שתף באמצעות

Guidelines for Collections


This content is reprinted by permission of Pearson Education, Inc. from Framework Design Guidelines: Conventions, Idioms, and Patterns for Reusable .NET Libraries, 2nd Edition. That edition was published in 2008, and the book has since been fully revised in the third edition. Some of the information on this page may be out-of-date.

Any type designed specifically to manipulate a group of objects having some common characteristic can be considered a collection. It is almost always appropriate for such types to implement IEnumerable or IEnumerable<T>, so in this section we only consider types implementing one or both of those interfaces to be collections.

❌ DO NOT use weakly typed collections in public APIs.

The type of all return values and parameters representing collection items should be the exact item type, not any of its base types (this applies only to public members of the collection).

❌ DO NOT use ArrayList or List<T> in public APIs.

These types are data structures designed to be used in internal implementation, not in public APIs. List<T> is optimized for performance and power at the cost of cleanness of the APIs and flexibility. For example, if you return List<T>, you will not ever be able to receive notifications when client code modifies the collection. Also, List<T> exposes many members, such as BinarySearch, that are not useful or applicable in many scenarios. The following two sections describe types (abstractions) designed specifically for use in public APIs.

❌ DO NOT use Hashtable or Dictionary<TKey,TValue> in public APIs.

These types are data structures designed to be used in internal implementation. Public APIs should use IDictionary, IDictionary <TKey, TValue>, or a custom type implementing one or both of the interfaces.

❌ DO NOT use IEnumerator<T>, IEnumerator, or any other type that implements either of these interfaces, except as the return type of a GetEnumerator method.

Types returning enumerators from methods other than GetEnumerator cannot be used with the foreach statement.

❌ DO NOT implement both IEnumerator<T> and IEnumerable<T> on the same type. The same applies to the nongeneric interfaces IEnumerator and IEnumerable.

Collection Parameters

✔️ DO use the least-specialized type possible as a parameter type. Most members taking collections as parameters use the IEnumerable<T> interface.

❌ AVOID using ICollection<T> or ICollection as a parameter just to access the Count property.

Instead, consider using IEnumerable<T> or IEnumerable and dynamically checking whether the object implements ICollection<T> or ICollection.

Collection Properties and Return Values

❌ DO NOT provide settable collection properties.

Users can replace the contents of the collection by clearing the collection first and then adding the new contents. If replacing the whole collection is a common scenario, consider providing the AddRange method on the collection.

✔️ DO use Collection<T> or a subclass of Collection<T> for properties or return values representing read/write collections.

If Collection<T> does not meet some requirement (e.g., the collection must not implement IList), use a custom collection by implementing IEnumerable<T>, ICollection<T>, or IList<T>.

✔️ DO use ReadOnlyCollection<T>, a subclass of ReadOnlyCollection<T>, or in rare cases IEnumerable<T> for properties or return values representing read-only collections.

In general, prefer ReadOnlyCollection<T>. If it does not meet some requirement (e.g., the collection must not implement IList), use a custom collection by implementing IEnumerable<T>, ICollection<T>, or IList<T>. If you do implement a custom read-only collection, implement ICollection<T>.IsReadOnly to return true.

In cases where you are sure that the only scenario you will ever want to support is forward-only iteration, you can simply use IEnumerable<T>.

✔️ CONSIDER using subclasses of generic base collections instead of using the collections directly.

This allows for a better name and for adding helper members that are not present on the base collection types. This is especially applicable to high-level APIs.

✔️ CONSIDER returning a subclass of Collection<T> or ReadOnlyCollection<T> from very commonly used methods and properties.

This will make it possible for you to add helper methods or change the collection implementation in the future.

✔️ CONSIDER using a keyed collection if the items stored in the collection have unique keys (names, IDs, etc.). Keyed collections are collections that can be indexed by both an integer and a key and are usually implemented by inheriting from KeyedCollection<TKey,TItem>.

Keyed collections usually have larger memory footprints and should not be used if the memory overhead outweighs the benefits of having the keys.

❌ DO NOT return null values from collection properties or from methods returning collections. Return an empty collection or an empty array instead.

The general rule is that null and empty (0 item) collections or arrays should be treated the same.

