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Coexistence modes - Reference


  • After retirement of Skype for Business Online on July 31, 2021, it is no longer possible to assign a coexistence mode other than TeamsOnly to a user homed in the cloud. As was the case prior to retirement, users homed in Skype for Business Server on-premises can be assigned any mode other than TeamsOnly.

Coexistence modes provide a simple, predictable experience for end users as organizations transition from Skype for Business to Teams. For an organization moving to Teams, the TeamsOnly mode is the final destination for each user, though not all users need to be assigned TeamsOnly (or any mode) at the same time. Prior to users reaching TeamsOnly mode, organizations can use any of the Skype for Business modes (SfBOnly, SfBWithTeamsCollab, SfBWithTeamsCollabAndMeetings) to ensure predictable communication between users who are TeamsOnly and those who aren't yet.

From a technical perspective, a user's mode governs several aspects of the user's experience:

  • Incoming routing: In which client (Teams or Skype for Business) do incoming chats and calls land?
  • Presence publishing: Is the user's presence that is shown to other users based on their activity in Teams or Skype for Business?
  • Meeting scheduling: Which service is used for scheduling new meetings and ensuring that the proper add-in is present in Outlook? TeamsUpgradePolicy doesn't govern meeting join. Users can always join any meeting, whether it be a Skype for Business meeting or a Teams meeting.
  • Client experience: What functionality is available in Teams and/or Skype for Business client? Can users initiate calls and chats in Teams, Skype for Business, or both? Is Teams & Channels experience available?

For more information on routing and presence behavior based on mode, see Coexistence with Skype for Business.

However, from an experience perspective, mode can be described as defining the experience for:

  • Chat and Calling: Which client does a user use?
  • Meeting Scheduling: Do users schedule new meetings as Teams or Skype for Business meetings?
  • Availability of collaboration functionality in Teams client. Is Teams & Channels and Files functionality available while users still have Skype for Business?

The modes are listed below. Cloud users must be TeamsOnly, and users homed on-premises must be any mode other than TeamsOnly.

Mode Calling and Chat Meeting Scheduling1 Teams & Channels Use Case
Only possible if the user doesn't have an on-premises account in Skype for Business Server
Teams Teams Yes The final state of being upgraded. The default for new tenants, unless a hybrid configuration is detected.
Islands Either Either Yes Default configuration for hybrid organizations. Allows a single user to evaluate both clients' side by side. Chats and calls can land in either client, so users must always run both clients. To avoid a confusing or regressed Skype for Business experience, external (federated) communications, PSTN voice services and voice applications, Office integration, and several other integrations continue to be handled by Skype for Business.
SfBWithTeamsCollabAndMeetings2 Skype for Business Teams Yes "Meetings First." Primarily for on-premises organizations to benefit from Teams meeting functionality, if they aren't yet ready to move calling to the cloud.
SfBWithTeamsCollab Skype for Business Skype for Business Yes Alternate starting point for complex organizations that need tighter administrative control.
SfBOnly Skype for Business Skype for Business No3 Specialized scenario for organizations with strict requirements around data control. Teams is used only to join meetings scheduled by others.


1 The ability to join an existing meeting (whether scheduled in Teams or in Skype for Business) isn't governed by mode. By default, users can always join any meeting they are invited to.

2 By default, when assigning either TeamsOnly or SfbWithTeamsCollabAndMeetings to an individual user, any existing Skype for Business meetings scheduled by that user for the future are converted to Teams meetings. If desired, you can leave these meetings as Skype for Business meetings either by specifying -MigrateMeetingsToTeams $false when granting TeamsUpgradePolicy, or by unselecting the checkbox in the Teams Admin portal. The ability to convert meetings from Skype for Business to Teams is not available when granting TeamsUpgradePolicy on a tenant-wide basis.

3 Currently, Teams doesn't have the ability to disable the Teams and Channels functionality so this remains enabled for now.

Using TeamsUpgradePolicy

TeamsUpgradePolicy exposes two key properties: Mode and NotifySfbUsers.

Parameter Type Allowed values
(default in italics)
Mode Enum Islands
Indicates the mode the client should run in.
NotifySfbUsers Bool False or true Indicates whether to show a banner in the Skype for Business client informing the user that Teams will soon replace Skype for Business. This can't be true if Mode=TeamsOnly.

Teams provides all relevant instances of TeamsUpgradePolicy via built-in, read-only policies. Therefore, only Get and Grant cmdlets are available. The built-in instances are listed below.

