Partage via

Module.ResolveMethod Méthode


Retourne la méthode identifiée par un jeton de métadonnées.


ResolveMethod(Int32, Type[], Type[])

Retourne la méthode ou le constructeur identifié par le jeton de métadonnées spécifié dans le contexte défini par les paramètres de type générique spécifiés.


Retourne la méthode ou le constructeur identifié par le jeton de métadonnées spécifié.

ResolveMethod(Int32, Type[], Type[])


Retourne la méthode ou le constructeur identifié par le jeton de métadonnées spécifié dans le contexte défini par les paramètres de type générique spécifiés.

 virtual System::Reflection::MethodBase ^ ResolveMethod(int metadataToken, cli::array <Type ^> ^ genericTypeArguments, cli::array <Type ^> ^ genericMethodArguments);
 System::Reflection::MethodBase ^ ResolveMethod(int metadataToken, cli::array <Type ^> ^ genericTypeArguments, cli::array <Type ^> ^ genericMethodArguments);
public virtual System.Reflection.MethodBase? ResolveMethod (int metadataToken, Type[]? genericTypeArguments, Type[]? genericMethodArguments);
public virtual System.Reflection.MethodBase ResolveMethod (int metadataToken, Type[] genericTypeArguments, Type[] genericMethodArguments);
public System.Reflection.MethodBase ResolveMethod (int metadataToken, Type[] genericTypeArguments, Type[] genericMethodArguments);
abstract member ResolveMethod : int * Type[] * Type[] -> System.Reflection.MethodBase
override this.ResolveMethod : int * Type[] * Type[] -> System.Reflection.MethodBase
member this.ResolveMethod : int * Type[] * Type[] -> System.Reflection.MethodBase
Public Overridable Function ResolveMethod (metadataToken As Integer, genericTypeArguments As Type(), genericMethodArguments As Type()) As MethodBase
Public Function ResolveMethod (metadataToken As Integer, genericTypeArguments As Type(), genericMethodArguments As Type()) As MethodBase



Jeton de métadonnées qui identifie une méthode ou un constructeur dans le module.


Tableau d'objets Type représentant les arguments de type générique du type pour lequel le jeton est dans la portée, ou null si ce type n'est pas générique.


Tableau d'objets Type représentant les arguments de type générique de la méthode pour laquelle le jeton est dans la portée, ou null si cette méthode n'est pas générique.


Objet MethodBase qui représente la méthode identifiée par le jeton de métadonnées spécifié.


metadataToken n'est pas un jeton pour une méthode ou un constructeur dans la portée du module en cours.

- ou -

metadataToken est un MethodSpec dont la signature contient un type d'élément var (un paramètre de type d'un type générique) ou mvar (un paramètre de type d'une méthode générique), et les arguments de type générique nécessaires n'ont pas été fournis pour genericTypeArguments ou genericMethodArguments (ou pour les deux).

metadataToken n'est pas un jeton valide dans la portée du module actuel.


L’exemple suivant montre comment utiliser les deux surcharges de la ResolveMethod méthode pour résoudre les jetons de métadonnées des sites d’appel dans des contextes génériques et non génériques.

L’exemple de code définit deux types génériques, G1<Tg1> et G2<Tg2>, chacun d’entre eux ayant une méthode générique. G1<Tg1> a également une méthode non générique qui utilise le paramètre Tg1 de type pour son paramètre. La méthode GM2<Tgm2> générique de type G2<Tg2> contient plusieurs appels de méthode :

  • Cas 1 : la méthode GM1<Tgm1> générique est appelée, en utilisant les paramètres de type de G2<Tg2> et GM2<Tgm2> comme arguments de type. En d’autres termes, les types de paramètres de la méthode appelée dépendent des types utilisés pour construire un type générique fermé à partir de la définition de type pour G2<Tg2>.

  • Cas 2 : La méthode M1 non générique est appelée. Le paramètre de cette méthode utilise le paramètre de type du type de définition, G1<Tg1>, qui est remplacé dans ce cas par le paramètre de type du type englobant, G2<Tg2>.

  • Cas 3 : La méthode GM1<Tgm1> générique est appelée, en spécifiant Int32 et Object pour les arguments de type du type générique et de la méthode générique, respectivement. Cet appel de méthode ne dépend pas des paramètres de type du type ou de la méthode englobante.

  • Cas 4 : La méthode M1 non générique de la Example classe est appelée. Cet appel de méthode ne dépend pas des paramètres de type du type ou de la méthode englobante.

En outre, l’exemple définit la classe non générique Example . Cette classe a une méthode M qui effectue un appel à une méthode générique.

  • Cas 5 : la méthode GM1<Tgm1> générique est appelée, en spécifiant Int32 et Object pour les arguments de type du type générique et de la méthode générique, respectivement. Le contexte de cette méthode n’a pas de type générique ou de méthode générique englobant.

Pour chaque cas, l’exemple construit d’abord un MethodInfo qui représente la méthode appelée, puis résout le jeton à l’aide de la surcharge de méthode ResolveMethod(Int32, Type[], Type[]) , à l’aide des Type.GetGenericArguments méthodes et MethodInfo.GetGenericArguments pour obtenir les valeurs des genericTypeArguments paramètres et genericMethodArguments . Cette technique fonctionne dans tous les cas, car les méthodes retournent Type.EmptyTypes pour les contextes non génériques. L’exemple compare le résolu MethodInfo avec le construit MethodInfo.

L’exemple tente ensuite d’utiliser la surcharge de ResolveMethod(Int32) méthode pour résoudre le jeton. Cela fonctionne dans les cas 3, 4 et 5, car les appels de méthode ne dépendent pas du contexte générique. Dans les cas 1 et 2, une exception est levée, car les informations ne sont pas suffisantes pour résoudre le jeton.

