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Extraire des lignes à partir d'un jeu de résultats (OLE DB)

S’applique à : SQL Server Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance Azure Synapse Analytics Analytics Platform System (PDW)

Télécharger le pilote OLE DB

Cet exemple montre comment extraire des lignes d'un jeu de résultats. Cet exemple n'est pas pris en charge sur la plateforme IA64.

Les exemples de code Transact-SQL de cet article sont fondés sur l’échantillon de base de données AdventureWorks2022 ou AdventureWorksDW2022 fourni, que vous pouvez télécharger à partir de la page d’accueil Échantillons et projets communautaires Microsoft SQL Server.


Lorsque c'est possible, utilisez l'authentification Windows. Si l'authentification Windows n'est pas disponible, invitez les utilisateurs à entrer leurs informations d'identification au moment de l'exécution. Évitez de stocker ces informations dans un fichier. Si vous devez rendre les informations d'identification persistantes, chiffrez-les avec l' API de chiffrement Win32.



Compilez avec ole32.lib oleaut32.lib et exécutez le code C++ suivant. Cette application vous permet de vous connecter à l'instance de SQL Server par défaut de votre ordinateur. Sur certains systèmes d'exploitation Windows, vous devrez remplacer (localhost) ou (local) par le nom de votre instance SQL Server . Pour vous connecter à une instance nommée, changez la chaîne de connexion L"(local)" en L"(local)\\name", où name correspond à l’instance nommée. Par défaut, SQL Server Express est installé dans une instance nommée. Vérifiez que votre variable d’environnement INCLUDE inclut le répertoire qui contient msoledbsql.h.


