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Collect the required information for a service for Azure Private 5G Core

A service is a set of quality of service (QoS) characteristics you want to offer SIMs. For example, you may want to configure a service that provides higher bandwidth limits for particular traffic. You can also use services to block particular traffic types or traffic from specific sources.

Each service has a set of rules to identify the service data flows (SDFs) to which the QoS characteristics should be applied. For more information, see Policy control.

In this how-to guide, you'll learn how to collect all the required information to configure a service for Azure Private 5G Core.

  • You can use this information to configure a service through the Azure portal. In this case, you'll enter each value you collect into its corresponding field (given in the Azure portal field name columns in the tables below) as part of the procedure in Configure a service for Azure Private 5G Core - Azure portal.
  • Alternatively, you can use the information to create a simple service and SIM policy using the example Azure Resource Manager template (ARM template) given in Configure a service and SIM policy using an ARM template. The example template uses default values for all settings, but you can choose to replace a subset of the default settings with your own values. The Included in example ARM template columns in the tables below indicate which settings can be changed.


Read Policy control and make sure you're familiar with Azure Private 5G Core policy control configuration.

Collect top-level setting values

Each service has top-level settings that determine its name and the QoS characteristics, if any, that it will offer.

Collect each of the values in the table below for your service.

Value Azure portal field name Included in example ARM template
The name of the service. This name must only contain alphanumeric characters, dashes, or underscores. You also must not use any of the following reserved strings: default; requested; service. Service name Yes
A precedence value that the packet core instance must use to decide between services when identifying the QoS values to offer. This value must be an integer between 0 and 255 and must be unique among all services configured on the packet core instance. A lower value means a higher priority. Service precedence Yes

Collect Quality of service (QoS) setting values

You can specify a QoS for this service, or inherit the parent SIM Policy's QoS. If you want to specify a QoS for this service, collect each of the values in the table below.

Value Azure portal field name Included in example ARM template
The maximum bit rate (MBR) for uplink traffic (traveling away from user equipment (UEs)) across all SDFs that match data flow policy rules configured on this service. The MBR must be given in the following form: <Quantity> <Unit>

<Unit> must be one of the following:

- bps
- Kbps
- Mbps
- Gbps
- Tbps

<Quantity> is the quantity of your chosen unit.

For example, 10 Mbps.
Maximum bit rate (MBR) - Uplink Yes
The MBR for downlink traffic (traveling towards UEs) across all SDFs that match data flow policy rules configured on this service. The MBR must be given in the following form: <Quantity> <Unit>

<Unit> must be one of the following:

- bps
- Kbps
- Mbps
- Gbps
- Tbps

<Quantity> is the quantity of your chosen unit.

For example, 10 Mbps.
Maximum bit rate (MBR) - Downlink Yes
The default Allocation and Retention Policy (ARP) priority level for this service. Flows with a higher ARP priority level preempt flows with a lower ARP priority level. The ARP priority level must be an integer between 1 (highest priority) and 15 (lowest priority). Allocation and Retention Priority level No. Defaults to 9.
The default 5G QoS Indicator (5QI) or QoS class identifier (QCI) value for this service. The 5QI (for 5G networks) or QCI (for 4G networks) value identifies a set of QoS characteristics that control QoS forwarding treatment for QoS flows or EPS bearers.

You can choose a standardized or a non-standardized 5QI or QCI value. For more details, see 3GPP TS 23.501 for 5QI or 3GPP TS 23.203 for QCI.
5QI/QCI No. Defaults to 9.
The default preemption capability for QoS flows or EPS bearers for this service. The preemption capability of a QoS flow or EPS bearer controls whether it can preempt another QoS flow or EPS bearer with a lower priority level. You can choose from the following values:

- May not preempt
- May preempt
Preemption capability No. Defaults to May not preempt.
The default preemption vulnerability for QoS flows or EPS bearers for this service. The preemption vulnerability of a QoS flow or EPS bearer controls whether it can be preempted by another QoS flow or EPS bearer with a higher priority level. You can choose from the following values:

- Preemptible
- Not Preemptible
Preemption vulnerability No. Defaults to Preemptible.

Data flow policy rule(s)

Each service must have one or more data flow policy rules. Data flow policy rules identify the service data flows (SDFs) to which the service should be applied. They can also be used to block certain SDFs.

For each data flow policy rule, take the following steps:

  • Collect the values in Collect data flow policy rule values to determine whether SDFs matching this data flow policy rule will be allowed or blocked, and how this data flow policy rule should be prioritized against other data flow policy rules.
  • Collect the values in Collect data flow template values for one or more data flow templates to use for this data flow policy rule. Data flow templates provide the packet filters the packet core instance will use to match on SDFs.


The ARM template in Configure a service and SIM policy using an ARM template only configures a single data flow policy rule and data flow template.

Collect data flow policy rule values

Collect the values in the table below for each data flow policy rule you want to use on this service.

Value Azure portal field name Included in example ARM template
The name of the data flow policy rule. This name must only contain alphanumeric characters, dashes, or underscores. It must not match any other rule configured on the same service. You also must not use any of the following reserved strings: default; requested; service. Rule name Yes
A precedence value that the packet core instance must use to decide between data flow policy rules. This value must be an integer between 0 and 255 and must be unique among all data flow policy rules configured on the packet core instance. A lower value means a higher priority. Policy rule precedence Yes
A traffic control setting to determine whether flows that match a data flow template on this data flow policy rule are permitted. Choose one of the following values:

- Enabled - Matching flows are permitted.
- Blocked - Matching flows are blocked.
Traffic control Yes

Collect data flow template values

Collect the following values for each data flow template you want to use for a particular data flow policy rule.

Value Azure portal field name Included in example ARM template
The name of the data flow template. This name must only contain alphanumeric characters, dashes, or underscores. It must not match any other template configured on the same rule. You also must not use any of the following reserved strings: default; requested; service. Template name Yes
The protocol(s) allowed for this flow.

If you want to allow the flow to use any protocol within the Internet Protocol suite, you can set this field to All.

If you want to allow a selection of protocols, you can select them from the list displayed in the field. If a protocol isn't in the list, you can specify it by entering its corresponding IANA Assigned Internet Protocol Number, as described in the IANA website. For example, for IGMP, you must use 2.
Protocols Yes
The direction of this flow. Choose one of the following values:

- Uplink - traffic flowing away from UEs.
- Downlink - traffic flowing towards UEs.
- Bidirectional - traffic flowing in both directions.
Direction Yes
The remote IP address(es) to which UEs will connect for this flow.

If you want to allow connections on any IP address, you must use the value any.

Otherwise, you must provide each remote IP address or IP address range to which the packet core instance will connect for this flow. Provide these IP addresses in CIDR notation, including the netmask (for example,

Provide a comma-separated list of IP addresses and IP address ranges. For example:,
Remote IPs Yes
The remote port(s) to which UEs will connect for this flow. You can specify one or more ports or port ranges. Port ranges must be specified as <FirstPort>-<LastPort>.

This setting is optional. If you don't specify a value, the packet core instance will allow connections for all remote ports.

Provide a comma-separated list of your chosen ports and port ranges. For example:

8080, 8082-8085
Ports No. Defaults to no value to allow connections to all remote ports.

Next steps

You can use this information to either create a service using the Azure portal, or use the example ARM template to create a simple service and SIM policy.