Kusto is capable of handling mass data intake by optimizing and batching ingested data via its batching manager. The batching manager aggregates ingested data before it reaches its target table, allowing for more efficient processing and improved performance. Batching is typically done in bulks of 1 GB of raw data, 1000 individual files, or by a default time out of 5 minutes. Batching policies can be updated at the database and table levels, commonly to lower the batching time and reduce latency. For more information about ingestion batching, see IngestionBatching policy and Change table level ingestion batching policy programmatically.
Batching also takes into account various factors such as the target database and table, the user running the ingestion, and various properties associated with the ingestion, such as special tags.
Use one of the following methods to create the MyStormEvents table and, as only a small amount of data is being ingested, set its ingestion batching policy timeout to 10 seconds:
Create a target table named MyStormEvents in your database by running the first app in management commands.
Set the ingestion batching policy timeout to 10 seconds by running the second app in management commands. Before running the app, change the timeout value to 00:00:10.
In your query environment, create a target table named MyStormEvents in your database by running the following query:
It may take a few minutes for the new batching policy settings to propagate to the batching manager.
Download the stormevent.csv sample data file. The file contains 1,000 storm event records.
The following examples assume a trivial match between the columns of the ingested data and the schema of the target table.
If the ingested data doesn't trivially match the table schema, you must use an ingestion mapping to align the columns of the data with the table schema.
Queue a file for ingestion and query the results
In your preferred IDE or text editor, create a project or file named basic ingestion using the convention appropriate for your preferred language. Place the stormevent.csv file in the same location as your app.
In the following examples you use two clients, one to query your cluster and the other to ingest data into your cluster. For languages where the client library supports it, both clients share the same user prompt authenticator, resulting in a single user prompt instead of one for each client.
Add the following code:
Create a client app that connects to your cluster and prints the number of rows in the MyStormEvents table. You'll use this count as a baseline for comparison with the number of rows after each method of ingestion. Replace the <your_cluster_uri> and <your_database> placeholders with your cluster URI and database name respectively.
using Kusto.Data;
using Kusto.Data.Net.Client;
namespace BatchIngest {
class BatchIngest {
static void Main(string[] args) {
string clusterUri = "<your_cluster_uri>";
var clusterKcsb = new KustoConnectionStringBuilder(clusterUri)
using (var kustoClient = KustoClientFactory.CreateCslQueryProvider(clusterKcsb)) {
string database = "<your_database>";
string table = "MyStormEvents";
string query = table + " | count";
using (var response = kustoClient.ExecuteQuery(database, query, null)) {
Console.WriteLine("\nNumber of rows in " + table + " BEFORE ingestion:");
static void PrintResultsAsValueList(IDataReader response) {
string value;
while (response.Read()) {
for (int i = 0; i < response.FieldCount; i++) {
value = "";
if (response.GetDataTypeName(i) == "Int32")
value = response.GetInt32(i).ToString();
else if (response.GetDataTypeName(i) == "Int64")
value = response.GetInt64(i).ToString();
else if (response.GetDataTypeName(i) == "DateTime")
value = response.GetDateTime(i).ToString();
else if (response.GetDataTypeName(i) == "Object")
value = response.GetValue(i).ToString() ?? "{}";
value = response.GetString(i);
Console.WriteLine("\t{0} - {1}", response.GetName(i), value ?? "None");
from azure.identity import InteractiveBrowserCredential
from azure.kusto.data import KustoClient, KustoConnectionStringBuilder
def main():
credentials = InteractiveBrowserCredential()
cluster_uri = "<your_cluster_uri>"
cluster_kcsb = KustoConnectionStringBuilder.with_azure_token_credential(cluster_uri, credentials)
with KustoClient(cluster_kcsb) as kusto_client:
database = "<your_database>"
table = "MyStormEvents"
query = table + " | count"
response = kusto_client.execute_query(database, query)
print("\nNumber of rows in " + table + " BEFORE ingestion:")
def print_result_as_value_list(response):
cols = (col.column_name for col in response.primary_results[0].columns)
for row in response.primary_results[0]:
for col in cols:
print("\t", col, "-", row[col])
if __name__ == "__main__":
import { Client as KustoClient, KustoConnectionStringBuilder } from "azure-kusto-data";
import { InteractiveBrowserCredential } from "@azure/identity";
async function main() {
const credentials = new InteractiveBrowserCredential();
const clusterUri = "<your_cluster_uri>";
const clusterKcsb = KustoConnectionStringBuilder.withAadUserPromptAuthentication(clusterUri, credentials);
const kustoClient = new Client(clusterKcsb);
const database = "<your_database>";
const table = "MyStormEvents";
const query = table + " | count";
let response = await kustoClient.execute(database, query);
console.log("\nNumber of rows in " + table + " BEFORE ingestion:");
function printResultsAsValueList(response) {
let cols = response.primaryResults[0].columns;
for (row of response.primaryResults[0].rows()) {
for (col of cols)
console.log("\t", col.name, "-", row.getValueAt(col.ordinal) != null ? row.getValueAt(col.ordinal).toString() : "None")
For Node.js apps, use InteractiveBrowserCredentialNodeOptions instead of InteractiveBrowserCredentialInBrowserOptions.