Identity Mode NotifySfbUsers
Islands Islands False
IslandsWithNotify Islands True
SfBOnly SfBOnly False
SfBOnlyWithNotify SfBOnly True
SfBWithTeamsCollab SfBWithTeamsCollab False
SfBWithTeamsCollabWithNotify SfBWithTeamsCollab True
SfBWithTeamsCollabAndMeetings SfBWithTeamsCollabAndMeetings False
SfBWithTeamsCollabAndMeetingsWithNotify SfBWithTeamsCollabAndMeetings True
UpgradeToTeams TeamsOnly False
Islands False

These policy instances can be granted either to individual users or on a tenant-wide basis. For example:

  • To upgrade a user ($SipAddress) to Teams, grant the "UpgradeToTeams" instance:
    Grant-CsTeamsUpgradePolicy -PolicyName UpgradeToTeams -Identity $SipAddress
  • To upgrade the entire tenant, omit the identity parameter from the grant command:
    Grant-CsTeamsUpgradePolicy -PolicyName UpgradeToTeams

The Teams client user experience when using Skype for Business modes

When a user is in any of the Skype for Business modes (SfBOnly, SfBWithTeamsCollab, SfBWithTeamsCollabAndMeetings), all incoming chats and calls are routed to the user's Skype for Business client. To avoid end-user confusion and ensure proper routing, calling and chat functionality in the Teams client is automatically disabled when a user is in any of the Skype for Business modes. Similarly, meeting scheduling in Teams is automatically disabled when users are in the SfBOnly or SfBWithTeamsCollab modes, and automatically enabled when a user is in the SfBWithTeamsCollabAndMeetings mode. For details, see Teams client experience and conformance to coexistence modes.


  • Prior to delivery of the automatic enforcement of Teams and Channels, the SfbOnly and SfBWithTeamsCollab modes behave the same.

Detailed mode descriptions

Mode Explanation
(on-premises only)
A user runs both Skype for Business and Teams side by side. This user:
  • Can initiate chats and VoIP calls in either Skype for Business or Teams client. Note: Users with Skype for Business homed on-premises can't initiate from Teams to reach another Skype for Business user, regardless of the recipient's mode.
  • Receives chats & VoIP calls initiated in Skype for Business by another user in their Skype for Business client.
  • Receives chats & VoIP calls initiated in Teams by another user in their Teams client if they are in the same tenant.
  • Receives chats & VoIP calls initiated in Teams by another user in their Skype for Business client if they are in a federated tenant.
  • Has PSTN functionality as noted below:
    • When the user is homed in Skype for Business on-premises and has Enterprise Voice, PSTN calls are always initiated and received in Skype for Business.
    • When the user is homed on Skype for Business Online and has Microsoft Phone System, the user always initiates and receives PSTN calls in Skype for Business:
      • This happens whether the user has a Microsoft Calling Plan, or connects to the PSTN network through either Skype for Business Cloud Connector Edition or an on-premises deployment of Skype for Business Server (hybrid voice).
      • Note: Phone System Direct Routing is not supported in Islands mode.
  • Receives Microsoft Call Queues and Auto-Attendant calls in Skype for Business:
    • Phone numbers assigned to Call Queues and Auto-Attendants cannot be Phone System Direct Routing numbers in Islands mode.
  • Can schedule meetings in Teams or Skype for Business (and will see both plug-ins by default).
  • Can join any Skype for Business or Teams meeting; the meeting will open in the respective client.
  • SfBOnly
    (on-premises only)
    A user runs only Skype for Business. This user:
    • Can initiate chats and calls from Skype for Business only.
    • Receives any chat/call in their Skype for Business client, regardless of where initiated, unless the initiator is a Teams user with Skype for Business homed on-premises.*
    • Can schedule only Skype for Business meetings, but can join Skype for Business or Teams meetings.
      *Using Islands mode with on-premises users isn't recommended in combination with other users in SfBOnly mode. If a Teams user with Skype for Business homed on-premises initiates a call or chat to a SfBOnly user, the SfBOnly user isn't reachable and receives a missed chat or call email.
    (on-premises only)
    A user runs both Skype for Business and Teams side by side. This user:
    • Has the functionality of a user in SfBOnly mode.
    • Has Teams enabled only for group collaboration (Channels); chat/calling/meeting scheduling are disabled.

    (on-premises only)
    A user runs both Skype for Business and Teams side by side. This user:
    • Has the chat and calling functionality of user in SfBOnly mode.
    • Has Teams enabled for group collaboration (channels - includes channel conversations); chat and calling are disabled.
    • Can schedule only Teams meetings, but can join Skype for Business or Teams meetings.
    (cloud users only)
    A user runs only Teams. This user:
    • Receives any chats and calls in their Teams client, regardless of where initiated.
    • Can initiate chats and calls from Teams only.
    • Can schedule meetings in Teams only, but can join Skype for Business or Teams meetings.
    • Can continue to use Skype for Business IP phones.

      Using TeamsOnly mode in combination with other users in Islands mode isn't recommended until Teams adoption is saturated; that is, all Islands mode users actively use and monitor both the Teams and Skype for Business clients. If a TeamsOnly user initiates a call or chat to an Islands user, that call or chat lands in the Islands user's Teams client; if the Islands user doesn't use or monitor Teams, that user appears offline and will not be reachable by the TeamsOnly user.
    • In some cases, participants in TeamsOnly mode will only be able to join Skype for Business meetings using Skype for Business Web App or Skype Meetings App as an anonymous user. Eventually, this case will be true for all users in TeamsOnly mode. For more information, see Skype for Business Online retirement.

    Coexistence with Skype for Business

    Teams client experience and conformance to coexistence modes





    Using the Meeting Migration Service (MMS)