Snapshots Versus Live Collections

Collections representing a state at some point in time are called snapshot collections. For example, a collection containing rows returned from a database query would be a snapshot. Collections that always represent the current state are called live collections. For example, a collection of ComboBox items is a live collection.

❌ DO NOT return snapshot collections from properties. Properties should return live collections.

Property getters should be very lightweight operations. Returning a snapshot requires creating a copy of an internal collection in an O(n) operation.

✔️ DO use either a snapshot collection or a live IEnumerable<T> (or its subtype) to represent collections that are volatile (i.e., that can change without explicitly modifying the collection).

In general, all collections representing a shared resource (e.g., files in a directory) are volatile. Such collections are very difficult or impossible to implement as live collections unless the implementation is simply a forward-only enumerator.

Choosing Between Arrays and Collections

✔️ DO prefer collections over arrays.

Collections provide more control over contents, can evolve over time, and are more usable. In addition, using arrays for read-only scenarios is discouraged because the cost of cloning the array is prohibitive. Usability studies have shown that some developers feel more comfortable using collection-based APIs.

However, if you are developing low-level APIs, it might be better to use arrays for read-write scenarios. Arrays have a smaller memory footprint, which helps reduce the working set, and access to elements in an array is faster because it is optimized by the runtime.

✔️ CONSIDER using arrays in low-level APIs to minimize memory consumption and maximize performance.

✔️ DO use byte arrays instead of collections of bytes.

❌ DO NOT use arrays for properties if the property would have to return a new array (e.g., a copy of an internal array) every time the property getter is called.

Implementing Custom Collections

✔️ CONSIDER inheriting from Collection<T>, ReadOnlyCollection<T>, or KeyedCollection<TKey,TItem> when designing new collections.

✔️ DO implement IEnumerable<T> when designing new collections. Consider implementing ICollection<T> or even IList<T> where it makes sense.

When implementing such custom collection, follow the API pattern established by Collection<T> and ReadOnlyCollection<T> as closely as possible. That is, implement the same members explicitly, name the parameters like these two collections name them, and so on.

✔️ CONSIDER implementing nongeneric collection interfaces (IList and ICollection) if the collection will often be passed to APIs taking these interfaces as input.

❌ AVOID implementing collection interfaces on types with complex APIs unrelated to the concept of a collection.

❌ DO NOT inherit from nongeneric base collections such as CollectionBase. Use Collection<T>, ReadOnlyCollection<T>, and KeyedCollection<TKey,TItem> instead.

Naming Custom Collections

Collections (types that implement IEnumerable) are created mainly for two reasons: (1) to create a new data structure with structure-specific operations and often different performance characteristics than existing data structures (e.g., List<T>, LinkedList<T>, Stack<T>), and (2) to create a specialized collection for holding a specific set of items (e.g., StringCollection). Data structures are most often used in the internal implementation of applications and libraries. Specialized collections are mainly to be exposed in APIs (as property and parameter types).

✔️ DO use the "Dictionary" suffix in names of abstractions implementing IDictionary or IDictionary<TKey,TValue>.

✔️ DO use the "Collection" suffix in names of types implementing IEnumerable (or any of its descendants) and representing a list of items.

✔️ DO use the appropriate data structure name for custom data structures.

❌ AVOID using any suffixes implying particular implementation, such as "LinkedList" or "Hashtable," in names of collection abstractions.

✔️ CONSIDER prefixing collection names with the name of the item type. For example, a collection storing items of type Address (implementing IEnumerable<Address>) should be named AddressCollection. If the item type is an interface, the "I" prefix of the item type can be omitted. Thus, a collection of IDisposable items can be called DisposableCollection.

✔️ CONSIDER using the "ReadOnly" prefix in names of read-only collections if a corresponding writeable collection might be added or already exists in the framework.

For example, a read-only collection of strings should be called ReadOnlyStringCollection.

Portions © 2005, 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Reprinted by permission of Pearson Education, Inc. from Framework Design Guidelines: Conventions, Idioms, and Patterns for Reusable .NET Libraries, 2nd Edition by Krzysztof Cwalina and Brad Abrams, published Oct 22, 2008 by Addison-Wesley Professional as part of the Microsoft Windows Development Series.

See also