Partage via

IMessageSink Interface


Définit l'interface pour un récepteur de messages.

public interface class IMessageSink
public interface IMessageSink
public interface IMessageSink
type IMessageSink = interface
type IMessageSink = interface
Public Interface IMessageSink


L’exemple de code suivant montre l’implémentation de l’interface IMessageSink . Notez que l’exemple suppose des définitions de type et des références d’assembly qui doivent être fournies pour que l’exemple puisse être compilé.

#using <System.Runtime.Remoting.dll>
#using <System.dll>
#using <IMessageSink_Share.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Threading;
using namespace System::Runtime::Remoting;
using namespace System::Runtime::Remoting::Channels;
using namespace System::Runtime::Remoting::Channels::Http;
using namespace System::Runtime::Remoting::Proxies;
using namespace System::Runtime::Remoting::Messaging;
using namespace System::Security::Permissions;
using namespace Share;

public ref class MyProxy: public RealProxy
   String^ myUrl;
   String^ myObjectURI;
   IMessageSink^ myMessageSink;


   MyProxy( Type^ myType, String^ myUrl1 )
      : RealProxy( myType )
      myUrl = myUrl1;
      array<IChannel^>^myRegisteredChannels = ChannelServices::RegisteredChannels;
      IEnumerator^ myEnum = myRegisteredChannels->GetEnumerator();
      while ( myEnum->MoveNext() )
         IChannel^ channel = safe_cast<IChannel^>(myEnum->Current);
         if ( dynamic_cast<IChannelSender^>(channel) )
            IChannelSender^ myChannelSender = dynamic_cast<IChannelSender^>(channel);
            myMessageSink = myChannelSender->CreateMessageSink( myUrl, nullptr, myObjectURI );
            if ( myMessageSink != nullptr )

      if ( myMessageSink == nullptr )
         throw gcnew Exception( String::Format( "A supported channel could not be found for myUrl1:{0}", myUrl ) );

   virtual IMessage^ Invoke( IMessage^ myMesg ) override
      Console::WriteLine( "MyProxy.Invoke Start" );
      if ( dynamic_cast<IMethodCallMessage^>(myMesg) )
            Console::WriteLine( "IMethodCallMessage" );

      if ( dynamic_cast<IMethodReturnMessage^>(myMesg) )
            Console::WriteLine( "IMethodReturnMessage" );

      Console::WriteLine( "Message Properties" );
      IDictionary^ myDictionary = myMesg->Properties;
      IDictionaryEnumerator^ myEnum = dynamic_cast<IDictionaryEnumerator^>(myDictionary->GetEnumerator());
      while ( myEnum->MoveNext() )
         Object^ myKey = myEnum->Key;
         String^ myKeyName = myKey->ToString();
         Object^ myValue = myEnum->Value;
         Console::WriteLine( "{0} : {1}", myKeyName, myEnum->Value );
         if ( myKeyName->Equals( "__Args" ) )
            array<Object^>^myArgs = (array<Object^>^)myValue;
            for ( int myInt = 0; myInt < myArgs->Length; myInt++ )
               Console::WriteLine( "arg: {0} myValue: {1}", myInt, myArgs[ myInt ] );

         if ( (myKeyName->Equals( "__MethodSignature" )) && (nullptr != myValue) )
            array<Object^>^myArgs = (array<Object^>^)myValue;
            for ( int myInt = 0; myInt < myArgs->Length; myInt++ )
               Console::WriteLine( "arg: {0} myValue: {1}", myInt, myArgs[ myInt ] );

      Console::WriteLine( "myUrl1 {0} object URI{1}", myUrl, myObjectURI );
      myDictionary->default[ "__Uri" ] = myUrl;
      Console::WriteLine( "URI {0}", myDictionary->default[ "__URI" ] );
      IMessage^ myRetMsg = myMessageSink->SyncProcessMessage( myMesg );
      if ( dynamic_cast<IMethodReturnMessage^>(myRetMsg) )
         IMethodReturnMessage^ myMethodReturnMessage = dynamic_cast<IMethodReturnMessage^>(myRetMsg);

