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Html32TextWriter Constructeurs


Initialise une nouvelle instance de la classe Html32TextWriter.



Initialise une nouvelle instance de la classe Html32TextWriter qui utilise la mise en retrait de ligne spécifiée dans le champ DefaultTabString lorsque le navigateur à l'origine de la demande requiert la mise en retrait de ligne.

Html32TextWriter(TextWriter, String)

Initialise une nouvelle instance de la classe Html32TextWriter qui utilise la mise en retrait de ligne spécifiée.


Initialise une nouvelle instance de la classe Html32TextWriter qui utilise la mise en retrait de ligne spécifiée dans le champ DefaultTabString lorsque le navigateur à l'origine de la demande requiert la mise en retrait de ligne.

 Html32TextWriter(System::IO::TextWriter ^ writer);
public Html32TextWriter (System.IO.TextWriter writer);
new System.Web.UI.Html32TextWriter : System.IO.TextWriter -> System.Web.UI.Html32TextWriter
Public Sub New (writer As TextWriter)



TextWriter qui restitue le contenu HTML.


L’exemple de code suivant montre comment utiliser une classe personnalisée qui dérive de la Html32TextWriter classe . Il a deux constructeurs, qui est standard pour toutes les classes qui dérivent directement ou indirectement de la HtmlTextWriter classe .

using System.IO;
using System.Web.UI;

namespace Examples.AspNet
    public class CustomHtml32TextWriter : Html32TextWriter
        // Create a constructor for the class
        // that takes a TextWriter as a parameter.
        public CustomHtml32TextWriter(TextWriter writer) 
            : this(writer, DefaultTabString) 

        // Create a constructor for the class that takes
        // a TextWriter and a string as parameters.
        public CustomHtml32TextWriter(TextWriter writer, String tabString) 
            : base(writer, tabString)
        // Override the RenderBeforeContent method to render
        // styles before rendering the content of a <th> element.
        protected override string RenderBeforeContent()
            // Check the TagKey property. If its value is
            // HtmlTextWriterTag.TH, check the value of the 
            // SupportsBold property. If true, return the
            // opening tag of a <b> element; otherwise, render
            // the opening tag of a <font> element with a color
            // attribute set to the hexadecimal value for red.
            if (TagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag.Th)
                if (SupportsBold)
                    return "<b>";
                    return "<font color=\"FF0000\">";

            // Check whether the element being rendered
            // is an <H4> element. If it is, check the 
            // value of the SupportsItalic property.
            // If true, render the opening tag of the <i> element
            // prior to the <H4> element's content; otherwise, 
            // render the opening tag of a <font> element 
            // with a color attribute set to the hexadecimal
            // value for navy blue.
            if (TagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag.H4)
                if (SupportsItalic)
                    return "<i>";
                    return "<font color=\"000080\">";
            // Call the base method.
            return base.RenderBeforeContent();

        // Override the RenderAfterContent method to close
        // styles opened during the call to the RenderBeforeContent
        // method.
        protected override string RenderAfterContent()
            // Check whether the element being rendered is a <th> element.
            // If so, and the requesting device supports bold formatting,
            // render the closing tag of the <b> element. If not,
            // render the closing tag of the <font> element.
            if (TagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag.Th)
                if (SupportsBold)
                    return "</b>";
                    return "</font>";

            // Check whether the element being rendered is an <H4>.
            // element. If so, and the requesting device supports italic
            // formatting, render the closing tag of the <i> element.
            // If not, render the closing tag of the <font> element.
            if (TagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag.H4)
                if (SupportsItalic)
                    return "</i>";
                    return "</font>";
            // Call the base method
            return base.RenderAfterContent();

        // Override the RenderBeforeTag method to render the
        // opening tag of a <small> element to modify the text size of 
        // any <a> elements that this writer encounters.
        protected override string RenderBeforeTag()
            // Check whether the element being rendered is an 
            // <a> element. If so, render the opening tag
            // of the <small> element; otherwise, call the base method.
            if (TagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag.A)
                return "<small>";
            return base.RenderBeforeTag();