Les valeurs de jeton de métadonnées sont codées en dur en tant qu’énumération. Si vous modifiez cet exemple de code, les valeurs de jeton sont susceptibles de changer. Pour déterminer les nouvelles valeurs de jeton, compilez le code et utilisez Ildasm.exe avec l’option /TOKENS pour examiner l’assembly. Les jetons se trouvent aux points d’appel. Insérez les nouvelles valeurs dans l’énumération et recompilez l’exemple.

using System;
using System.Reflection;

namespace ResolveMethodExample
    // Metadata tokens for the MethodRefs that are to be resolved.
    // If you change this program, some or all of these metadata tokens might
    // change. The new token values can be discovered by compiling the example
    // and examining the assembly with Ildasm.exe, using the /TOKENS option.
    // Recompile the program after correcting the token values.
    enum Tokens
        Case1 = 0x2b000001,
        Case2 = 0x0A000006,
        Case3 = 0x2b000002,
        Case4 = 0x06000006,
        Case5 = 0x2b000002

    class G1<Tg1>
        public void GM1<Tgm1> (Tg1 param1, Tgm1 param2) {}
        public void M1(Tg1 param) {}

    class G2<Tg2>
        public void GM2<Tgm2> (Tg2 param1, Tgm2 param2)
            // Case 1: A generic method call that depends on its generic
            // context, because it uses the type parameters of the enclosing
            // generic type G2 and the enclosing generic method GM2. The token
            // for the MethodSpec is Tokens.Case1.
            G1<Tg2> g = new G1<Tg2>();
            g.GM1<Tgm2>(param1, param2);

            // Case 2: A non-generic method call that depends on its generic
            // context, because it uses the type parameter of the enclosing
            // generic type G2. The token for the MemberRef is Tokens.Case2.

            // Case 3: A generic method call that does not depend on its generic
            // context, because it does not use type parameters of the enclosing
            // generic type or method. The token for the MethodSpec is Tokens.Case3.
            G1<int> gi = new G1<int>();
            gi.GM1<object>(42, new Object());

            // Case 4: A non-generic method call that does not depend on its
            // generic context, because it does not use the type parameters of the
            // enclosing generic type or method. The token for the MethodDef is
            // Tokens.Case4.
            Example e = new Example();

    class Example
        public void M()
            G1<int> g = new G1<int>();
            // Case 5: A generic method call that does not have any generic
            // context. The token for the MethodSpec is Tokens.Case5.
            g.GM1<object>(42, new Object());

        static void Main ()
            Module mod = typeof(Example).Assembly.ManifestModule;
            MethodInfo miResolved2 = null;

            // Case 1: A generic method call that is dependent on its generic context.
            // Create and display a MethodInfo representing the MethodSpec of the
            // generic method g.GM1<Tgm2>() that is called in G2<Tg2>.GM2<Tgm2>().
            Type t = typeof(G1<>).MakeGenericType(typeof(G2<>).GetGenericArguments());
            MethodInfo mi = typeof(G2<>).GetMethod("GM2");
            MethodInfo miTest = t.GetMethod("GM1").MakeGenericMethod(mi.GetGenericArguments());
            Console.WriteLine("\nCase 1:\n{0}", miTest);

            // Resolve the MethodSpec token for method G1<Tg2>.GM1<Tgm2>(), which
            // is called in method G2<Tg2>.GM2<Tgm2>(). The GetGenericArguments method
            // must be used to obtain the context for resolving the method.
            MethodInfo miResolved = (MethodInfo) mod.ResolveMethod(
            Console.WriteLine("Is the resolved method the same? {0}", miResolved == miTest);

            // The overload that doesn't specify generic context throws an exception
            // because there is insufficient context to resolve the token.
                miResolved2 = (MethodInfo) mod.ResolveMethod((int)Tokens.Case1);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", ex.GetType(), ex.Message);

            // Case 2: A non-generic method call that is dependent on its generic context.
            // Create and display a MethodInfo representing the MemberRef of the
            // non-generic method g.M1() that is called in G2<Tg2>.GM2<Tgm2>().
            t = typeof(G1<>).MakeGenericType(typeof(G2<>).GetGenericArguments());
            miTest = t.GetMethod("M1");
            Console.WriteLine("\nCase 2:\n{0}", miTest);

            // Resolve the MemberRef token for method G1<Tg2>.M1(), which is
            // called in method G2<Tg2>.GM2<Tgm2>(). The GetGenericArguments method
            // must be used to obtain the context for resolving the method, because
            // the method parameter comes from the generic type G1, and the type
            // argument, Tg2, comes from the generic type that encloses the call.
            // There is no enclosing generic method, so the value Type.EmptyTypes
            // could be passed for the genericMethodArguments parameter.
            miResolved = (MethodInfo) mod.ResolveMethod(
            Console.WriteLine("Is the resolved method the same? {0}", miResolved == miTest);

            // The overload that doesn't specify generic context throws an exception
            // because there is insufficient context to resolve the token.
                miResolved2 = (MethodInfo) mod.ResolveMethod((int)Tokens.Case2);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", ex.GetType(), ex.Message);

            // Case 3: A generic method call that is independent of its generic context.
            // Create and display a MethodInfo representing the MethodSpec of the
            // generic method gi.GM1<object>() that is called in G2<Tg2>.GM2<Tgm2>().
            mi = typeof(G1<int>).GetMethod("GM1");
            miTest = mi.MakeGenericMethod(new Type[] { typeof(object) });
            Console.WriteLine("\nCase 3:\n{0}", miTest);

            // Resolve the token for method G1<int>.GM1<object>(), which is called
            // in G2<Tg2>.GM2<Tgm2>(). The GetGenericArguments method is used to
            // obtain the context for resolving the method, but the method call in
            // this case does not use type parameters of the enclosing type or
            // method, so Type.EmptyTypes could be used for both arguments.
            miResolved = (MethodInfo) mod.ResolveMethod(
            Console.WriteLine("Is the resolved method the same? {0}", miResolved == miTest);

            // The method call in this case does not depend on the enclosing generic
            // context, so the token can also be resolved by the simpler overload.
            miResolved2 = (MethodInfo) mod.ResolveMethod((int)Tokens.Case3);

            // Case 4: A non-generic method call that is independent of its generic context.
            // Create and display a MethodInfo representing the MethodDef of the
            // method e.M() that is called in G2<Tg2>.GM2<Tgm2>().
            miTest = typeof(Example).GetMethod("M");
            Console.WriteLine("\nCase 4:\n{0}", miTest);

            // Resolve the token for method Example.M(), which is called in
            // G2<Tg2>.GM2<Tgm2>(). The GetGenericArguments method is used to
            // obtain the context for resolving the method, but the non-generic
            // method call does not use type parameters of the enclosing type or
            // method, so Type.EmptyTypes could be used for both arguments.
            miResolved = (MethodInfo) mod.ResolveMethod(
            Console.WriteLine("Is the resolved method the same? {0}", miResolved == miTest);

