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GamerPresenceMode Enumeration

Settings defining the status string that will appear when you view a friend through the Xbox LIVE Guide or on Use the PresenceMode property to set this option.

Namespace: Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices
Assembly: Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices (in microsoft.xna.framework.gamerservices.dll)


public enum GamerPresenceMode


  Member name Description
ArcadeMode Arcade Mode
AtMenu At Menu
BattlingBoss Battling Boss
CampaignMode Campaign Mode
ChallengeMode Challenge Mode
ConfiguringSettings Configuring Settings
CoOpLevel Co-Op: Level. Includes a numeric value specified with PresenceValue.
CoOpStage Co-Op: Stage. Includes a numeric value specified with PresenceValue.
CornflowerBlue Cornflower Blue
CustomizingPlayer Customizing Player
DifficultyEasy Difficulty: Easy
DifficultyExtreme Difficulty: Extreme
DifficultyHard Difficulty: Hard
DifficultyMedium Difficulty: Medium
EditingLevel Editing Level
ExplorationMode Exploration Mode
FoundSecret Found Secret
FreePlay Free Play
GameOver Game Over
InCombat In Combat
InGameStore In Game Store
Level Level. Includes a numeric value specified with PresenceValue.
LocalCoOp Local Co-Op
LocalVersus Local Versus
LookingForGames Looking For Games
Losing Losing
Multiplayer Multiplayer
NearlyFinished Nearly Finished
None No Presence String Displayed
OnARoll On a Roll
OnlineCoOp Online Co-Op
OnlineVersus Online Versus
Outnumbered Outnumbered
Paused Paused
PlayingMinigame Playing Minigame
PlayingWithFriends Playing With Friends
PracticeMode Practice Mode
PuzzleMode Puzzle Mode
ScenarioMode Scenario Mode
Score Score. Includes a numeric value specified with PresenceValue.
ScoreIsTied Score is Tied
SettingUpMatch Setting Up Match
SinglePlayer Single Player
Stage Stage. Includes a numeric value specified with PresenceValue.
StartingGame Starting Game
StoryMode Story Mode
StuckOnAHardBit Stuck on a Hard Bit
SurvivalMode Survival Mode
TimeAttack Time Attack
TryingForRecord Trying For Record
TutorialMode Tutorial Mode
VersusComputer Versus Computer
VersusScore Versus: Score. Includes a numeric value specified with PresenceValue.
WaitingForPlayers Waiting For Players
WaitingInLobby Waiting In Lobby
WastingTime Wasting Time
WatchingCredits Watching Credits
WatchingCutscene Watching Cutscene
Winning Winning
WonTheGame Won the Game


The following GamerPresenceMode settings, specified in PresenceMode, may include a numeric value as specified by PresenceValue:

See Also


GamerPresence.PresenceMode Property
GamerPresence.PresenceValue Property
Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices Namespace


Xbox 360, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP