Azure Communication Services – Événements Routeur de tâches
Cet article décrit les propriétés et le schéma des événements du routeur de tâches des services de communication. Pour une présentation des schémas d’événements, consultez Schéma d’événements Azure Event Grid. Ces événements sont émis pour Azure Communication Services tout au long des cycles de vie de travail et de Worker.
Azure Communication Services émet les types d’événements de routeur de tâches suivants :
Événements | Sous-domaine | Description |
RouterJobReceived |
Job |
Une nouvelle tâche a été créée pour le routage |
RouterJobClassified |
Job |
La stratégie de classification a été appliquée à une tâche |
RouterJobQueued |
Job |
Un travail a été empilé avec succès |
RouterJobClassificationFailed |
Job |
Le routeur n’a pas pu classer la tâche à l’aide de la stratégie de classification |
RouterJobCompleted |
Job |
Une tâche s’est terminée et est entrée en phase de conclusion |
RouterJobClosed |
Job |
Une tâche a été fermée et la phase de conclusion est terminée |
RouterJobCancelled |
Job |
Une tâche a été annulée |
RouterJobExceptionTriggered |
Job |
Une exception de tâche a été déclenchée |
RouterJobWorkerSelectorsExpired |
Job |
Un ou plusieurs sélecteurs de Worker sur un travail ont expiré |
RouterJobUnassigned |
Job |
L’attribution d’un travail déjà attribué a été annulée par un Worker |
RouterJobWaitingForActivation |
Job |
Un travail planifié a atteint la date/heure d’échéance planifiée. Le routeur attend de Contoso une action au niveau du travail |
RouterJobSchedulingFailed |
Job |
Un travail planifié a été demandé, mais le routeur n’a pas pu en créer un |
RouterJobDeleted |
Job |
Un travail a été supprimé |
RouterWorkerOfferIssued |
Worker |
Une tâche a été proposée à un travailleur |
RouterWorkerOfferAccepted |
Worker |
Une offre à un travailleur a été acceptée |
RouterWorkerOfferDeclined |
Worker |
Une offre à un travailleur a été refusée |
RouterWorkerOfferRevoked |
Worker |
Une offre à un travailleur a été révoquée |
RouterWorkerOfferExpired |
Worker |
Une offre à un travailleur a expiré |
RouterWorkerRegistered |
Worker |
Un Worker a été inscrit (l’état est passé d’inactif/en veille à actif) |
RouterWorkerDeregistered |
Worker |
Un Worker a été désinscrit (l’état est passé d’actif à inactif/en veille) |
RouterWorkerDeleted |
Worker |
Un Worker a été supprimé |
Quand un événement est déclenché, le service Event Grid envoie les données relatives à cet événement aux points de terminaison d’abonnement.
Cette section contient un exemple de ce à quoi ces données ressembleraient pour chaque événement.
Retour au catalogue des événements
"id": "acdf8fa5-8ab4-4a65-874a-c1d2a4a97f2e",
"topic": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{group-name}/providers/Microsoft.Communication/communicationServices/{communication-services-resource-name}",
"subject": "job/{job-id}/channel/{channel-id}",
"data": {
"jobId": "7f1df17b-570b-4ae5-9cf5-fe6ff64cc712",
"channelReference": "test-abc",
"jobStatus": "PendingClassification",
"channelId": "FooVoiceChannelId",
"classificationPolicyId": "test-policy",
"queueId": "queue-id",
"priority": 0,
"labels": {
"Locale": "en-us",
"Segment": "Enterprise",
"Token": "FooToken"
"tags": {
"Locale": "en-us",
"Segment": "Enterprise",
"Token": "FooToken"
"requestedWorkerSelectors": [
"key": "string",
"labelOperator": "equal",
"value": 5,
"ttlSeconds": 50,
"expirationTime": "2022-02-17T00:58:25.1736293Z"
"scheduledOn": "3/28/2007 7:13:50 PM +00:00",
"unavailableForMatching": false
"eventType": "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobReceived",
"dataVersion": "1.0",
"metadataVersion": "1",
"eventTime": "2022-02-17T00:55:25.1736293Z"
Attribut | Type | Autorise la valeur Null | Description | Notes |
jobId | string |
❌ | ||
channelReference | string |
❌ | ||
jobStatus | enum |
❌ | Valeurs possibles PendingClassification, Queued | Quand cet événement est envoyé, le processus de classification doit encore être exécuté ou la tâche a été créée avec un queueId associé. |
channelId | string |
