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SoapFormatter Constructeurs


Initialise une nouvelle instance de la classe SoapFormatter.



Initialise une nouvelle instance de la classe SoapFormatter avec des valeurs de propriété par défaut.

SoapFormatter(ISurrogateSelector, StreamingContext)

Initialise une nouvelle instance de la classe SoapFormatter avec les ISurrogateSelector et StreamingContext spécifiés.


Initialise une nouvelle instance de la classe SoapFormatter avec des valeurs de propriété par défaut.

public SoapFormatter ();
Public Sub New ()


#using <system.dll>
#using <system.runtime.serialization.formatters.soap.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Runtime::Serialization;
using namespace System::Runtime::Serialization::Formatters::Soap;
void Serialize()
   // Create a hashtable of values that will eventually be serialized.
   Hashtable^ addresses = gcnew Hashtable;
   addresses->Add( "Jeff", "123 Main Street, Redmond, WA 98052" );
   addresses->Add( "Fred", "987 Pine Road, Phila., PA 19116" );
   addresses->Add( "Mary", "PO Box 112233, Palo Alto, CA 94301" );
   // To serialize the hashtable (and its keys/values), 
   // you must first open a stream for writing.
   // We will use a file stream here.
   FileStream^ fs = gcnew FileStream( "DataFile.soap",FileMode::Create );
   // Construct a SoapFormatter and use it 
   // to serialize the data to the stream.
   SoapFormatter^ formatter = gcnew SoapFormatter;
      formatter->Serialize( fs, addresses );
   catch ( SerializationException^ e ) 
      Console::WriteLine( "Failed to serialize. Reason: {0}", e->Message );


void Deserialize()
   // Declare the hashtable reference.
   Hashtable^ addresses = nullptr;
   // Open the file containing the data that we want to deserialize.
   FileStream^ fs = gcnew FileStream( "DataFile.soap",FileMode::Open );
      SoapFormatter^ formatter = gcnew SoapFormatter;
      // Deserialize the hashtable from the file and 
      // assign the reference to our local variable.
      addresses = dynamic_cast<Hashtable^>(formatter->Deserialize( fs ));
   catch ( SerializationException^ e ) 
      Console::WriteLine( "Failed to deserialize. Reason: {0}", e->Message );

   // To prove that the table deserialized correctly, 
   // display the keys/values to the console.
   IEnumerator^ myEnum = addresses->GetEnumerator();
   while ( myEnum->MoveNext() )
      DictionaryEntry^ de = safe_cast<DictionaryEntry^>(myEnum->Current);
      Console::WriteLine( " {0} lives at {1}.", de->Key, de->Value );

int main()
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;

// Note: When building this code, you must reference the
// System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.dll assembly.
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap;

class App
    static void Main()

    static void Serialize()
        // Create a hashtable of values that will eventually be serialized.
        Hashtable addresses = new Hashtable();
        addresses.Add("Jeff", "123 Main Street, Redmond, WA 98052");
        addresses.Add("Fred", "987 Pine Road, Phila., PA 19116");
        addresses.Add("Mary", "PO Box 112233, Palo Alto, CA 94301");

        // To serialize the hashtable (and its key/value pairs),
        // you must first open a stream for writing.
        // Use a file stream here.
        FileStream fs = new FileStream("DataFile.soap", FileMode.Create);

        // Construct a SoapFormatter and use it
        // to serialize the data to the stream.
        SoapFormatter formatter = new SoapFormatter();
            formatter.Serialize(fs, addresses);
        catch (SerializationException e)
            Console.WriteLine("Failed to serialize. Reason: " + e.Message);

    static void Deserialize()
        // Declare the hashtable reference.
        Hashtable addresses  = null;

        // Open the file containing the data that you want to deserialize.
        FileStream fs = new FileStream("DataFile.soap", FileMode.Open);
            SoapFormatter formatter = new SoapFormatter();

            // Deserialize the hashtable from the file and
            // assign the reference to the local variable.
            addresses = (Hashtable) formatter.Deserialize(fs);
        catch (SerializationException e)
            Console.WriteLine("Failed to deserialize. Reason: " + e.Message);

