
שתף באמצעות

Quickstart: Create a mesh network topology with Azure Virtual Network Manager by using Azure PowerShell

Get started with Azure Virtual Network Manager by using Azure PowerShell to manage connectivity for your virtual networks.

In this quickstart, you deploy three virtual networks and use Azure Virtual Network Manager to create a mesh network topology. Then you verify that the connectivity configuration was applied.

Diagram of resources deployed for a mesh virtual network topology with Azure virtual network manager.


  • An Azure account with an active subscription. Create an account for free.
  • Perform this quickstart by using PowerShell locally, not through Azure Cloud Shell. The version of Az.Network in Azure Cloud Shell does not currently support the Azure Virtual Network Manager cmdlets.
  • To modify dynamic network groups, you must be granted access via Azure RBAC role assignment only. Classic Admin/legacy authorization is not supported.

Sign in to your Azure account and select your subscription

To begin your configuration, sign in to your Azure account:


Then, connect to your subscription:

Set-AzContext -Subscription <subscription name or id>

Install the Azure PowerShell module

Install the latest Az.Network Azure PowerShell module by using this command:

 Install-Module -Name Az.Network -RequiredVersion 5.3.0

Create a resource group

Before you can create an Azure Virtual Network Manager instance, you have to create a resource group to host it. Create a resource group by using New-AzResourceGroup. This example creates a resource group named vnm-learn-eastus-001ResourceGroup in the East US location:

$location = "East US"
$rg = @{
    Name = 'rg-learn-eastus-001'
    Location = $location
New-AzResourceGroup @rg

Define the scope and access type

Define the scope and access type for the Azure Virtual Network Manager instance by using New-AzNetworkManagerScope. This example defines a scope with a single subscription and sets the access type to Connectivity. Replace <subscription_id> with the ID of the subscription that you want to manage through Azure Virtual Network Manager.

Import-Module -Name Az.Network -RequiredVersion "5.3.0"

[System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]$subGroup = @()  

[System.Collections.Generic.List[String]]$access = @()  

$scope = New-AzNetworkManagerScope -Subscription $subGroup

Create a Virtual Network Manager instance

Create a Virtual Network Manager instance by using New-AzNetworkManager. This example creates an instance named vnm-learn-eastus-001 in the East US location:

$avnm = @{
    Name = 'vnm-learn-eastus-001'
    ResourceGroupName = $rg.Name
    NetworkManagerScope = $scope
    NetworkManagerScopeAccess = $access
    Location = $location
$networkmanager = New-AzNetworkManager @avnm

Create three virtual networks

Create three virtual networks by using New-AzVirtualNetwork. This example creates virtual networks named vnet-learn-prod-eastus-001, vnet-learn-prod-eastus-002, and vnet-learn-test-eastus-003 in the East US location. If you already have virtual networks that you want create a mesh network with, you can skip to the next section.

$vnet001 = @{
    Name = 'vnet-learn-prod-eastus-001'
    ResourceGroupName = $rg.Name
    Location = $location
    AddressPrefix = ''    

$vnet_learn_prod_eastus_001 = New-AzVirtualNetwork @vnet001

$vnet002 = @{
    Name = 'vnet-learn-prod-eastus-002'
    ResourceGroupName = $rg.Name
    Location = $location
    AddressPrefix = ''    
$vnet_learn_prod_eastus_002 = New-AzVirtualNetwork @vnet002

$vnet003 = @{
    Name = 'vnet-learn-test-eastus-003'
    ResourceGroupName = $rg.Name
    Location = $location
    AddressPrefix = ''    
$vnet_learn_test_eastus_003 = New-AzVirtualNetwork @vnet003

Add a subnet to each virtual network

To complete the configuration of the virtual networks, create a subnet configuration named default with a subnet address prefix of /24 by using Add-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig. Then, use Set-AzVirtualNetwork to apply the subnet configuration to the virtual network.

$subnet_vnet001 = @{
    Name = 'default'
    VirtualNetwork = $vnet_learn_prod_eastus_001
    AddressPrefix = ''
$subnetConfig_vnet001 = Add-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig @subnet_vnet001
$vnet_learn_prod_eastus_001 | Set-AzVirtualNetwork

$subnet_vnet002 = @{
    Name = 'default'
    VirtualNetwork = $vnet_learn_prod_eastus_002
    AddressPrefix = ''
$subnetConfig_vnet002 = Add-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig @subnet_vnet002
$vnet_learn_prod_eastus_002 | Set-AzVirtualNetwork

$subnet_vnet003 = @{
    Name = 'default'
    VirtualNetwork = $vnet_learn_test_eastus_003
    AddressPrefix = ''
$subnetConfig_vnet003 = Add-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig @subnet_vnet003
$vnet_learn_test_eastus_003 | Set-AzVirtualNetwork

Create a network group

Virtual Network Manager applies configurations to groups of virtual networks by placing them in network groups. Create a network group by using New-AzNetworkManagerGroup. This example creates a network group named ng-learn-prod-eastus-001 in the East US location:

$ng = @{
        Name = 'ng-learn-prod-eastus-001'
        ResourceGroupName = $rg.Name
        NetworkManagerName = $networkManager.Name
    $ng = New-AzNetworkManagerGroup @ng

Define membership for a mesh configuration

After you create your network group, you define its membership by adding virtual networks. You can add these networks manually or by using Azure Policy.