❌ | ||
classificationPolicyId | string |
✔️ | null lorsque queueId est spécifié pour une tâche |
queueId | string |
✔️ | null lorsque classificationPolicyId est spécifié pour une tâche |
priority | int |
✔️ | Null lorsque classificationPolicyId est spécifié. Valeur non Null dans le cas d’une affectation de file d’attente directe. |
étiquettes | Dictionary<string, object> |
✔️ | En fonction de l’entrée utilisateur | |
tags | Dictionary<string, object> |
✔️ | En fonction de l’entrée utilisateur | |
requestedWorkerSelectors | List<WorkerSelector> |
✔️ | En fonction de l’entrée utilisateur | |
scheduledOn | DateTimeOffset |
✔️ | En fonction de l’entrée utilisateur | |
unavailableForMatching | bool |
✔️ | En fonction de l’entrée utilisateur |
Retour au catalogue des événements
"id": "b6d8687a-5a1a-42ae-b8b5-ff7ec338c872",
"topic": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{group-name}/providers/Microsoft.Communication/communicationServices/{communication-services-resource-name}",
"subject": "job/{job-id}/channel/{channel-id}/queue/{queue-id}",
"data": {
"queueDetails": {
"id": "625fec06-ab81-4e60-b780-f364ed96ade1",
"name": "Queue 1",
"labels": {
"Language": "en",
"Product": "Office",
"Geo": "NA"
"jobId": "7f1df17b-570b-4ae5-9cf5-fe6ff64cc712",
"channelReference": "test-abc",
"channelId": "FooVoiceChannelId",
"classificationPolicyId": "test-policy",
"queueId": "625fec06-ab81-4e60-b780-f364ed96ade1",
"priority": 5,
"labels": {
"Locale": "en-us",
"Segment": "Enterprise",
"Token": "FooToken"
"tags": {
"Locale": "en-us",
"Segment": "Enterprise",
"Token": "FooToken"
"attachedWorkerSelectors": [
"key": "string",
"labelOperator": "equal",
"value": 5,
"ttl": "P3Y6M4DT12H30M5S"
"eventType": "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobClassified",
"dataVersion": "1.0",
"metadataVersion": "1",
"eventTime": "2022-02-17T00:55:25.1736293Z"
Attribut | Type | Autorise la valeur Null | Description | Notes |
queueDetails | QueueDetails |
❌ | ||
jobId | string |
❌ | ||
channelReference | string |
❌ | ||
channelId | string |
❌ | ||
classificationPolicyId | string |
❌ | ||
queueId | string |
✔️ | null quand classificationPolicy n’est pas utilisé pour la sélection de la file d’attente |
priority | int |
✔️ | null quand classificationPolicy n’est pas utilisé pour appliquer une priorité au travail |
étiquettes | Dictionary<string, object> |
✔️ | En fonction de l’entrée utilisateur | |
tags | Dictionary<string, object> |
✔️ | En fonction de l’entrée utilisateur | |
attachedWorkerSelectors | List<WorkerSelector> |
✔️ | Liste des sélecteurs de Worker attachés par une stratégie de classification |
Retour au catalogue des événements
"id": "b6d8687a-5a1a-42ae-b8b5-ff7ec338c872",
"topic": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{group-name}/providers/Microsoft.Communication/communicationServices/{communication-services-resource-name}",
"subject": "job/{job-id}/channel/{channel-id}/queue/{queue-id}",
"data": {
"jobId": "7f1df17b-570b-4ae5-9cf5-fe6ff64cc712",
"channelReference": "test-abc",
"channelId": "FooVoiceChannelId",
"queueId": "625fec06-ab81-4e60-b780-f364ed96ade1",
"priority": 1,
"labels": {
"Locale": "en-us",
"Segment": "Enterprise",
"Token": "FooToken"
"tags": {
"Locale": "en-us",
"Segment": "Enterprise",
"Token": "FooToken"
"requestedWorkerSelectors": [
"key": "string",
"labelOperator": "equal",
"value": 5,
"ttl": "P3Y6M4DT12H30M5S"
"attachedWorkerSelectors": [
"key": "string",
"labelOperator": "equal",
"value": 5,
"ttl": "P3Y6M4DT12H30M5S"
"eventType": "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobQueued",
"dataVersion": "1.0",
"metadataVersion": "1",
"eventTime": "2022-02-17T00:55:25.1736293Z"
Attribut | Type | Autorise la valeur Null | Description | Notes |
jobId | string |
❌ | ||
channelReference | string |
✔️ | ||
channelId | string |
❌ | ||
queueId | string |
❌ | ||
priority | int |
❌ | ||
étiquettes | Dictionary<string, object> |
✔️ | En fonction de l’entrée utilisateur | |
tags | Dictionary<string, object> |
✔️ | En fonction de l’entrée utilisateur | |