            // The method call in this case does not depend on any enclosing generic
            // context, so the token can also be resolved by the simpler overload.
            miResolved2 = (MethodInfo) mod.ResolveMethod((int)Tokens.Case4);

            // Case 5: Generic method call in a non-generic context.
            // Create and display a MethodInfo representing the MethodRef of the
            // closed generic method g.GM1<object>() that is called in Example.M().
            mi = typeof(G1<int>).GetMethod("GM1");
            miTest = mi.MakeGenericMethod(new Type[] { typeof(object) });
            Console.WriteLine("\nCase 5:\n{0}", miTest);

            // Resolve the token for method G1<int>.GM1<object>(), which is called
            // in method Example.M(). The GetGenericArguments method is used to
            // obtain the context for resolving the method, but the enclosing type
            // and method are not generic, so Type.EmptyTypes could be used for
            // both arguments.
            miResolved = (MethodInfo) mod.ResolveMethod(
            Console.WriteLine("Is the resolved method the same? {0}", miResolved == miTest);

            // The method call in this case does not depend on any enclosing generic
            // context, so the token can also be resolved by the simpler overload.
            miResolved2 = (MethodInfo) mod.ResolveMethod((int)Tokens.Case5);
/* This example produces the following output:

Case 1:
Void GM1[Tgm2](Tg2, Tgm2)
Void GM1[Tgm2](Tg2, Tgm2)
Is the resolved method the same? True
System.ArgumentException: A BadImageFormatException has been thrown while parsing the signature. This is likely due to lack of a generic context. Ensure genericTypeArguments and genericMethodArguments are provided and contain enough context.

Case 2:
Void M1(Tg2)
Void M1(Tg2)
Is the resolved method the same? True
System.ArgumentException: A BadImageFormatException has been thrown while parsing the signature. This is likely due to lack of a generic context. Ensure genericTypeArguments and genericMethodArguments are provided and contain enough context.

Case 3:
Void GM1[Object](Int32, System.Object)
Void GM1[Object](Int32, System.Object)
Is the resolved method the same? True

Case 4:
Void M()
Void M()
Is the resolved method the same? True

Case 5:
Void GM1[Object](Int32, System.Object)
Void GM1[Object](Int32, System.Object)
Is the resolved method the same? True
Imports System.Reflection

Namespace ResolveMethodExample

    ' Metadata tokens for the MethodRefs that are to be resolved.
    ' If you change this program, some or all of these metadata tokens might
    ' change. The new token values can be discovered by compiling the example
    ' and examining the assembly with Ildasm.exe, using the /TOKENS option. 
    ' Recompile the program after correcting the token values. 
    Enum Tokens
        Case1 = &H2B000003
        Case2 = &HA00001F
        Case3 = &H2B000004
        Case4 = &H6000017
        Case5 = &H2B000004
    End Enum 

    Class G1(Of Tg1)

        Public Sub GM1(Of Tgm1) (ByVal param1 As Tg1, ByVal param2 As Tgm1)
        End Sub

        Public Sub M1(ByVal param As Tg1)
        End Sub
    End Class

    Class G2(Of Tg2)
        Public Sub GM2(Of Tgm2) (ByVal param1 As Tg2, ByVal param2 As Tgm2)
            ' Case 1: A generic method call that depends on its generic 
            ' context, because it uses the type parameters of the enclosing
            ' generic type G2 and the enclosing generic method GM2. The token 
            ' for the MethodSpec is Tokens.Case1.
            Dim g As New G1(Of Tg2)()
            g.GM1(Of Tgm2)(param1, param2)

            ' Case 2: A non-generic method call that depends on its generic 
            ' context, because it uses the type parameter of the enclosing
            ' generic type G2. The token for the MemberRef is Tokens.Case2.

            ' Case 3: A generic method call that does not depend on its generic 
            ' context, because it does not use type parameters of the enclosing
            ' generic type or method. The token for the MethodSpec is Tokens.Case3.
            Dim gi As New G1(Of Integer)()
            gi.GM1(Of Object)(42, New Object())

            ' Case 4: A non-generic method call that does not depend on its 
            ' generic context, because it does not use the type parameters of the
            ' enclosing generic type or method. The token for the MethodDef is 
            ' Tokens.Case4.
            Dim e As New Example()
        End Sub 
    End Class