        // To prove that the table deserialized correctly,
        // display the key/value pairs to the console.
        foreach (DictionaryEntry de in addresses)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} lives at {1}.", de.Key, de.Value);
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization

' Note: When building this code, you must reference the
' System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.dll assembly.
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap

Module App

   Sub Main()
   End Sub

   Sub Serialize()
      ' Create a hashtable of values that will eventually be serialized.
      Dim addresses As New Hashtable
      addresses.Add("Jeff", "123 Main Street, Redmond, WA 98052")
      addresses.Add("Fred", "987 Pine Road, Phila., PA 19116")
      addresses.Add("Mary", "PO Box 112233, Palo Alto, CA 94301")

      ' To serialize the hashtable (and its key/value pairs), 
      ' you must first open a stream for writing.
      ' Use a file stream here.
      Dim fs As New FileStream("DataFile.soap", FileMode.Create)

      ' Construct a SoapFormatter and use it 
      ' to serialize the data to the stream.
      Dim formatter As New SoapFormatter
         formatter.Serialize(fs, addresses)
      Catch e As SerializationException
         Console.WriteLine("Failed to serialize. Reason: " & e.Message)
      End Try
   End Sub

   Sub Deserialize()
      ' Declare the hashtable reference.
      Dim addresses As Hashtable = Nothing

      ' Open the file containing the data that you want to deserialize.
      Dim fs As New FileStream("DataFile.soap", FileMode.Open)
         Dim formatter As New SoapFormatter

         ' Deserialize the hashtable from the file and 
         ' assign the reference to the local variable.
         addresses = DirectCast(formatter.Deserialize(fs), Hashtable)
      Catch e As SerializationException
         Console.WriteLine("Failed to deserialize. Reason: " & e.Message)
      End Try

      ' To prove that the table deserialized correctly, 
      ' display the key/value pairs to the console.
      Dim de As DictionaryEntry
      For Each de In addresses
         Console.WriteLine("{0} lives at {1}.", de.Key, de.Value)
   End Sub
End Module


Le tableau suivant affiche les valeurs de propriété initiales pour une instance de SoapFormatter.

Propriété Valeur
SurrogateSelector null
Context Nouvelle StreamingContext initialisée pour spécifier que les données sérialisées peuvent être transmises ou reçues à partir de n’importe quel autre contexte

S’applique à

SoapFormatter(ISurrogateSelector, StreamingContext)

Initialise une nouvelle instance de la classe SoapFormatter avec les ISurrogateSelector et StreamingContext spécifiés.

 SoapFormatter(System::Runtime::Serialization::ISurrogateSelector ^ selector, System::Runtime::Serialization::StreamingContext context);
public SoapFormatter (System.Runtime.Serialization.ISurrogateSelector selector, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context);
new System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.SoapFormatter : System.Runtime.Serialization.ISurrogateSelector * System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext -> System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.SoapFormatter
Public Sub New (selector As ISurrogateSelector, context As StreamingContext)



ISurrogateSelector à utiliser avec la nouvelle instance de SoapFormatter. Peut être null.


StreamingContext qui contient la source et la destination de la sérialisation. Si le paramètre context est null, Context prend par défaut la valeur CrossMachine.


Les objets sont sérialisés vers ou désérialisés à partir du spécifié Stream.

Le processus de sérialisation ou de désérialisation utilise le spécifié ISurrogateSelector pour rechercher des substituts qui sont inscrits pour les types d’objets que vous souhaitez désérialiser. Les substituts sont des helpers qui sérialisent et désérialisent des objets de classes spécifiques. La valeur par défaut ISurrogateSelector ne peut pas gérer la sérialisation des objets qui dérivent de à MarshalByRefObject des fins de communication à distance. Dans une situation de communication à distance, le spécifié ISurrogateSelector remplace l’objet dérivé de MarshalByRefObject par un ObjRef objet sérialisé par le sélecteur de substitution spécifié. Par conséquent, si vous souhaitez utiliser des objets distants, définissez le paramètre sur selector un instance de RemotingSurrogateSelector. Si vous n’avez pas besoin de substituts, définissez le selector paramètre sur null.

Voir aussi

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