requestedWorkerSelectors | List<WorkerSelector> |
✔️ | En fonction des entrées utilisateur lors de la création de la tâche | |
attachedWorkerSelectors | List<WorkerSelector> |
✔️ | Liste des sélecteurs de Worker attachés par une stratégie de classification |
Retour au catalogue des événements
"id": "b6d8687a-5a1a-42ae-b8b5-ff7ec338c872",
"topic": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{group-name}/providers/Microsoft.Communication/communicationServices/{communication-services-resource-name}",
"subject": "job/{job-id}/channel/{channel-id}/classificationpolicy/{classificationpolicy-id}",
"data": {
"errors": [
"code": null,
"message": "Classification failed due to <reason>",
"target": null,
"innerError": null,
"details": null
"jobId": "7f1df17b-570b-4ae5-9cf5-fe6ff64cc712",
"channelReference": "test-abc",
"channelId": "FooVoiceChannelId",
"classificationPolicyId": "test-policy",
"labels": {
"Locale": "en-us",
"Segment": "Enterprise",
"Token": "FooToken"
"tags": {
"Locale": "en-us",
"Segment": "Enterprise",
"Token": "FooToken"
"eventType": "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobClassificationFailed",
"dataVersion": "1.0",
"metadataVersion": "1",
"eventTime": "2022-02-17T00:55:25.1736293Z"
Attribut | Type | Autorise la valeur Null | Description | Notes |
erreurs | List<CommunicationError> |
❌ | ||
jobId | string |
❌ | ||
channelReference | string |
❌ | ||
channelId | string |
❌ | ||
classificationPolicyId | string |
❌ | ||
étiquettes | Dictionary<string, object> |
✔️ | En fonction de l’entrée utilisateur | |
tags | Dictionary<string, object> |
✔️ | En fonction de l’entrée utilisateur |
Retour au catalogue des événements
"id": "b6d8687a-5a1a-42ae-b8b5-ff7ec338c872",
"topic": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{group-name}/providers/Microsoft.Communication/communicationServices/{communication-services-resource-name}",
"subject": "job/{job-id}/channel/{channel-id}/assignment/{assignment-id}",
"data": {
"jobId": "7f1df17b-570b-4ae5-9cf5-fe6ff64cc712",
"channelReference": "test-abc",
"channelId": "FooVoiceChannelId",
"queueId": "queue-id",
"assignmentId": "6f1df17b-570b-4ae5-9cf5-fe6ff64cc712",
"labels": {
"Locale": "en-us",
"Segment": "Enterprise",
"Token": "FooToken"
"tags": {
"Locale": "en-us",
"Segment": "Enterprise",
"Token": "FooToken"
"workerId": "e3a3f2f9-3582-4bfe-9c5a-aa57831a0f88"
"eventType": "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobCompleted",
"dataVersion": "1.0",
"metadataVersion": "1",
"eventTime": "2022-02-17T00:55:25.1736293Z"
Attribut | Type | Autorise la valeur Null | Description | Notes |
jobId | string |
❌ | ||
channelReference | string |
❌ | ||
channelId | string |
❌ | ||
queueId | string |
❌ | ||
étiquettes | Dictionary<string, object> |
✔️ | En fonction de l’entrée utilisateur | |
tags | Dictionary<string, object> |
✔️ | En fonction de l’entrée utilisateur | |
assignmentId | string |
❌ | ||
workerId | string |
❌ |
Retour au catalogue des événements
"id": "b6d8687a-5a1a-42ae-b8b5-ff7ec338c872",
"topic": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{group-name}/providers/Microsoft.Communication/communicationServices/{communication-services-resource-name}",
"subject": "job/{job-id}/channel/{channel-id}/assignment/{assignment-id}",
"data": {
"jobId": "7f1df17b-570b-4ae5-9cf5-fe6ff64cc712",
"channelReference": "test-abc",
"channelId": "FooVoiceChannelId",
"queueId": "",
"dispositionCode": "",
"workerId": "",
"assignmentId": "",
"labels": {
"Locale": "en-us",
"Segment": "Enterprise",
"Token": "FooToken"
"tags": {
"Locale": "en-us",
"Segment": "Enterprise",
"Token": "FooToken"
"eventType": "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobClosed",
"dataVersion": "1.0",
"metadataVersion": "1",
"eventTime": "2022-02-17T00:55:25.1736293Z"
Attribut | Type | Autorise la valeur Null | Description | Notes |
jobId | string |
❌ | ||
channelReference | string |
❌ | ||
channelId | string |
❌ | ||
queueId | string |
❌ | ||
étiquettes | Dictionary<string, object> |
✔️ | En fonction de l’entrée utilisateur | |
tags | Dictionary<string, object> |
