
שתף באמצעות

Supported metrics for Microsoft.Web/serverfarms

The following table lists the metrics available for the Microsoft.Web/serverfarms resource type.

Table headings

Metric - The metric display name as it appears in the Azure portal.
Name in Rest API - Metric name as referred to in the REST API.
Unit - Unit of measure.
Aggregation - The default aggregation type. Valid values: Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total, Count.
Dimensions - Dimensions available for the metric.
Time Grains - Intervals at which the metric is sampled. For example, PT1M indicates that the metric is sampled every minute, PT30M every 30 minutes, PT1H every hour, and so on.
DS Export- Whether the metric is exportable to Azure Monitor Logs via Diagnostic Settings.

For information on exporting metrics, see Create diagnostic settings in Azure Monitor.

For information on metric retention, see Azure Monitor Metrics overview.

Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export
Data In

The average incoming bandwidth used across all instances of the plan.
BytesReceived Bytes Total (Sum) Instance PT1M Yes
Data Out

The average outgoing bandwidth used across all instances of the plan.
BytesSent Bytes Total (Sum) Instance PT1M Yes
CPU Percentage

The average CPU used across all instances of the plan.
CpuPercentage Percent Average Instance PT1M Yes
Disk Queue Length

The average number of both read and write requests that were queued on storage. A high disk queue length is an indication of an app that might be slowing down because of excessive disk I/O.
DiskQueueLength Count Average Instance PT1M Yes
Http Queue Length

The average number of HTTP requests that had to sit on the queue before being fulfilled. A high or increasing HTTP Queue length is a symptom of a plan under heavy load.
HttpQueueLength Count Average Instance PT1M Yes
Memory Percentage

The average memory used across all instances of the plan.
MemoryPercentage Percent Average Instance PT1M Yes
Socket Count for Inbound Requests

The average number of sockets used for incoming HTTP requests across all the instances of the plan.
SocketInboundAll Count Average Instance PT1M Yes
Socket Count for Loopback Connections

The average number of sockets used for loopback connections across all the instances of the plan.
SocketLoopback Count Average Instance PT1M Yes
Socket Count of Outbound Requests

The average number of sockets used for outbound connections across all the instances of the plan irrespective of their TCP states. Having too many outbound connections can cause connectivity errors.
SocketOutboundAll Count Average Instance PT1M Yes
Established Socket Count for Outbound Requests

The average number of sockets in ESTABLISHED state used for outbound connections across all the instances of the plan.
SocketOutboundEstablished Count Average Instance PT1M Yes
Time Wait Socket Count for Outbound Requests

The average number of sockets in TIME_WAIT state used for outbound connections across all the instances of the plan. High or increasing outbound socket counts in TIME_WAIT state can cause connectivity errors.
SocketOutboundTimeWait Count Average Instance PT1M Yes
TCP Close Wait

The average number of sockets in CLOSE_WAIT state across all the instances of the plan.
TcpCloseWait Count Average Instance PT1M Yes
TCP Closing

The average number of sockets in CLOSING state across all the instances of the plan.
TcpClosing Count Average Instance PT1M Yes
TCP Established

The average number of sockets in ESTABLISHED state across all the instances of the plan.
TcpEstablished Count Average Instance PT1M Yes
TCP Fin Wait 1

The average number of sockets in FIN_WAIT_1 state across all the instances of the plan.
TcpFinWait1 Count Average Instance PT1M Yes
TCP Fin Wait 2

The average number of sockets in FIN_WAIT_2 state across all the instances of the plan.
TcpFinWait2 Count Average Instance PT1M Yes
TCP Last Ack

The average number of sockets in LAST_ACK state across all the instances of the plan.
TcpLastAck Count Average Instance PT1M Yes
TCP Syn Received

The average number of sockets in SYN_RCVD state across all the instances of the plan.
TcpSynReceived Count Average Instance PT1M Yes
TCP Syn Sent

The average number of sockets in SYN_SENT state across all the instances of the plan.
TcpSynSent Count Average Instance PT1M Yes
TCP Time Wait

The average number of sockets in TIME_WAIT state across all the instances of the plan.
TcpTimeWait Count Average Instance PT1M Yes