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Mike Harsh's Blog

Right angle, laser, razor thin lines that curve and swerve in perfect sines

Rock Paper Scissors game in WPF/E

Thannap has created a video based Rock Paper Scissors game using WPF/E. Click the image below to...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 03/26/2007

Lumines Live 60 Second Top Score in WPF/E

I've been playing quite a bit of Lumines Live on my 360 lately. I'm no Mr. HeXic, but I recently...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 03/26/2007

IdentityMine's CHATBlender

What do you get when you combine WPF/E Pad with MSN Messenger? CHATBlender. IdentityMine has created...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 03/21/2007

Dave Campbell's Added Another WPF/E Tutorial

Dave has been on a tear as of late learning and explaining WPF/E on his blog. His latest entry...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 03/19/2007

Magent Game in WPF/E

Dennis Cronin of the Microsoft TV team has been playing with WPF/E and has created a version of the...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 03/06/2007

Another OS Clone in WPF/E

OS X looking WPF/E sample has popped up on the MSDN WPF/E forums. This one isn't as good as the...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 02/28/2007

Dan Whalin's WPF/E Album Viewer is Now Live

Dan's album viewer sample that queries the web service for album information based on a...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 02/27/2007

Nick Kramer on Writing Reusable Controls in WPF/E

Nick has written an in-depth post on a method to write reusable widgets in WPF/E. This is really a...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 02/27/2007

Dave Campbell's Glyph Map Utility

The small glyph sample Dave wrote last week was just a start. The newest WPF/E sample at WynApse...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 02/22/2007

WingDing Glyph Explorer

Dave Campbell has created a small sample which uses the slider from the WPF/E quickstarts to index...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 02/20/2007

Chad Campbell's Video Slider Puzzle

Chad Campbell has created a very cool WPF/E slider puzzle that uses the Clip property on...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 02/19/2007

WPF/E Photo Viewer with Reflection

Lester Lobo has created a WPF/E photo viewer with a nice reflection effect. Lester didn't host his...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 02/17/2007

WPF/E Path Editing Tool - In Windows Forms!

Gavin Gear has created a client application (written in Windows Forms) that lets you trace the...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 02/16/2007

Some Confusion About WPF/E Requirements

I saw this blog post and I got the question a few times at Tech Ready this week. Just to clear...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 02/09/2007

Simulating Grid Layout and Databinding in WPF/E

Bryant is serious about digging into WPF/E. Today he put up a post outlining a data grid simulation...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 02/09/2007

Matrix Style Text Animation with WPF/E

The ever industrious Chad Campbell has created another cool WPF/E sample. This one uses overlaid...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 02/07/2007

That Poor Dog

Lorin of the WPF/E SDK team has posted a new sample that allows you to drag different accesories...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 02/05/2007

February CTP Samples are Posted!

The Channel 9 WPF/E playground has updated versions of all the December CTP samples and three new...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 02/05/2007

Dave Campbell's WPF/E Reflection Editor

Dave has put up a new WPF/E sample he built for a recent INETA talk. The sample has two images and...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 02/04/2007

New Docs, SDK and Quickstarts

More February CTP updates: The updated documenation is available here There are a new set of WPF/E...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 02/03/2007

What's New in the WPF/E February CTP

The what's new doc has now been posted to MSDN. This has information about new features, APIs and...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 02/02/2007

Brush up on your Slovenian (Windows Vista-esque sample in WPF/E)

Check out this sample written in WPF/E. Very ambitious. The text appears to be in Slovenian based on...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 02/01/2007

WPF/E Pad and Others Updated for the Feb CTP

I've updated all the live samples hosted on my site to work with the February CTP. I'll be updating...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 02/01/2007

The February CTP of WPF/E is Live

The December CTP just expired and the February CTP is now live. The Windows installer is here and...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 01/31/2007

Shawn Wildermuth's New Video Player

Shawn has been busy putting together new WPF/E samples. He's used his ASP.NET server control for...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 01/29/2007

WPF/E Scrabble Tiles

This is a sample I was working on a few weeks back but just got around to finishing. I had some...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 01/28/2007

José can Juggle - Seriously

José Lema has posted a simple WPF/E sample to his blog. It's got an image, some text and a .wmv of...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 01/27/2007

WPF/E Animated Reflection Article

Michael Schwarz, AJAX MVP and creator of the WPF/E google group has posted about extending the SDK...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 01/25/2007

Lee Brimelow's WPF/E Video Player

Lee has created a WPF/E video player for use on his WPF video tutorial site,

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 01/24/2007

Chad Campbell's ASP.NET WPF/E server control

I've been trying to find the time to put together an ASP.NET server control to generate WPF/E XAML,...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 01/23/2007

View Source and WPF/E

Bryant has a few WPF/E animation samples on a recent post and he shows of the XAML for these...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 01/19/2007

Karsten Januszewski's XAML Gradient Animation Tool now works with WPF/E

Karsten has updated his gradient animation tool to output WPF/E friendly XAML. More information can...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 01/16/2007

A Handful of WPF/E Samples and Tutorials on WynApse

Dave Campbell of WynApse has been digging into WPF/E and has a set of samples (a few with tutorials)...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 01/13/2007

WPF/E Bootcamp Videos on Channel 9

Ernie Booth and Laurence Moroney have put together 3 training videos for getting started with WPF/E...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 01/13/2007

HanselMinutes: Bad Teriyaki and WPF/E

Scott Hansel and Carl Franklin discuss WPF/E in the latest edition of HanselMinutes. It’s a good...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 01/12/2007

ScottGu's Channel 9 Video on WPF/E and MIX '07

Scott chats with Rory from Channel 9 about the future of Microsoft's web development strategy, MIX...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 01/12/2007

Dr. Greenthumb - New WPF/E Game

Jason Grunstra of BLITZ has posted a WPF/E game called Dr. Greenthumb, which Jason told me was...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 01/11/2007

Shawn Wildermuth on geekSpeak discussing WPF/E

Shawn is doing a geekSpeak webcast about WPF/E next Wednesday (1/17). Don't miss this webcast if...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 01/10/2007

The WPF/E SDK Team's Blog

The good folks that created the WPF/E SDK and documentation have a blog and it is a great source of...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 01/09/2007

Debugging WPF/E Apps

One thing I haven't seen discussed is script debugging for your WPF/E app. If you're using IE to...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 01/08/2007

ASP.NET AJAX and WPF/E Together

Dan Wahlin has built a very cool album browser sample using ASP.NET AJAX and WPF/E. His sample...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 01/05/2007

Game of Life in WPF/E

K. Scott Allen rewrote his WPF version of Conway's Game of Life. He's got a commentary on the...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 01/05/2007

Mix '07 Registration is Live!

The Mix '07 website went live yesterday. Mix '06 was a great conference but the way the '07 edition...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 01/04/2007

State-Based Animations in WPF/E

Ed Maia, a fellow WPF/E PM has started a blog and his first post is about creating state-based...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 01/04/2007

Updated Version of WPF/E Pad

I've made some updates to the first version of WPF/E Pad I posted last week. The new version has the...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 12/28/2006

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