✔️ | En fonction de l’entrée utilisateur | |
dispositionCode | string |
✔️ | En fonction de l’entrée utilisateur | |
workerId | string |
❌ | ||
assignmentId | string |
❌ |
Retour au catalogue des événements
"id": "b6d8687a-5a1a-42ae-b8b5-ff7ec338c872",
"topic": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{group-name}/providers/Microsoft.Communication/communicationServices/{communication-services-resource-name}",
"subject": "job/{job-id}/channel/{channel-id}/disposition/{disposition-code}",
"data": {
"note": "Cancelled due to <reason>",
"dispositionCode": "100",
"jobId": "7f1df17b-570b-4ae5-9cf5-fe6ff64cc712",
"channelReference": "test-abc",
"channelId": "FooVoiceChannelId",
"labels": {
"Locale": "en-us",
"Segment": "Enterprise",
"Token": "FooToken"
"tags": {
"Locale": "en-us",
"Segment": "Enterprise",
"Token": "FooToken"
"queueId": ""
"eventType": "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobCancelled",
"dataVersion": "1.0",
"metadataVersion": "1",
"eventTime": "2022-02-17T00:55:25.1736293Z"
Attribut | Type | Autorise la valeur Null | Description | Notes |
remarque | string |
✔️ | En fonction de l’entrée utilisateur | |
dispositionCode | string |
❌ | ||
jobId | string |
❌ | ||
channelReference | string |
❌ | ||
channelId | string |
❌ | ||
étiquettes | Dictionary<string, object> |
✔️ | En fonction de l’entrée utilisateur | |
tags | Dictionary<string, object> |
✔️ | En fonction de l’entrée utilisateur | |
queueId | string |
✔️ |
Retour au catalogue des événements
"id": "1027db4a-17fe-4a7f-ae67-276c3120a29f",
"topic": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{group-name}/providers/Microsoft.Communication/communicationServices/{communication-services-resource-name}",
"subject": "job/{job-id}/channel/{channel-id}/exceptionrule/{rulekey}",
"data": {
"ruleKey": "r100",
"exceptionRuleId": "7f1df17b-570b-4ae5-9cf5-fe6ff64cc712",
"jobId": "7f1df17b-570b-4ae5-9cf5-fe6ff64cc712",
"channelReference": "test-abc",
"channelId": "FooVoiceChannelId",
"labels": {
"Locale": "en-us",
"Segment": "Enterprise",
"Token": "FooToken"
"tags": {
"Locale": "en-us",
"Segment": "Enterprise",
"Token": "FooToken"
"eventType": "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobExceptionTriggered",
"dataVersion": "1.0",
"metadataVersion": "1",
"eventTime": "2022-02-17T00:55:25.1736293Z"
Attribut | Type | Autorise la valeur Null | Description | Notes |
ruleKey | string |
❌ | ||
exceptionRuleId | string |
❌ | ||
jobId | string |
❌ | ||
channelReference | string |
❌ | ||
channelId | string |
❌ | ||
étiquettes | Dictionary<string, object> |
✔️ | En fonction de l’entrée utilisateur | |
tags | Dictionary<string, object> |
✔️ | En fonction de l’entrée utilisateur |
Retour au catalogue des événements
"id": "b6d8687a-5a1a-42ae-b8b5-ff7ec338c872",
"topic": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{group-name}/providers/Microsoft.Communication/communicationServices/{communication-services-resource-name}",
"subject": "job/{job-id}/channel/{channel-id}/queue/{queue-id}",
"data": {
"jobId": "7f1df17b-570b-4ae5-9cf5-fe6ff64cc712",
"channelReference": "test-abc",
"channelId": "FooVoiceChannelId",
"queueId": "625fec06-ab81-4e60-b780-f364ed96ade1",
"labels": {
"Locale": "en-us",
"Segment": "Enterprise",
"Token": "FooToken"
"tags": {
"Locale": "en-us",
"Segment": "Enterprise",
"Token": "FooToken"
"requestedWorkerSelectorsExpired": [
"key": "string",
"labelOperator": "equal",
"value": 5,
"ttl": "P3Y6M4DT12H30M5S"
"attachedWorkerSelectorsExpired": [
"key": "string",
"labelOperator": "equal",
"value": 5,
"ttl": "P3Y6M4DT12H30M5S"
"eventType": "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobWorkerSelectorsExpired",
"dataVersion": "1.0",
"metadataVersion": "1",
"eventTime": "2022-02-17T00:55:25.1736293Z"
Attribut | Type | Autorise la valeur Null | Description | Notes |
jobId | string |
❌ | ||
channelReference | string |
✔️ | ||
queueId | string |
❌ | ||
channelId | string |
❌ | ||
étiquettes | Dictionary<string, object> |
✔️ | En fonction de l’entrée utilisateur | |
tags | Dictionary<string, object> |
