Retrieves the checksum type.
HRESULT get_checksumType (
DWORD* pRetVal
- pRetVal
[out] Returns the checksum type.
If successful, returns S_OK; otherwise, returns an error code.
The checksum type is a value that can be mapped to a checksum algorithm. For example, the standard PDB file format can typically have one of the following values:
Checksum Type |
CryptoAPI Label |
Description |
0 |
<none> |
No checksum present. |
1 |
checksum generated with the MD5 hashing algorithm. |
2 |
checksum generated with the SHA1 hashing algorithm. |
The CryptoAPI labels are from the ALG_ID enumeration. For more information on hashing algorithms, consult the CryptoAPI section of the Microsoft Windows SDK.
To obtain the actual checksum bytes for the source file, call the IDiaSourceFile::get_checksum method.