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Monitoring Azure Container Registry data reference

See Monitor Azure Container Registry for details on collecting and analyzing monitoring data for Azure Container Registry.


Container Registry metrics

Resource Provider and Type: Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries

Metric Exportable via Diagnostic Settings? Unit Aggregation Type Description Dimensions
AgentPoolCPUTime Yes Seconds Total CPU time used by ACR tasks running on dedicated agent pools None
RunDuration Yes Milliseconds Total Duration of ACR tasks runs None
StorageUsed No Bytes Average Storage used by the container registry

Sum of storage for unique and shared layers, manifest files, and replica copies in all repositories1
SuccessfulPullCount Yes Count Total Successful pulls of container images and other artifacts from the registry. Total get requests to registry v2 manifest api with 200 response. None
SuccessfulPushCount Yes Count Total Successful pushes of container images and other artifacts to the registry. None
TotalPullCount Yes Count Total Total pulls of container images and other artifacts from the registry. Total get requests to registry v2 manifest api. None
TotalPushCount Yes Count Total Total pushes of container images and other artifacts to the registry None

1Because of layer sharing, registry storage used may be less than the sum of storage for individual repositories. When you delete a repository or tag, you recover only the storage used by manifest files and the unique layers referenced.

For more information, see a list of all platform metrics supported in Azure Monitor.

Metric Dimensions

For more information on what metric dimensions are, see Multi-dimensional metrics.

Azure Container Registry has the following dimensions associated with its metrics.

Dimension Name Description
Geolocation The Azure region for a registry or geo-replica.

Resource logs

This section lists the types of resource logs you can collect for Azure Container Registry.

For reference, see a list of all resource logs category types supported in Azure Monitor.

Container Registries

Resource Provider and Type: Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries

Category Display Name Details
ContainerRegistryLoginEvents Login Events Registry authentication events and status, including the incoming identity and IP address
ContainerRegistryRepositoryEvents Repository Events Operations on images and other artifacts in registry repositories

The following operations are logged: push, pull, untag, delete (including repository delete), purge tag, and purge manifest1

1Purge events are logged only if a registry retention policy is configured.

Azure Monitor Logs tables

This section refers to all of the Azure Monitor Logs Kusto tables relevant to Azure Container Registry and available for query by Log Analytics.

Container Registry

Table Description
AzureActivity Entries from the Azure Activity log that provide insight into any subscription-level or management group level events that have occurred in Azure.
AzureMetrics Metric data emitted by Azure services that measure their health and performance.
ContainerRegistryLoginEvents Azure Container Registry Login Auditing Logs
ContainerRegistryRepositoryEvents Azure Container Registry Repository Auditing Logs

For a reference of all Azure Monitor Logs / Log Analytics tables, see the Azure Monitor Log Table Reference.

Activity log

The following table lists operations related to Azure Container Registry that may be created in the Activity log. This list is not exhaustive.

Operation Description
Create or Update Container Registry Create a container registry or update a registry property
Delete Container Registry Delete a container registry
List Container Registry Login Credentials Show credentials for registry's admin account
Import Image Import an image or other artifact to a registry
Create Role Assignment Assign an identity an RBAC role to access a resource


The following schemas are in use by Azure Container Registry's resource logs.

Schema Description
ContainerRegistryLoginEvents Schema for registry authentication events and status, including the incoming identity and IP address
ContainerRegistryRepositoryEvents Schema for operations on images and other artifacts in registry repositories

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