✔️ | En fonction de l’entrée utilisateur | |
requestedWorkerSelectorsExpired | List<WorkerSelector> |
✔️ | En fonction des entrées utilisateur lors de la création d’une tâche | |
attachedWorkerSelectorsExpired | List<WorkerSelector> |
✔️ | Liste des sélecteurs de Worker attachés par une stratégie de classification |
Retour au catalogue des événements
"id": "acdf8fa5-8ab4-4a65-874a-c1d2a4a97f2e",
"topic": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{group-name}/providers/Microsoft.Communication/communicationServices/{communication-services-resource-name}",
"subject": "job/{job-id}/channel/{channel-id}/assignment/{assignment-id}",
"data": {
"jobId": "7f1df17b-570b-4ae5-9cf5-fe6ff64cc712",
"assignmentId": "",
"workerId": "",
"channelId": "FooVoiceChannelId",
"channelReference": "test-abc",
"queueId": "queue-id",
"labels": {
"Locale": "en-us",
"Segment": "Enterprise",
"Token": "FooToken"
"tags": {
"Locale": "en-us",
"Segment": "Enterprise",
"Token": "FooToken"
"eventType": "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobUnassigned",
"dataVersion": "1.0",
"metadataVersion": "1",
"eventTime": "2022-02-17T00:55:25.1736293Z"
Attribut | Type | Autorise la valeur Null | Description | Notes |
jobId | string |
❌ | ||
assignmentId | string |
❌ | ||
workerId | string |
❌ | ||
channelId | string |
❌ | ||
channelReference | string |
❌ | ||
queueId | string |
✔️ | null lorsque classificationPolicyId est spécifié pour une tâche |
étiquettes | Dictionary<string, object> |
✔️ | En fonction de l’entrée utilisateur | |
tags | Dictionary<string, object> |
✔️ | En fonction de l’entrée utilisateur |
Retour au catalogue des événements
"id": "acdf8fa5-8ab4-4a65-874a-c1d2a4a97f2e",
"topic": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{group-name}/providers/Microsoft.Communication/communicationServices/{communication-services-resource-name}",
"subject": "job/{job-id}/channel/{channel-id}",
"data": {
"jobId": "7f1df17b-570b-4ae5-9cf5-fe6ff64cc712",
"channelId": "FooVoiceChannelId",
"channelReference": "test-abc",
"queueId": "queue-id",
"priority": 1,
"labels": {
"Locale": "en-us",
"Segment": "Enterprise",
"Token": "FooToken"
"tags": {
"Locale": "en-us",
"Segment": "Enterprise",
"Token": "FooToken"
"requestedWorkerSelectors": [
"key": "string",
"labelOperator": "equal",
"value": 5,
"ttl": "P3Y6M4DT12H30M5S"
"attachedWorkerSelectors": [
"key": "string",
"labelOperator": "equal",
"value": 5,
"ttl": "P3Y6M4DT12H30M5S"
"scheduledOn": "2022-02-17T00:55:25.1736293Z",
"unavailableForMatching": false
"eventType": "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobWaitingForActivation",
"dataVersion": "1.0",
"metadataVersion": "1",
"eventTime": "2022-02-17T00:55:25.1736293Z"
Attribut | Type | Autorise la valeur Null | Description | Notes |
jobId | string |
❌ | ||
channelId | string |
❌ | ||
channelReference | string |
❌ | ||
queueId | string |
✔️ | null lorsque classificationPolicyId est spécifié pour une tâche |
étiquettes | Dictionary<string, object> |
✔️ | En fonction de l’entrée utilisateur | |
tags | Dictionary<string, object> |
✔️ | En fonction de l’entrée utilisateur | |
requestedWorkerSelectorsExpired | List<WorkerSelector> |
✔️ | En fonction des entrées utilisateur lors de la création d’une tâche | |
attachedWorkerSelectorsExpired | List<WorkerSelector> |
✔️ | Liste des sélecteurs de Worker attachés par une stratégie de classification | |
scheduledOn | DateTimeOffset |
✔️ | En fonction des entrées utilisateur lors de la création d’une tâche | |
unavailableForMatching | bool |
✔️ | En fonction des entrées utilisateur lors de la création d’une tâche | |
priority | int |
❌ | En fonction des entrées utilisateur lors de la création d’une tâche |
Retour au catalogue des événements
"id": "acdf8fa5-8ab4-4a65-874a-c1d2a4a97f2e",
"topic": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{group-name}/providers/Microsoft.Communication/communicationServices/{communication-services-resource-name}",
"subject": "job/{job-id}/channel/{channel-id}",
"data": {
"jobId": "7f1df17b-570b-4ae5-9cf5-fe6ff64cc712",