        // Override the RenderAfterTag method to render
        // close any elements opened in the RenderBeforeTag
        // method call.
        protected override string RenderAfterTag()
            // Check whether the element being rendered is an
            // <a> element. If so, render the closing tag of the
            // <small> element; otherwise, call the base method.
            if (TagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag.A)
                return "</small>";
            return base.RenderAfterTag();
' Create a custom HtmlTextWriter class that overrides 
' the RenderBeforeContent and RenderAfterContent methods.
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Web.UI

Namespace Examples.AspNet

   Public Class CustomHtml32TextWriter
      Inherits Html32TextWriter

        ' Create a constructor for the class
        ' that takes a TextWriter as a parameter.
        Public Sub New(ByVal writer As TextWriter)
            Me.New(writer, DefaultTabString)
        End Sub

        ' Create a constructor for the class that takes
        ' a TextWriter and a string as parameters. 
        Public Sub New(ByVal writer As TextWriter, ByVal tabString As String)
            MyBase.New(writer, tabString)
        End Sub

        ' Override the RenderBeforeContent method to render
        ' styles before rendering the content of a <th> element.
        Protected Overrides Function RenderBeforeContent() As String
            ' Check the TagKey property. If its value is
            ' HtmlTextWriterTag.TH, check the value of the 
            ' SupportsBold property. If true, return the
            ' opening tag of a <b> element; otherwise, render
            ' the opening tag of a <font> element with a color
            ' attribute set to the hexadecimal value for red.
            If TagKey = HtmlTextWriterTag.Th Then
                If (SupportsBold) Then
                    Return "<b>"
                    Return "<font color=""FF0000"">"
                End If
            End If

            ' Check whether the element being rendered
            ' is an <H4> element. If it is, check the 
            ' value of the SupportsItalic property.
            ' If true, render the opening tag of the <i> element
            ' prior to the <H4> element's content; otherwise, 
            ' render the opening tag of a <font> element 
            ' with a color attribute set to the hexadecimal
            ' value for navy blue.
            If TagKey = HtmlTextWriterTag.H4 Then
                If (SupportsItalic) Then
                    Return "<i>"
                    Return "<font color=""000080"">"
                End If
            End If
            ' Call the base method.
            Return MyBase.RenderBeforeContent()
        End Function

        ' Override the RenderAfterContent method to close
        ' styles opened during the call to the RenderBeforeContent
        ' method.
        Protected Overrides Function RenderAfterContent() As String

            ' Check whether the element being rendered is a <th> element.
            ' If so, and the requesting device supports bold formatting,
            ' render the closing tag of the <b> element. If not,
            ' render the closing tag of the <font> element.
            If TagKey = HtmlTextWriterTag.Th Then
                If SupportsBold Then
                    Return "</b>"
                    Return "</font>"
                End If
            End If

            ' Check whether the element being rendered is an <H4>.
            ' element. If so, and the requesting device supports italic
            ' formatting, render the closing tag of the <i> element.
            ' If not, render the closing tag of the <font> element.
            If TagKey = HtmlTextWriterTag.H4 Then
                If (SupportsItalic) Then
                    Return "</i>"
                    Return "</font>"
                End If
            End If
            ' Call the base method.
            Return MyBase.RenderAfterContent()
        End Function

        ' Override the RenderBeforeTag method to render the
        ' opening tag of a <small> element to modify the text size of 
        ' any <a> elements that this writer encounters.
        Protected Overrides Function RenderBeforeTag() As String
            ' Check whether the element being rendered is an 
            ' <a> element. If so, render the opening tag
            ' of the <small> element; otherwise, call the base method.
            If TagKey = HtmlTextWriterTag.A Then
                Return "<small>"
            End If
            Return MyBase.RenderBeforeTag()
        End Function

        ' Override the RenderAfterTag method to render
        ' close any elements opened in the RenderBeforeTag
        ' method call.
        Protected Overrides Function RenderAfterTag() As String
            ' Check whether the element being rendered is an
            ' <a> element. If so, render the closing tag of the
            ' <small> element; otherwise, call the base method.
            If TagKey = HtmlTextWriterTag.A Then
                Return "</small>"
            End If
            Return MyBase.RenderAfterTag()
        End Function
    End Class
End Namespace


Le Html32TextWriter constructeur transmet la valeur de DefaultTabString champ à une deuxième version qui a les deux paramètres suivants :

  • writer, qui prend une instance de la TextWriter classe .

