Fri, 20 Jan 2006 10:00:00 GMT
Generics are an extension of the CLR type system that allow developers to define types for which certain details are left unspecified. These details are specified when the code is referenced by consumer code, making for enhanced flexibility. Jason Clark explains how.
Tue, 14 Sep 2004 10:00:00 GMT
In the July 2003 installment of the . NET column I covered the basics ofWin32® interoperation with the Microsoft® . NET Framework (P/Invoke).Based on reader feedback, this topic is worthy of further coverage, so I have decided to revisit P/Invoke in this column.
Tue, 18 May 2004 10:00:00 GMT
Tue, 16 Dec 2003 10:00:00 GMT
Tue, 16 Sep 2003 10:00:00 GMT
Most user applications benefit from the ability to be extended by other developers. It's often easier and more efficient to extend an existing application that users are already familiar with and trained on than it is to develop one from scratch. Thus, extensibility makes your application more attractive. You can build extensibility into your application by supporting features like plug-ins or macros. This is easily accomplished using the .NET Framework even if the core application isn't a .NET Framework app. In this article, the author describes extensibility features of the .NET Framework including late binding and reflection and how to use them, along with plug-in security considerations.
Tue, 16 Sep 2003 10:00:00 GMT
Tue, 12 Aug 2003 10:00:00 GMT
Tue, 17 Jun 2003 10:00:00 GMT
Tue, 14 Jan 2003 10:00:00 GMT
Both the .NET Framework and Windows havesome very interesting APIs for creating applications that are capable of updating themselves automatically over a network. There are many advantages to writing your application to update itself like Windows Update does, including convenience for your users, from easier maintenance to network administration. Automatic updates require attention to factors such as discovery, security, and file replacement. In this article, the author covers the BITS API as well as a number of features of the .NET Framework that take care of these facets of auto-updating using the same facilities that the Windows Update uses.
Return of the Rich Client - Code Access Security and Distribution Features in .NET Enhance Client-Side Apps
Tue, 14 May 2002 10:00:00 GMT
Rich clients employ many of the features and conveniences of the operating system they run on, and the list of these features has been growing since the dawn of the PC. But as apps have migrated to the Web, the trend towards increasing client-side functionality has ground to a virtual halt. There are several reasons for this; chief among them are security and deployment problems. But that's all about to change. With the .NET Framework, you can participate in building the distributable rich client of the future. In this article, the author enumerates the pertinent features of .NET that will allow you to build safe, easily deployable controls. The features discussed include managed code, code access security, versioning control, Windows Forms classes, and isolation.