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SpeechSynthesizer.SpeakAsyncCancelAll Méthode


Annule toutes les opérations asynchrones de synthèse vocale mises en file d'attente.

 void SpeakAsyncCancelAll();
public void SpeakAsyncCancelAll ();
member this.SpeakAsyncCancelAll : unit -> unit
Public Sub SpeakAsyncCancelAll ()


L’exemple suivant montre une utilisation de SpeakAsyncCancelAll pour annuler la parole asynchrone d’une invite, afin qu’une nouvelle invite puisse être prononcée. Notez que l’événement SpeakCompleted se déclenche lorsqu’une SpeakAsync opération est annulée.

using System;
using System.Speech.Synthesis;
using System.Threading;

namespace SampleSynthesis
  class Program

    static void Main(string[] args)

      // Initialize a new instance of the SpeechSynthesizer.
      SpeechSynthesizer synth = new SpeechSynthesizer();

      // Configure the audio output.

      // Subscribe to the StateChanged event.
      synth.StateChanged += new EventHandler<StateChangedEventArgs>(synth_StateChanged);

      // Subscribe to the SpeakProgress event.
      synth.SpeakProgress += new EventHandler<SpeakProgressEventArgs>(synth_SpeakProgress);

      // Subscribe to the SpeakCompleted event.
      synth.SpeakCompleted += new EventHandler<SpeakCompletedEventArgs>(synth_SpeakCompleted);

      // Begin speaking a text string asynchronously.
      synth.SpeakAsync("Speech is an effective and natural way for people to interact with applications, " +
        "complementing or even replacing the use of mice, keyboards, controllers, and gestures.");

      // Speak for four seconds.

      // Cancel the SpeakAsync operation and wait one second.

      // Speak a new text string.
      synth.Speak("An urgent email message has arrived. Do you want to hear it?");

      Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...");

    // Write to the console when the SpeakAsync operation has been cancelled.
    static void synth_SpeakCompleted(object sender, SpeakCompletedEventArgs e)
      Console.WriteLine("\nThe SpeakAsync operation was cancelled!!");

    // When it changes, write the state of the SpeechSynthesizer to the console.
    static void synth_StateChanged(object sender, StateChangedEventArgs e)
      Console.WriteLine("\nSynthesizer State: {0}    Previous State: {1}\n", e.State, e.PreviousState);

    // Write the text being spoken by the SpeechSynthesizer to the console.
    static void synth_SpeakProgress(object sender, SpeakProgressEventArgs e)

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