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(RUS) Configure organizational information

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

This topic describes how to create tax registration numbers, social insurance information, and the organizational structure for a legal entity and its branches. You can create departments in an organization, assign each department to a branch, and reserve a position for a department.


The following table shows the prerequisites that must be in place before you start.




Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 Payroll for Russia Feature Pack


The primary address for the legal entity must be in the following countries/regions: Russia

Configuration task

A legal entity must be created for the processes that are related to Russian payroll using the Legal entities form in the Organization administration module. For more information, see Création ou modification d'une entité juridique.

You can create the tax registration details and insurance fund details for a legal entity. Legal entities are required to register in insurance funds. If the hired employee is eligible for social allowances and pension provision, then the employer becomes an insurant, and the employer must contribute to the social and pension insurance funds. These insurance identification numbers are considered to be legal entity registration codes for the local subsidiaries of insurers.

To create social insurance details, pension fund numbers, and registration numbers for the legal entity, follow these steps:

  1. Click Organization administration > Setup > Organization > Legal entities.

  2. On the Additional registration FastTab, in the Registration code in FSS field, enter the registration code for the federal social insurance fund.

  3. In the Territorial authority of the insurer field, select the code for the territorial authority of the insurer, or the local subsidiary of the social insurance fund.

  4. In the Code of subordination field, enter the subordination code of the local subsidiary of the social insurance fund.

  5. In the Registration pension fund number field, enter the registration pension fund number.

  6. To open the Manage addresses form, click Taxes.

  7. To add the tax registration information for the legal entity, on the Tax registration FastTab, click Add.

  8. In the Registration type field, select the tax registration type that is specified by the tax authorities. The following registration types are available:

    • OGRN - The unique code for the legal entity in the Russian federation.

    • OKDP – The special code that is assigned to the company based on the business.

    • INN ORG – The unique identification code for the individual taxpayer.

    • KPP - The code that is provided by the tax authority during the registration.

    • OKPO - The code that is assigned to the legal entity from the list of Russian professional organizations.

  9. In the Registration number field, enter the registration number for the legal entity that is specified by the tax authorities.

  10. In the Organizational-legal form field, enter the legal entity’s type of incorporation.

2. Create a branch

You can create a branch to identify groups of departments as individual taxpayers. These branches that you create can also be used by the Fixed assets module for functions that are separate from the payroll process. You can create or update a branch in the Separate divisions form.

To create a branch, follow these steps:

  1. Click Organization administration > Setup > Separate divisions.

  2. Click New to create a new branch.

  3. In the Separate division ID field, enter the identification code for the branch.

  4. In the Vendor account field, select the vendor account that is associated with the branch.


    The name of the vendor is automatically displayed in the Name field.

  5. To indicate that the selected branch can report the tax declarations independently, select the Independent check box.

3. Create a department and assign it to a branch

You can create departments in an organization, assign a director, and assign a person in charge for the department in the Organization form.

To create a department and assign it to a branch, follow these steps:

  1. Click Payroll (Russia) > Staff administration > Structure > Organization.


  2. Click Payroll (Russia) > Setup > Department > Organization.

  3. Press CTRL+N to create a new department in the organizational structure.

  4. On the Overview tab, in the Department code field, enter a code for the department.

  5. In the Description field, enter a description for the department.

  6. In the Person in charge field, select the code for the employee who is responsible for the department. The employees who are already part of this department are available for selection.

  7. On the General FastTab, in the Director field, select the code of the employee who leads the department. The registered workers of the company are available for selection.

  8. To assign the department to a branch, on the Branch FastTab, click New.

  9. In the Start date field, enter the date when the department is assigned to the branch.

  10. In the Separate division ID field, select the code of the branch.

To detach a department from a branch, follow these steps:

  1. On the Branch FastTab, click New, and then in the Start date field, enter the date when the department’s assignment to the branch should be completed.

  2. Leave the Separate division ID field blank. The department is detached from the branch, and it becomes a part of the legal entity’s head office.

4. Reserve a position for a department

You can reserve a position for a department in the Organizational chart form. The head count for the reserved position must be approved by the Human Resources administrator in the Changing staff list resolution lines form so that an employee can be hired for the approved position.

To reserve a position for a department, follow these steps:

  1. Click Payroll (Russia) > Staff administration > Structure > Organizational chart.

  2. To reserve a position for a department, in the left pane, select the department, and then click New.

  3. On the Overview tab, in the Position field, select an employee position for the selected department. For more information about job titles and positions, see "Create job titles, ranks, categories, and classes" in (RUS) Configure staff administration information for workers.

