
Partager via

MCSession Class


Represents a persistent connection between multiple devices.

[Foundation.Register("MCSession", true)]
[ObjCRuntime.Introduced(ObjCRuntime.PlatformName.TvOS, 10, 0, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.All, null)]
[ObjCRuntime.Introduced(ObjCRuntime.PlatformName.iOS, 7, 0, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.All, null)]
[ObjCRuntime.Introduced(ObjCRuntime.PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 10, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.Arch64, null)]
public class MCSession : Foundation.NSObject
type MCSession = class
    inherit NSObject


Multipeer Connectivity has two phases: discovery and the session. The role of the discovery phase is to associate an MCSession object on each device with an MCSession object on the peer devices. In the session phase, the MCSession object is the channel through which devices communicate and its lifecycle events are associated with connections, disconnections, transmissions, and receptions.

The MCSession is instantiated by the application developer. During the discovery phase, there are two roles: advertisers that broadcast their willingness to connect to a certain protocol and browsers that discover these advertisers and invite them to sessions.

Advertising is managed by either the stock MCAdvertiserAssistant or custom controller that uses a MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser. Similarly, browsing is managed by a T:MultipeerConnectivity.UIViewController, either the stock MCBrowserViewController or a custom controller that uses a MCNearbyServiceBrowser object to programmatically discover peers. Once a peer is discovered, an invitation is sent with InvitePeer(MCPeerID, MCSession, NSData, Double)). The application user interacts with a system dialog informing them of the invitation. If they accept, the MCSession connects.

The following image shows the sequence of functions with programmatic advertising and browsing:

Create a new MCNearbyServiceAdvertiserDelegate and assign it to the Delegate property.Create a new MCNearbyServiceBrowserDelegate and assign it to Delegate property.Discovery and connection is taken care of by the delegate objects for the MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser and MCNearbyServiceBrowser.
The advertiser may instantiate a new MCSession now or wait until it receives an invitation.Instantiate a new MCSession.The browser should maintain a reference to a single MCSession object no matter how many peers ultimately connect.
StartAdvertisingPeer() StartBrowsingForPeers() Advertiser and browser must use identical serviceType strings to identify their protocol / application. Peer IDs should be unique to each device.
The system will call FoundPeer(MCNearbyServiceBrowser, MCPeerID, NSDictionary), passing in a reference to the MCNearbyServiceBrowser. The application developer calls InvitePeer(MCPeerID, MCSession, NSData, Double), passing in a reference to the previously-created MCSession.The callback is likely to occur on a background thread. If the application developer wishes to update the display, they must use InvokeOnMainThread(Selector, NSObject).
The system will call DidReceiveInvitationFromPeer(MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser, MCPeerID, NSData, MCNearbyServiceAdvertiserInvitationHandler). To connect the devices, the application developer must invoke the passed-in invitationHandler with it's context argument set to true and it's session argument set to an MCSession. The callback is likely to occur on a background thread. If the application developer wishes to update the display, they must use InvokeOnMainThread(Selector, NSObject).
Once the devices are connected, the MCSession objects can be used to transmit messages and data between devices.



A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects; Called by the runtime.


Constructs a session with the specified identity for the local peer.

MCSession(MCPeerID, SecIdentity, MCEncryptionPreference)

Constructor that allows the application developer to specify security constraints.

MCSession(MCPeerID, SecIdentity, SecCertificate[], MCEncryptionPreference)

Constructor that allows the application developer to specify security constraints and certificates.


Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.


Class (Inherited from NSObject)

The handle for this class.


An array of the currently connected devices.


A developer-meaningful description of this object.

(Inherited from NSObject)

An instance of the MultipeerConnectivity.IMCSessionDelegate model class which acts as the class delegate.


Description of the object, the Objective-C version of ToString.

(Inherited from NSObject)

What type, if any, encryption s preferred.


Handle (pointer) to the unmanaged object representation.

(Inherited from NSObject)
IsDirectBinding (Inherited from NSObject)
IsProxy (Inherited from NSObject)

Represents the value associated with the constant kMCSessionMaximumNumberOfPeers


Represents the value associated with the constant kMCSessionMinimumNumberOfPeers


The peer ID associated with this device.


Returns the current Objective-C retain count for the object.

(Inherited from NSObject)

The security identity of this peer.

Self (Inherited from NSObject)
Superclass (Inherited from NSObject)

Handle used to represent the methods in the base class for this NSObject.

