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Using the WASABiCmdlets Windows PowerShell Cmdlets

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On this page:
Usage Notes - Connection Strings, Encryption, Installation | List of Windows PowerShell Cmdlets - Disable-ScalingRule, Enable-ScalingRule, Disable-ScalingRuleEvaluation, Enable-ScalingRuleEvaluation, Get-ScalingRule, Get-ScalingStore, Set-ScalingStore, Protect-ScalingStore, Unprotect-ScalingStore, Set-ScalingRuleRank, Set-ScalingStabilizerConfig

The WASABiCmdlets are a set of Windows PowerShell cmdlets that enable operators to control the behavior of the block from Windows PowerShell scripts running locally.

The following sections describe the available WASABiCmdlets. For full details of the syntax for each cmdlet, use the Windows PowerShell help. For example, in a Windows PowerShell window, enter the following command:

get-help Disable-ScalingRule


Many of the cmdlets can operate either on a local file or on a blob in Microsoft Azure storage. See the individual cmdlet help for more details.

You can download the WASABiCmdlets.

Usage Notes

Connection Strings

Using the Windows PowerShell cmdlets to work with Azure blobs requires you to provide a connection string as a parameter. To avoid retyping the connection string, you can save it in a Windows PowerShell variable, as shown in the following snippet.

$connectionString="[Connection string for your Windows Azure storage account]"

You can then use the variable as shown in the following snippet.

Get-ScalingRule –BlobContainerName autoscaling-container –BlobName rules-store -AccountConnectionString $connectionString

The cmdlets can use standard Windows PowerShell features such as pipelines. The following snippet shows how to filter the list of rules that the Get-ScalingRule cmdlet returns and pipe the filtered list to the Disable-ScalingRule cmdlet. This command disables all of the reactive rules in the store.

Get-ScalingRule –BlobContainerName autoscaling-container –BlobName rules-store -AccountConnectionString $connectionString | Where-Object {$_.Type –eq 'Reactive'} | Disable-ScalingRule –BlobContainerName autoscaling-container –BlobName rules-store -AccountConnectionString $connectionString


For more information about using the Windows PowerShell Cmdlets to encrypt your store files locally or in Azure, see the topic "Encrypting the Rules Store and the Service Information Store."


You can install the WASABiCmdlets either as a Windows PowerShell module or as a Windows PowerShell snap-in. See the installation instructions included in the download for more details.

List of Windows PowerShell Cmdlets

The following list describes each of the Windows PowerShell cmdlets included with the Autoscaling Application Block.


The Disable-ScalingRule cmdlet disables one or more scaling rules in a rules store.


The Enable-ScalingRule cmdlet enables one or more scaling rules in a rules store.


The Disable-ScalingRuleEvaluation cmdlet disables rule evaluation for a rules store. Disabling rule evaluation does not disable an autoscaler. Other operations, such as collection of metrics, will still take place.


The Enable-ScalingRuleEvaluation cmdlet enables rule evaluation for a rules store.


The Get-ScalingRule cmdlet gets all the rules from a rules store. It returns a rule object that has information such as name, description, enablement status, rank, and type of rule.


The Get-ScalingStore cmdlet downloads a store file from a blob.


The Set-ScalingStore cmdlet uploads a local store file to a blob.


The Protect-ScalingStore encrypts a store file using the private key in a certificate.


The Unprotect-ScalingStore decrypts a store file using the private key in a certificate.


The Set-ScalingRuleRank cmdlet sets the rank for one or more scaling rules in a rules store.


The Set-ScalingStabilizerConfig cmdlet sets the stabilizer settings in a service information store. Stabilizer settings can be set at the global level, for specific roles or specific scale groups. Multiple targets can be supplied in a single operation, and all targets will share the same settings. Only the settings for which values are supplied will be updated, and the rest of the settings will remain unmodified unless the -Clear parameter is provided, in which case the settings with no values will be removed.

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Last built: June 7, 2012