      Console::WriteLine( "MyProxy.Invoke - Finish" );
      return myRetMsg;


// Main function that drives the whole sample
int main()
   ChannelServices::RegisterChannel( gcnew HttpChannel, false );
   Console::WriteLine( "Remoting Sample:" );
   Console::WriteLine( "Generate a new MyProxy using the Type" );
   Type^ myType = MyHelloService::typeid;
   String^ myUrl1 = "http://localhost/myServiceAccess.soap";
   MyProxy^ myProxy = gcnew MyProxy( myType,myUrl1 );
   Console::WriteLine( "Obtain the transparent proxy from myProxy" );
   MyHelloService^ myService = dynamic_cast<MyHelloService^>(myProxy->GetTransparentProxy());
   Console::WriteLine( "Calling the Proxy" );
   String^ myReturnString = myService->myFunction( "bill" );
   Console::WriteLine( "Checking result : {0}", myReturnString );
   if ( myReturnString->Equals( "Hi there bill, you are using .NET Remoting" ) )
      Console::WriteLine( "myService.HelloMethod PASSED : returned {0}", myReturnString );
      Console::WriteLine( "myService.HelloMethod FAILED : returned {0}", myReturnString );
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Threading;
using System.Runtime.Remoting;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Http;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging;
using Share;	

namespace MyNameSpace

   public class MyProxy : RealProxy
      string myUrl;
      string myObjectURI;
      IMessageSink myMessageSink;

      public MyProxy(Type myType, string myUrl1)
         : base(myType)

         myUrl = myUrl1;

         IChannel[] myRegisteredChannels = ChannelServices.RegisteredChannels;
         foreach (IChannel channel in myRegisteredChannels )
            if (channel is IChannelSender)
               IChannelSender myChannelSender = (IChannelSender)channel;

               myMessageSink = myChannelSender.CreateMessageSink(myUrl, null, out myObjectURI);
               if (myMessageSink != null)

         if (myMessageSink == null)
            throw new Exception("A supported channel could not be found for myUrl1:"+ myUrl);

      public override IMessage Invoke(IMessage myMesg)
         Console.WriteLine("MyProxy.Invoke Start");

         if (myMesg is IMethodCallMessage)

         if (myMesg is IMethodReturnMessage)

         Console.WriteLine("Message Properties");
         IDictionary myDictionary = myMesg.Properties;
         IDictionaryEnumerator myEnum = (IDictionaryEnumerator) myDictionary.GetEnumerator();

         while (myEnum.MoveNext())
            object myKey = myEnum.Key;
            string myKeyName = myKey.ToString();
            object myValue = myEnum.Value;

            Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", myKeyName, myEnum.Value);
            if (myKeyName == "__Args")
               object[] myArgs = (object[])myValue;
               for (int myInt = 0; myInt < myArgs.Length; myInt++)
                  Console.WriteLine("arg: {0} myValue: {1}", myInt, myArgs[myInt]);

            if ((myKeyName == "__MethodSignature") && (null != myValue))
               object[] myArgs = (object[])myValue;
               for (int myInt = 0; myInt < myArgs.Length; myInt++)
                  Console.WriteLine("arg: {0} myValue: {1}", myInt, myArgs[myInt]);

         Console.WriteLine("myUrl1 {0} object URI{1}",myUrl,myObjectURI);

         myDictionary["__Uri"] = myUrl;
         Console.WriteLine("URI {0}", myDictionary["__URI"]);
         IMessage myRetMsg = myMessageSink.SyncProcessMessage(myMesg);

         if (myRetMsg is IMethodReturnMessage)
            IMethodReturnMessage myMethodReturnMessage = (IMethodReturnMessage)myRetMsg;

