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Separated Dual-write Application Orchestration package

Previously, the Dual-write Application Orchestration package was a single package that contained the following solutions:

  • Dynamics 365 Notes
  • Dynamics 365 finance and operations Common Anchor
  • Dynamics 365 finance and operations Dual Write Entity Maps
  • Dynamics 365 Asset Management App
  • Dynamics 365 Asset Management
  • HCM Common
  • Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Extended
  • Dynamics 365 Finance Extended
  • Dynamics 365 finance and operations Common
  • Dynamics 365 Company
  • Currency Exchange Rates
  • Field Service Common

Because it was a single package, this package created an "all or nothing" situation for customers. However, Microsoft has now separated it into smaller packages. Therefore, customers can select just the packages for the solutions that they require. For example, if you're a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management customer, and don't require integration with Dynamics 365 Human Resources, notes, and asset management, you can exclude those solutions from the solutions that are installed. Because the underlying solution names, publisher, and map versions remain the same, this change is non-breaking. Existing installations can be upgraded.

Separated package.

This article explains the solutions and maps that each package contains, and its dependency on other packages.

For step-by-step instructions that show how to transition to split packages, see Transition from the Dual-write Application Orchestration package to split packages.

Dual-write Application Core

The Dual-write Application Core package lets users install and configure dual-write without any customer engagement app. It contains the following five solutions.

Unique name Display name
Dynamics365Company Dynamics 365 Company
Dynamics365FinanceAndOperationsCommon Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations Common
CurrencyExchangeRates Currency Exchange Rates
msdyn_DualWriteAppCoreMaps Dual-write applications core entity maps
msdyn_DualWriteAppCoreAnchor Dual-write applications core anchor

The following maps are available in this package.

Finance and operations apps Customer engagement apps
Operating unit msdyn_internalorganizations
Organization hierarchy msdyn_internalorganizationhierarchies
Legal entities msdyn_internalorganizations
Legal entities cdm_companies
Organization hierarchy purposes msdyn_internalorganizationhierarchypurposes
Exchange rate currency pair msdyn_currencyexchangeratepairs
Name affixes msdyn_nameaffixes
Exchange rate type msdyn_exchangeratetypes
CDS Exchange Rates msdyn_currencyexchangerates
Organization hierarchy type msdyn_internalorganizationhierarchytypes
Currencies transactioncurrencies
Mixed reality guides entity msmrw_guides

Dependency information

The Dual-write Application Core package has no dependency on other packages.

Dual-write Human Resources

The Dual-write Human Resources package contains the solutions and maps that are required to sync Human Resources data. It contains the following three solutions.

Unique name Display name Solution/Package
HCMCommon HCM Common Dynamics 365 HR Common tables
msdyn_Dynamics365HCMMaps Dynamics 365 Human Resources entity maps Dual-write Human resources solution
msdyn_Dynamics365HCMAnchor Dynamics 365 Human Resources anchor Dual-write Human resources solution

For more information on the mappings that are available in the solutions, see Integration with Dataverse tables.

Dependency information

The Dual-write Human Resources package depends on the Dual-write Application Core and Dynamics 365 HR Common Tables packages. Therefore, you should install these two solution packages before you install the Dual-write Human Resources package.

Dual-write Supply Chain

The Dual-write Supply Chain package contains the solutions and maps that are required to sync Supply Chain Management data. It contains the following three solutions.

Unique name Display name
Dynamics365SupplyChainExtended Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Extended
msdyn_Dynamics365SupplyChainExtendedMaps Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management extended entity maps
msdyn_Dynamics365SupplyChainExtendedAnchor Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management extended anchor 

The following maps are available in this package.

