
שתף באמצעות

Analyze data with dedicated SQL pools

In this tutorial, use the NYC Taxi data to explore a dedicated SQL pool's capabilities.

Create a dedicated SQL pool

  1. In Synapse Studio, on the left-side pane, select Manage > SQL pools under Analytics pools.
  2. Select New.
  3. For Dedicated SQL pool name select SQLPOOL1.
  4. For Performance level choose DW100C.
  5. Select Review + create > Create. Your dedicated SQL pool will be ready in a few minutes.

Your dedicated SQL pool is associated with a SQL database that's also called SQLPOOL1.

  1. Navigate to Data > Workspace.
  2. You should see a database named SQLPOOL1. If you do not see it, select Refresh.

A dedicated SQL pool consumes billable resources as long as it's active. You can pause the pool later to reduce costs.


When creating a new dedicated SQL pool (formerly SQL DW) in your workspace, the dedicated SQL pool provisioning page will open. Provisioning will take place on the logical SQL server.

Load the NYC Taxi Data into SQLPOOL1

  1. In Synapse Studio, navigate to the Develop hub, select the + button to add new resource, then create new SQL script.

  2. Select the pool SQLPOOL1 (pool created in STEP 1 of this tutorial) in Connect to drop down list above the script.

  3. Enter the following code:

    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects O JOIN sys.schemas S ON O.schema_id = S.schema_id WHERE O.NAME = 'NYCTaxiTripSmall' AND O.TYPE = 'U' AND S.NAME = 'dbo')
    CREATE TABLE dbo.NYCTaxiTripSmall
        [VendorID] bigint, 
        [store_and_fwd_flag] nvarchar(1) NULL, 
        [RatecodeID] float NULL, 
        [PULocationID] bigint NULL,  
        [DOLocationID] bigint NULL, 
        [passenger_count] float NULL, 
        [trip_distance] float NULL, 
        [fare_amount] float NULL, 
        [extra] float NULL, 
        [mta_tax] float NULL, 
        [tip_amount] float NULL, 
        [tolls_amount] float NULL, 
        [ehail_fee] float NULL, 
        [improvement_surcharge] float NULL, 
        [total_amount] float NULL, 
        [payment_type] float NULL, 
        [trip_type] float NULL, 
        [congestion_surcharge] float  NULL
         -- HEAP
    COPY INTO dbo.NYCTaxiTripSmall
    (VendorID 1, store_and_fwd_flag 4, RatecodeID 5,  PULocationID 6 , DOLocationID 7,  
     passenger_count 8,trip_distance 9, fare_amount 10, extra 11, mta_tax 12, tip_amount 13, 
     tolls_amount 14, ehail_fee 15, improvement_surcharge 16, total_amount 17, 
     payment_type 18, trip_type 19, congestion_surcharge 20 )
    FROM 'https://contosolake.dfs.core.windows.net/users/NYCTripSmall.parquet'
        ,MAXERRORS = 0
  4. Select the Run button to execute the script.

  5. This script finishes in less than 60 seconds. It loads 2 million rows of NYC Taxi data into a table called dbo.NYCTaxiTripSmall.

Explore the NYC Taxi data in the dedicated SQL pool

  1. In Synapse Studio, go to the Data hub.

  2. Go to SQLPOOL1 > Tables.

  3. Right-click the dbo.NYCTaxiTripSmall table and select New SQL Script > Select TOP 100 Rows.

  4. Wait while a new SQL script is created and runs.

  5. At the top of the SQL script Connect to is automatically set to the SQL pool called SQLPOOL1.

  6. Replace the text of the SQL script with this code and run it.

    SELECT passenger_count as PassengerCount,
          SUM(trip_distance) as SumTripDistance_miles,
          AVG(trip_distance) as AvgTripDistance_miles
    INTO dbo.PassengerCountStats
    FROM  dbo.NYCTaxiTripSmall
    WHERE trip_distance > 0 AND passenger_count > 0
    GROUP BY passenger_count;
    SELECT * FROM dbo.PassengerCountStats
    ORDER BY PassengerCount;

    This query creates a table dbo.PassengerCountStats with aggregate data from the trip_distance field, then queries the new table. The data shows how the total trip distances and average trip distance relate to the number of passengers.

  7. In the SQL script result window, change the View to Chart to see a visualization of the results as a line chart. Change Category column to PassengerCount.

Next step