIL->DeclareLocal( String::typeid );
    myLB1->SetLocalSymInfo( "myString" );
    Console::WriteLine( "local 'myString' type is: {0}", myLB1->LocalType );

    LocalBuilder^ myLB2 = myMethodIL->DeclareLocal( int::typeid );
    myLB2->SetLocalSymInfo( "myInt", 1, 2 );
    Console::WriteLine( "local 'myInt' type is: {0}", myLB2->LocalType );

    // Store the function argument in myInt.
    myMethodIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldarg_0 );
    myMethodIL->Emit( OpCodes::Stloc_1 );

    // Store a literal value in myString, and return the value.
    myMethodIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldstr, "string value"  );
    myMethodIL->Emit( OpCodes::Stloc_0 );
    myMethodIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldloc_0 );
    myMethodIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ret );

    // Create "Example" class.
    Type^ myType1 = myTypeBuilder->CreateType();
    Console::WriteLine( "'Example' is created." );

    myAssembly->Save(myAssemblyName->Name + ".dll");
    Console::WriteLine( "'{0}' is created.", myAssemblyName->Name + ".dll" );

    // Invoke 'Function1' method of 'Example', passing the value 42.
    Object^ myObject2 = myType1->InvokeMember( "Function1", 
        BindingFlags::InvokeMethod, nullptr, nullptr, 
        gcnew array<Object^> { 42 } );

    Console::WriteLine( "Example::Function1 returned: {0}", myObject2 );
/* This code example produces the following output:

local 'myString' type is: System.String
local 'myInt' type is: System.Int32
'Example' is created.
'SampleAssembly.dll' is created.
Example::Function1 returned: string value
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Threading;

class LocalBuilder_Sample
    public static void Main()
        // Create an assembly.
        AssemblyName myAssemblyName = new AssemblyName();
        myAssemblyName.Name = "SampleAssembly";

        AssemblyBuilder myAssembly =

        // Create a module. For a single-file assembly the module
        // name is usually the same as the assembly name.
        ModuleBuilder myModule =
                myAssemblyName.Name + ".dll", true);

        // Define a public class 'Example'.
        TypeBuilder myTypeBuilder =
            myModule.DefineType("Example", TypeAttributes.Public);

        // Create the 'Function1' public method, which takes an integer
        // and returns a string.
        MethodBuilder myMethod = myTypeBuilder.DefineMethod("Function1",
           MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Static,
           typeof(String), new Type[] { typeof(int) });

        // Generate IL for 'Function1'. The function body demonstrates
        // assigning an argument to a local variable, assigning a
        // constant string to a local variable, and putting the contents
        // of local variables on the stack.
        ILGenerator myMethodIL = myMethod.GetILGenerator();

        // Create local variables named myString and myInt.
        LocalBuilder myLB1 = myMethodIL.DeclareLocal(typeof(string));
        Console.WriteLine("local 'myString' type is: {0}", myLB1.LocalType);

        LocalBuilder myLB2 = myMethodIL.DeclareLocal(typeof(int));
        myLB2.SetLocalSymInfo("myInt", 1, 2);
        Console.WriteLine("local 'myInt' type is: {0}", myLB2.LocalType);

        // Store the function argument in myInt.
        myMethodIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0 );
        myMethodIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_1 );

        // Store a literal value in myString, and return the value.
        myMethodIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "string value"  );
        myMethodIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_0 );
        myMethodIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_0 );
        myMethodIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ret );

        // Create "Example" class.
        Type myType1 = myTypeBuilder.CreateType();
        Console.WriteLine("'Example' is created.");

        myAssembly.Save(myAssemblyName.Name + ".dll");
        Console.WriteLine( "'{0}' is created.", myAssemblyName.Name + ".dll" );

        // Invoke 'Function1' method of 'Example', passing the value 42.
        Object myObject2 = myType1.InvokeMember("Function1",
            BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, null, new Object[] { 42 });

        Console.WriteLine("Example.Function1 returned: {0}", myObject2);
/* This code example produces the following output:

local 'myString' type is: System.String
local 'myInt' type is: System.Int32
'Example' is created.
'SampleAssembly.dll' is created.
Example.Function1 returned: string value
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Reflection.Emit
Imports System.Threading

Class LocalBuilder_Sample

    Public Shared Sub Main()

        ' Create an assembly.
        Dim myAssemblyName As New AssemblyName()
        myAssemblyName.Name = "SampleAssembly"

