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Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Common.Configuration Namespace

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  Class Description
Public class AssemblyQualifiedTypeNameConverter
Represents a configuration converter that converts a string to Type based on a fully qualified name.
Public class BaseFileConfigurationSourceImplementation
This type supports the Enterprise Library infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Represents the implementation details for file-based configuration sources.
Public class ByteArrayTypeConverter
Represents a configuration converter that converts a byte array to and from a string representation by using base64 encoding.
Public class ConfigurationChangedEventArgs
Public class ConfigurationChangingEventArgs
Public class ConfigurationElementTypeAttribute
Indicates the configuration object type that is used for the attributed object.
Public class ConfigurationFileChangedEventArgs
Public class ConfigurationFileChangingEventArgs
Public class ConfigurationFileSourceWatcher
Watcher for configuration sections in configuration files.
Public class ConfigurationSourceElement
Represents the configuration settings that describe an IConfigurationSource.
Public class ConfigurationSourceFactory
Contains factory methods to create configuration sources.
Public class ConfigurationSourceSection
Configuration section for the configuration sources.
Public class ConfigurationSourceWatcher
Reacts to changes on the medium on which a set of configuration sections are serialized.
Public class CustomProviderDataHelper<T>
Generic helper class for custom provider configuration objects.
Public class DictionaryConfigurationSource
Represents a configuration source that is backed by a dictionary of named objects.
Public class FileConfigurationParameter
Configuration parameter for file-based configuration sources.
Public class FileConfigurationSource
Represents a configuration source that retrieves configuration information from an arbitrary file.
Public class FileConfigurationSourceElement
Represents the configuration settings that describe a FileConfigurationSource.
Public class FileConfigurationSourceImplementation
This type supports the Enterprise Library infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Represents the implementation details for configuration sources over arbitrary files.
Public class NamedConfigurationElement
Represents a named ConfigurationElement wher the name is the key to a collection.
Public class NamedElementCollection<T>
Represents a collection of NamedConfigurationElement objects.
Public class NameTypeConfigurationElement
Represents a ConfigurationElement that has a name and type.
Public class NameTypeConfigurationElementCollection<T, TCustomElementData>
Represesnts a collection of NameTypeConfigurationElement objects.
Public class NullConfigurationSource
Represents a null configuration source that always returns null for a section.
Public class PolymorphicConfigurationElementCollection<T>
Represents the base class from which all implementations of polymorphic configuration collections must derive.
Public class SerializableConfigurationSection
Represents a configuration section that can be serialized and deserialized to XML.
Public class SystemConfigurationSource
Represents an IConfigurationSource that retrieves the configuration information from the application's default configuration file using the ConfigurationManager API.
Public class SystemConfigurationSourceElement
Represents the configuration settings that describe an SystemConfigurationSource.
Public class SystemConfigurationSourceImplementation
This type supports the Enterprise Library infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Represents the implementation details for the SystemConfigurationSource.


  Interface Description
Public interface IConfigurationParameter
Represents a configuration parameter for an IConfigurationSource.
Public interface IConfigurationSource
Represents a source for getting configuration information.
Public interface ICustomProviderData
Represents the configuration settings for a custom provider.
Public interface IHelperAssistedCustomConfigurationData<T>
This interface must be implemented by configuration objects for custom providers that rely on a CustomProviderDataHelper<T> to perform the dynamic properties management.
Public interface IObjectWithName
Represents the abstraction of an object with a name.
Public interface IObjectWithNameAndType
Represents the abstraction of an object with a name and a type.
Public interface IProtectedConfigurationSource
TODO: Add Comment


  Delegate Description
Public delegate ConfigurationChangedEventHandler
Event handler called after a configuration has changed.
Public delegate ConfigurationChangingEventHandler
Event handler called before the configuration is changed.
Retired Content

This content is outdated and is no longer being maintained. It is provided as a courtesy for individuals who are still using these technologies. This page may contain URLs that were valid when originally published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.