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The OpenType Font File (OpenType 1.8.2)

An OpenType font file contains data, in table format, that comprises either a TrueType or a Compact Font Format (CFF) outline font. Rasterizers use combinations of data from the tables contained in the font to render the TrueType or PostScript glyph outlines. Some of this supporting data is used no matter which outline format is used; some of the supporting data is specific to either TrueType or PostScript.


OpenType fonts may have the extension .OTF or .TTF, depending on the kind of outlines in the font and the creator’s desire for compatibility on systems without native OpenType support.

  • In all cases, fonts with only CFF data (no TrueType outlines) always have an .OTF extension.
  • Fonts containing TrueType outlines may have either .OTF or .TTF, depending on the desire for backward compatibility on older systems or with previous versions of the font.
  • Collection fonts that use TrueType outlines should have a .TTC extension, regarless of whether layout tables are present or not. Collection fonts that use CFF or CFF2 outlines should have an .OTC extension.

Data Types

The following data types are used in the OpenType font file. All OpenType fonts use Motorola-style byte ordering (Big Endian):

Data Type Description
uint8 8-bit unsigned integer.
int8 8-bit signed integer.
uint16 16-bit unsigned integer.
int16 16-bit signed integer.
uint24 24-bit unsigned integer.
uint32 32-bit unsigned integer.
int32 32-bit signed integer.
Fixed 32-bit signed fixed-point number (16.16)
FWORD int16 that describes a quantity in font design units.
UFWORD uint16 that describes a quantity in font design units.
F2DOT14 16-bit signed fixed number with the low 14 bits of fraction (2.14).
LONGDATETIME Date represented in number of seconds since 12:00 midnight, January 1, 1904. The value is represented as a signed 64-bit integer.
Tag Array of four uint8s (length = 32 bits) used to identify a script, language system, feature, or baseline
Offset16 Short offset to a table, same as uint16, NULL offset = 0x0000
Offset32 Long offset to a table, same as uint32, NULL offset = 0x00000000

The F2DOT14 format consists of a signed, 2’s complement integer and an unsigned fraction. To compute the actual value, take the integer and add the fraction. Examples of 2.14 values are:

Decimal Value Hex Value Integer Fraction
1.999939 0x7fff 1 16383/16384
1.75 0x7000 1 12288/16384
0.000061 0x0001 0 1/16384
0.0 0x0000 0 0/16384
-0.000061 0xffff -1 16383/16384
-2.0 0x8000 -2 0/16384

Version Numbers

Most tables have version numbers, and the version number for the entire font is contained in the Table Directory. Note that there are five different version number types, each with its own numbering scheme.

  • A single uint16 field. This is used in a number of tables, usually with versions starting at zero (0).
  • Separate, uint16 major and minor version fields. This is used in a number of tables, usually with versions starting at 1.0.
  • A Fixed field for major/minor version numbers. This is used in the maxp, post and vhea tables.
  • A uint32 field with enumerated values.
  • A uint32 field with a numeric value. This is used only in the DSIG and meta tables.

When a Fixed number is used as a version, the upper 16 bits comprise a major version number, and the lower 16 bits a minor version. Tables with non-zero minor version numbers always specify the literal value of the version number since the normal representation of Fixed numbers is not necessarily followed. For example, the version number of 'maxp' table version 0.5 is 0x00005000, and that of 'vhea' table version 1.1 is 0x00011000.

The Table Directory uses a uint32 field with an enumeration of defined values that represent four-character tags; see the section below, “Organization of an OpenType Font”, for details.

Implementations reading tables must include code to check version numbers so that, if and when the format and therefore the version number changes, older implementations will handle newer versions gracefully.

Minor version number changes always imply format changes that are compatible extensions. When a single uint16 number is used to indicate version, it should be treated as though it were a minor version number, assuming that format changes are compatible extensions. If an implementation understands a major version number, then it can safely proceed reading the table. If the minor version is greater than the latest version recognized by the implementation, then the extension fields will be undetectable to the implementation.

Note that some field values that were undefined or reserved in an earlier revision may be assigned meanings in a minor version change. Implementations should never make assumptions regarding reserved or unassigned values or bits in bit fields, and can ignore them if encountered. When writing font data, tools should always write zero for reserved fields or bits. Validators should warn of any non-zero values for fields or bits that are not defined for the given version against which data is being validated.