        Dim myAssembly As AssemblyBuilder = _
            Thread.GetDomain().DefineDynamicAssembly( myAssemblyName, _
                             AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave )

        ' Create a module. For a single-file assembly the module
        ' name is usually the same as the assembly name.
        Dim myModule As ModuleBuilder = _
            myAssembly.DefineDynamicModule(myAssemblyName.Name, _
                myAssemblyName.Name & ".dll", True)

        ' Define a public class 'Example'.
        Dim myTypeBuilder As TypeBuilder = _
            myModule.DefineType("Example", TypeAttributes.Public)

        ' Create the 'Function1' public method, which takes an Integer
        ' and returns a string.
        Dim myMethod As MethodBuilder = myTypeBuilder.DefineMethod("Function1", _
            MethodAttributes.Public Or MethodAttributes.Static, _
            GetType(String), New Type() { GetType(Integer) })

        ' Generate IL for 'Function1'. The function body demonstrates
        ' assigning an argument to a local variable, assigning a 
        ' constant string to a local variable, and putting the contents
        ' of local variables on the stack.
        Dim myMethodIL As ILGenerator = myMethod.GetILGenerator()

        ' Create local variables named myString and myInt.
        Dim myLB1 As LocalBuilder = myMethodIL.DeclareLocal(GetType(String))
        Console.WriteLine("local 'myString' type is: {0}", myLB1.LocalType)

        Dim myLB2 As LocalBuilder = myMethodIL.DeclareLocal(GetType(Integer))
        myLB2.SetLocalSymInfo("myInt", 1, 2)
        Console.WriteLine("local 'myInt' type is: {0}", myLB2.LocalType)

        ' Store the function argument in myInt.
        myMethodIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0 )
        myMethodIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_1 )

        ' Store a literal value in myString, and return the value.
        myMethodIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "string value"  )
        myMethodIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_0 )
        myMethodIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_0 )
        myMethodIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ret )

        ' Create "Example" class.
        Dim myType1 As Type = myTypeBuilder.CreateType()
        Console.WriteLine("'Example' is created.")

        myAssembly.Save(myAssemblyName.Name & ".dll")
        Console.WriteLine( "'{0}' is created.", myAssemblyName.Name & ".dll" )

        ' Invoke 'Function1' method of 'Example', passing the value 42.
        Dim myObject2 As Object = myType1.InvokeMember("Function1", _
            BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, Nothing, Nothing, New Object() { 42 })

        Console.WriteLine("Example.Function1 returned: {0}", myObject2)

   End Sub 
End Class 

' This code example produces the following output:
'local 'myString' type is: System.String
'local 'myInt' type is: System.Int32
''Example' is created.
''SampleAssembly.dll' is created.
'Example.Function1 returned: string value


Un objet LocalBuilder peut être défini à l’aide de la méthode DeclareLocal.



Initialise une nouvelle instance de la classe LocalBuilder.



Obtient une valeur indiquant si l’objet référencé par la variable locale est épinglé en mémoire.


Obtient l’index de base zéro de la variable locale dans le corps de la méthode.


Obtient le type de la variable locale.



Détermine si l’objet spécifié est égal à l’objet actuel.

(Hérité de Object)

Sert de fonction de hachage par défaut.

(Hérité de Object)

Obtient la Type de l’instance actuelle.

(Hérité de Object)

Crée une copie superficielle du Objectactuel.

(Hérité de Object)

Définit le nom de cette variable locale.

SetLocalSymInfo(String, Int32, Int32)

Définit le nom et l’étendue lexicale de cette variable locale.


En cas de substitution dans une classe dérivée, définit le nom de cette variable locale.


Retourne une chaîne lisible par l’utilisateur qui décrit la variable locale.

(Hérité de LocalVariableInfo)

Retourne une chaîne qui représente l’objet actuel.

(Hérité de Object)

Implémentations d’interfaces explicites

_LocalBuilder.GetIDsOfNames(Guid, IntPtr, UInt32, UInt32, IntPtr)

Mappe un ensemble de noms à un ensemble correspondant d’identificateurs de répartition.

_LocalBuilder.GetTypeInfo(UInt32, UInt32, IntPtr)

Récupère les informations de type d’un objet, qui peuvent ensuite être utilisées pour obtenir les informations de type d’une interface.


Récupère le nombre d’interfaces d’informations de type fournies par un objet (0 ou 1).

_LocalBuilder.Invoke(UInt32, Guid, UInt32, Int16, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr)

Fournit l’accès aux propriétés et méthodes exposées par un objet.

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