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Use Azure DevOps to create a CI/CD pipeline for a Stream Analytics job

In this article, you learn how to create Azure DevOps build and release pipelines using Azure Stream Analytics CI/CD tools.

Commit your Stream Analytics project

Before you begin, commit your complete Stream Analytics projects as source files to an Azure DevOps repository. You can reference this sample repository and Stream Analytics project source code in Azure Pipelines.

The steps in this article use a Stream Analytics Visual Studio Code project. If you're using a Visual Studio project, follow the steps in Automate builds, tests, and deployments of an Azure Stream Analytics job using CI/CD tools.

Create a build pipeline

In this section, you learn how to create a build pipeline.

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to your project in Azure DevOps.

  2. Under Pipelines in the left navigation menu, select Builds. Then, select New pipeline.

    Create new Azure Pipeline

  3. Select Use the classic editor to create a pipeline without YAML.

  4. Select your source type, team project, and repository. Then, select Continue.

    Select Azure Stream Analytics project

  5. On the Choose a template page, select Empty job.

Install npm package

  1. On the Tasks page, select the plus sign next to Agent job 1. Enter npm in the task search and select npm.

    Select npm task

  2. Give the task a Display name. Change the Command option to custom and enter the following command in Command and arguments. Leave the remaining default options.

    install -g azure-streamanalytics-cicd

    Enter configurations for npm task

Use following steps if you need to use hosted-Linux agent:

  1. Select your Agent Specification

    Screenshot of selecting agent specification.

  2. On the Tasks page, select the plus sign next to Agent job 1. Enter command line in the task search and select Command line.

    Screenshot of searching commandline task.

  3. Give the task a Display name. enter the following command in Script. Leave the remaining default options.

    sudo npm install -g azure-streamanalytics-cicd --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root

    Screenshot of entering script for cmd task.

Add a Build task

  1. On the Variables page, select + Add in Pipeline variables. Add the following variables. Set the following values according to your preference:

    Variable name Value
    projectRootPath [YourProjectName]
    outputPath Output
    deployPath Deploy
  2. On the Tasks page, select the plus sign next to Agent job 1. Search for Command line.

  3. Give the task a Display name and enter the following script. Modify the script with your repository name and project name.


    It's highly recommended to use the build --v2 to generate ARM template for deployment. The new ARM template has fewer parameters while preserving the same functionality as the previous version.

    Please note that the older ARM template will soon be deprecated, only templates created using build --v2 will receive updates and bug fixes.

    azure-streamanalytics-cicd build --v2 -project $(projectRootPath)/asaproj.json -outputpath $(projectRootPath)/$(outputPath)/$(deployPath)

    The image uses a Stream Analytics Visual Studio Code project as an example.

    Enter configurations for command-line task visual studio code

Add a Test task

  1. On the Variables page, select + Add in Pipeline variables. Add the following variables. Modify the values with your output path and repository name.

    Variable name Value
    testPath Test

    Add pipeline variables

  2. On the Tasks page, select the plus sign next to Agent job 1. Search for Command line.

  3. Give the task a Display name and enter the following script. Modify the script with your project file name and the path to the test configuration file.

    See automated test instructions for details on how to add and configure test cases.

    azure-streamanalytics-cicd test -project $(projectRootPath)/asaproj.json -outputpath $(projectRootPath)/$(outputPath)/$(testPath) -testConfigPath $(projectRootPath)/test/testConfig.json 

    Enter configurations for command-line task

Add a Copy files task

You need to add a copy file task to copy the test summary file and Azure Resource Manager template files to the artifact folder.

  1. On the Tasks page, select the + next to Agent job 1. Search for Copy files. Then enter the following configurations. By assigning ** to Contents, all files of the test results are copied.

    Parameter Input
    Display name Copy Files to: $(build.artifactstagingdirectory)
    Source Folder $(system.defaultworkingdirectory)/$(outputPath)/
    Contents **
    Target Folder $(build.artifactstagingdirectory)
  2. Expand Control Options. Select Even if a previous task has failed, unless the build was canceled in Run this task.

    Enter configurations for copy task

Add a Publish build artifacts task

  1. On the Tasks page, select the plus sign next to Agent job 1. Search for Publish build artifacts and select the option with the black arrow icon.

  2. Expand Control Options. Select Even if a previous task has failed, unless the build was canceled in Run this task.

    Enter configurations for publish task

Save and run

Once you have finished adding the npm package, command line, copy files, and publish build artifacts tasks, select Save & queue. When you're prompted, enter a save comment and select Save and run. You can download the testing results from Summary page of the pipeline.

Check the build and test results

The test summary file and Azure Resource Manager Template files can be found in Published folder.

Check build and test result

Check artifacts

Release with Azure Pipelines

In this section, you learn how to create a release pipeline.

Open a web browser and navigate to your Azure Stream Analytics Visual Studio Code project.

  1. Under Pipelines in the left navigation menu, select Releases. Then select New pipeline.

  2. Select start with an Empty job.

  3. In the Artifacts box, select + Add an artifact. Under Source, select the build pipeline you created and select Add.

    Enter build pipeline artifact

  4. Change the name of Stage 1 to Deploy job to test environment.

  5. Add a new stage and name it Deploy job to production environment.

Add deploy tasks


The Override template parameters is not applicable for ARM --v2 builds since parameters are passed as objects. To address this, it's recommended to include a PowerShell script in your pipeline to read the parameter file as JSON and make the necessary parameter modifications.

For more guidance on adding the PowerShell script, please refer to ConvertFrom-Json and Update Object in JSON file.

  1. From the tasks dropdown, select Deploy job to test environment.

  2. Select the + next to Agent job and search for ARM template deployment. Enter the following parameters:

    Parameter Value
    Display name Deploy myASAProject
    Azure subscription Choose your subscription.
    Action Create or update resource group
    Resource group Choose a name for the test resource group that will contain your Stream Analytics job.
    Location Choose the location of your test resource group.
    Template location Linked artifact
    Template $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/_azure-streamanalytics-cicd-demo-CI-Deploy/drop/myASAProject.JobTemplate.json
    Template parameters $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/_azure-streamanalytics-cicd-demo-CI-Deploy/drop/myASAProject.JobTemplate.parameters.json
    Override template parameters -<arm_template_parameter> "your value". You can define the parameters using Variables.
    Deployment mode Incremental
  3. From the tasks dropdown, select Deploy job to production environment.

  4. Select the + next to Agent job and search for ARM template deployment. Enter the following parameters:

    Parameter Value
    Display name Deploy myASAProject
    Azure subscription Choose your subscription.
    Action Create or update resource group
    Resource group Choose a name for the production resource group that will contain your Stream Analytics job.
    Location Choose the location of your production resource group.
    Template location Linked artifact
    Template $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/_azure-streamanalytics-cicd-demo-CI-Deploy/drop/myASAProject.JobTemplate.json
    Template parameters $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/_azure-streamanalytics-cicd-demo-CI-Deploy/drop/myASAProject.JobTemplate.parameters.json
    Override template parameters -<arm_template_parameter> "your value"
    Deployment mode Incremental

Create a release

To create a release, select Create release in the top-right corner.

Create a release using Azure Pipelines

Next steps