
שתף באמצעות

Azure Operator Nexus Kubernetes cluster VM SKUs

The Azure Operator Nexus Kubernetes cluster VMs are grouped into node pools, which are collections of VMs that have the same configuration. The VMs in a node pool are used to run your Kubernetes workloads. The Azure Operator Nexus Kubernetes cluster supports the following VM SKUs. These SKUs are available in all Azure regions where the Azure Operator Nexus Kubernetes cluster is available.

There are two types of VM SKUs:

  • General purpose
  • Performance optimized

The primary difference between the two types of VMs is their approach to emulator thread isolation. VM SKUs optimized for performance have dedicated emulator threads, which allow each VM to operate at maximum efficiency. Conversely, general-purpose VM SKUs have emulator threads that run on the same processors as applications running inside the VM. For application workloads that cannot tolerate other workloads sharing their processors, we recommend using the performance-optimized SKUs.

All these SKUs are having the following characteristics:

  • Dedicated host-to-VM CPU mapping
  • Reserved CPUs for Kubelet are 0 and 1, except for NC_G2_8_v1 and NC_P4_28_v1

These VM SKUs can be used for both worker and control plane nodes within the Azure Operator Nexus Kubernetes cluster.

General purpose VM SKUs

VM SKU Name vCPU Memory (GiB) Root Disk (GiB)
NC_G48_224_v1 48 224 300
NC_G36_168_v1 36 168 300
NC_G24_112_v1 24 112 300
NC_G12_56_v1 12 56 300
NC_G6_28_v1 6 28 300
NC_G2_8_v1 2 8 300

Performance optimized VM SKUs

VM SKU Name vCPU Memory (GiB) Root Disk (GiB)
NC_P46_224_v1 46 224 300
NC_P34_168_v1 34 168 300
NC_P22_112_v1 22 112 300
NC_P10_56_v1 10 56 300
NC_P4_28_v1 4 28 300

Next steps

Try these SKUs in the Azure Operator Nexus Kubernetes cluster. For more information, see Quickstart: Deploy an Azure Operator Nexus Kubernetes cluster.