(Inherited from NSObject)

An object that can respond to the delegate protocol for this type

Zone (Inherited from NSObject)


AddObserver(NSObject, NSString, NSKeyValueObservingOptions, IntPtr)

Registers an object for being observed externally (using NSString keyPath).   Observed changes are dispatched to the observer’s object ObserveValue(NSString, NSObject, NSDictionary, IntPtr) method.

(Inherited from NSObject)
AddObserver(NSObject, String, NSKeyValueObservingOptions, IntPtr)

Registers an object for being observed externally (using string keyPath).   Observed changes are dispatched to the observer’s object ObserveValue(NSString, NSObject, NSDictionary, IntPtr) method.

(Inherited from NSObject)
AddObserver(NSString, NSKeyValueObservingOptions, Action<NSObservedChange>)

Registers an object for being observed externally using an arbitrary method.

(Inherited from NSObject)
AddObserver(String, NSKeyValueObservingOptions, Action<NSObservedChange>)

Registers an object for being observed externally using an arbitrary method.

(Inherited from NSObject)

Called after the object has been loaded from the nib file. Overriders must call base.AwakeFromNib().

(Inherited from NSObject)
BeginInvokeOnMainThread(Action) (Inherited from NSObject)
BeginInvokeOnMainThread(Selector, NSObject)

Invokes asynchrously the specified code on the main UI thread.

(Inherited from NSObject)
Bind(NSString, NSObject, String, NSDictionary) (Inherited from NSObject)
Bind(String, NSObject, String, NSDictionary)
(Inherited from NSObject)
(Inherited from NSObject)
(Inherited from NSObject)
(Inherited from NSObject)

Cancel's a pending connection to the peerID.

CommitEditing() (Inherited from NSObject)
CommitEditing(NSObject, Selector, IntPtr) (Inherited from NSObject)

Invoked to determine if this object implements the specified protocol.

(Inherited from NSObject)
ConnectPeer(MCPeerID, NSData)

Initiates a connection to a peer identified by peerID.


Performs a copy of the underlying Objective-C object.

(Inherited from NSObject)
DangerousAutorelease() (Inherited from NSObject)
DangerousRelease() (Inherited from NSObject)
DangerousRetain() (Inherited from NSObject)
DidChange(NSKeyValueChange, NSIndexSet, NSString)

Indicates a change occurred to the indexes for a to-many relationship.

(Inherited from NSObject)
DidChange(NSString, NSKeyValueSetMutationKind, NSSet) (Inherited from NSObject)

Indicates that a change occurred on the specified key.

(Inherited from NSObject)

Disconnects this peer from the session.


Releases the resources used by the NSObject object.

(Inherited from NSObject)

Releases the resources used by the MCSession object.


Indicates that this object does not recognize the specified selector.

(Inherited from NSObject)
Equals(NSObject) (Inherited from NSObject)
Equals(Object) (Inherited from NSObject)
ExposedBindings() (Inherited from NSObject)
GetBindingInfo(NSString) (Inherited from NSObject)
GetBindingOptionDescriptions(NSString) (Inherited from NSObject)
GetBindingValueClass(NSString) (Inherited from NSObject)

Retrieves the values of the specified keys.

(Inherited from NSObject)

Generates a hash code for the current instance.

(Inherited from NSObject)
GetMethodForSelector(Selector) (Inherited from NSObject)
(Inherited from NSObject)
GetNativeHash() (Inherited from NSObject)
Init() (Inherited from NSObject)
InitializeHandle(IntPtr) (Inherited from NSObject)
InitializeHandle(IntPtr, String) (Inherited from NSObject)
Invoke(Action, Double) (Inherited from NSObject)
Invoke(Action, TimeSpan) (Inherited from NSObject)
InvokeOnMainThread(Action) (Inherited from NSObject)
InvokeOnMainThread(Selector, NSObject)

Invokes synchrously the specified code on the main UI thread.

(Inherited from NSObject)
IsEqual(NSObject) (Inherited from NSObject)
IsKindOfClass(Class) (Inherited from NSObject)
IsMemberOfClass(Class) (Inherited from NSObject)

Promotes a regular peer object (IsDirectBinding is true) into a toggleref object.

(Inherited from NSObject)

Creates a mutable copy of the specified NSObject.

(Inherited from NSObject)
NearbyConnectionDataForPeer(MCPeerID, MCSessionNearbyConnectionDataForPeerCompletionHandler)

Creates the necessary data for a manually-managed peer connection.


Creates the necessary data for a manually-managed peer connection.

ObjectDidEndEditing(NSObject) (Inherited from NSObject)
ObserveValue(NSString, NSObject, NSDictionary, IntPtr)

Indicates that the value at the specified keyPath relative to this object has changed.

