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BatchedJoinBlock<T1,T2,T3>.ToString Method


Returns a string that represents the formatted name of this IDataflowBlock instance.

public override string ToString ();


A string that represents the formatted name of this IDataflowBlock instance.


Inherited from Object. Uses the DataflowBlockOptions.NameFormat option.

Applies to

Produit Versions
.NET Core 1.0, Core 1.1, Core 2.0, Core 2.1, Core 2.2, Core 3.0, Core 3.1, 5, 6, 7, 8 (package-provided), 8, 9 (package-provided), 9
.NET Framework 4.7 (package-provided), 4.7.1 (package-provided), 4.7.2 (package-provided), 4.8 (package-provided)
.NET Standard 2.0 (package-provided), 2.1 (package-provided)
UWP 10.0