  4. Click Payroll (Russia) > Staff administration > Resolution journals > Changing staff list.

  5. Click New to create a new record.

  6. In the Name and Resolution date fields, select the journal name and the date of issue of the resolution.

  7. Click Lines to open the Changing staff list resolution lines form, and specify the following field details.



    Department code

    Select the department code.

    > [!Note] > The position is displayed automatically for the selected department.


    The number of establishing positions.

    Minimum salary

    The minimum salary for the position.

    Maximum salary

    The maximum salary for the position.

    > [!Note] > On the General tab, in the Scale of charges field group, you can select the minimum and maximum wage grade codes for the approved pay scale that is selected in the Code field. The values in the Minimum salary and Maximum salary fields are automatically updated according to the selected wage grades.
  8. On the General tab, in the Work conditions field group, specify the conditions that need to be met for employees who work on specific positions (class of hazard, necessity of the attestation, and special conditions of work). For example, a work condition for a welder may be the dustiness. Use the information in the following table to decide the type of work condition information to be displayed in the report.




    Select the class of the working condition (normal, harmful, and hazard).


    Select this check box to indicate that the work place requires attestation confirming the working conditions of the position.

    Special work conditions

    Select the code for the special work condition. The codes are defined in the Special work conditions form.

    List position

    The code for the list position that indicates the level of the harmfulness of the conditions.

  9. Click Validate to validate the resolution lines, and then click OK in the Check journal form.

  10. Click Post to post the journal, and then click OK in the Post journal form.


    The Posted check box is automatically selected in the Changing staff list form to indicate that the position that is reserved for the department is approved by the Human Resources administrator.

  11. Click Restore to cancel the posted journal, if needed.

To view the reserved position for a department, follow these steps:

  1. Click Payroll (Russia) > Staff administration > Structure > Organizational chart.

  2. In the left pane, select the department for which the position was reserved. You can view the approved headcount for the position in the Quantity field.

  3. To view the actual and planned head count for the selected department, click Total to open the Department total form.

You can generate a special report to view the organizational positions on a particular date, and view the selected resolution journal.

  1. Click Payroll (Russia) > Staff administration > Reports > Form T-3.

  2. In the Journal field, select the journal for which you need to generate the report.

  3. In the Current date field, select the date on which you need to print the details about the organizational positions.

You can generate a report about the changes that you made to the staff list as an official document that is provided by the Human Resources department for the introduction of the new positions in the Changing staff list form.

  1. Click Payroll (Russia) > Staff administration > Resolution journals > Changing staff list.

  2. To generate a report about the changes that you made to the staff list, click Print, and then click Changing staff list.

Next step

(RUS) Create a worker

(RUS) Configure staff administration information for workers

(RUS) Configure parameters for time management

Technical information for system administrators

If you don't have access to the pages that are used to complete this task, contact your system administrator and provide the information that is shown in the following table.



Configuration keys

Click System administration > Setup > Licensing > License configuration. Select the CIS Payroll and CIS Staff administration configuration keys.

Security roles and duties

To perform this task, you must have the following roles:

  • Human resources administrator

  • Human resources manager

To configure organizational information, you must be a member of a security role that includes the following duties:

  • Enable workforce management process (HcmWorkforceProcessEnable)

  • Enable organizational process (HcmOrganizationalProcessEnable)

  • Enable time management process (RPayTimeManageProcessEnable)

  • Inquire into organizational model (OMOrganizationsInquire)

  • Inquire into organizational process (HcmOrganizationalProcessInquire)

  • Inquire into time management process (RPayTimeProcessInquire)

  • Maintain and configure organizational model (OMOrganizationsMaintain)

  • Maintain job and position master (HcmJobPositionMaintain)

  • Set up payroll positions and workers (PayrollPositionWorkerSetupMaintain)

  • Inquire into jobs and positions (HcmJobPositionInquire)

  • Inquire into payroll position and worker setup (PayrollPositionWorkerSetupInquire)

  • Review organizational information (HcmOrganizationalReview)

Security roles and privileges

To configure organizational information, you must be a member of a security role that includes the privileges that are described in the following table.

Privileges Name Procedure
Maintain departments OMDepartmentMaintain Create a department and assign it to a branch.
Maintain department rates values RPayDepRatesMaintain
View department rates values RPayDepRatesView
View departments OMDepartmentView
Maintain organizational chart RPayOrgChartMaintain Reserve a position for a department.
View organizational chart RPayOrgChartView
Maintain positions HcmPositionMaintain
View positions HcmPositionView