The Java SDK doesn't currently support both clients sharing the same user prompt authenticator, resulting in a user prompt for each client.
Create a connection string builder object that defines the data ingestion URI, where possible, using the sharing the same authentication credentials as the cluster URI. Replace the <your_ingestion_uri> placeholder with data ingestion URI.
using Kusto.Data.Common;
using Kusto.Ingest;
using System.Data;
string ingestUri = "<your_ingestion_uri>";
var ingestKcsb = new KustoConnectionStringBuilder(ingestUri)
from azure.kusto.data import DataFormat
from azure.kusto.ingest import QueuedIngestClient, IngestionProperties
ingest_uri = "<your_ingestion_uri>"
ingest_kcsb = KustoConnectionStringBuilder.with_azure_token_credential(ingest_uri, credentials)
using (var ingestClient = KustoIngestFactory.CreateQueuedIngestClient(ingestKcsb)) {
string filePath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "stormevents.csv");
Console.WriteLine("\nIngesting data from file: \n\t " + filePath);
var ingestProps = new KustoIngestionProperties(database, table) {
Format = DataSourceFormat.csv,
AdditionalProperties = new Dictionary<string, string>() {{ "ignoreFirstRecord", "True" }}
_= ingestClient.IngestFromStorageAsync(filePath, ingestProps).Result;
import os
with QueuedIngestClient(ingest_kcsb) as ingest_client:
file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "stormevents.csv")
print("\nIngesting data from file: \n\t " + file_path)
ingest_props = IngestionProperties(database, table, DataFormat.CSV, ignore_first_record=True)
ingest_client.ingest_from_file(file_path, ingest_props)
import path from 'path';
const ingestClient = new IngestClient(ingestKcsb);
const filePath = path.join(__dirname, "stormevents.csv");
console.log("\nIngesting data from file: \n\t " + filePath);
const ingestProps = new IngestionProperties({
database: database,
table: table,
format: DataFormat.CSV,
ignoreFirstRecord: true
await ingestClient.ingestFromFile(filePath, ingestProps);
import com.microsoft.azure.kusto.ingest.source.FileSourceInfo;
try (QueuedIngestClient ingestClient = IngestClientFactory.createClient(ingestKcsb)) {
FileSourceInfo fileSourceInfo = new FileSourceInfo(System.getProperty("user.dir") + "\\stormevents.csv", 0);
System.out.println("\nIngesting data from file: \n\t " + fileSourceInfo.toString());
IngestionProperties ingestProps = new IngestionProperties(database, table);
ingestClient.ingestFromFile(fileSourceInfo, ingestProps);
Query the number of rows in the table after ingesting the file, and show the last row ingested.
To allow time for the ingestion to complete, wait 30 seconds before querying the table. For C# wait 60 seconds to allow time for adding the file to the ingestion queue asynchronously.
