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DesignerActionTextItem(String, String) Constructeur


Initialise une nouvelle instance de la classe DesignerActionTextItem.

 DesignerActionTextItem(System::String ^ displayName, System::String ^ category);
public DesignerActionTextItem (string displayName, string category);
public DesignerActionTextItem (string? displayName, string? category);
new System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerActionTextItem : string * string -> System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerActionTextItem
Public Sub New (displayName As String, category As String)



Texte du panneau pour cet élément.


Catégorie utilisée pour regrouper des éléments similaires sur le panneau.


L’exemple de code suivant montre comment créer une collection d’objets DesignerActionItem .

Pour obtenir un exemple complet d’implémentation de balises actives, consultez Guide pratique pour attacher des balises actives à un composant Windows Forms.

public override DesignerActionItemCollection GetSortedActionItems()
    DesignerActionItemCollection items = new DesignerActionItemCollection();

    //Define static section header entries.
    items.Add(new DesignerActionHeaderItem("Appearance"));
    items.Add(new DesignerActionHeaderItem("Information"));

    //Boolean property for locking color selections.
    items.Add(new DesignerActionPropertyItem("LockColors",
                     "Lock Colors", "Appearance",
                     "Locks the color properties."));
    if (!LockColors)
        items.Add(new DesignerActionPropertyItem("BackColor",
                         "Back Color", "Appearance",
                         "Selects the background color."));
        items.Add(new DesignerActionPropertyItem("ForeColor",
                         "Fore Color", "Appearance",
                         "Selects the foreground color."));

        //This next method item is also added to the context menu 
        // (as a designer verb).
        items.Add(new DesignerActionMethodItem(this,
                         "InvertColors", "Invert Colors",
                         "Inverts the fore and background colors.",
    items.Add(new DesignerActionPropertyItem("Text",
                     "Text String", "Appearance",
                     "Sets the display text."));

    //Create entries for static Information section.
    StringBuilder location = new StringBuilder("Location: ");
    StringBuilder size = new StringBuilder("Size: ");
    items.Add(new DesignerActionTextItem(location.ToString(),
    items.Add(new DesignerActionTextItem(size.ToString(),

    return items;
Public Overrides Function GetSortedActionItems() _
As DesignerActionItemCollection
    Dim items As New DesignerActionItemCollection()

    'Define static section header entries.
    items.Add(New DesignerActionHeaderItem("Appearance"))
    items.Add(New DesignerActionHeaderItem("Information"))

    'Boolean property for locking color selections.
    items.Add(New DesignerActionPropertyItem( _
    "LockColors", _
    "Lock Colors", _
    "Appearance", _
    "Locks the color properties."))

    If Not LockColors Then
        items.Add( _
        New DesignerActionPropertyItem( _
        "BackColor", _
        "Back Color", _
        "Appearance", _
        "Selects the background color."))

        items.Add( _
        New DesignerActionPropertyItem( _
        "ForeColor", _
        "Fore Color", _
        "Appearance", _
        "Selects the foreground color."))

        'This next method item is also added to the context menu 
        ' (as a designer verb).
        items.Add( _
        New DesignerActionMethodItem( _
        Me, _
        "InvertColors", _
        "Invert Colors", _
        "Appearance", _
        "Inverts the fore and background colors.", _
    End If
    items.Add( _
    New DesignerActionPropertyItem( _
    "Text", _
    "Text String", _
    "Appearance", _
    "Sets the display text."))

    'Create entries for static Information section.
    Dim location As New StringBuilder("Location: ")
    Dim size As New StringBuilder("Size: ")

    items.Add( _
    New DesignerActionTextItem( _
    location.ToString(), _

    items.Add( _
    New DesignerActionTextItem( _
    size.ToString(), _

    Return items
End Function


Le DesignerActionTextItem constructeur définit la Description propriété sur null.

Pour plus d’informations sur la façon dont le category paramètre est utilisé pour regrouper des éléments dans un panneau, consultez la GetSortedActionItems méthode .

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