    Class Example
        Public Sub M() 
            Dim g As New G1(Of Integer)()
            ' Case 5: A generic method call that does not have any generic 
            ' context. The token for the MethodSpec is Tokens.Case5.
            g.GM1(Of Object)(42, New Object())
        End Sub 
        Shared Sub Main() 
            Dim m As [Module] = GetType(Example).Assembly.ManifestModule
            Dim miResolved2 As MethodInfo = Nothing
            ' Case 1: A generic method call that is dependent on its generic context.
            ' Create and display a MethodInfo representing the MethodSpec of the 
            ' generic method g.GM1(Of Tgm2)() that is called in G2(Of Tg2).GM2(Of Tgm2)().
            Dim t As Type = GetType(G1(Of )).MakeGenericType(GetType(G2(Of )).GetGenericArguments())
            Dim mi As MethodInfo = GetType(G2(Of )).GetMethod("GM2")
            Dim miTest As MethodInfo = t.GetMethod("GM1").MakeGenericMethod(mi.GetGenericArguments())
            Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Case 1:" & vbCrLf & miTest.ToString())
            ' Resolve the MethodSpec token for method G1(Of Tg2).GM1(Of Tgm2)(), which 
            ' is called in method G2(Of Tg2).GM2(Of Tgm2)(). The GetGenericArguments 
            ' method must be used to obtain the context for resolving the method.
            Dim miResolved As MethodInfo = CType(m.ResolveMethod( _
                    CInt(Tokens.Case1), _
                    GetType(G2(Of )).GetGenericArguments(), _
                    GetType(G2(Of )).GetMethod("GM2").GetGenericArguments()), _
            Console.WriteLine("Is the resolved method the same? {0}", miResolved Is miTest)
            ' The overload that doesn't specify generic context throws an exception
            ' because there is insufficient context to resolve the token.
                miResolved2 = CType(m.ResolveMethod(CInt(Tokens.Case1)), MethodInfo)
            Catch ex As Exception
                Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", ex.GetType(), ex.Message)
            End Try
            ' Case 2: A non-generic method call that is dependent on its generic context.
            ' Create and display a MethodInfo representing the MemberRef of the 
            ' non-generic method g.M1() that is called in G2(Of Tg2).GM2(Of Tgm2)().
            t = GetType(G1(Of )).MakeGenericType(GetType(G2(Of )).GetGenericArguments())
            miTest = t.GetMethod("M1")
            Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Case 2:" & vbCrLf & miTest.ToString())
            ' Resolve the MemberRef token for method G1(Of Tg2).M1(), which is
            ' called in method G2(Of Tg2).GM2(Of Tgm2)(). The GetGenericArguments 
            ' method must be used to obtain the context for resolving the method, 
            ' because the method parameter comes from the generic type G1, and the 
            ' because argument, Tg2, comes from the generic type that encloses the 
            ' call. There is no enclosing generic method, so Type.EmptyTypes could
            ' be passed for the genericMethodArguments parameter.
            miResolved = CType(m.ResolveMethod( _
                    CInt(Tokens.Case2), _
                    GetType(G2(Of )).GetGenericArguments(), _
                    GetType(G2(Of )).GetMethod("GM2").GetGenericArguments()), _
            Console.WriteLine("Is the resolved method the same? {0}", miResolved Is miTest)
            ' The overload that doesn't specify generic context throws an exception
            ' because there is insufficient context to resolve the token.
                miResolved2 = CType(m.ResolveMethod(CInt(Tokens.Case2)), MethodInfo)
            Catch ex As Exception
                Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", ex.GetType(), ex.Message)
            End Try
            ' Case 3: A generic method call that is independent of its generic context.
            ' Create and display a MethodInfo representing the MethodSpec of the 
            ' generic method gi.GM1(Of Object)() that is called in G2(Of Tg2).GM2(Of Tgm2)().
            mi = GetType(G1(Of Integer)).GetMethod("GM1")
            miTest = mi.MakeGenericMethod(New Type() {GetType(Object)})
            Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Case 3:" & vbCrLf & miTest.ToString())
            ' Resolve the token for method G1(Of Integer).GM1(Of Object)(), which is 
            ' calledin G2(Of Tg2).GM2(Of Tgm2)(). The GetGenericArguments method is  
            ' used to obtain the context for resolving the method, but the method call
            ' in this case does not use type parameters of the enclosing type or
            ' method, so Type.EmptyTypes could be used for both arguments.
            miResolved = CType(m.ResolveMethod( _
                    CInt(Tokens.Case3), _
                    GetType(G2(Of )).GetGenericArguments(), _
                    GetType(G2(Of )).GetMethod("GM2").GetGenericArguments()), _
            Console.WriteLine("Is the resolved method the same? {0}", miResolved Is miTest)
            ' The method call in this case does not depend on the enclosing generic
            ' context, so the token can also be resolved by the simpler overload.
            miResolved2 = CType(m.ResolveMethod(CInt(Tokens.Case3)), MethodInfo)
            ' Case 4: A non-generic method call that is independent of its generic context.
            ' Create and display a MethodInfo representing the MethodDef of the 
            ' method e.M() that is called in G2(Of Tg2).GM2(Of Tgm2)().
            miTest = GetType(Example).GetMethod("M")
            Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Case 4:" & vbCrLf & miTest.ToString())
            ' Resolve the token for method Example.M(), which is called in
            ' G2(Of Tg2).GM2(Of Tgm2)(). The GetGenericArguments method is used to 
            ' obtain the context for resolving the method, but the non-generic 
            ' method call does not use type parameters of the enclosing type or
            ' method, so Type.EmptyTypes could be used for both arguments.
            miResolved = CType(m.ResolveMethod( _
                    CInt(Tokens.Case4), _
                    GetType(G2(Of )).GetGenericArguments(), _
                    GetType(G2(Of )).GetMethod("GM2").GetGenericArguments()), _
            Console.WriteLine("Is the resolved method the same? {0}", miResolved Is miTest)
            ' The method call in this case does not depend on any enclosing generic
            ' context, so the token can also be resolved by the simpler overload.
            miResolved2 = CType(m.ResolveMethod(CInt(Tokens.Case4)), MethodInfo)
            ' Case 5: Generic method call in a non-generic context.
            ' Create and display a MethodInfo representing the MethodRef of the 
            ' closed generic method g.GM1(Of Object)() that is called in Example.M().
            mi = GetType(G1(Of Integer)).GetMethod("GM1")
            miTest = mi.MakeGenericMethod(New Type() {GetType(Object)})
            Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Case 5:" & vbCrLf & miTest.ToString())
            ' Resolve the token for method G1(Of Integer).GM1(Of Object)(), which is 
            ' called in method Example.M(). The GetGenericArguments method is used to 
            ' obtain the context for resolving the method, but the enclosing type
            ' and method are not generic, so Type.EmptyTypes could be used for
            ' both arguments.
            miResolved = CType(m.ResolveMethod( _
                    CInt(Tokens.Case5), _
                    GetType(Example).GetGenericArguments(), _
                    GetType(Example).GetMethod("M").GetGenericArguments()), _
            Console.WriteLine("Is the resolved method the same? {0}", miResolved Is miTest)
            ' The method call in this case does not depend on any enclosing generic
            ' context, so the token can also be resolved by the simpler overload.
            miResolved2 = CType(m.ResolveMethod(CInt(Tokens.Case5)), MethodInfo)
        End Sub 
    End Class 
End Namespace

' This example produces the following output:
'Case 1:
'Void GM1[Tgm2](Tg2, Tgm2)
'Void GM1[Tgm2](Tg2, Tgm2)
'Is the resolved method the same? True
'System.ArgumentException: A BadImageFormatException has been thrown while parsing the signature. This is likely due to lack of a generic context. Ensure genericTypeArguments and genericMethodArguments are provided and contain enough context.
'Case 2:
'Void M1(Tg2)
'Void M1(Tg2)
'Is the resolved method the same? True
'System.ArgumentException: A BadImageFormatException has been thrown while parsing the signature. This is likely due to lack of a generic context. Ensure genericTypeArguments and genericMethodArguments are provided and contain enough context.
'Case 3:
'Void GM1[Object](Int32, System.Object)
'Void GM1[Object](Int32, System.Object)
'Is the resolved method the same? True
'Case 4:
'Void M()
'Void M()
'Is the resolved method the same? True
'Case 5:
'Void GM1[Object](Int32, System.Object)
'Void GM1[Object](Int32, System.Object)
'Is the resolved method the same? True


Utilisez la Type.GetGenericArguments méthode sur le type où metadataToken est dans l’étendue pour obtenir un tableau d’arguments de type générique pour genericTypeArguments. Utilisez la MethodInfo.GetGenericArguments méthode sur la méthode où metadataToken est dans l’étendue pour obtenir un tableau d’arguments de type générique pour genericMethodArguments. Il est toujours prudent de fournir ces arguments, même quand ils ne sont pas nécessaires.


