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Retrieves a synthesized IGameInputReading interface that simulates a device state at a specific time.


HRESULT GetTemporalReading(  
         uint64_t timestamp,  
         IGameInputDevice* device,  
         IGameInputReading** reading  


timestamp   _In_
Type: uint64_t

Target time to simulate a device state. The designated time is in the range of 500 ms in the past to 100 ms in the future.

device   _In_
Type: IGameInputDevice*

The device to predict the state of at the designated time.

reading   _COM_Outptr_
Type: IGameInputReading**

The returned synthesized reading.

Return value


Returns E_NOTIMPL.


For readings in the past, the GameInput API simply performs linear interpolation between historical readings. For readings in the future, the GameInput API computes the velocity and acceleration of analog inputs to predict their future values. As a result, the farther into the future the requested reading is, the less accurate the prediction becomes. The state of digital inputs cannot be predicted, so the most current state is always reported.

For temporal readings, the GetInputKind method on the IGameInputReading interface always returns a value that does not have the GameInputKindRawDeviceReport flag set. Likewise, the GetRawReport method on the IGameInputReading interface always returns a NULL pointer (for temporal readings).

The GetTemporalReading method outputs a NULL pointer and returns a failure HRESULT if it is unable to return a reading. This can happen if insufficient reading data is available in the input stream buffer to accurately interpolate or predict the device's state at the requested timestamp. This also happens if the provided timestamp is more than 500 ms in the past or more than 100 ms in the future.


Header: GameInput.h

Library: xgameruntime.lib

Supported platforms: Windows, Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles

See also

Advanced GameInput topics
Overview of GameInput