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Retrieves a connected IGameInputDevice interface based on a matching object.


HRESULT FindDeviceFromObject(  
         IUnknown* value,  
         IGameInputDevice** device  


value   _In_
Type: IUnknown*

Object to match with the IGameInputDevice instance.

device   _COM_Outptr_
Type: IGameInputDevice**

Returned IGameInputDevice interface.

Return value


Returns E_NOTIMPL.


After it is obtained, the IGameInputDevice instance is used as a filter in polling or event-based APIs (to retrieve input), or used directly to access device-specific information and features.

This method retrieves a connected IGameInputDevice interface based on a matching object. IGameInputDevice is used as a filter in the polling or event-based APIs (to retrieve input), or used directly to access device-specific information and features. If the specified object cannot be matched with any known GameInput device objects, this method returns a NULL pointer. The method queries the local state within the calling process and returns quickly, so it is safe to call from time-sensitive contexts.


Header: GameInput.h

Library: xgameruntime.lib

Supported platforms: Windows, Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles

See also

Advanced GameInput topics
Overview of GameInput