Vous trouverez des informations sur les jetons de métadonnées dans la documentation CLI (Common Language Infrastructure), en particulier « Partition II : Définition et sémantique des métadonnées ». Pour plus d’informations, consultez ECMA 335 Common Language Infrastructure (CLI).

S’applique à



Retourne la méthode ou le constructeur identifié par le jeton de métadonnées spécifié.

 System::Reflection::MethodBase ^ ResolveMethod(int metadataToken);
public System.Reflection.MethodBase? ResolveMethod (int metadataToken);
public System.Reflection.MethodBase ResolveMethod (int metadataToken);
member this.ResolveMethod : int -> System.Reflection.MethodBase
Public Function ResolveMethod (metadataToken As Integer) As MethodBase



Jeton de métadonnées qui identifie une méthode ou un constructeur dans le module.


Objet MethodBase représentant la méthode ou le constructeur identifié par le jeton de métadonnées spécifié.


metadataToken n'est pas un jeton pour une méthode ou un constructeur dans la portée du module en cours.

- ou -

metadataToken est un MethodSpec dont la signature contient le type d'élément var (un paramètre de type d'un type générique) ou mvar (un paramètre de type d'une méthode générique).

metadataToken n'est pas un jeton valide dans la portée du module actuel.


L’exemple suivant montre comment utiliser les deux surcharges de la ResolveMethod méthode pour résoudre les jetons de métadonnées des sites d’appel dans des contextes génériques et non génériques.

L’exemple de code définit deux types génériques et G1<Tg1>G2<Tg2> (G1(Of Tg1) et G2(Of Tg2) en Visual Basic), chacun ayant une méthode générique. G1<Tg1> a également une méthode non générique qui utilise le paramètre Tg1 de type pour son paramètre. La méthode GM2<Tgm2> générique de type G2<Tg2> contient plusieurs appels de méthode :

  • Cas 1 : la méthode GM1<Tgm1> générique est appelée, en utilisant les paramètres de type de G2<Tg2> et GM2<Tgm2> comme arguments de type. En d’autres termes, les types de paramètres de la méthode appelée dépendent des types utilisés pour construire un type générique fermé à partir de la définition de type pour G2<Tg2>.

  • Cas 2 : La méthode M1 non générique est appelée. Le paramètre de cette méthode utilise le paramètre de type du type de définition, G1<Tg1>, qui est remplacé dans ce cas par le paramètre de type du type englobant, G2<Tg2>.

  • Cas 3 : La méthode GM1<Tgm1> générique est appelée, en spécifiant Int32 et Object pour les arguments de type du type générique et de la méthode générique, respectivement. Cet appel de méthode ne dépend pas des paramètres de type du type ou de la méthode englobante.

  • Cas 4 : La méthode M1 non générique de la Example classe est appelée. Cet appel de méthode ne dépend pas des paramètres de type du type ou de la méthode englobante.

En outre, l’exemple définit la classe non générique Example . Cette classe a une méthode M qui effectue un appel à une méthode générique :

  • Cas 5 : la méthode GM1 générique est appelée, en spécifiant Int32 et Object pour les arguments de type du type générique et de la méthode générique, respectivement. Le contexte de cette méthode n’a pas de type générique ou de méthode générique englobant.

Pour chaque cas, l’exemple construit d’abord un MethodInfo qui représente la méthode appelée, puis résout le jeton à l’aide de la surcharge de méthode ResolveMethod(Int32, Type[], Type[]) , à l’aide des Type.GetGenericArguments méthodes et MethodInfo.GetGenericArguments pour obtenir les valeurs des genericTypeArguments paramètres et genericMethodArguments . Cette technique fonctionne dans tous les cas, car les méthodes retournent Type.EmptyTypes pour les contextes non génériques. L’exemple compare le résolu MethodInfo avec le construit MethodInfo.

L’exemple tente ensuite d’utiliser la surcharge de ResolveMethod(Int32) méthode pour résoudre le jeton. Cela fonctionne dans les cas 3, 4 et 5, car les appels de méthode ne dépendent pas du contexte générique. Dans les cas 1 et 2, une exception est levée, car les informations ne sont pas suffisantes pour résoudre le jeton.

Les valeurs de jeton de métadonnées sont codées en dur en tant qu’énumération. Si vous modifiez cet exemple de code, les valeurs de jeton sont susceptibles de changer. Pour déterminer les nouvelles valeurs de jeton, compilez le code et utilisez Ildasm.exe avec l’option /TOKENS pour examiner l’assembly. Les jetons se trouvent aux points d’appel. Insérez les nouvelles valeurs dans l’énumération et recompilez l’exemple.

using System;
using System.Reflection;

namespace ResolveMethodExample
    // Metadata tokens for the MethodRefs that are to be resolved.
    // If you change this program, some or all of these metadata tokens might
    // change. The new token values can be discovered by compiling the example
    // and examining the assembly with Ildasm.exe, using the /TOKENS option.
    // Recompile the program after correcting the token values.
    enum Tokens
        Case1 = 0x2b000001,
        Case2 = 0x0A000006,
        Case3 = 0x2b000002,
        Case4 = 0x06000006,
        Case5 = 0x2b000002

    class G1<Tg1>
        public void GM1<Tgm1> (Tg1 param1, Tgm1 param2) {}
        public void M1(Tg1 param) {}

    class G2<Tg2>
        public void GM2<Tgm2> (Tg2 param1, Tgm2 param2)
            // Case 1: A generic method call that depends on its generic
            // context, because it uses the type parameters of the enclosing
            // generic type G2 and the enclosing generic method GM2. The token
            // for the MethodSpec is Tokens.Case1.
            G1<Tg2> g = new G1<Tg2>();
            g.GM1<Tgm2>(param1, param2);

            // Case 2: A non-generic method call that depends on its generic
            // context, because it uses the type parameter of the enclosing
            // generic type G2. The token for the MemberRef is Tokens.Case2.

