
שתף באמצעות

Feature usage and adoption report (preview)

The Feature Usage and Adoption report provides a comprehensive analysis of usage and adoption of different features in your Microsoft Fabric tenant. As a Fabric administrator, you can share this report with others in your organization. You can also share the report's semantic model, and use it to customize the report, or build a new report that relies on the same data.

You can access the report from the admin monitoring workspace. To see this workspace you need to be a Fabric administrator.

The report is built to allow admins to analyze specific scenarios. Use the report date slicer to filter data for each page across the report. You can also use the filter pane to filter out information on the page, using available filters based on different scenarios.

Report pages

The Feature Usage and Adoption report has four pages:

  • Activity Overview - Provides a bird's eye view of activities and usage across the entire organization

  • Analysis - Visualizes data across multiple activity dimensions

  • Inventory - View all the items in your tenant

  • Activity Details - Displays detailed information on specific or multiple capacity or workspace activities

Activity Overview page

Use the Activity Overview page to find out:

  • What are the daily activities and user trends?

  • Which capacities and workspaces are the most active?

  • View activities in your organization.

  • View activities in your organization by users or top active user.

For example, if you're working in a large retail organization, you may want to use the Activity Overview page to find out what capacities were utilized during December. You use the Date fields to filter the results for December, and notice that the sales and marketing capacity has almost 1,000 activities, while other capacities have under 200 activities each. You decide to further investigate this, and go to the Analysis page to try and understand why this is happening.

Analysis page

In the Analysis page, you can see a daily count of activities and users by date and a decomposition tree that automatically aggregates data and enables drilling down into dimensions in any order. Use the decomposition tree, to decompose the activities according to operation and user. You can use the additional available fields to decompose activities.

To view the details of a specific activity, drill through to the Activity Details:

  1. Right-click the activity you want to drill through from.

  2. Select Drill through.

  3. Select Activity Details.

Image shows drill through option use case from Analysis to Details page.

Continuing the example from the Activity Overview page, you turn to the Analysis page to understand why in December, the sales and marketing capacity has almost five times more activities than any other capacity. Using the Date fields, you filter the results for December. By reviewing the Decomposition tree, you see that almost all of the activities are for viewing a Power BI report. You decide to drill through to the Activity details page to understand which report is being extensively viewed.

Inventory page

The Inventory page displays all the items in your tenant. You can filter the results according to:

  • Item type - Sort the results to display only the Fabric items you want to see.

  • Workspace name - Sort the results according to workspaces.

  • Activity status - Sort results according to the status of the activity. Audit logs are used to determine the status of the activity.

    • Active - At least one audit log activity was generated in the last 30 days.
    • Inactive - No audit log activity was generated in the last 30 days.

Use the decomposition tree, to decompose the activities according to workspace name, item name, activity status and additional parameters.

For example, you can decompose the items in the decomposition tree by activity status, then display all the inactive items according to item name. The results can help you decide whether some of these items are no longer needed and can be deleted.

Activity Details page

The Activity Details page shows information related to specific or multiple capacity or workspaces activities. You can only get to the Activity Details page by drilling through from the Activity Overview or Analysis pages. To drill through, right-click a result and then select the Activity Details page. After drilling through, you see the following information for the selected activities:

  • Creation time - The time the activity was registered

  • Capacity name - The name of the capacity that the activity took place in

  • Capacity ID - The ID of the capacity that the activity took place in

  • Workspace name - The name of the workspace that the activity took place in

  • Workspace ID - The ID of the workspace that the activity took place in

  • User (UPN) - The user principal name (UPN) of the user who created the activity

  • Operation - The name of the operation

  • Total of activities - The number of times the activity was registered

To conclude the example given in the Activity Overview and Analysis pages, after drilling through from the View Reports log, in the Analysis page, you realize that a report titled unclosed deals has been heavily reviewed during December. After further inquiries, you learn that this is a new report and that many people in the organization reviewed in during December, to try and understand how sales could have been improved.

Considerations and limitations

This section lists the report's considerations and limitations.


  • Using a single data point with the zoom slider displays a misleading date range for the Total activities and users visual.

  • When drilling down to a workspace, the Expand All feature doesn't update the Most Active Capacities visual title.

  • Capacities with the same name and capacities that were deleted and recreated with the same name, are displayed as one capacity.

  • NA represents data that isn't available in the Audit table. This can happen when an event doesn't have the dimension information, or when that information isn't applicable for the event.

  • The report retains information for 30 days.

Counting logic

  • All MyWorkspaces are counted as different records as part of the Active Workspaces total.

  • When a capacity, workspace or item is deleted, its activities are counted in the report but appear as (Blank).

  • Capacities with the same name but different IDs are counted as separate records.