"channelId": "FooVoiceChannelId",
"channelReference": "test-abc",
"queueId": "queue-id",
"priority": 1,
"labels": {
"Locale": "en-us",
"Segment": "Enterprise",
"Token": "FooToken"
"tags": {
"Locale": "en-us",
"Segment": "Enterprise",
"Token": "FooToken"
"requestedWorkerSelectors": [
"key": "string",
"labelOperator": "equal",
"value": 5,
"ttl": "P3Y6M4DT12H30M5S"
"attachedWorkerSelectors": [
"key": "string",
"labelOperator": "equal",
"value": 5,
"ttl": "P3Y6M4DT12H30M5S"
"scheduledOn": "2022-02-17T00:55:25.1736293Z",
"failureReason": "Error"
"eventType": "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobSchedulingFailed",
"dataVersion": "1.0",
"metadataVersion": "1",
"eventTime": "2022-02-17T00:55:25.1736293Z"
Attribut | Type | Autorise la valeur Null | Description | Notes |
jobId | string |
❌ | ||
channelId | string |
❌ | ||
channelReference | string |
❌ | ||
queueId | string |
✔️ | null lorsque classificationPolicyId est spécifié pour une tâche |
étiquettes | Dictionary<string, object> |
✔️ | En fonction de l’entrée utilisateur | |
tags | Dictionary<string, object> |
✔️ | En fonction de l’entrée utilisateur | |
requestedWorkerSelectorsExpired | List<WorkerSelector> |
✔️ | En fonction des entrées utilisateur lors de la création d’une tâche | |
attachedWorkerSelectorsExpired | List<WorkerSelector> |
✔️ | Liste des sélecteurs de Worker attachés par une stratégie de classification | |
scheduledOn | DateTimeOffset |
✔️ | En fonction des entrées utilisateur lors de la création d’une tâche | |
failureReason | string |
✔️ | Déterminé par le système | |
priority | int |
❌ | En fonction des entrées utilisateur lors de la création d’une tâche |
Retour au catalogue des événements
"id": "acdf8fa5-8ab4-4a65-874a-c1d2a4a97f2e",
"topic": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{group-name}/providers/Microsoft.Communication/communicationServices/{communication-services-resource-name}",
"subject": "job/{job-id}/channel/{channel-id}",
"data": {
"jobId": "7f1df17b-570b-4ae5-9cf5-fe6ff64cc712",
"channelReference": "test-abc",
"channelId": "FooVoiceChannelId",
"labels": {
"Locale": "en-us",
"Segment": "Enterprise",
"Token": "FooToken"
"tags": {
"Locale": "en-us",
"Segment": "Enterprise",
"Token": "FooToken"
"queueId": ""
"eventType": "Microsoft.Communication.RouterJobDeleted",
"dataVersion": "1.0",
"metadataVersion": "1",
"eventTime": "2022-02-17T00:55:25.1736293Z"
Attribut | Type | Autorise la valeur Null | Description | Notes |
jobId | string |
❌ |
Retour au catalogue des événements
"id": "1027db4a-17fe-4a7f-ae67-276c3120a29f",
"topic": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{group-name}/providers/Microsoft.Communication/communicationServices/{communication-services-resource-name}",
"subject": "worker/{worker-id}/job/{job-id}",
"data": {
"workerId": "w100",
"jobId": "7f1df17b-570b-4ae5-9cf5-fe6ff64cc712",
"channelReference": "test-abc",
"channelId": "FooVoiceChannelId",
"queueId": "625fec06-ab81-4e60-b780-f364ed96ade1",
"offerId": "525fec06-ab81-4e60-b780-f364ed96ade1",
"offeredOn": "2021-06-23T02:43:30.3847144Z",
"expiresOn": "2021-06-23T02:44:30.3847674Z",
"jobPriority": 5,
"jobLabels": {
"Locale": "en-us",
"Segment": "Enterprise",
"Token": "FooToken"
"jobTags": {
"Locale": "en-us",
"Segment": "Enterprise",
"Token": "FooToken"
"eventType": "Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerOfferIssued",
"dataVersion": "1.0",
"metadataVersion": "1",
"eventTime": "2022-02-17T00:55:25.1736293Z"
Attribut | Type | Autorise la valeur Null | Description | Notes |
workerId | string |
❌ | ||
jobId | string |
❌ | ||
channelReference | string |
❌ | ||
channelId | string |
❌ | ||
queueId | string |
❌ | ||
offerId | string |
❌ | ||
offeredOn | DateTimeOffset |
❌ | ||
expiresOn | DateTimeOffset |
❌ | ||
JobPriority | int |
❌ | ||
jobLabels | Dictionary<string, object> |
✔️ | En fonction de l’entrée utilisateur | |
jobTags | Dictionary<string, object> |
✔️ | En fonction de l’entrée utilisateur |
Retour au catalogue des événements
"id": "1027db4a-17fe-4a7f-ae67-276c3120a29f",
