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Understanding HTTP Authentication

Authentication is the process of identifying who the client is, typically to determine if the client is eligible to access a resource. The HTTP protocol supports authentication as a means of negotiating access to a secure resource.

The initial request from a client is typically an anonymous request, not containing any authentication information. HTTP server apps can deny the anonymous request while indicating that authentication is required. The server app sends WWW-Authentication headers to indicate the supported authentication schemes. This article describes several authentication schemes for HTTP and discusses their support in Windows Communication Foundation (WCF).

HTTP Authentication Schemes

The server can specify multiple authentication schemes for the client to choose from. The following table describes some of the authentication schemes commonly found in Windows applications:

Authentication Scheme Description
Anonymous An anonymous request doesn't contain any authentication information. Anonymous is equivalent to granting everyone access to the resource.
Basic Basic authentication sends a Base64-encoded string that contains a user name and password for the client. Base64 isn't a form of encryption and should be considered the same as sending the user name and password in clear text. If a resource needs to be protected, strongly consider using an authentication scheme other than basic authentication.
Digest Digest authentication is a challenge-response scheme that is intended to replace Basic authentication. The server sends a string of random data called a nonce to the client as a challenge. The client responds with a hash that includes the user name, password, and nonce, among additional information. The complexity this exchange introduces and the data hashing make it more difficult to steal and reuse the user's credentials with this authentication scheme.

Digest authentication requires the use of Windows domain accounts. The digest realm is the Windows domain name. Therefore, you can't use a server running on an operating system that doesn't support Windows domains, such as Windows XP Home Edition, with Digest authentication. Conversely, when the client runs on an operating system that doesn't support Windows domains, a domain account must be explicitly specified during the authentication.
NTLM NT LAN Manager (NTLM) authentication is a challenge-response scheme that is a more secure variation of Digest authentication. NTLM uses Windows credentials to transform the challenge data instead of the unencoded user name and password. NTLM authentication requires multiple exchanges between the client and server. The server and any intervening proxies must support persistent connections to successfully complete the authentication.
Negotiate Negotiate authentication automatically selects between the Kerberos protocol and NTLM authentication, depending on availability. The Kerberos protocol is used if it's available; otherwise, NTLM is tried. Kerberos authentication significantly improves upon NTLM. Kerberos authentication is both faster than NTLM and allows the use of mutual authentication and delegation of credentials to remote machines.
Windows Live ID The underlying Windows HTTP service includes authentication using federated protocols. However, the standard HTTP transports in WCF doesn't support the use of federated authentication schemes, such as Microsoft Windows Live ID. Support for this feature is currently available by using message security. For more information, see Federation and Issued Tokens.

Choose an Authentication Scheme

When selecting the potential authentication schemes for an HTTP server, a few items to consider include the following:

  • Consider whether the resource needs to be protected. Using HTTP authentication requires transmitting more data and can limit interoperability with clients. Allow anonymous access to resources that don't need to be protected.

  • If the resource needs to be protected, consider which authentication schemes provide the required level of security. The weakest standard authentication scheme discussed here's Basic authentication. Basic authentication doesn't protect the user's credentials. The strongest standard authentication scheme is Negotiate authentication, resulting in the Kerberos protocol.

  • A server shouldn't present, for example, in the WWW-Authentication headers), any scheme that it isn't prepared to accept or that doesn't adequately secure the protected resource. Clients are free to choose between any of the authentication schemes the server presents. Some clients default to a weak authentication scheme or the first authentication scheme in the server's list.

See also