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The MossyBlog Times Archives 2007 - 2009

Rich Fertile ground of Interactive development & design

Hey wait on, Silverlight has just had it's first birthday.

It was in April 2007 we launched Silverlight 1.0, and it's now May 2008 and we're already looking...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 05/29/2008

Windows 7 Multi-touch: Think beyond your Notebook of today.

  I like the rest of the world read about our Windows 7 Multi-touch capabilities and personally...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 05/28/2008

Voice Activated Commands in Blend.

Most folks whom know me would agree I am quite lazy at times. This being true, I've discovered a...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 05/13/2008

What do you want to talk about?

I just had a curious thought, what is it that you'd like me to talk about on this blog. In that,...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 04/21/2008

I'm on DG.TV

Michael Kordahi - aka DelicateGenius decided to interview me on my last day at Microsoft Australia....

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 04/19/2008

RIA is slowly fading in terms of it's definition.

When I first started the RIA Evangelism role in Microsoft, I had this nagging feeling that the term...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 04/19/2008

This video..well..enough said.

I noticed the blogsphere/emails internally and externally are running hot over a supposed "internal...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 04/17/2008

Shanemo giving away rare Silverlight Skateboard.

You know those skateboards in the Silverlight intro videos, well Shane Morris (Shanemo aka UX Bloke)...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 04/16/2008

Anand asks - "What would you do if you were a Microsoft Evangelist?"

Anand Iyer, an Evangelist in our ever swelling ranks of evangelism army, asked a basic question....

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 04/12/2008

I expect to now see virtual mapping in all real estate websites, otherwise you lost my business.

I'm obviously not just thinking of buying a property in the US but I'm also selling property in...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 04/11/2008

WalkScore, very useful for a international house hunter.

I'm currently browsing the interweb, checking out houses to either buy or lease in the Seattle area....

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 04/05/2008

Stupid eh? Stupid like a fox..

The title - "7 reasons not to consider using Adobe Flex". I saw this and went "ok,...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 04/03/2008

Wonder what she puts on her resume?

Long ( was tipped off by a certain mutual friend (yes I know the source Long)...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 04/02/2008

Getting around Microsoft campus in the future.

I stumbled upon this site, which basically sounds like it's a pitch to change the way we...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 04/02/2008

Get behind the Expression Community Site.

I will admit one thing, we at Microsoft at times have a lot of online brands to cater to the...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 03/26/2008

A UX and Developer Evangelist create, inspire and promote.

Shane and Michael spent a week in a program called "AiR" (Not the Adobe kind - Artists In...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 03/26/2008

I fly home tomorrow

I have spent the last three (3) weeks in the United States travelling around listening to customers...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 03/21/2008

Designers, Designers, Designers..

Q.What do you expect from Microsoft going forward in the design space. I meet with a lot of...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 02/29/2008

I am now a Product Manager.

I've managed to worm my way into Microsoft Corp HQ, as a Product Manager (PM) on the Rich Client...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 02/25/2008

Facebook: I will not give in to peer pressure..

     This is why Facebook will never be the next "Google". It...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 02/24/2008

MIX08 + SxSW here I come..

It's going to be a busy 2 weeks starting tomorrow. I firstly will be announcing my new career move...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 02/24/2008

My career is about to take a turn..

Waiting on some legalities, but stay tuned as I have some news that will shock some and have others...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 02/22/2008

Meet "Dax", my idea for a mascot (not official).

I like both the "blue monster campaign" and SIlverlight and given I'm dabbling around in 3D at the...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 02/03/2008

You define RIA.

Last night I put up my RIA Chat video teaser and I got a few direct emails from folks asking who...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 01/31/2008

Something is being built...and I hope you RIA kids are watching...

I've been a busy little Microsoftee and have done a lot of interviews over the past few months with...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 01/31/2008

Why Chad is excited about Silverlight 2.0

I stumbled upon a post by Chad Campbell via my RSS reads (244 down, 9398 to go) and I enjoyed...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 01/27/2008

Once you achieve perfection, it's no longer perfect.

Why did the media feel Macworld was flat this year? Why does Steve Jobs present so well, Why do...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 01/26/2008

My RIA art...

12:33 AM and I'm currently putting together my power point deck for an upcoming internal conference...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 01/26/2008

Removing the "fog of war" from Expression Web 1.0 & 2.0

Two guys at Microsoft that I'll be meeting in a couple of weeks have done a great blogcast over at...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 01/25/2008

Q. Does Silverlight have offline Database support like Flash.

Answer: No. Silverlight does not have offline database support neither does Flash. The offline...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 01/25/2008

Wanted: CSS Artist to redesign

How about this, you redesign the site with some CSS goodness and if our judges think...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 01/25/2008

Nigel shows off our research goodies.

I see at times comments left on forums from folks whom have a beef with Microsoft that we don't...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 01/23/2008

.NET version of WordPress?

Whom of you fellow ASP.NET folks out there has a blogging solution that trumps Wordpress in terms of...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 01/21/2008

Adobe AIR + .NET Proxy - Concerns arise.

I read the post of both Ryan Stewart and Mike "Mesh" Chambers on a bold plan to connect...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 01/20/2008

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