Exercise - Import the sample data package for training


In this exercise, you'll import sample data that was created for this training and that's required in the later modules.

  1. Go to Power Platform admin center in an InPrivate or incognito browser session.

  2. On your left pane, select Environments and select your environment.

  3. On the left navigation pane, select Apps. Select the play button that appears near Store Operations Assist.

    Screenshot of running Store Operations Assist.

  4. Select Settings > Advanced Settings.

    Screenshot of Advanced Settings.

  5. Under Settings, select Data Management.

    Screenshot of Data Management in Settings.

  6. Select Data Maps.

    Screenshot of the Settings page with Data management expanded to show Data maps.

  7. Select Import > Choose file. Search for the data map XML file and then import it. You can download and extract the sample data map XML file from the IAD Sample Data.zip file.

    Screenshot of the Select File to Import dialog with the I A D Sample Data X M L file selected.

  8. Go to Power Platform admin center in an InPrivate or Incognito browser session.

  9. On the left pane, select Environments.

    Screenshot of the navigation panel showing Environments.

  10. Select your environment and select Settings on the command bar.

  11. On the Power Platform admin center browser tab page, select Data management > Imports.

    Screenshot of the Settings page with Data management expanded to show Imports.

  12. Select Import Data in the command bar.

  13. Download and go to the Sample data.zip file and then select Next.

    Screenshot of the Upload Data File page with the Sample data zip file selected.

  14. Select Next on the Review File Upload Summary page.

    Screenshot of the Review File Upload Summary page showing 16 C S V files found in the zip file.

  15. Beneath the Customized Data Maps section, select the IAD Sample Data file that was previously imported. Select Next.

    Screenshot of the Select Data Map page with I A D Sample Data selected under Customized Data Maps.

  16. Select Next on the Map fields section because the fields are automatically mapped based on the mapping that's defined in the imported data map.

  17. A pop-up window might appear, indicating that some fields aren't mapped. Ignore the message and select OK.

    Screenshot of the message box stating that Some required fields are not mapped. This might result in some records not being imported.

  18. On the Review Mapping Summary screen, if a green check mark appears next to all data files in the list, select Next.

    Screenshot of the Review Mapping Summary screen showing green check marks next to each C S V file.

  19. Set Allow Duplicates to No and then select Submit.

    Screenshot of Review Settings and Import Data with Allow Duplicates set to No.

  20. Select Finish.

  21. After the data has successfully imported, the value in the Successes column will be equal to the value in the Total processed column for all import files.

    Screenshot of the list of imports with the numbers in the Successes column equal to those in the Total processed column.

You can also validate the import by opening the respective forms in Store Operations Assist.