            // Case 3: A generic method call that does not depend on its generic
            // context, because it does not use type parameters of the enclosing
            // generic type or method. The token for the MethodSpec is Tokens.Case3.
            G1<int> gi = new G1<int>();
            gi.GM1<object>(42, new Object());

            // Case 4: A non-generic method call that does not depend on its
            // generic context, because it does not use the type parameters of the
            // enclosing generic type or method. The token for the MethodDef is
            // Tokens.Case4.
            Example e = new Example();

    class Example
        public void M()
            G1<int> g = new G1<int>();
            // Case 5: A generic method call that does not have any generic
            // context. The token for the MethodSpec is Tokens.Case5.
            g.GM1<object>(42, new Object());

        static void Main ()
            Module mod = typeof(Example).Assembly.ManifestModule;
            MethodInfo miResolved2 = null;

            // Case 1: A generic method call that is dependent on its generic context.
            // Create and display a MethodInfo representing the MethodSpec of the
            // generic method g.GM1<Tgm2>() that is called in G2<Tg2>.GM2<Tgm2>().
            Type t = typeof(G1<>).MakeGenericType(typeof(G2<>).GetGenericArguments());
            MethodInfo mi = typeof(G2<>).GetMethod("GM2");
            MethodInfo miTest = t.GetMethod("GM1").MakeGenericMethod(mi.GetGenericArguments());
            Console.WriteLine("\nCase 1:\n{0}", miTest);

            // Resolve the MethodSpec token for method G1<Tg2>.GM1<Tgm2>(), which
            // is called in method G2<Tg2>.GM2<Tgm2>(). The GetGenericArguments method
            // must be used to obtain the context for resolving the method.
            MethodInfo miResolved = (MethodInfo) mod.ResolveMethod(
            Console.WriteLine("Is the resolved method the same? {0}", miResolved == miTest);

            // The overload that doesn't specify generic context throws an exception
            // because there is insufficient context to resolve the token.
                miResolved2 = (MethodInfo) mod.ResolveMethod((int)Tokens.Case1);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", ex.GetType(), ex.Message);

            // Case 2: A non-generic method call that is dependent on its generic context.
            // Create and display a MethodInfo representing the MemberRef of the
            // non-generic method g.M1() that is called in G2<Tg2>.GM2<Tgm2>().
            t = typeof(G1<>).MakeGenericType(typeof(G2<>).GetGenericArguments());
            miTest = t.GetMethod("M1");
            Console.WriteLine("\nCase 2:\n{0}", miTest);

            // Resolve the MemberRef token for method G1<Tg2>.M1(), which is
            // called in method G2<Tg2>.GM2<Tgm2>(). The GetGenericArguments method
            // must be used to obtain the context for resolving the method, because
            // the method parameter comes from the generic type G1, and the type
            // argument, Tg2, comes from the generic type that encloses the call.
            // There is no enclosing generic method, so the value Type.EmptyTypes
            // could be passed for the genericMethodArguments parameter.
            miResolved = (MethodInfo) mod.ResolveMethod(
            Console.WriteLine("Is the resolved method the same? {0}", miResolved == miTest);

            // The overload that doesn't specify generic context throws an exception
            // because there is insufficient context to resolve the token.
                miResolved2 = (MethodInfo) mod.ResolveMethod((int)Tokens.Case2);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", ex.GetType(), ex.Message);

            // Case 3: A generic method call that is independent of its generic context.
            // Create and display a MethodInfo representing the MethodSpec of the
            // generic method gi.GM1<object>() that is called in G2<Tg2>.GM2<Tgm2>().
            mi = typeof(G1<int>).GetMethod("GM1");
            miTest = mi.MakeGenericMethod(new Type[] { typeof(object) });
            Console.WriteLine("\nCase 3:\n{0}", miTest);

            // Resolve the token for method G1<int>.GM1<object>(), which is called
            // in G2<Tg2>.GM2<Tgm2>(). The GetGenericArguments method is used to
            // obtain the context for resolving the method, but the method call in
            // this case does not use type parameters of the enclosing type or
            // method, so Type.EmptyTypes could be used for both arguments.
            miResolved = (MethodInfo) mod.ResolveMethod(
            Console.WriteLine("Is the resolved method the same? {0}", miResolved == miTest);

            // The method call in this case does not depend on the enclosing generic
            // context, so the token can also be resolved by the simpler overload.
            miResolved2 = (MethodInfo) mod.ResolveMethod((int)Tokens.Case3);

            // Case 4: A non-generic method call that is independent of its generic context.
            // Create and display a MethodInfo representing the MethodDef of the
            // method e.M() that is called in G2<Tg2>.GM2<Tgm2>().
            miTest = typeof(Example).GetMethod("M");
            Console.WriteLine("\nCase 4:\n{0}", miTest);

            // Resolve the token for method Example.M(), which is called in
            // G2<Tg2>.GM2<Tgm2>(). The GetGenericArguments method is used to
            // obtain the context for resolving the method, but the non-generic
            // method call does not use type parameters of the enclosing type or
            // method, so Type.EmptyTypes could be used for both arguments.
            miResolved = (MethodInfo) mod.ResolveMethod(
            Console.WriteLine("Is the resolved method the same? {0}", miResolved == miTest);

            // The method call in this case does not depend on any enclosing generic
            // context, so the token can also be resolved by the simpler overload.
            miResolved2 = (MethodInfo) mod.ResolveMethod((int)Tokens.Case4);

            // Case 5: Generic method call in a non-generic context.
            // Create and display a MethodInfo representing the MethodRef of the
            // closed generic method g.GM1<object>() that is called in Example.M().
            mi = typeof(G1<int>).GetMethod("GM1");
            miTest = mi.MakeGenericMethod(new Type[] { typeof(object) });
            Console.WriteLine("\nCase 5:\n{0}", miTest);

            // Resolve the token for method G1<int>.GM1<object>(), which is called
            // in method Example.M(). The GetGenericArguments method is used to
            // obtain the context for resolving the method, but the enclosing type
            // and method are not generic, so Type.EmptyTypes could be used for
            // both arguments.
            miResolved = (MethodInfo) mod.ResolveMethod(
            Console.WriteLine("Is the resolved method the same? {0}", miResolved == miTest);

            // The method call in this case does not depend on any enclosing generic
            // context, so the token can also be resolved by the simpler overload.
            miResolved2 = (MethodInfo) mod.ResolveMethod((int)Tokens.Case5);
/* This example produces the following output:

Case 1:
Void GM1[Tgm2](Tg2, Tgm2)
Void GM1[Tgm2](Tg2, Tgm2)
Is the resolved method the same? True
System.ArgumentException: A BadImageFormatException has been thrown while parsing the signature. This is likely due to lack of a generic context. Ensure genericTypeArguments and genericMethodArguments are provided and contain enough context.

