Partage via

DrawingAttributes.PropertyDataChanged Événement


Se produit lorsque des données de propriété sont ajoutées ou supprimées de StrokeCollection.

 event System::Windows::Ink::PropertyDataChangedEventHandler ^ PropertyDataChanged;
public event System.Windows.Ink.PropertyDataChangedEventHandler PropertyDataChanged;
member this.PropertyDataChanged : System.Windows.Ink.PropertyDataChangedEventHandler 
Public Custom Event PropertyDataChanged As PropertyDataChangedEventHandler 
Public Event PropertyDataChanged As PropertyDataChangedEventHandler 

Type d'événement


L’exemple suivant fait partie d’un trait personnalisé qui peut dessiner un effet tridimensionnel. Le trait définit et stocke une propriété personnalisée appelée Shadowed, qui appartient à DrawingAttributes. Lorsque la Shadowed propriété change, le PropertyDataChanged gestionnaire d’événements appelle la OnInvalidated méthode, ce qui entraîne le redessination du trait.

class ShadowedStroke : Stroke

    // Be sure to pass in the DrawingAttributes when you create the stroke to
    // subscribe to the PropertyDataChaned event.
    public ShadowedStroke(StylusPointCollection stylusPoints, DrawingAttributes drawingAttributes)
        : base(stylusPoints, drawingAttributes)
        this.DrawingAttributes.PropertyDataChanged += new PropertyDataChangedEventHandler(DrawingAttributes_PropertyDataChanged);

    Guid shadow = new Guid("12345678-9012-3456-7890-123456789012");

    public bool Shadowed
        // Return the value of the custom property, shadow.
        // If there is no custom property, return false.
            if (!this.DrawingAttributes.ContainsPropertyData(shadow))
                return false;

            object propertyData = this.DrawingAttributes.GetPropertyData(shadow);

            if (propertyData is bool)
                return (bool)propertyData;
                return false;

        // Set the value of the custom property.
            this.DrawingAttributes.AddPropertyData(shadow, value);

    void DrawingAttributes_PropertyDataChanged(object sender, PropertyDataChangedEventArgs e)
         this.OnInvalidated(new EventArgs());

    protected override void DrawCore(System.Windows.Media.DrawingContext context, DrawingAttributes overrides)
        // create a drop shadow
        if (this.Shadowed)
            Geometry pathGeometry = this.GetGeometry(overrides).Clone();
            pathGeometry.Transform = new TranslateTransform(5, 0);
                context.DrawGeometry(Brushes.DarkGray, null, pathGeometry);
        base.DrawCore(context, overrides);

Class ShadowedStroke
    Inherits Stroke
    Private shadow As New Guid("12345678-9012-3456-7890-123456789012")

    Public Sub New(ByVal stylusPoints As StylusPointCollection, ByVal drawingAttributes As DrawingAttributes)
        MyBase.New(stylusPoints, drawingAttributes)

        AddHandler Me.DrawingAttributes.PropertyDataChanged, AddressOf DrawingAttributes_PropertyDataChanged

    End Sub

    Public Property Shadowed() As Boolean 

        ' Return the value of the custom property, shadow.
        ' If there is no custom property, return false.
            If Not Me.DrawingAttributes.ContainsPropertyData(shadow) Then
                Return False
            End If
            Dim propertyData As Object = Me.DrawingAttributes.GetPropertyData(shadow)
            If TypeOf propertyData Is Boolean Then
                Return CType(propertyData, Boolean)
                Return False
            End If
        End Get
        ' Set the value of the custom property.
            Me.DrawingAttributes.AddPropertyData(shadow, value)
        End Set 

    End Property
    Private Sub DrawingAttributes_PropertyDataChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As PropertyDataChangedEventArgs)

        Me.OnInvalidated(New EventArgs())

    End Sub

    Protected Overrides Sub DrawCore(ByVal context As System.Windows.Media.DrawingContext, _
                                     ByVal overriddenAttributes As DrawingAttributes)
        ' create a drop shadow
        If Me.Shadowed Then
            Dim pathGeometry As Geometry = Me.GetGeometry(overriddenAttributes).Clone()
            pathGeometry.Transform = New TranslateTransform(5, 0)
                context.DrawGeometry(Brushes.DarkGray, Nothing, pathGeometry)
            End Try
        End If
        MyBase.DrawCore(context, overriddenAttributes)

    End Sub
End Class

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