If the major version is not recognized, the implementation must not read the table as it can make no assumptions regarding interpretation of the binary data. The implementation should treat the table as missing.

Organization of an OpenType Font

A key characteristic of the OpenType format is the TrueType sfnt “wrapper”, which provides organization for a collection of tables in a general and extensible manner.

The OpenType font starts with the Offset Table. If the font file contains only one font, the Offset Table will begin at byte 0 of the file. If the font file is an OpenType Font Collection file (see below), the beginning point of the Offset Table for each font is indicated in the TTCHeader.

Offset Table:

Type Name Description
uint32 sfntVersion 0x00010000 or 0x4F54544F ('OTTO') — see below.
uint16 numTables Number of tables.
uint16 searchRange (Maximum power of 2 <= numTables) x 16.
uint16 entrySelector Log2(maximum power of 2 <= numTables).
uint16 rangeShift NumTables x 16-searchRange.

OpenType fonts that contain TrueType outlines should use the value of 0x00010000 for the sfntVersion. OpenType fonts containing CFF data (version 1 or 2) should use the tag 'OTTO' for sfntVersion.

Note: The Apple specification for TrueType fonts allows for 'true' and 'typ1' for sfnt version. These version tags should not be used for fonts which contain OpenType tables.

The Offset Table is followed immediately by the Table Record entries. Entries in the Table Record must be sorted in ascending order by tag. Offset values in the Table Record are measured from the start of the font file.

Table Record:

Type Name Description
uint32 tag 4 -byte identifier.
uint32 checkSum CheckSum for this table.
Offset32 offset Offset from beginning of TrueType font file.
uint32 length Length of this table.

The Table Record makes it possible for a given font to contain only those tables it actually needs. As a result there is no standard value for numTables.

Tags are the names given to tables in the OpenType font file. All tag names consist of four characters. Names with less than four letters are allowed if followed by the necessary trailing spaces. All tag names defined within a font (e.g., table names, feature tags, language tags) must be built from printing characters represented by ASCII values 32-126.

Some tables have an internal structure with subtables located at specified offsets, and as a result, it is possible to construct a font with data for different tables interleaved. In general, tables should be arranged contiguously without overlapping the ranges of distinct tables. In any case, however, table lengths measure a contiguous range of bytes that encompasses all of the data for a table. This applies to any subtables as well as to top-level tables.

Calculating Checksums

Table checksums are the unsigned sum of the uint32 units of a given table. In C, the following function can be used to determine a checksum:

CalcTableChecksum(uint32 *Table, uint32 Length)
uint32 Sum = 0L;
uint32 *Endptr = Table+((Length+3) & ~3) / sizeof(uint32);
while (Table < EndPtr)
    Sum += *Table++;
return Sum;

Note: This function implies that the length of a table must be a multiple of four bytes. In fact, a font is not considered structurally well-formed without the correct padding. All tables must begin on four-byte boundries, and any remaining space between tables is padded with zeros. The length of all tables should be recorded in the table record with their actual length (not their padded length).

To calculate the checkSum for the 'head' table which itself includes the checkSumAdjustment entry for the entire font, do the following:

  1. Set the checkSumAdjustment to 0.
  2. Calculate the checksum for all the tables including the 'head' table and enter that value into the table directory.
  3. Calculate the checksum for the entire font.
  4. Subtract that value from the hex value B1B0AFBA.
  5. Store the result in checkSumAdjustment.

The checkSum for the head table which includes the checkSumAdjustment entry for the entire font is now incorrect. That is not a problem. Do not change it. An application attempting to verify that the 'head' table has not changed should calculate the checkSum for that table by not including the checkSumAdjustment value, and compare the result with the entry in the table directory.

Font Collections

An OpenType Font Collection (formerly known as TrueType Collection) is a means of delivering multiple OpenType fonts in a single file structure. The format for font collections allows font tables that are identical between two or more fonts to be shared. Font collections containing outline glyph data (TrueType, CFF, CFF2 or SVG) are most useful when the fonts to be delivered together share many glyphs in common. By allowing multiple fonts to share glyph sets and other common font tables, font collections can result in a significant saving of file space.

For example, a group of Japanese fonts may each have their own designs for the kana glyphs, but share identical designs for the kanji. With ordinary OpenType font files, the only way to include the common kanji glyphs is to copy their glyph data into each font. Since the kanji represent much more data than the kana, this results in a great deal of wasteful duplication of glyph data. Font collections were defined to solve this problem.