Case 2:
Void M1(Tg2)
Void M1(Tg2)
Is the resolved method the same? True
System.ArgumentException: A BadImageFormatException has been thrown while parsing the signature. This is likely due to lack of a generic context. Ensure genericTypeArguments and genericMethodArguments are provided and contain enough context.

Case 3:
Void GM1[Object](Int32, System.Object)
Void GM1[Object](Int32, System.Object)
Is the resolved method the same? True

Case 4:
Void M()
Void M()
Is the resolved method the same? True

Case 5:
Void GM1[Object](Int32, System.Object)
Void GM1[Object](Int32, System.Object)
Is the resolved method the same? True
Imports System.Reflection

Namespace ResolveMethodExample

    ' Metadata tokens for the MethodRefs that are to be resolved.
    ' If you change this program, some or all of these metadata tokens might
    ' change. The new token values can be discovered by compiling the example
    ' and examining the assembly with Ildasm.exe, using the /TOKENS option. 
    ' Recompile the program after correcting the token values. 
    Enum Tokens
        Case1 = &H2B000003
        Case2 = &HA00001F
        Case3 = &H2B000004
        Case4 = &H6000017
        Case5 = &H2B000004
    End Enum 

    Class G1(Of Tg1)

        Public Sub GM1(Of Tgm1) (ByVal param1 As Tg1, ByVal param2 As Tgm1)
        End Sub

        Public Sub M1(ByVal param As Tg1)
        End Sub
    End Class

    Class G2(Of Tg2)
        Public Sub GM2(Of Tgm2) (ByVal param1 As Tg2, ByVal param2 As Tgm2)
            ' Case 1: A generic method call that depends on its generic 
            ' context, because it uses the type parameters of the enclosing
            ' generic type G2 and the enclosing generic method GM2. The token 
            ' for the MethodSpec is Tokens.Case1.
            Dim g As New G1(Of Tg2)()
            g.GM1(Of Tgm2)(param1, param2)

            ' Case 2: A non-generic method call that depends on its generic 
            ' context, because it uses the type parameter of the enclosing
            ' generic type G2. The token for the MemberRef is Tokens.Case2.

            ' Case 3: A generic method call that does not depend on its generic 
            ' context, because it does not use type parameters of the enclosing
            ' generic type or method. The token for the MethodSpec is Tokens.Case3.
            Dim gi As New G1(Of Integer)()
            gi.GM1(Of Object)(42, New Object())

            ' Case 4: A non-generic method call that does not depend on its 
            ' generic context, because it does not use the type parameters of the
            ' enclosing generic type or method. The token for the MethodDef is 
            ' Tokens.Case4.
            Dim e As New Example()
        End Sub 
    End Class