"topic": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{group-name}/providers/Microsoft.Communication/communicationServices/{communication-services-resource-name}",
"subject": "worker/{worker-id}/job/{job-id}",
"data": {
"workerId": "w100",
"jobId": "7f1df17b-570b-4ae5-9cf5-fe6ff64cc712",
"jobPriority": 5,
"jobLabels": {
"Locale": "en-us",
"Segment": "Enterprise",
"Token": "FooToken"
"jobTags": {
"Locale": "en-us",
"Segment": "Enterprise",
"Token": "FooToken"
"channelReference": "test-abc",
"channelId": "FooVoiceChannelId",
"queueId": "625fec06-ab81-4e60-b780-f364ed96ade1",
"offerId": "565fec06-ab81-4e60-b780-f364ed96ade1",
"assignmentId": "765fec06-ab81-4e60-b780-f364ed96ade1"
"eventType": "Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerOfferAccepted",
"dataVersion": "1.0",
"metadataVersion": "1",
"eventTime": "2022-02-17T00:55:25.1736293Z"
Attribut | Type | Autorise la valeur Null | Description | Notes |
workerId | string |
❌ | ||
jobId | string |
❌ | ||
JobPriority | int |
❌ | ||
jobLabels | Dictionary<string, object> |
✔️ | En fonction de l’entrée utilisateur | |
jobTags | Dictionary<string, object> |
✔️ | En fonction de l’entrée utilisateur | |
channelReference | string |
❌ | ||
channelId | string |
❌ | ||
queueId | string |
❌ | ||
offerId | string |
❌ | ||
assignmentId | string |
❌ |
Retour au catalogue des événements
"id": "1027db4a-17fe-4a7f-ae67-276c3120a29f",
"topic": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{group-name}/providers/Microsoft.Communication/communicationServices/{communication-services-resource-name}",
"subject": "worker/{worker-id}/job/{job-id}",
"data": {
"workerId": "w100",
"jobId": "7f1df17b-570b-4ae5-9cf5-fe6ff64cc712",
"channelReference": "test-abc",
"channelId": "FooVoiceChannelId",
"queueId": "625fec06-ab81-4e60-b780-f364ed96ade1",
"offerId": "565fec06-ab81-4e60-b780-f364ed96ade1",
"eventType": "Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerOfferDeclined",
"dataVersion": "1.0",
"metadataVersion": "1",
"eventTime": "2022-02-17T00:55:25.1736293Z"
Attribut | Type | Autorise la valeur Null | Description | Notes |
workerId | string |
❌ | ||
jobId | string |
❌ | ||
channelReference | string |
❌ | ||
channelId | string |
❌ | ||
queueId | string |
❌ | ||
offerId | string |
❌ |
Retour au catalogue des événements
"id": "1027db4a-17fe-4a7f-ae67-276c3120a29f",
"topic": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{group-name}/providers/Microsoft.Communication/communicationServices/{communication-services-resource-name}",
"subject": "worker/{worker-id}/job/{job-id}",
"data": {
"offerId": "565fec06-ab81-4e60-b780-f364ed96ade1",
"workerId": "w100",
"jobId": "7f1df17b-570b-4ae5-9cf5-fe6ff64cc712",
"channelReference": "test-abc",
"channelId": "FooVoiceChannelId",
"queueId": "625fec06-ab81-4e60-b780-f364ed96ade1"
"eventType": "Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerOfferRevoked",
"dataVersion": "1.0",
"metadataVersion": "1",
"eventTime": "2022-02-17T00:55:25.1736293Z"
Attribut | Type | Autorise la valeur Null | Description | Notes |
offerId | string |
❌ | ||
workerId | string |
❌ | ||
jobId | string |
❌ | ||
channelReference | string |
❌ | ||
channelId | string |
❌ | ||
queueId | string |
❌ |
Retour au catalogue des événements
"id": "1027db4a-17fe-4a7f-ae67-276c3120a29f",
"topic": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{group-name}/providers/Microsoft.Communication/communicationServices/{communication-services-resource-name}",
"subject": "worker/{worker-id}/job/{job-id}",
"data": {
"offerId": "565fec06-ab81-4e60-b780-f364ed96ade1",
"workerId": "w100",
"jobId": "7f1df17b-570b-4ae5-9cf5-fe6ff64cc712",
"channelReference": "test-abc",
"channelId": "FooVoiceChannelId",
"queueId": "625fec06-ab81-4e60-b780-f364ed96ade1"
"eventType": "Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerOfferExpired",
"dataVersion": "1.0",
"metadataVersion": "1",
"eventTime": "2022-02-17T00:55:25.1736293Z"
Attribut | Type | Autorise la valeur Null | Description | Notes |
workerId | string |
❌ | ||
offerId | string |
❌ | ||