Note: Even though the original definition of a Font Collection (as part of the TrueType specification) was intended to be used with fonts containing TrueType outlines, and this constraint was maintained in earlier OpenType versions, this is no longer a constraint in OpenType. Font collection files may contain various types of outlines (or a mix of them), regardless of whether or not fonts have layout tables present.

Note: A variable font using OpenType Font Variations mechanisms is functionally equivalent to multiple non-variable fonts. Variable fonts do not need to be contained within a collection file. A collection file can include one or even multiple variable fonts, however, and may even combine variable and non-variable fonts.

The Font Collection File Structure

A font collection file consists of a single TTC Header table, one or more Offset Tables with Table Directories, and a number of OpenType tables. The TTC Header must be located at the beginning of the TTC file.

The TTC file must contain a complete Offset Table and Table Directory for each font. A TTC file Table Directory has exactly the same format as a TTF file Table Directory. The table offsets in all Table Directories within a TTC file are measured from the beginning of the TTC file.

Each OpenType table in a TTC file is referenced through the Offset Table and Table Directory of each font which uses that table. Some of the OpenType tables must appear multiple times, once for each font included in the TTC; while other tables may be shared by multiple fonts in the TTC.

As an example, consider a TTC file which combines two Japanese fonts (Font1 and Font2). The fonts have different kana designs (Kana1 and Kana2) but use the same design for kanji. The TTC file contains a single 'glyf' table which includes both designs of kana together with the kanji; both fonts’ Table Directories point to this 'glyf' table. But each font’s Table Directory points to a different 'cmap' table, which identifies the glyph set to use. Font1’s 'cmap' table points to the Kana1 region of the 'loca' and 'glyf' tables for kana glyphs, and to the kanji region for the kanji. Font2’s 'cmap' table points to the Kana2 region of the 'loca' and 'glyf' tables for kana glyphs, and to the same kanji region for the kanji.

The tables that should have a unique copy per font are those that are used by the system in identifying the font and its character mapping, including 'cmap', 'name', and 'OS/2'. The tables that should be shared by fonts in the TTC are those that define glyph and instruction data or use glyph indices to access data: 'glyf', 'loca', 'hmtx', 'hdmx', 'LTSH', 'cvt ', 'fpgm', 'prep', 'EBLC', 'EBDT', 'EBSC', 'maxp', and so on. In practice, any tables which have identical data for two or more fonts may be shared.

A tool is available from Microsoft to help build .TTC files. The process involves paying close attention the issue of glyph renumbering in a font and the side effects that can result, in the 'cmap' table and elsewhere. The fonts to be merged must also have compatible TrueType instructions-that is, their preprograms, function definitions, and control values must not conflict.

Collection files containing TrueType glyph outlnes should use the filename suffix .TTC. Collection files containing CFF or CFF2 outlines should use the file extension .OTC.

TTC Header

There are two versions of the TTC Header: Version 1.0 has been used for TTC files without digital signatures. Version 2.0 can be used for TTC files with or without digital signatures -- if there’s no signature, then the last three fields of the version 2.0 header are left null.

If a digital signature is used, the DSIG table for the file must be the last table in the TTC file. Signatures in a TTC file are expected to be Format 1 signatures.

The purpose of the TTC Header table is to locate the different Offset Tables within a TTC file. The TTC Header is located at the beginning of the TTC file (offset = 0). It consists of an identification tag, a version number, a count of the number of OpenType fonts in the file, and an array of offsets to each Offset Table.

TTC Header Version 1.0:

Type Name Description
TAG ttcTag Font Collection ID string: 'ttcf' (used for fonts with CFF or CFF2 outlines as well as TrueType outlines)
uint16 majorVersion Major version of the TTC Header, = 1.
uint16 minorVersion Minor version of the TTC Header, = 0.
uint32 numFonts Number of fonts in TTC
Offset32 offsetTable[numFonts] Array of offsets to the OffsetTable for each font from the beginning of the file

TTC Header Version 2.0:

Type Name Description
TAG ttcTag Font Collection ID string: 'ttcf'
uint16 majorVersion Major version of the TTC Header, = 2.
uint16 minorVersion Minor version of the TTC Header, = 0.
uint32 numFonts Number of fonts in TTC
Offset32 offsetTable[numFonts] Array of offsets to the OffsetTable for each font from the beginning of the file
uint32 dsigTag Tag indicating that a DSIG table exists, 0x44534947 ('DSIG') (null if no signature)
uint32 dsigLength The length (in bytes) of the DSIG table (null if no signature)
uint32 dsigOffset The offset (in bytes) of the DSIG table from the beginning of the TTC file (null if no signature)

Font Tables

The TrueType rasterizer has a much easier time traversing tables if they are padded so that each table begins on a 4-byte boundary. Also, the algorithm for calculating table checksums assumes that tables are 32-bit aligned. For this reason, all tables must be 32-bit aligned and padded with zeroes.