  • tabString, qui prend une chaîne qui définit la mise en retrait de ligne.

S’applique à

Html32TextWriter(TextWriter, String)

Initialise une nouvelle instance de la classe Html32TextWriter qui utilise la mise en retrait de ligne spécifiée.

 Html32TextWriter(System::IO::TextWriter ^ writer, System::String ^ tabString);
public Html32TextWriter (System.IO.TextWriter writer, string tabString);
new System.Web.UI.Html32TextWriter : System.IO.TextWriter * string -> System.Web.UI.Html32TextWriter
Public Sub New (writer As TextWriter, tabString As String)



TextWriter qui restitue le contenu HTML 3.2.


Chaîne qui représente le nombre d'espaces définis par la propriété Indent.


L’exemple de code suivant montre comment utiliser une classe personnalisée qui dérive de la Html32TextWriter classe . Il a deux constructeurs, qui est standard pour toutes les classes qui dérivent directement ou indirectement de la HtmlTextWriter classe .

using System.IO;
using System.Web.UI;

namespace Examples.AspNet
    public class CustomHtml32TextWriter : Html32TextWriter
        // Create a constructor for the class
        // that takes a TextWriter as a parameter.
        public CustomHtml32TextWriter(TextWriter writer) 
            : this(writer, DefaultTabString) 

        // Create a constructor for the class that takes
        // a TextWriter and a string as parameters.
        public CustomHtml32TextWriter(TextWriter writer, String tabString) 
            : base(writer, tabString)
        // Override the RenderBeforeContent method to render
        // styles before rendering the content of a <th> element.
        protected override string RenderBeforeContent()
            // Check the TagKey property. If its value is
            // HtmlTextWriterTag.TH, check the value of the 
            // SupportsBold property. If true, return the
            // opening tag of a <b> element; otherwise, render
            // the opening tag of a <font> element with a color
            // attribute set to the hexadecimal value for red.
            if (TagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag.Th)
                if (SupportsBold)
                    return "<b>";
                    return "<font color=\"FF0000\">";

            // Check whether the element being rendered
            // is an <H4> element. If it is, check the 
            // value of the SupportsItalic property.
            // If true, render the opening tag of the <i> element
            // prior to the <H4> element's content; otherwise, 
            // render the opening tag of a <font> element 
            // with a color attribute set to the hexadecimal
            // value for navy blue.
            if (TagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag.H4)
                if (SupportsItalic)
                    return "<i>";
                    return "<font color=\"000080\">";
            // Call the base method.
            return base.RenderBeforeContent();

        // Override the RenderAfterContent method to close
        // styles opened during the call to the RenderBeforeContent
        // method.
        protected override string RenderAfterContent()
            // Check whether the element being rendered is a <th> element.
            // If so, and the requesting device supports bold formatting,
            // render the closing tag of the <b> element. If not,
            // render the closing tag of the <font> element.
            if (TagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag.Th)
                if (SupportsBold)
                    return "</b>";
                    return "</font>";

            // Check whether the element being rendered is an <H4>.
            // element. If so, and the requesting device supports italic
            // formatting, render the closing tag of the <i> element.
            // If not, render the closing tag of the <font> element.
            if (TagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag.H4)
                if (SupportsItalic)
                    return "</i>";
                    return "</font>";
            // Call the base method
            return base.RenderAfterContent();

        // Override the RenderBeforeTag method to render the
        // opening tag of a <small> element to modify the text size of 
        // any <a> elements that this writer encounters.
        protected override string RenderBeforeTag()
            // Check whether the element being rendered is an 
            // <a> element. If so, render the opening tag
            // of the <small> element; otherwise, call the base method.
            if (TagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag.A)
                return "<small>";
            return base.RenderBeforeTag();

