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Mike Harsh's Blog

Right angle, laser, razor thin lines that curve and swerve in perfect sines

Richard Leggett on WPF/E

Richard Leggett, co-author of Flash Applications for Mobile Devices, has written a nice commentary...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 12/23/2006


Late last year, one of the first WPF/E samples that our team created was a XAML pad type web page...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 12/22/2006

WPF/E ScratchPad

My good friend Robby Ingebretsen from IdentityMine has written a little WPF/E drawing app. I dig it....

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 12/20/2006

The power's back on and there's a glut of new WPF/E blogs and samples

After almost 5 days without power (yeah, it was cold), Puget Sound Energy brought the power back to...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 12/20/2006

Live Version of the WPF/E Clock

I've had a few requests to post an updated version of the WPF/E clock sample that was shown at Mix...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 12/14/2006

WPF/E Mouse Scribbler

Simon Allerdice har written another WPF/E sample. This one records mouse movements on a surface,...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 12/14/2006

Mike Taulty hosts an XBOX video in WPF/E (x12)

Mike Taulty has built a sample with 12 MediaElements all playing back at the same time, with a mouse...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 12/13/2006

WPF/E Egg Timer

Simon Allerdice has written a WPF/E egg timer app as a first sample. Check it out.

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 12/12/2006

WPF/E ASP.NET Server Control

Last week, a group of ASPInsiders were on campus and I presented a session on WPF/E. For this...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 12/11/2006

WPF/E Visual Studio Project Templates without Web Application Projects

Earlier in the week I posted about some issues with the WPF/E Visual Studio project template...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 12/07/2006

What is WPF/E really?

In a few newsgroup posts on our forums, I’ve seen some confusion about what WPF/E CTP enables and...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 12/06/2006

Using WPF/E to host videos in your blog posts

Chandu Thota has written an ASP.NET page the accepts a video URL in the querystring and loads the...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 12/06/2006

Peter Blois has a WPF/E vector art viewer

Peter Blois is a membere of the Expression team who's been working closly with our team on WPF/E...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 12/05/2006

TheWPFblog shows Flash and WPF/E interacting

Lee has put together a sample showing Flash interacting with WPF/E. Very cool to see the two...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 12/05/2006

Great "WPF/E" post by Shawn Wildermuth

Shawn helps demystify "WPF/E". This is good stuff. One note, the Mac installer is larger than 1MB....

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 12/05/2006

"WPF/E" Template for Express SKUs and VS 2005 SP1

The Visual Studio project template that is part of the SDK requires that the Web Application...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 12/05/2006

Lee Brimelow's XAML Test Animation in "WPF/E"

Last week Lee Brimelow compared an animation running in Flash and WPF. Now that the "WFP/E" CTP is...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 12/04/2006

Amazing "WPF/E" Video Player on Channel 9

Wow, so much news today..... Adam Kinney has been busy playing with "WPF/E" and he has written a...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 12/04/2006

Adobe Illustrator XAML exporter for "WPF/E"

Mike Swanson has updated his Illustrator XAML expoter for "WPF/E". Check it out at:...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 12/04/2006

ZDNET's Ryan Stewart Blog's about "WPF/E"

Ryan has a good post about "WPF/E" up at Ryan states that the...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 12/04/2006

Welcome to the "WPF/E" December CTP

For the last 6 months we've been quiet about the progress our team has been making. Today, the first...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 12/04/2006

WPF/E on Channel 9

The Channel 9 video on WPF/E is now live.

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 05/15/2006

WPF/E Channel 9 Video Coming Soon!

Last week Scoble came by my office and I showed him some of the WPF/E demos we presented at Mix ’06...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 04/17/2006


In a previous post I mentioned the ASP.NET wrapper control that I wrote for the WPF/E browser...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 03/31/2006

WPF/E Code Walkthrough

Those of you that read my earlier post or saw Joe Stegman's WPF/E talk at Mix, are probably...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 03/28/2006

WPF/E Article at

Tim Anderson attended Joe's session at Mix '06 and spoke with Forest Key, Director of Developer...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 03/27/2006

Mix '06 WPF/E Slides Posted

The slides for Joe Stegman's WPF/E talk are attached to this post. NGW036_jstegman.ppt

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 03/24/2006

Great blog post on WPF/E

There have been a few blog posts popping up about WPF/E, but Ben Galbraith's over at Ajaxian is the...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 03/23/2006

DesignModeDialog Sample

I've been getting a few questions and comments about this sample I wrote a few months back so I...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 03/14/2005

New Windows Forms FAQ on the Smart Client Dev Center

Stuart Celarier and the good folks at MSDN who run the Smart Client Dev Center have posted a very...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 02/03/2005

Post-Whidbey Innovation

In my post last week, Is Windows Forms Dead?, I stated that: “From an innovation perspective,...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 09/28/2004

Is Windows Forms Dead?

Please keep in mind that this is just my opinion and view from the trenches. It in no way represents...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 09/20/2004

Whidbey Hype vs. Content for Current Versions

Many customers have been complaining about the lack of new articles, samples and excitement around...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 06/09/2004

Easy Thread

One of the prototyping guys at MS, Roland Fernandez, has created a VS.NET 2003 add-in to make...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 05/19/2004

Windows Forms Markup Language (wfml)

This sample, written by Joe Stegman, allows users to create XML Form definitions and then instatiate...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 03/08/2004

Why are some buttons 26 pixels high?

In VS.NET that is. If you’ve got a sharp eye, you’ve probably noticed that some dialogs...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 01/25/2004

The Form Load event

Shawn posted a mini-rant / tip about not subscring to your own events. I've got to post a small...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 04/07/2003

Tell us about programming language filtering in docs

Mark Rideout, one of the User Education (UE) folks on the Windows Forms team has posted a survey to...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 04/02/2003

Compatibility and Breaking Changes

I posted a comment to ScottW's weblog about sealing classes and it got me thinking about breaking...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 04/01/2003

The grapes of no-wrath

It turns out that California is warm and clear. Two adjectivs rarely applied to the state of...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 04/01/2003

Office 11 impressions

Apparently talking about the new Office 11 beta is all the rage, so I'll throw my 2 bits in the mix....

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 03/21/2003

H to the izza, L to the izzo

Halo is rapidly becoming a tradition at MS. All over the company XBOX's are being setup with the...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 03/21/2003

Security Threat Models Done!

After three weeks and a dozen meetings, the threat models for all 7 feature specs I own are...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 03/21/2003

Cheap Plug

As you probably know, I run our team's public website, If you're doing any...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 03/19/2003


Is this thing on? After a night of Halo at ErickE's, where every other word out of ChrisAn's mouth...

Author: Michael Harsh Date: 03/19/2003
