
שתף באמצעות

Logs in Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server

APPLIES TO: Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server

Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server allows you to configure and access Postgres' standard logs. The logs can be used to identify, troubleshoot, and repair configuration errors and suboptimal performance. Logging information you can configure and access includes errors, query information, autovacuum records, connections, and checkpoints. (Access to transaction logs is not available).

Audit logging is made available through a Postgres extension, pgaudit. To learn more, visit the auditing concepts article.

Configure logging

You can configure Postgres standard logging on your server using the logging server parameters. To learn more about Postgres log parameters, visit the When To Log and What To Log sections of the Postgres documentation. Most, but not all, Postgres logging parameters are available to configure in Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server.

To learn how to configure parameters in Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server, see the portal documentation or the CLI documentation.


Configuring a high volume of logs, for example statement logging, can add significant performance overhead.

Accessing logs

Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server is integrated with Azure Monitor diagnostic settings. Diagnostic settings allows you to send your Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server logs in JSON format to Azure Monitor Logs for analytics and alerting, Event Hubs for streaming, and Azure Storage for archiving.

Log format

The following table describes the fields for the PostgreSQLLogs type. Depending on the output endpoint you choose, the fields included and the order in which they appear may vary.

Field Description
TenantId Your tenant ID
SourceSystem Azure
TimeGenerated [UTC] Time stamp when the log was recorded in UTC
Type Type of the log. Always AzureDiagnostics
SubscriptionId GUID for the subscription that the server belongs to
ResourceGroup Name of the resource group the server belongs to
ResourceProvider Name of the resource provider. Always MICROSOFT.DBFORPOSTGRESQL
ResourceType FlexibleServers
ResourceId Resource URI
Resource Name of the server
Category PostgreSQLLogs
OperationName LogEvent
errorLevel_s Logging level, example: LOG, ERROR, NOTICE
processId_d Process ID of the PostgreSQL backend
sqlerrcode_s PostgreSQL Error code that follows the SQL standard's conventions for SQLSTATE codes
Message Primary log message
Detail Secondary log message (if applicable)
ColumnName Name of the column (if applicable)
SchemaName Name of the schema (if applicable)
DatatypeName Name of the datatype (if applicable)
_ResourceId Resource URI

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