        // Override the RenderAfterTag method to render
        // close any elements opened in the RenderBeforeTag
        // method call.
        protected override string RenderAfterTag()
            // Check whether the element being rendered is an
            // <a> element. If so, render the closing tag of the
            // <small> element; otherwise, call the base method.
            if (TagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag.A)
                return "</small>";
            return base.RenderAfterTag();
' Create a custom HtmlTextWriter class that overrides 
' the RenderBeforeContent and RenderAfterContent methods.
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Web.UI

Namespace Examples.AspNet

   Public Class CustomHtml32TextWriter
      Inherits Html32TextWriter

        ' Create a constructor for the class
        ' that takes a TextWriter as a parameter.
        Public Sub New(ByVal writer As TextWriter)
            Me.New(writer, DefaultTabString)
        End Sub

        ' Create a constructor for the class that takes
        ' a TextWriter and a string as parameters. 
        Public Sub New(ByVal writer As TextWriter, ByVal tabString As String)
            MyBase.New(writer, tabString)
        End Sub

        ' Override the RenderBeforeContent method to render
        ' styles before rendering the content of a <th> element.
        Protected Overrides Function RenderBeforeContent() As String
            ' Check the TagKey property. If its value is
            ' HtmlTextWriterTag.TH, check the value of the 
            ' SupportsBold property. If true, return the
            ' opening tag of a <b> element; otherwise, render
            ' the opening tag of a <font> element with a color
            ' attribute set to the hexadecimal value for red.
            If TagKey = HtmlTextWriterTag.Th Then
                If (SupportsBold) Then
                    Return "<b>"
                    Return "<font color=""FF0000"">"
                End If
            End If

            ' Check whether the element being rendered
            ' is an <H4> element. If it is, check the 
            ' value of the SupportsItalic property.
            ' If true, render the opening tag of the <i> element
            ' prior to the <H4> element's content; otherwise, 
            ' render the opening tag of a <font> element 
            ' with a color attribute set to the hexadecimal
            ' value for navy blue.
            If TagKey = HtmlTextWriterTag.H4 Then
                If (SupportsItalic) Then
                    Return "<i>"
                    Return "<font color=""000080"">"
                End If
            End If
            ' Call the base method.
            Return MyBase.RenderBeforeContent()
        End Function

        ' Override the RenderAfterContent method to close
        ' styles opened during the call to the RenderBeforeContent
        ' method.
        Protected Overrides Function RenderAfterContent() As String

            ' Check whether the element being rendered is a <th> element.
            ' If so, and the requesting device supports bold formatting,
            ' render the closing tag of the <b> element. If not,
            ' render the closing tag of the <font> element.
            If TagKey = HtmlTextWriterTag.Th Then
                If SupportsBold Then
                    Return "</b>"
                    Return "</font>"
                End If
            End If

            ' Check whether the element being rendered is an <H4>.
            ' element. If so, and the requesting device supports italic
            ' formatting, render the closing tag of the <i> element.
            ' If not, render the closing tag of the <font> element.
            If TagKey = HtmlTextWriterTag.H4 Then
                If (SupportsItalic) Then
                    Return "</i>"
                    Return "</font>"
                End If
            End If
            ' Call the base method.
            Return MyBase.RenderAfterContent()
        End Function

        ' Override the RenderBeforeTag method to render the
        ' opening tag of a <small> element to modify the text size of 
        ' any <a> elements that this writer encounters.
        Protected Overrides Function RenderBeforeTag() As String
            ' Check whether the element being rendered is an 
            ' <a> element. If so, render the opening tag
            ' of the <small> element; otherwise, call the base method.
            If TagKey = HtmlTextWriterTag.A Then
                Return "<small>"
            End If
            Return MyBase.RenderBeforeTag()
        End Function

        ' Override the RenderAfterTag method to render
        ' close any elements opened in the RenderBeforeTag
        ' method call.
        Protected Overrides Function RenderAfterTag() As String
            ' Check whether the element being rendered is an
            ' <a> element. If so, render the closing tag of the
            ' <small> element; otherwise, call the base method.
            If TagKey = HtmlTextWriterTag.A Then
                Return "</small>"
            End If
            Return MyBase.RenderAfterTag()
        End Function
    End Class
End Namespace

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