Console.WriteLine("\nWaiting 60 seconds for ingestion to complete ...");
using (var response = kustoClient.ExecuteQuery(database, query, null)) {
Console.WriteLine("\nNumber of rows in " + table + " AFTER ingesting the file:");
query = table + " | top 1 by ingestion_time()";
using (var response = kustoClient.ExecuteQuery(database, query, null)) {
Console.WriteLine("\nLast ingested row:");
# Add this to the imports at the top of the file
import time
# Add this to the main method
print("\nWaiting 30 seconds for ingestion to complete ...")
response = kusto_client.execute_query(database, query)
print("\nNumber of rows in " + table + " AFTER ingesting the file:")
query = table + " | top 1 by ingestion_time()"
response = kusto_client.execute_query(database, query)
print("\nLast ingested row:")
console.log("\nWaiting 30 seconds for ingestion to complete ...");
await sleep(30000);
response = await kustoClient.execute(database, query);
console.log("\nNumber of rows in " + table + " AFTER ingesting the file:");
query = table + " | top 1 by ingestion_time()"
response = await kustoClient.execute(database, query);
console.log("\nLast ingested row:");
// Add the sleep function after the main method
function sleep(time) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, time));
System.out.println("\nWaiting 30 seconds for ingestion to complete ...");
response = kustoClient.execute(database, query);
primaryResults = response.getPrimaryResults();
System.out.println("\nNumber of rows in " + table + " AFTER ingesting the file:");
query = table + " | top 1 by ingestion_time()";
response = kustoClient.execute(database, query);
primaryResults = response.getPrimaryResults();
System.out.println("\nLast ingested row:");
Number of rows in MyStormEvents BEFORE ingestion:
Count - 0
Ingesting data from file:
Waiting 30 seconds for ingestion to complete
Number of rows in MyStormEvents AFTER ingesting the file:
Count - 1000
Last ingested row:
StartTime - 2018-01-26 00:00:00+00:00
EndTime - 2018-01-27 14:00:00+00:00
State - MEXICO
DamageProperty - 0
DamageCrops - 0
Source - Unknown
StormSummary - {}
Queue in-memory data for ingestion and query the results
You can ingest data from memory by creating a stream containing the data, and then queuing it for ingestion.
For example, you can modify the app replacing the ingest from file code, as follows:
Add the stream descriptor package to the imports at the top of the file.
When you run the app, you should see a result similar to the following. Notice that after the ingestion, the number of rows in the table increased by one.
Number of rows in MyStormEvents BEFORE ingestion:
Count - 1000
Ingesting data from memory:
Waiting 30 seconds for ingestion to complete ...
Number of rows in MyStormEvents AFTER ingesting from memory:
Count - 1001
Last ingested row:
StartTime - 2018-01-26 00:00:00+00:00
EndTime - 2018-01-27 14:00:00+00:00
State - MEXICO
DamageProperty - 0
DamageCrops - 0
Source - Unknown
StormSummary - {}
Queue a blob for ingestion and query the results
You can ingest data from Azure Storage blobs, Azure Data Lake files, and Amazon S3 files.
For example, you can modify the app replacing the ingest from memory code with the following:
Start by uploading the stormevent.csv file to your storage account and generate a URI with read permissions, for example, using a SAS token for Azure blobs.
Add the blob descriptor package to the imports at the top of the file.
Create a blob descriptor using the blob URI, set the ingestion properties, and then ingest data from the blob. Replace the <your_blob_uri> placeholder with the blob URI.
When you run the app, you should see a result similar to the following. Notice that after the ingestion, the number of rows in the table increased by 1,000.
Number of rows in MyStormEvents BEFORE ingestion:
Count - 1001
Ingesting data from a blob:
Waiting 30 seconds for ingestion to complete ...
Number of rows in MyStormEvents AFTER ingesting from a blob:
Count - 2001
Last ingested row:
StartTime - 2018-01-26 00:00:00+00:00
EndTime - 2018-01-27 14:00:00+00:00
State - MEXICO
DamageProperty - 0
DamageCrops - 0
Source - Unknown
StormSummary - {}