jobId | string |
❌ | ||
channelReference | string |
❌ | ||
channelId | string |
❌ | ||
queueId | string |
❌ |
Retour au catalogue des événements
"id": "1027db4a-17fe-4a7f-ae67-276c3120a29f",
"topic": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{group-name}/providers/Microsoft.Communication/communicationServices/{communication-services-resource-name}",
"subject": "worker/{worker-id}",
"data": {
"workerId": "worker3",
"totalCapacity": 100,
"queueAssignments": [
"id": "MyQueueId2",
"name": "Queue 3",
"labels": {
"Language": "en",
"Product": "Office",
"Geo": "NA"
"labels": {
"x": "111",
"y": "111"
"channelConfigurations": [
"channelId": "FooVoiceChannelId",
"capacityCostPerJob": 10,
"maxNumberOfJobs": 5
"tags": {
"Locale": "en-us",
"Segment": "Enterprise",
"Token": "FooToken"
"eventType": "Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerRegistered",
"dataVersion": "1.0",
"metadataVersion": "1",
"eventTime": "2022-02-17T00:55:25.1736293Z"
Attribut | Type | Autorise la valeur Null | Description | Notes |
workerId | string |
❌ | ||
totalCapacity | int |
❌ | ||
queueAssignments | List<QueueDetails> |
❌ | ||
étiquettes | Dictionary<string, object> |
✔️ | En fonction de l’entrée utilisateur | |
channelConfigurations | List<ChannelConfiguration> |
❌ | ||
tags | Dictionary<string, object> |
✔️ | En fonction de l’entrée utilisateur |
Retour au catalogue des événements
"id": "1027db4a-17fe-4a7f-ae67-276c3120a29f",
"topic": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{group-name}/providers/Microsoft.Communication/communicationServices/{communication-services-resource-name}",
"subject": "worker/{worker-id}",
"data": {
"workerId": "worker3"
"eventType": "Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerDeregistered",
"dataVersion": "1.0",
"metadataVersion": "1",
"eventTime": "2022-02-17T00:55:25.1736293Z"
Attribut | Type | Autorise la valeur Null | Description | Notes |
workerId | string |
❌ |
Retour au catalogue des événements
"id": "1027db4a-17fe-4a7f-ae67-276c3120a29f",
"topic": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{group-name}/providers/Microsoft.Communication/communicationServices/{communication-services-resource-name}",
"subject": "worker/{worker-id}",
"data": {
"workerId": "worker3",
"totalCapacity": 100,
"queueAssignments": [
"id": "MyQueueId2",
"name": "Queue 3",
"labels": {
"Language": "en",
"Product": "Office",
"Geo": "NA"
"labels": {
"x": "111",
"y": "111"
"channelConfigurations": [
"channelId": "FooVoiceChannelId",
"capacityCostPerJob": 10,
"maxNumberOfJobs": 5
"tags": {
"Locale": "en-us",
"Segment": "Enterprise",
"Token": "FooToken"
"eventType": "Microsoft.Communication.RouterWorkerDeleted",
"dataVersion": "1.0",
"metadataVersion": "1",
"eventTime": "2022-02-17T00:55:25.1736293Z"
Attribut | Type | Autorise la valeur Null | Description | Notes |
workerId | string |
❌ | ||
totalCapacity | int |
❌ | ||
queueAssignments | List<QueueDetails> |
❌ | ||
étiquettes | Dictionary<string, object> |
✔️ | En fonction de l’entrée utilisateur | |
channelConfigurations | List<ChannelConfiguration> |
❌ | ||
tags | Dictionary<string, object> |
✔️ | En fonction de l’entrée utilisateur |
public class QueueDetails
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public Dictionary<string, object>? Labels { get; set; }
public class CommunicationError
public string? Code { get; init; }
public string Message { get; init; }
public string? Target { get; init; }
public CommunicationError? InnerError { get; init; }
public IEnumerable<CommunicationError>? Details { get; init; }
public class ChannelConfiguration
public string ChannelId { get; set; }
public int CapacityCostPerJob { get; set; }
public int? MaxNumberOfJobs { get; set; }
public class WorkerSelector
public string Key { get; set; }
public LabelOperator LabelOperator { get; set; }
public object Value { get; set; }
public double? TTLSeconds { get; set; }
public WorkerSelectorState State { get; set; }
public DateTimeOffset? ExpireTime { get; set; }
public enum WorkerSelectorState
Active = 0,
Expired = 1
public enum LabelOperator