// compile with: ole32.lib oleaut32.lib  
int InitializeAndEstablishConnection();  
int ProcessResultSet();  
#define UNICODE  
#define _UNICODE  
#define INITGUID  
#define OLEDBVER 0x0250   // to include correct interfaces  
#include <stdio.h>  
#include <tchar.h>  
#include <stddef.h>  
#include <windows.h>  
#include <iostream>  
#include <oledb.h>  
#include <msoledbsql.h>  
#include <msdadc.h>   // for IDataConvert  
#include <msdaguid.h>   // for IDataConvert  
using namespace std;  
IDBInitialize* pIDBInitialize = NULL;  
IDBProperties* pIDBProperties = NULL;  
IDBCreateSession* pIDBCreateSession = NULL;  
IDBCreateCommand* pIDBCreateCommand = NULL;  
ICommandText* pICommandText = NULL;  
IRowset* pIRowset = NULL;  
IColumnsInfo* pIColumnsInfo = NULL;  
IAccessor* pIAccessor =  NULL;  
DBPROP InitProperties[4];  
DBPROPSET rgInitPropSet[1];  
ULONG i, j;  
DBROWCOUNT cNumRows = 0;  
WCHAR* pStringsBuffer;  
DBBINDING* pBindings;  
DBLENGTH ConsumerBufColOffset = 0;  
HACCESSOR hAccessor;  
DBCOUNTITEM lNumRowsRetrieved;  
HROW hRows[10];  
HROW* pRows = &hRows[0];  
int main() {  
   // The command to execute.  
   WCHAR* wCmdString = OLESTR("SELECT StandardCost, ListPrice FROM Production.Product WHERE ListPrice > 14.00");  
   // Call a function to initialize and establish connection.   
   if (InitializeAndEstablishConnection() == -1) {  
      // Handle error.  
      cout << "Failed to initialize and connect to the server.\n";  
      return -1;  
   // Create a session object.  
   if (FAILED(pIDBInitialize->QueryInterface( IID_IDBCreateSession,  
      (void**) &pIDBCreateSession))) {  
         cout << "Failed to obtain IDBCreateSession interface.\n";  
         // Handle error.  
         return -1;  
   if (FAILED(pIDBCreateSession->CreateSession( NULL,   
      (IUnknown**) &pIDBCreateCommand))) {  
         cout << "pIDBCreateSession->CreateSession failed.\n";  
         // Handle error.  
         return -1;  
   // Access the ICommandText interface.  
   if (FAILED(pIDBCreateCommand->CreateCommand( NULL,   
      (IUnknown**) &pICommandText))) {  
         cout << "Failed to access ICommand interface.\n";  
         // Handle error.  
         return -1;  
   // Use SetCommandText() to specify the command text.  
   if (FAILED(pICommandText->SetCommandText(DBGUID_DBSQL, wCmdString))) {  
      cout << "Failed to set command text.\n";  
      // Handle error.  
      return -1;  
   // Execute the command.  
   if (FAILED(hr = pICommandText->Execute( NULL,   
      (IUnknown **) &pIRowset))) {  
         cout << "Failed to execute command.\n";  
         // Handle error.  
         return -1;  
   // Process the result set.  
   // Free up memory.  
   if (FAILED(pIDBInitialize->Uninitialize())) {  
      // Uninitialize is not required, but it fails if an interface  
      // has not been released.  This can be used for debugging.  
      cout << "Problem uninitializing.\n";  
int InitializeAndEstablishConnection() {      
   // Obtain access to the MSOLEDBSQL provider.  
   hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_MSOLEDBSQL,  
      (void **) &pIDBInitialize);  
   if (FAILED(hr)) {  
      printf("Failed to get IDBInitialize interface.\n");  
      // Handle errors here.  
      return -1;  
   // Initialize the property values needed to establish the connection.  
   for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ )  
   // Server name.  
   InitProperties[0].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_INIT_DATASOURCE;  
   InitProperties[0].vValue.vt = VT_BSTR;  
   InitProperties[0].vValue.bstrVal= SysAllocString(L"(local)");  
   InitProperties[0].dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_REQUIRED;  
   InitProperties[0].colid = DB_NULLID;  
   // Database.  
   InitProperties[1].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_INIT_CATALOG;  
   InitProperties[1].vValue.vt = VT_BSTR;  
   InitProperties[1].vValue.bstrVal = SysAllocString(L"AdventureWorks");  
   InitProperties[1].dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_REQUIRED;  
   InitProperties[1].colid = DB_NULLID;  
   InitProperties[2].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_AUTH_INTEGRATED;  
   InitProperties[2].vValue.vt = VT_BSTR;  
   InitProperties[2].vValue.bstrVal = SysAllocString(L"SSPI");  
   InitProperties[2].dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_REQUIRED;  
   InitProperties[2].colid = DB_NULLID;  
   // Properties are set, now construct the DBPROPSET structure (rgInitPropSet) used to pass   
   // an array of DBPROP structures (InitProperties) to the SetProperties method.  
   rgInitPropSet[0].guidPropertySet = DBPROPSET_DBINIT;  
   rgInitPropSet[0].cProperties = 4;  
   rgInitPropSet[0].rgProperties = InitProperties;  
   // Set initialization properties.  
   hr = pIDBInitialize->QueryInterface(IID_IDBProperties, (void **)&pIDBProperties);  
   if (FAILED(hr)) {  
      cout << "Failed to get IDBProperties interface.\n";  
      // Handle errors here.  
      return -1;  
   hr = pIDBProperties->SetProperties(1, rgInitPropSet);   
   if (FAILED(hr)) {  
      cout << "Failed to set initialization properties.\n";  
      // Handle errors here.  
      return -1;  
   // Now establish the connection to the data source.  
   if (FAILED(pIDBInitialize->Initialize())) {  