Finance and operations apps Customer engagement apps
Units uoms
CDS sales order headers salesorders
CDS sales order lines salesorderdetails
CDS sales quotation header quotes
CDS sales quotation lines quotedetails
CDS released distinct products products
Warehouse zones msdyn_warehousezones
Warehouse zone groups msdyn_warehousezonegroups
Warehouse work lines msdyn_warehouseworklines
Warehouse work headers msdyn_warehouseworkheaders
Warehouses msdyn_warehouses
Inventory aisle msdyn_warehouseaisles
Unit conversions msdyn_unitofmeasureconversions
Terms of delivery msdyn_termsofdeliveries
Modes of delivery msdyn_shipvias
Product master styles msdyn_sharedproductstyles
Sales invoice lines V2 invoicedetails
Sales invoice headers V2 invoices
Product master sizes msdyn_sharedproductsizes
Released products V2 msdyn_sharedproductdetails
Product master configurations msdyn_sharedproductconfigurations
Product master colors msdyn_sharedproductcolors
Sales order origin codes msdyn_salesorderorigins
Product receipt header msdyn_purchaseorderreceipts
Product receipt line msdyn_purchaseorderreceiptproducts
Purchase order headers V2 msdyn_purchaseorders
CDS purchase order line soft deleted entity msdyn_purchaseorderproducts
CDS purchase order line entity msdyn_purchaseorderproducts
Tracking dimension groups msdyn_producttrackingdimensiongroups
Styles msdyn_productstyles
Storage dimension groups msdyn_productstoragedimensiongroups
Product specific unit conversions msdyn_productspecificunitofmeasureconversions
Product default order settings V2 msdyn_productspecificdefaultordersettings
Sizes msdyn_productsizes
Product dimension groups msdyn_productdimensiongroups
Default order settings msdyn_productdefaultordersettings
Configurations msdyn_productconfigurations
All products msdyn_globalproducts
Colors msdyn_productcolors
Product category hierarchy roles msdyn_productcategoryhierarchyroles
Product category hierarchies msdyn_productcategoryhierarchies
Product category assignments msdyn_productcategoryassignments
Product categories msdyn_productcategories
Warehouse locations msdyn_inventorylocations
CDS inventory on msdyn_inventoryonhandentries
Product categories msdyn_productcategories
CDS inventory on msdyn_inventoryonhandrequests
Product Number Identified Barcode msdyn_productbarcodes
Loyalty card msdyn_loyaltycards
Loyalty reward points msdyn_loyaltyrewardpoints
Price customer groups msdyn_pricecustomergroups
Sites msdyn_operationalsites
CDS sales quotation lines quotedetails
CDS sales order lines salesorderdetails

Dependency information

The Dual-write Supply Chain package depends on the following three packages. Therefore, you should install these packages before you install the Dual-write Supply Chain package.

  • Dual-write Application Core package
  • Dual-write Finance package
  • Dual-write Human Resources package
  • Dynamics 365 HR Common Tables

Dual-write Finance

The Dual-write Finance package contains the solutions and maps that are required to sync Dynamics 365 Finance data. It contains the following four solutions.

Unique name Display name
Dynamics365FinanceExtended Dynamics 365 Finance Extended
msdyn_Dynamics365FinanceExtendedMaps Dynamics 365 Finance extended entity maps
FieldServiceCommon Field Service Common
msdyn_Dynamics365FinanceExtendedAnchor Dynamics 365 Finance extended anchor 

The following maps are available in this package.

Finance and operations apps Customer engagement apps
Withholding tax groups msdyn_withholdingtaxgroups
CDS Contacts V2 (Customer) contacts
CDS Contacts V2 (Vendor) contacts
Customers V3 contacts
Withholding tax codes msdyn_withholdingtaxcodes
Vendors V2 msdyn_vendors
Vendor payment method msdyn_vendorpaymentmethods
Vendor groups msdyn_vendorgroups
Chart of accounts msdyn_chartofaccountses
Sales tax ledger posting groups V2 msdyn_taxpostinggroups
Item sales tax group msdyn_taxitemgroups
Sales tax groups msdyn_taxgroups
Sales tax exempt code entity CDS msdyn_taxexemptcodes
Customer groups msdyn_customergroups
Customer payment method msdyn_customerpaymentmethods
Financial dimensions msdyn_dimensionattributes
Sales tax authorities msdyn_taxauthorities
Financial dimension format msdyn_financialdimensionformats
Fiscal calendar period msdyn_fiscalcalendarperiods
Fiscal calendar integration entity msdyn_fiscalcalendars
Fiscal calendar year integration entity msdyn_fiscalcalendaryears
Terms of payment msdyn_paymentterms
Payment schedule msdyn_paymentschedules
Payment schedule lines msdyn_paymentschedulelines
Payment days CDS msdyn_paymentdays
Payment day lines CDS V2 msdyn_paymentdaylines
Main account msdyn_mainaccounts
Main account categories msdyn_mainaccountcategories
Ledger msdyn_ledgers
Customers V3 accounts

Dependency information

The Dual-write Finance package depends on the Dual-write Application Core package. Therefore, you should install the Dual-write Application Core package before you install the Dual-write Finance package.