(Inherited from NSObject)
PerformSelector(Selector) (Inherited from NSObject)
PerformSelector(Selector, NSObject) (Inherited from NSObject)
PerformSelector(Selector, NSObject, Double)

Invokes the selector on the current instance and if the obj is not null, it passes this as its single parameter.

(Inherited from NSObject)
PerformSelector(Selector, NSObject, Double, NSString[]) (Inherited from NSObject)
PerformSelector(Selector, NSObject, NSObject) (Inherited from NSObject)
PerformSelector(Selector, NSThread, NSObject, Boolean) (Inherited from NSObject)
PerformSelector(Selector, NSThread, NSObject, Boolean, NSString[]) (Inherited from NSObject)
PrepareForInterfaceBuilder() (Inherited from NSObject)
RemoveObserver(NSObject, NSString)

Stops the specified observer from receiving further notifications of changed values for the specified keyPath.

(Inherited from NSObject)
RemoveObserver(NSObject, NSString, IntPtr)

Stops the specified observer from receiving further notifications of changed values for the specified keyPath and context.

(Inherited from NSObject)
RemoveObserver(NSObject, String)

Stops the specified observer from receiving further notifications of changed values for the specified keyPath.

(Inherited from NSObject)
RemoveObserver(NSObject, String, IntPtr)

Stops the specified observer from receiving further notifications of changed values for the specified keyPath and context.

(Inherited from NSObject)

Whether this object recognizes the specified selector.

(Inherited from NSObject)
SendData(NSData, MCPeerID[], MCSessionSendDataMode, NSError)

Enqueues for delivery the data to the peers in peerIDs.

SendResource(NSUrl, String, MCPeerID, Action<NSError>)

Enqueues for delivery to peerID the resource at resourceUrl.

SendResourceAsync(NSUrl, String, MCPeerID)

Enqueues for delivery to peerID the resource at resourceUrl.

SendResourceAsync(NSUrl, String, MCPeerID, NSProgress)

Asynchronously enqueues for delivery to resourceName the resource at resourceUrl, returning a task that represents the operation.

SetNativeField(String, NSObject)
(Inherited from NSObject)

Sets the value of the specified key to null.

(Inherited from NSObject)
SetValueForKey(NSObject, NSString)

Sets the value of the property specified by the key to the specified value.

(Inherited from NSObject)
SetValueForKeyPath(IntPtr, NSString)

A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects; Called by the runtime.

(Inherited from NSObject)
SetValueForKeyPath(NSObject, NSString)

Sets the value of a property that can be reached using a keypath.

(Inherited from NSObject)
SetValueForUndefinedKey(NSObject, NSString)

Indicates an attempt to write a value to an undefined key. If not overridden, raises an NSUndefinedKeyException.

(Inherited from NSObject)

Sets the values of this NSObject to those in the specified dictionary.

(Inherited from NSObject)
StartStream(String, MCPeerID, NSError)

Creates a named stream to peerID.


Returns a string representation of the value of the current instance.

(Inherited from NSObject)
Unbind(NSString) (Inherited from NSObject)
(Inherited from NSObject)

Returns the value of the property associated with the specified key.

(Inherited from NSObject)

Returns the value of a property that can be reached using a keypath.

(Inherited from NSObject)

Indicates an attempt to read a value of an undefined key. If not overridden, raises an NSUndefinedKeyException.

(Inherited from NSObject)
WillChange(NSKeyValueChange, NSIndexSet, NSString)

Indicates that the values of the specified indices in the specified key are about to change.

(Inherited from NSObject)
WillChange(NSString, NSKeyValueSetMutationKind, NSSet) (Inherited from NSObject)

Indicates that the value of the specified key is about to change.

(Inherited from NSObject)

Extension Methods

ObjectDidBeginEditing(NSObject, INSEditor)
ObjectDidEndEditing(NSObject, INSEditor)
GetValidModes(NSObject, NSFontPanel)
ValidateToolbarItem(NSObject, NSToolbarItem)
AcceptsPreviewPanelControl(NSObject, QLPreviewPanel)
BeginPreviewPanelControl(NSObject, QLPreviewPanel)
EndPreviewPanelControl(NSObject, QLPreviewPanel)

Gets the array of UIAccessibilityCustomRotor objects appropriate for this object.

SetAccessibilityCustomRotors(NSObject, UIAccessibilityCustomRotor[])

Sets the array of UIAccessibilityCustomRotor objects appropriate for this object.

Applies to

See also