Required Tables

Whether TrueType or CFF outlines are used in an OpenType font, the following tables are required for the font to function correctly:

Tag Name
cmap Character to glyph mapping
head Font header
hhea Horizontal header
hmtx Horizontal metrics
maxp Maximum profile
name Naming table
OS/2 OS/2 and Windows specific metrics
post PostScript information

For OpenType fonts based on TrueType outlines, the following tables are used:

Tag Name
cvt Control Value Table (optional table)
fpgm Font program (optional table)
glyf Glyph data
loca Index to location
prep CVT Program (optional table)
gasp Grid-fitting/Scan-conversion (optional table)

For OpenType fonts based on CFF outlines, the following tables are used:

Tag Name
CFF Compact Font Format 1.0
CFF2 Compact Font Format 2.0
VORG Vertical Origin (optional table)

It is strongly recommended that CFF OpenType fonts that are used for vertical writing include a Vertical Origin ('VORG') table.

Multiple Master support in OpenType has been discontinued as of version 1.3 of the specification. The 'MMSD' and 'MMFX' tables that were defined in versions prior to version 1.3 are no longer supported.

Tag Name
SVG The SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) table
Tag Name
EBDT Embedded bitmap data
EBLC Embedded bitmap location data
EBSC Embedded bitmap scaling data
CBDT Color bitmap data
CBLC Color bitmap location data
sbix Standard bitmap graphics

OpenType fonts may also contain bitmaps of glyphs, in addition to outlines. Hand-tuned bitmaps are especially useful in OpenType fonts for representing complex glyphs at very small sizes. If a bitmap for a particular size is provided in a font, it will be used by the system instead of the outline when rendering the glyph.

Advanced Typographic Tables

Several optional tables support advanced typographic functions:

Tag Name
BASE Baseline data
GDEF Glyph definition data
GPOS Glyph positioning data
GSUB Glyph substitution data
JSTF Justification data
MATH Math layout data

For information on common table formats, please see OpenType Layout Common Table Formats .

Tables used for OpenType Font Variations

Tag Name
avar Axis variations
cvar CVT variations (TrueType outlines only)
fvar Font variations
gvar Glyph variations (TrueType outlines only)
HVAR Horizontal metrics variations
MVAR Metrics variations
STAT Style attributes (required for variable fonts, optional for non-variable fonts)
VVAR Vertical metrics variations

For an overview of OpenType Font Variations and the specification of the interpolation algorithm used for variations, see OpenType Font Variations Overview. For details regarding which tables are required or optional in variable fonts, see Variation Data Tables and Miscellaneous Requirements in the Overview chapter.

For information on common table formats used for variations, see OpenType Font Variations Common Table Formats.

Note that some variation-related formats may be used in tables other than the variations-specific tables listed above. In particular, the 'GDEF' or 'BASE' tables in a variable font can include variation data using common table formats. A 'CFF2' table in a variable font can also include variation data, though using formats that are specific to the 'CFF2' table.

Tag Name
COLR Color table
CPAL Color palette table
CBDT Color bitmap data
CBLC Color bitmap location data
sbix Standard bitmap graphics
SVG The SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) table

Note that several of these tables were also listed in other sections for tables related to SVG outlines, and for tables related to bitmap glyphs.

Other OpenType Tables

Tag Name
DSIG Digital signature
hdmx Horizontal device metrics
kern Kerning
LTSH Linear threshold data
MERG Merge
meta Metadata
STAT Style attributes
PCLT PCL 5 data
VDMX Vertical device metrics
vhea Vertical Metrics header
vmtx Vertical Metrics

Note that the 'STAT' table is required in variable fonts. Also, the 'hdmx' and 'VDMX' tables are not used in variable fonts.