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A per-process singleton used to access the device input stream.

The IGameInput interface is the starting point for using the GameInput API. This interface provides methods for synchronously retrieving cached readings from the input stream (the polling API), and methods for registering asynchronous callbacks for state changes (the event-based API). It also contains utility methods for legacy API interop and special OEM device support.


class IGameInput : public IUnknown  


Method Description
CreateAggregateDevice CreateAggregateDevice API reference
CreateDispatcher CreateDispatcher API reference
EnableOemDeviceSupport Specifies a plug-and-play device that the caller wants like the GameInput API to expose in its input stream.
FindDeviceFromObject Retrieves a connected IGameInputDevice based on a matching object.
FindDeviceFromPlatformHandle Retrieves a connected IGameInputDevice interface based on a matching platform handle.
FindDeviceFromPlatformString Retrieves an IGameInputDevice interface based on a matching platform string.
GetCurrentReading Retrieves the most recent reading from the input stream that matches a caller-supplied filter.
GetCurrentTimestamp IGameInput::GetCurrentTimestamp API reference
FindDeviceFromId FindDeviceFromId API reference
GetNextReading Retrieves the next available IGameInputReading interface based on a reference reading from an optionally filtered input stream.
GetPreviousReading Retrieves the previous IGameInputReading based on a reference reading from an optionally filtered input stream.
GetTemporalReading Retrieves a synthesized IGameInputReading interface that simulates a device state at a specific time.
RegisterDeviceCallback IGameInput::RegisterDeviceCallback API reference
RegisterSystemButtonCallback Registers a callback function that is called when the Guide or Share button is pressed or released.
RegisterKeyboardLayoutCallback Registers a callback function when a keyboard layout is changed.
RegisterReadingCallback RegisterReadingCallback API reference
SetFocusPolicy Sets the focus policy for a game's input devices.
StopCallback IGameInput::StopCallback API
UnregisterCallback method IGameInput::RegisterDeviceCallback API reference


Header: GameInput.h

Supported platforms: Windows, Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles

See also

Input API Overview