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Tom Hollander's blog

Head in the clouds

Speaking at WDNUG

It’s been a little while since I’ve presented at a public forum – particularly since I missed TechEd...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 10/10/2008

Application Architecture for .NET v2 - This time for real!

Those of you who have been paying attention may have remembered a post I did over a year ago...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 09/10/2008

MSMQ, WCF and IIS: Getting them to play nice (Part 3)

Previously, in MSMQ, WCF and IIS: Getting them to play nice: In Part 1, we built a client and...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 07/14/2008

MSMQ, WCF and IIS: Getting them to play nice (Part 2)

Welcome back! In Part 1 of this tale, we'd successfully configured a WCF client and an IIS-hosted...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 07/13/2008

MSMQ, WCF and IIS: Getting them to play nice (Part 1)

A few weeks ago I posted an article describing how my current team built a publish/subscribe message...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 07/12/2008

Windows Media Center - Is it still just for geeks?

I was impressed with Windows Media Center from the very first time I tried it. However when we got...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 06/23/2008

Building a Pub/Sub Message Bus with WCF and MSMQ

In recent years there has been a lot of talk about event-driven architecture as a technique to build...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 05/17/2008

Enterprise Library 4.0 - Get it while it's hot!

It's almost exactly a year since I handed in the keys to the Enterprise Library bus, but I'm still...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 05/16/2008

Thoughts on being a Solution Architect

About a year ago I put together a post called Thoughts On Product Management, containing some random...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 04/29/2008

Enterprise Library 4.0 Community Technology Preview

From Grigori: We are pleased to announce the release of the EntLib 4.0 March 2008 CTP and invite...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 04/01/2008

Cool New Stuff on CodePlex

In the last few weeks there have been a number of interesting new projects added to CodePlex that...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 03/21/2008

Polymorphism and the Validation Application Block

The Validation Application Block is a useful piece of technology, but unfortunately it doesn't get...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 03/01/2008

Gosh! GAT/GAX is Golden!

Hot off the presses: the February 2008 release of the Guidance Automation Toolkit and Guidance...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 02/16/2008

Why your customers will love agile (even if they think they hate it)

Project management methodology has never been a particularly sexy topic. While it's always been...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 02/16/2008

Dialog Box of the Week

Luckily for me, it didn't actually take quite that long.

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 02/08/2008

Unity + EntLib = ?

If you've been following Grigori Melnik's blog, you'll know a bit about Unity, the new Dependency...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 02/02/2008

Unity Workshop in Redmond

In case you missed it, the "Dependency Injection Application Block" promised for Enterprise Library...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 01/30/2008

A Follow-up on PIAB+WCF Integration

Last month I posted an entry describing how to invoke the Policy Injection Application Block at WCF...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 01/12/2008

Enterprise Library 4.0 Plan Published!

Happy New Year to you all! The Enterprise Library team has started the new year with a bang by...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 01/08/2008

Prioritising Validation Results using VAB ASP.NET Integration

One of the many cool features of the Validation Application Block is the simple integration into...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 12/18/2007

Dependency Injection coming in EntLib v4

Just a quick note in case you missed Grigori's announcement on the patterns & practices team's...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 12/06/2007

Invoking the Policy Injection Application Block at WCF Service Boundaries

Back when we originally designed the Policy Injection Application Block for Enterprise Library 3.0,...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 12/02/2007

Code Generators: Can't live with them, can't live without them

I'm still not sure what I think about code generators. This may sound strange, coming from someone...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 11/17/2007

What do you want to see in EntLib vNext?

Grigori has finally broken the silence on the patterns & practices team's plans for Enterprise...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 10/13/2007

The Repository Factory - Try It, Use It, Contribute!

This news isn't exactly hot of the presses, but it probably flew under the radar for many of you so...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 10/11/2007

EntLib Contrib September 2007 Release

In keeping with the p&p team's tradition of naming a release after the month that's just...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 10/02/2007

Welcome Andrew Delin to patterns & practices

I was getting a little worried about losing all of the Aussies in p&p, first with Jason leaving...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 09/13/2007

Abstractions: You can have too much of a good thing

Architects love abstracting things. And why wouldn't they - it allows you to hide those pesky...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 08/26/2007

What am I doing now anyway?

Another Tech.Ed has come and gone, and I'm currently relaxing in the Qantas Club lounge at Auckland...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 08/14/2007

Inoffensive music offends me greatly

OK I've been in the Qantas Club lounge far too long now, and before I board my plane I have just one...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 08/13/2007

NZ .NET Code Camp

One more quick ad before I head over to Tech.Ed: I've been invited to talk at the NZ .NET User...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 08/05/2007

GAX += 0.1;

Grigori has just announced the release of the Guidance Automation Extensions and Guidance Automation...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 08/04/2007

Mapping SQL Server Errors to .NET Exceptions (the fun way!)

As I mentioned in my last post, I've been having some fun discovering what it's like to use patterns...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 08/01/2007

p&p in the Real World: First Impressions

As a product manager at patterns & practices, I got to write a lot more code than most people...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 07/27/2007

First Release of EntLib Contrib

Sorry my blog has been a little quiet lately, as I've been spending most of my time unpacking boxes....

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 07/17/2007

GAX 1.3 for Orcas announced

Grigori Melnik, who has taken over responsibility of GAX and Enterprise Library since my departure...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 07/03/2007

VB4: "XAML, I am your father"

I think I've mentioned before that I've been a Visual Basic developer since the glory days of VB...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 06/20/2007

The Seven Deadly Sins of Reusable Asset Development

The other day a customer asked me to give them some advice on building or acquiring a development...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 06/16/2007

WPF, Silverlight, Virtual Earth... Oh My!

Earlier this week I helped out with a presentation to customers that took them through our latest...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 06/14/2007

Adventures in Usability

One of the fun things about moving across the world is that you get to play with a lot of new and...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 06/11/2007

Breaking the cycle of failed development projects

It's been a bit over two weeks since I arrived back in Australia, and things are slowly coming...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 06/02/2007

Enterprise Library 3.1 is released

Those with a keen eye may have already discovered the 3.1 release out in the wild, first inside the...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 05/25/2007

Enterprise Library 3.1 is coming!

While I've been jetsetting around the world, in Redmond the Enterprise Library team has hard at work...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 05/21/2007

I'm home!

Yesterday morning I landed in Sydney. It's fantastic, although a little strange to be home, even...

Author: Tom Hollander Date: 05/17/2007

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