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Propriété Mirrors

Gets or sets the list of backup devices used by the mirrored backup.

Cette API n'est pas conforme CLS. 

Espace de noms :  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo
Assembly :  Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoExtended (en Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoExtended.dll)


<CLSCompliantAttribute(False)> _
Public Property Mirrors As BackupDeviceList()
Dim instance As Backup
Dim value As BackupDeviceList()

value = instance.Mirrors

instance.Mirrors = value
public BackupDeviceList[] Mirrors { get; set; }
property array<BackupDeviceList^>^ Mirrors {
    array<BackupDeviceList^>^ get ();
    void set (array<BackupDeviceList^>^ value);
member Mirrors : BackupDeviceList[] with get, set
function get Mirrors () : BackupDeviceList[]
function set Mirrors (value : BackupDeviceList[])

Valeur de propriété

Type : array<Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo. . :: . .BackupDeviceList> [] () [] []
An array of BackupDeviceList objects that specifies the backup devices used by the mirrored backup.


This property is only required when performing a backup with a mirrored media set.