
שתף באמצעות

Project limits and boundaries

Custom question answering limits provided below are a combination of the Azure AI Search pricing tier limits and custom question answering limits. Both sets of limits affect how many projects you can create per resource and how large each project can grow.


The maximum number of projects is based on Azure AI Search tier limits.

Choose the appropriate Azure search SKU for your scenario. Typically, you decide the number of projects you need based on number of different subject domains. One subject domain (for a single language) should be in one project.

With custom question answering, you have a choice to set up your language resource in a single language or multiple languages. You can make this selection when you create your first project in the Language Studio.


You can publish N-1 projects of a single language or N/2 projects of different languages in a particular tier, where N is the maximum indexes allowed in the tier. Also check the maximum size and the number of documents allowed per tier.

For example, if your tier has 15 allowed indexes, you can publish 14 projects of the same language (one index per published project). The 15th index is used for all the projects for authoring and testing. If you choose to have projects in different languages, then you can only publish seven projects.

Extraction limits

File naming constraints

File names may not include the following characters:

Do not use character
Single quote '
Double quote "

Maximum file size

Format Max file size (MB)
.docx 10
.pdf 25
.tsv 10
.txt 10
.xlsx 3

Maximum number of files


Custom question answering currently has no limits on the number of sources that can be added. Throughput is currently capped at 10 text records per second for both management APIs and prediction APIs. When using the F0 tier, upload is limited to 3 files.

The maximum number of deep-links that can be crawled for extraction of question answer pairs from a URL page is 20.

Metadata limits

Metadata is presented as a text-based key:value pair, such as product:windows 10. It is stored and compared in lower case. Maximum number of metadata fields is based on your Azure AI Search tier limits.

If you choose to projects with multiple languages in a single language resource, there is a dedicated test index per project. So the limit is applied per project in the language service.

Azure AI Search tier Free Basic S1 S2 S3 S3 HD
Maximum metadata fields per language service (per project) 1,000 100* 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

If you don't choose the option to have projects with multiple different languages, then the limits are applied across all projects in the language service.

Azure AI Search tier Free Basic S1 S2 S3 S3 HD
Maximum metadata fields per Language service (across all projects) 1,000 100* 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

By name and value

The length and acceptable characters for metadata name and value are listed in the following table.

Item Allowed chars Regex pattern match Max chars
Name (key) Allows
Alphanumeric (letters and digits)
_ (underscore)
Must not contain spaces.
^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ 100
Value Allows everything except
: (colon)
| (vertical pipe)
Only one value allowed.
^[^:|]+$ 500

Project content limits

Overall limits on the content in the project:

  • Length of answer text: 25,000 characters
  • Length of question text: 1,000 characters
  • Length of metadata key text: 100 characters
  • Length of metadata value text: 500 characters
  • Supported characters for metadata name: Alphabets, digits, and _
  • Supported characters for metadata value: All except : and |
  • Length of file name: 200
  • Supported file formats: ".tsv", ".pdf", ".txt", ".docx", ".xlsx".
  • Maximum number of alternate questions: 300
  • Maximum number of question-answer pairs: Depends on the Azure AI Search tier chosen. A question and answer pair maps to a document on Azure AI Search index.
  • URL/HTML page: 1 million characters

Create project call limits:

These represent the limits for each create project action; that is, selecting Create new project or calling the REST API to create a project.

  • Recommended maximum number of alternate questions per answer: 300
  • Maximum number of URLs: 10
  • Maximum number of files: 10
  • Maximum number of QnAs permitted per call: 1000

Update project call limits

These represent the limits for each update action; that is, selecting Save or calling the REST API with an update request.

  • Length of each source name: 300
  • Recommended maximum number of alternate questions added or deleted: 300
  • Maximum number of metadata fields added or deleted: 10
  • Maximum number of URLs that can be refreshed: 5
  • Maximum number of QnAs permitted per call: 1000

Add unstructured file limits


  • If you need to use larger files than the limit allows, you can break the file into smaller files before sending them to the API.

These represent the limits when unstructured files are used to Create new project or call the REST API to create a project:

  • Length of file: We will extract first 32000 characters
  • Maximum three responses per file.

Prebuilt custom question answering limits


  • If you need to use larger documents than the limit allows, you can break the text into smaller chunks of text before sending them to the API.
  • A document is a single string of text characters.

These represent the limits when REST API is used to answer a question based without having to create a project:

  • Number of documents: 5
  • Maximum size of a single document: 5,120 characters
  • Maximum three responses per document.