         Console.WriteLine("MyProxy.Invoke - Finish");
         return myRetMsg;

   // Main class that drives the whole sample
   public class ProxySample
      public static void Main()
         ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(new HttpChannel());

         Console.WriteLine("Remoting Sample:");

         Console.WriteLine("Generate a new MyProxy using the Type");
         Type myType = typeof(MyHelloService);
         string myUrl1 = "http://localhost/myServiceAccess.soap";
         MyProxy myProxy = new MyProxy(myType, myUrl1);

         Console.WriteLine("Obtain the transparent proxy from myProxy");
         MyHelloService myService = (MyHelloService)myProxy.GetTransparentProxy();

         Console.WriteLine("Calling the Proxy");
         string myReturnString = myService.myFunction("bill");

         Console.WriteLine("Checking result : {0}", myReturnString);

         if (myReturnString == "Hi there bill, you are using .NET Remoting")
            Console.WriteLine("myService.HelloMethod PASSED : returned {0}", myReturnString);
            Console.WriteLine("myService.HelloMethod FAILED : returned {0}", myReturnString);

Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Runtime.Remoting
Imports System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels
Imports System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Http
Imports System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies
Imports System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
Imports System.Security.Permissions
Imports Share

Namespace MyNameSpace

   Public Class MyProxy
      Inherits RealProxy
      Private myUrl As String
      Private myObjectURI As String
      Private myMessageSink As IMessageSink

      <PermissionSet(SecurityAction.LinkDemand)> _
      Public Sub New(myType As Type, myUrl1 As String)

         myUrl = myUrl1

         Dim myRegisteredChannels As IChannel() = ChannelServices.RegisteredChannels

         Dim channel As IChannel
         For Each channel In  myRegisteredChannels
            If TypeOf channel Is IChannelSender Then
               Dim myChannelSender As IChannelSender = CType(channel, IChannelSender)

               myMessageSink = myChannelSender.CreateMessageSink(myUrl, Nothing, myObjectURI)
               If Not (myMessageSink Is Nothing) Then
                  Exit For
               End If
            End If
         Next channel
         If myMessageSink Is Nothing Then
            Throw New Exception("A supported channel could not be found for myUrl1:" + myUrl)
         End If
      End Sub

      <SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags := SecurityPermissionFlag.Infrastructure)> _
      Public Overrides Function Invoke(ByVal myMesg As IMessage) As IMessage
         Console.WriteLine("MyProxy.Invoke Start")

         If TypeOf myMesg Is IMethodCallMessage Then
         End If
         If TypeOf myMesg Is IMethodReturnMessage Then
         End If

         Console.WriteLine("Message Properties")
         Dim myDictionary As IDictionary = myMesg.Properties
         Dim myEnum As IDictionaryEnumerator = CType(myDictionary.GetEnumerator(), IDictionaryEnumerator)

         While myEnum.MoveNext()
            Dim myKey As Object = myEnum.Key
            Dim myKeyName As String = myKey.ToString()
            Dim myValue As Object = myEnum.Value

            Console.WriteLine( "{0} : {1}", myKeyName, myEnum.Value)
            If myKeyName = "__Args" Then
               Dim myArgs As Object() = CType(myValue, Object())
               Dim myInt As Integer
               For myInt = 0 To myArgs.Length - 1
                  Console.WriteLine(  "arg: {0} myValue: {1}", myInt, myArgs(myInt))
               Next myInt
            End If
            If myKeyName = "__MethodSignature" And Not (myValue Is Nothing) Then
               Dim myArgs As Object() = CType(myValue, Object())
               Dim myInt As Integer
               For myInt = 0 To myArgs.Length - 1
                  Console.WriteLine("arg: {0} myValue: {1}", myInt, myArgs(myInt))
               Next myInt
            End If
         End While

         Console.WriteLine("myUrl1 {0} object URI{1}", myUrl, myObjectURI)

         myDictionary("__Uri") = myUrl
         Console.WriteLine("URI {0}", myDictionary("__URI"))