Dual-write Notes

The Dual-write Notes package contains the solutions and maps that are required to sync note or annotation data. It contains the following four solutions.

Unique name Display name
Dynamics365Notes Dynamics 365 Notes
Dynamics365NotesExtended Dynamics 365 notes extended
msdyn_Dynamics365NotesMaps Dynamics 365 notes entity maps
msdyn_Dynamics365NotesAnchor Dynamics 365 notes anchor 

The following maps are available in this package.

Finance and operations Customer Engagement
Sales order header document attachments annotations
Customer Attachments annotations
Vendor document attachments annotations
Purchase order header document attachments annotations

Dependency information

The Dual-write Notes package depends on the following two packages. Therefore, you should install these packages before you install the Dual-write Notes package.

  • Dual-write Application Core package
  • Dual-write Finance package

Dual-write Asset Management

The Dual-write Asset Management package contains the solutions and maps that are required to sync asset data from Supply Chain Management or Dynamics 365 Field Service. It contains the following four solutions.

Unique name Display name
Dynamics365AssetManagement Dynamics 365 Asset Management
Dynamics365AssetManagementApp Dynamics365 Asset Management App
msdyn_DualWriteAssetManagementMaps Dynamics 365 Asset Management entity maps
msdyn_DualWriteAssetManagementAnchor Dynamics 365 Asset Management anchor

The following maps are available in this package.

Finance and operations apps Customer engagement apps
Asset management warranty msdyn_warranties
Asset management models msdyn_models
Asset management manufacturers msdyn_manufacturers
Asset management functional location types msdyn_functionallocationtypes
Asset management functional locations msdyn_functionallocations
Asset management functional location lifecycle states msdyn_functionallocationlifecyclestates
Asset management functional location lifecycle models msdyn_functionallocationlifecyclemodels
Asset management assets msdyn_customerassets
Asset management asset types msdyn_customerassetcategories
Asset management asset lifecycle states msdyn_assetlifecyclestates
Asset management asset lifecycle models msdyn_assetlifecyclemodels

Dependency information

The Dual-write Asset Management package depends on the Dual-write Application Core package. Therefore, you should install the Dual-write Application Core package before you install the Dual-write Asset Management package.

Packages required for Project Operations

Project Operations depends on the following packages. Therefore, you should install these packages before you install Project Operations.

  • Dual-write Application Core package
  • Dual-write Finance package
  • Dual-write Supply Chain package
  • Dual-write Asset Management package
  • Dual-write Human Resources package

Dual-write party and global address book solutions

The dual-write party and global address book package contains the following solutions and maps that are required to sync party and global address book data.

Unique name Display name
Party Party
Dynamics365GABExtended Dynamics 365 GAB Extended
Dynamics365GABDualWriteEntityMaps Dynamics 365 GAB Dual Write Entity Maps
Dynamics365GABParty_Anchor Dynamics 365 GAB and Party

The following maps are available in this package.

Finance and operations apps Customer engagement apps
CDS Parties msdyn_parties
CDS postal address locations msdyn_postaladdresscollections
CDS postal address history V2 msdyn_postaladdresses
CDS Party postal address locations msdyn_partypostaladdresses
Party contacts V3 msdyn_partyelectronicaddresses
Customers V3 accounts
Customers V3 contacts
Vendors V2 msdyn_vendors
Contact person titles msdyn_salescontactpersontitles
Complimentary closings msdyn_complimentaryclosings
Salutations msdyn_salutations
Decision making roles msdyn_decisionmakingroles
Employment job functions msdyn_employmentjobfunctions
Loyalty levels msdyn_loyaltylevels
Personal character types msdyn_personalcharactertypes
Contacts V2 msdyn_contactforparties
CDS sales quotation header quotes
CDS sales order headers salesorders
Sales invoice headers V2 invoices
CDS Address roles msdyn_addressroles

Dependency information

The dual-write party and global address book solutions depend on the following three packages. Therefore, you should install these packages before you install the dual-write party and global address book solutions package.

  • Dual-write Application Core package
  • Dual-write Finance package
  • Dual-write Supply Chain package