    Class Example
        Public Sub M() 
            Dim g As New G1(Of Integer)()
            ' Case 5: A generic method call that does not have any generic 
            ' context. The token for the MethodSpec is Tokens.Case5.
            g.GM1(Of Object)(42, New Object())
        End Sub 
        Shared Sub Main() 
            Dim m As [Module] = GetType(Example).Assembly.ManifestModule
            Dim miResolved2 As MethodInfo = Nothing
            ' Case 1: A generic method call that is dependent on its generic context.
            ' Create and display a MethodInfo representing the MethodSpec of the 
            ' generic method g.GM1(Of Tgm2)() that is called in G2(Of Tg2).GM2(Of Tgm2)().
            Dim t As Type = GetType(G1(Of )).MakeGenericType(GetType(G2(Of )).GetGenericArguments())
            Dim mi As MethodInfo = GetType(G2(Of )).GetMethod("GM2")
            Dim miTest As MethodInfo = t.GetMethod("GM1").MakeGenericMethod(mi.GetGenericArguments())
            Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Case 1:" & vbCrLf & miTest.ToString())
            ' Resolve the MethodSpec token for method G1(Of Tg2).GM1(Of Tgm2)(), which 
            ' is called in method G2(Of Tg2).GM2(Of Tgm2)(). The GetGenericArguments 
            ' method must be used to obtain the context for resolving the method.
            Dim miResolved As MethodInfo = CType(m.ResolveMethod( _
                    CInt(Tokens.Case1), _
                    GetType(G2(Of )).GetGenericArguments(), _
                    GetType(G2(Of )).GetMethod("GM2").GetGenericArguments()), _
            Console.WriteLine("Is the resolved method the same? {0}", miResolved Is miTest)
            ' The overload that doesn't specify generic context throws an exception
            ' because there is insufficient context to resolve the token.
                miResolved2 = CType(m.ResolveMethod(CInt(Tokens.Case1)), MethodInfo)
            Catch ex As Exception
                Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", ex.GetType(), ex.Message)
            End Try
            ' Case 2: A non-generic method call that is dependent on its generic context.
            ' Create and display a MethodInfo representing the MemberRef of the 
            ' non-generic method g.M1() that is called in G2(Of Tg2).GM2(Of Tgm2)().
            t = GetType(G1(Of )).MakeGenericType(GetType(G2(Of )).GetGenericArguments())
            miTest = t.GetMethod("M1")
            Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Case 2:" & vbCrLf & miTest.ToString())
            ' Resolve the MemberRef token for method G1(Of Tg2).M1(), which is
            ' called in method G2(Of Tg2).GM2(Of Tgm2)(). The GetGenericArguments 
            ' method must be used to obtain the context for resolving the method, 
            ' because the method parameter comes from the generic type G1, and the 
            ' because argument, Tg2, comes from the generic type that encloses the 
            ' call. There is no enclosing generic method, so Type.EmptyTypes could
            ' be passed for the genericMethodArguments parameter.
            miResolved = CType(m.ResolveMethod( _
                    CInt(Tokens.Case2), _
                    GetType(G2(Of )).GetGenericArguments(), _
                    GetType(G2(Of )).GetMethod("GM2").GetGenericArguments()), _
            Console.WriteLine("Is the resolved method the same? {0}", miResolved Is miTest)
            ' The overload that doesn't specify generic context throws an exception
            ' because there is insufficient context to resolve the token.
                miResolved2 = CType(m.ResolveMethod(CInt(Tokens.Case2)), MethodInfo)
            Catch ex As Exception
                Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", ex.GetType(), ex.Message)
            End Try
            ' Case 3: A generic method call that is independent of its generic context.
            ' Create and display a MethodInfo representing the MethodSpec of the 
            ' generic method gi.GM1(Of Object)() that is called in G2(Of Tg2).GM2(Of Tgm2)().
            mi = GetType(G1(Of Integer)).GetMethod("GM1")
            miTest = mi.MakeGenericMethod(New Type() {GetType(Object)})
            Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Case 3:" & vbCrLf & miTest.ToString())
            ' Resolve the token for method G1(Of Integer).GM1(Of Object)(), which is 
            ' calledin G2(Of Tg2).GM2(Of Tgm2)(). The GetGenericArguments method is  
            ' used to obtain the context for resolving the method, but the method call
            ' in this case does not use type parameters of the enclosing type or
            ' method, so Type.EmptyTypes could be used for both arguments.
            miResolved = CType(m.ResolveMethod( _
                    CInt(Tokens.Case3), _
                    GetType(G2(Of )).GetGenericArguments(), _
                    GetType(G2(Of )).GetMethod("GM2").GetGenericArguments()), _
            Console.WriteLine("Is the resolved method the same? {0}", miResolved Is miTest)
            ' The method call in this case does not depend on the enclosing generic
            ' context, so the token can also be resolved by the simpler overload.
            miResolved2 = CType(m.ResolveMethod(CInt(Tokens.Case3)), MethodInfo)
            ' Case 4: A non-generic method call that is independent of its generic context.
            ' Create and display a MethodInfo representing the MethodDef of the 
            ' method e.M() that is called in G2(Of Tg2).GM2(Of Tgm2)().
            miTest = GetType(Example).GetMethod("M")
            Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Case 4:" & vbCrLf & miTest.ToString())
            ' Resolve the token for method Example.M(), which is called in
            ' G2(Of Tg2).GM2(Of Tgm2)(). The GetGenericArguments method is used to 
            ' obtain the context for resolving the method, but the non-generic 
            ' method call does not use type parameters of the enclosing type or
            ' method, so Type.EmptyTypes could be used for both arguments.
            miResolved = CType(m.ResolveMethod( _
                    CInt(Tokens.Case4), _
                    GetType(G2(Of )).GetGenericArguments(), _
                    GetType(G2(Of )).GetMethod("GM2").GetGenericArguments()), _
            Console.WriteLine("Is the resolved method the same? {0}", miResolved Is miTest)
            ' The method call in this case does not depend on any enclosing generic
            ' context, so the token can also be resolved by the simpler overload.
            miResolved2 = CType(m.ResolveMethod(CInt(Tokens.Case4)), MethodInfo)
            ' Case 5: Generic method call in a non-generic context.
            ' Create and display a MethodInfo representing the MethodRef of the 
            ' closed generic method g.GM1(Of Object)() that is called in Example.M().
            mi = GetType(G1(Of Integer)).GetMethod("GM1")
            miTest = mi.MakeGenericMethod(New Type() {GetType(Object)})
            Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Case 5:" & vbCrLf & miTest.ToString())
            ' Resolve the token for method G1(Of Integer).GM1(Of Object)(), which is 
            ' called in method Example.M(). The GetGenericArguments method is used to 
            ' obtain the context for resolving the method, but the enclosing type
            ' and method are not generic, so Type.EmptyTypes could be used for
            ' both arguments.
            miResolved = CType(m.ResolveMethod( _
                    CInt(Tokens.Case5), _
                    GetType(Example).GetGenericArguments(), _
                    GetType(Example).GetMethod("M").GetGenericArguments()), _
            Console.WriteLine("Is the resolved method the same? {0}", miResolved Is miTest)
            ' The method call in this case does not depend on any enclosing generic
            ' context, so the token can also be resolved by the simpler overload.
            miResolved2 = CType(m.ResolveMethod(CInt(Tokens.Case5)), MethodInfo)
        End Sub 
    End Class 
End Namespace

' This example produces the following output:
'Case 1:
'Void GM1[Tgm2](Tg2, Tgm2)
'Void GM1[Tgm2](Tg2, Tgm2)
'Is the resolved method the same? True
'System.ArgumentException: A BadImageFormatException has been thrown while parsing the signature. This is likely due to lack of a generic context. Ensure genericTypeArguments and genericMethodArguments are provided and contain enough context.
'Case 2:
'Void M1(Tg2)
'Void M1(Tg2)
'Is the resolved method the same? True
'System.ArgumentException: A BadImageFormatException has been thrown while parsing the signature. This is likely due to lack of a generic context. Ensure genericTypeArguments and genericMethodArguments are provided and contain enough context.
'Case 3:
'Void GM1[Object](Int32, System.Object)
'Void GM1[Object](Int32, System.Object)
'Is the resolved method the same? True
'Case 4:
'Void M()
'Void M()
'Is the resolved method the same? True
'Case 5:
'Void GM1[Object](Int32, System.Object)
'Void GM1[Object](Int32, System.Object)
'Is the resolved method the same? True


Pour résoudre un jeton de métadonnées pour un dont la signature contient le MethodSpec type ELEMENT_TYPE_VAR d’élément ou ELEMENT_TYPE_MVAR, utilisez la ResolveMethod(Int32, Type[], Type[]) surcharge de méthode, ce qui vous permet de fournir le contexte nécessaire. Autrement dit, lorsque vous résolvez un jeton de métadonnées pour une méthode qui dépend des paramètres de type générique du type générique et/ou de la méthode générique dans laquelle le jeton est incorporé, vous devez utiliser la surcharge qui vous permet de fournir ces paramètres de type.


Vous trouverez des informations sur les jetons de métadonnées dans la documentation CLI (Common Language Infrastructure), en particulier « Partition II : Définition et sémantique des métadonnées ». Pour plus d’informations, consultez ECMA 335 Common Language Infrastructure (CLI).

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