         Dim myRetMsg As IMessage = myMessageSink.SyncProcessMessage(myMesg)

         If TypeOf (myRetMsg) Is IMethodReturnMessage Then
            Dim myMethodReturnMessage As IMethodReturnMessage = CType(myRetMsg, IMethodReturnMessage)
         End If

         Console.WriteLine("MyProxy.Invoke - Finish")
         Return myRetMsg
      End Function 'Invoke
   End Class

   ' Main class that drives the whole sample
   Public Class ProxySample
      <PermissionSet(SecurityAction.LinkDemand)> _
      Public Shared Sub Main()
         ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(New HttpChannel())

         Console.WriteLine("Remoting Sample:")

         Console.WriteLine("Generate a new MyProxy using the Type")
         Dim myType As Type = GetType(MyHelloService)
         Dim myUrl1 As String = "http://localhost/myServiceAccess.soap"
         Dim myProxy As New MyProxy(myType, myUrl1)

         Console.WriteLine("Obtain the transparent proxy from myProxy")
         Dim myService As MyHelloService = CType(myProxy.GetTransparentProxy(), MyHelloService)

         Console.WriteLine("Calling the Proxy")
         Dim myReturnString As String = myService.myFunction("bill")

         Console.WriteLine("Checking result : {0}", myReturnString)

         If myReturnString = "Hi there bill, you are using .NET Remoting" Then
            Console.WriteLine("myService.HelloMethod PASSED : returned {0}", myReturnString)
            Console.WriteLine("myService.HelloMethod FAILED : returned {0}", myReturnString)
         End If
      End Sub
   End Class
End Namespace 'MyNameSpace


Lorsqu’un appel de méthode est effectué sur le proxy, l’infrastructure de communication à distance fournit la prise en charge nécessaire pour transmettre les arguments à l’objet réel au-delà des limites de communication à distance, appeler la méthode d’objet réelle avec les arguments et renvoyer les résultats au client de l’objet proxy.

Un appel de méthode distante est un message qui va de l’extrémité du client à l’extrémité du serveur et éventuellement de nouveau. Quand il franchit les limites de communication à distance en cours de route, l’appel de méthode distante passe par une chaîne d’objets IMessageSink . Chaque récepteur de la chaîne reçoit l’objet message, effectue une opération spécifique et délègue au récepteur suivant de la chaîne. L’objet proxy contient une référence au premier IMessageSink qu’il doit utiliser pour démarrer la chaîne.

Pour les appels asynchrones, au moment de la délégation, chaque récepteur fournit un récepteur de réponse (un autre IMessageSink) qui sera appelé par le récepteur suivant lorsque la réponse sera sur son retour.

Différents types de récepteurs effectuent différentes opérations, selon le type d’objet message reçu. Par exemple, un récepteur peut entraîner la prise d’un verrou, un autre peut appliquer la sécurité des appels, un autre peut effectuer le contrôle d’appel de flux et les services de fiabilité, et un autre peut transporter l’appel vers un autre AppDomain, processus ou ordinateur. Au moins deux récepteurs de messages dans la chaîne peuvent interagir les uns avec les autres en ce qui concerne chaque action spécifique.

Notes pour les responsables de l’implémentation

Il est important de noter que le code implémentant l’interface actuelle doit fournir des implémentations pour et SyncProcessMessage(IMessage)AsyncProcessMessage(IMessage, IMessageSink), car les appels synchrones peuvent être convertis en appels asynchrones et vice versa. Les deux méthodes doivent être implémentées, même si le récepteur ne prend pas en charge le traitement asynchrone.



Obtient le récepteur de messages suivant dans la chaîne de récepteurs.


AsyncProcessMessage(IMessage, IMessageSink)

Traite de façon asynchrone le message fourni.


Traite de façon synchrone le message fourni.

S’applique à