Add membership manually

In this task, you add the static members vnet-learn-prod-eastus-001 and vnet-learn-prod-eastus-002 to the network group ng-learn-prod-eastus-001 by using New-AzNetworkManagerStaticMember.

Static members must have a unique name that's scoped to the network group. We recommend that you use a consistent hash of the virtual network ID. This approach uses the Azure Resource Manager template's uniqueString() implementation.

    function Get-UniqueString ([string]$id, $length=13)
    $hashArray = (new-object System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512Managed).ComputeHash($id.ToCharArray())
    -join ($hashArray[1..$length] | ForEach-Object { [char]($_ % 26 + [byte][char]'a') })
$sm_vnet001 = @{
        Name = Get-UniqueString $vnet_learn_prod_eastus_001.Id
        ResourceGroupName = $rg.Name
        NetworkGroupName = $ng.Name
        NetworkManagerName = $networkManager.Name
        ResourceId = $vnet_learn_prod_eastus_001.Id
    $sm_vnet001 = New-AzNetworkManagerStaticMember @sm_vnet001
$sm_vnet002 = @{
        Name = Get-UniqueString $vnet_learn_prod_eastus_002.Id
        ResourceGroupName = $rg.Name
        NetworkGroupName = $ng.Name
        NetworkManagerName = $networkManager.Name
        ResourceId = $vnet_learn_prod_eastus_002.Id
    $sm_vnet002 = New-AzNetworkManagerStaticMember @sm_vnet002

Create a connectivity configuration

In this task, you create a connectivity configuration with the network group ng-learn-prod-eastus-001 by using New-AzNetworkManagerConnectivityConfiguration and New-AzNetworkManagerConnectivityGroupItem:

  1. Create a connectivity group item:

    $gi = @{
        NetworkGroupId = $ng.Id
    $groupItem = New-AzNetworkManagerConnectivityGroupItem @gi
  2. Create a configuration group and add a connectivity group item to it:

    [System.Collections.Generic.List[Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Network.Models.NetworkManager.PSNetworkManagerConnectivityGroupItem]]$configGroup = @()
  3. Create the connectivity configuration with the configuration group:

    $config = @{
        Name = 'cc-learn-prod-eastus-001'
        ResourceGroupName = $rg.Name
        NetworkManagerName = $networkManager.Name
        ConnectivityTopology = 'Mesh'
        AppliesToGroup = $configGroup
    $connectivityconfig = New-AzNetworkManagerConnectivityConfiguration @config

Commit deployment

Commit the configuration to the target regions by using Deploy-AzNetworkManagerCommit. This step triggers your configuration to begin taking effect.

[System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]$configIds = @()  
[System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]$target = @()   

$deployment = @{
    Name = $networkManager.Name
    ResourceGroupName = $rg.Name
    ConfigurationId = $configIds
    TargetLocation = $target
    CommitType = 'Connectivity'
Deploy-AzNetworkManagerCommit @deployment 

Clean up resources

If you no longer need the Azure Virtual Network Manager instance, make sure all of following points are true before you delete the resource:

  • There are no deployments of configurations to any region.
  • All configurations have been deleted.
  • All network groups have been deleted.

To delete the resource:

  1. Remove the connectivity deployment by deploying an empty configuration via Deploy-AzNetworkManagerCommit:

    [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]$configIds = @()
    [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]$target = @()   
    $removedeployment = @{
        Name = 'vnm-learn-eastus-001'
        ResourceGroupName = $rg.Name
        ConfigurationId = $configIds
        Target = $target
        CommitType = 'Connectivity'
    Deploy-AzNetworkManagerCommit @removedeployment
  2. Remove the connectivity configuration by using Remove-AzNetworkManagerConnectivityConfiguration:

    Remove-AzNetworkManagerConnectivityConfiguration -Name $connectivityconfig.Name -ResourceGroupName $rg.Name -NetworkManagerName $networkManager.Name
  3. Remove the policy resources by using Remove-AzPolicy*:

    Remove-AzPolicyAssignment -Name $policyAssignment.Name
    Remove-AzPolicyAssignment -Name $policyDefinition.Name
  4. Remove the network group by using Remove-AzNetworkManagerGroup:

    Remove-AzNetworkManagerGroup -Name $ng.Name -ResourceGroupName $rg.Name -NetworkManagerName $networkManager.Name
  5. Delete the Virtual Network Manager instance by using Remove-AzNetworkManager:

    Remove-AzNetworkManager -name $networkManager.Name -ResourceGroupName $rg.Name
  6. If you no longer need the resource that you created, delete the resource group by using Remove-AzResourceGroup:

    Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name $rg.Name -Force

Next steps

Now that you've created an Azure Virtual Network Manager instance, learn how to block network traffic by using a security admin configuration: