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DataGrid.SelectedCellsChanged Événement


Se produit lorsque la collection SelectedCells est modifiée.

 event System::Windows::Controls::SelectedCellsChangedEventHandler ^ SelectedCellsChanged;
public event System.Windows.Controls.SelectedCellsChangedEventHandler SelectedCellsChanged;
member this.SelectedCellsChanged : System.Windows.Controls.SelectedCellsChangedEventHandler 
Public Custom Event SelectedCellsChanged As SelectedCellsChangedEventHandler 
Public Event SelectedCellsChanged As SelectedCellsChangedEventHandler 

Type d'événement


L’exemple suivant montre comment gérer l’événement SelectedCellsChanged et effacer les valeurs dans les cellules nouvellement sélectionnées.

    <DataGrid Name="DG1" ItemsSource="{Binding}" SelectionUnit="CellOrRowHeader" SelectionChanged="DG1_SelectionChanged" SelectedCellsChanged="DG1_SelectedCellsChanged" />
private void DG1_SelectedCellsChanged(object sender, SelectedCellsChangedEventArgs e)
    //Get the newly selected cells
    IList<DataGridCellInfo> selectedcells = e.AddedCells;

    //Get the value of each newly selected cell
    foreach (DataGridCellInfo di in selectedcells)
        //Cast the DataGridCellInfo.Item to the source object type
        //In this case the ItemsSource is a DataTable and individual items are DataRows
        DataRowView dvr = (DataRowView)di.Item;

        //Clear values for all newly selected cells
        AdventureWorksLT2008DataSet.CustomerRow cr = (AdventureWorksLT2008DataSet.CustomerRow)dvr.Row;
        cr.SetField(di.Column.DisplayIndex, "");
Private Sub DG1_SelectedCellsChanged(sender As Object, e As SelectedCellsChangedEventArgs)
    'Get the newly selected cells
    Dim selectedcells As IList(Of DataGridCellInfo) = e.AddedCells

    'Get the value of each newly selected cell
    For Each di As DataGridCellInfo In selectedcells
        'Cast the DataGridCellInfo.Item to the source object type
        'In this case the ItemsSource is a DataTable and individual items are DataRows
        Dim dvr As DataRowView = DirectCast(di.Item, DataRowView)

        'Clear values for all newly selected cells
        Dim cr As AdventureWorksLT2008DataSet.CustomerRow = DirectCast(dvr.Row, AdventureWorksLT2008DataSet.CustomerRow)
        cr.SetField(di.Column.DisplayIndex, "")

End Sub


Vous pouvez gérer l’événement SelectedCellsChanged pour être averti lorsque la collection de cellules sélectionnées est modifiée. Si la sélection inclut des lignes complètes, l’événement Selector.SelectionChanged est également déclenché.

Vous pouvez récupérer le AddedCells et RemovedCells à partir du SelectedCellsChangedEventArgs dans le gestionnaire d’événements.

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