      cout << "Problem in establishing connection to the data"  
      // Handle errors here.  
      return -1;  
   return 0;  
// Retrieve and display data resulting from a query.  
int ProcessResultSet() {  
   // Obtain access to the IColumnInfo interface, from the Rowset object.  
   hr = pIRowset->QueryInterface(IID_IColumnsInfo, (void **)&pIColumnsInfo);  
   if (FAILED(hr)) {  
      cout << "Failed to get IColumnsInfo interface.\n";  
      // Handle errors here.  
      return -1;  
   // Retrieve the column information.  
   pIColumnsInfo->GetColumnInfo(&lNumCols, &pDBColumnInfo, &pStringsBuffer);  
   // Free the column information interface.  
   // Create a DBBINDING array.  
   DBBINDING * p = (pBindings = new DBBINDING[lNumCols]);  
   if (!(p /* pBindings = new DBBINDING[lNumCols] */ ))  
      return -1;  
   // Using the ColumnInfo structure, fill out the pBindings array.  
   for ( j = 0 ; j < lNumCols ; j++ ) {  
      pBindings[j].iOrdinal = j+1;  
      pBindings[j].obValue = ConsumerBufColOffset;  
      pBindings[j].pTypeInfo = NULL;  
      pBindings[j].pObject = NULL;  
      pBindings[j].pBindExt = NULL;  
      pBindings[j].dwPart = DBPART_VALUE;  
      pBindings[j].dwMemOwner = DBMEMOWNER_CLIENTOWNED;  
      pBindings[j].eParamIO = DBPARAMIO_NOTPARAM;  
      pBindings[j].cbMaxLen = (pDBColumnInfo[j].wType == DBTYPE_WSTR) ? pDBColumnInfo[j].ulColumnSize * 2 : pDBColumnInfo[j].ulColumnSize;  
      pBindings[j].dwFlags = 0;  
      pBindings[j].wType = pDBColumnInfo[j].wType;  
      pBindings[j].bPrecision = pDBColumnInfo[j].bPrecision;  
      pBindings[j].bScale = pDBColumnInfo[j].bScale;  
      // Compute the next buffer offset.  
      ConsumerBufColOffset =   
         ConsumerBufColOffset + pBindings[j].cbMaxLen;  
   // Get the IAccessor interface.  
   hr = pIRowset->QueryInterface(IID_IAccessor, (void **) &pIAccessor);  
   if (FAILED(hr)) {  
      cout << "Failed to obtain IAccessor interface.\n";  
      // Handle errors here.  
      return -1;  
   // Create an accessor from the set of bindings (pBindings).  
   pIAccessor->CreateAccessor(DBACCESSOR_ROWDATA, lNumCols, pBindings, 0, &hAccessor, NULL);  
   // Print column names.  
   for ( j = 0 ; j < lNumCols ; j++ )  
      printf("%-40S", pDBColumnInfo[j].pwszName);  
   printf("\n");   // new line after the column names  
   // Get a set of 10 rows.  
   pIRowset->GetNextRows( NULL, 0, 10, &lNumRowsRetrieved, &pRows);  
   // Allocate space for the row buffer.  
   BYTE * pBuffer = new BYTE[ConsumerBufColOffset];  
   if (!(pBuffer /* = new BYTE[ConsumerBufColOffset] */ )) {  
      // Free up all allocated memory.  
      pIAccessor->ReleaseAccessor(hAccessor, NULL);  
      delete [] pBindings;  
      return 0;  
   // Create an instance of the data conversion library to convert DBTYPE_CY to string for display  
   IDataConvert* pIDataConvert;  
   // variables used in DataConvert  
   DBLENGTH cbDstLength;  
   DBSTATUS dbsStatus;  
   char strCurrency0[25];  
   char strCurrency1[25];  
   // Display the rows.  
   while ( lNumRowsRetrieved > 0 ) {  
      // For each row, print the column data.  
      for ( j = 0 ; j < lNumRowsRetrieved ; j++ ) {  
         // Clear the buffer.  
         memset(pBuffer, 0, ConsumerBufColOffset);  
         // Get the row data values.  
         pIRowset->GetData(hRows[j], hAccessor, pBuffer);  
         // Convert DBTYPE_CY values to string   
         pIDataConvert->DataConvert(DBTYPE_CY,   // wSrcType  
            DBTYPE_STR,   // wDstType  
            sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER),   // cbSrcLength   
            &cbDstLength,   // pcbDstLength  
            &pBuffer[pBindings[0].obValue],   // pSrc  
            strCurrency0,   // pDst  
            sizeof(strCurrency0),   //cbDstMaxLength  
            DBSTATUS_S_OK,   // dbsSrcStatus  
            &dbsStatus,   // pdbsStatus  
            0,   // bPrecision (used for DBTYPE_NUMERIC only)  
            0,   // bScale (used for DBTYPE_NUMERIC only)  
            DBDATACONVERT_DEFAULT);   // dwFlags  
         pIDataConvert->DataConvert(DBTYPE_CY,   // wSrcType  
            DBTYPE_STR,   // wDstType  
            sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER),   // cbSrcLength   
            &cbDstLength,   // pcbDstLength  
            &pBuffer[pBindings[1].obValue],   // pSrc  
            strCurrency1,   // pDst  
            sizeof(strCurrency1),   // cbDstMaxLength  
            DBSTATUS_S_OK,   // dbsSrcStatus  
            &dbsStatus,   // pdbsStatus  
            0,   // bPrecision (used for DBTYPE_NUMERIC only)  
            0,   // bScale (used for DBTYPE_NUMERIC only)  
            DBDATACONVERT_DEFAULT); // dwFlags  
         // Print cost and price values.  
         printf("%-40s%s\n", strCurrency0, strCurrency1); //sparra  
      // Release the rows retrieved.  
      pIRowset->ReleaseRows(lNumRowsRetrieved, hRows, NULL, NULL, NULL);  
      // Get the next set of 10 rows.  
      pIRowset->GetNextRows(NULL, 0, 10, &lNumRowsRetrieved, &pRows);  
   // Free up all allocated memory.  
   delete [] pBuffer;  
   pIAccessor->ReleaseAccessor(hAccessor, NULL);  
   delete [] pBindings;  
   return 0;  

Voir aussi

Rubriques des procédures relatives au traitement des résultats (OLE DB)